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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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Good morning, happy morning after junk food....We stayed in, I cooked gumbo which was not all that bad since I only had the broth and seafood. Things went to hell when I had 3 mini snickers and a margarita. We didn't get as many kids either, I guess halloween is fading for the little ones and they aren't able to roam the neighborhoods like before.

Congratualtions Pat! You should be able to call and check on Liz's schedule and get the ball rolling. When I was making my appt for my fill the girl told me Dr P was in surgery on Dec 14th :thumbup: so maybe that will be your day.

John don't beat yourself up. Get back on the wagon, show your wife you've been a good boy, pick up some salad fixings and protien drinks and start on them before she gets back :scared2:

Heather I was looking around on FB last night and you 2 look great. Oh how did it go with the house? I heard they extended the tax credit for home buyers so that's good you still have time.

Well the sun is out early so I think I should go walk that dang bridge since I haven't exercised in a few days :frown:

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Riley - you look great in your costume- what did you use for the litter part of your candy container?

Heather - you look great in your costume too - did you do any yodeling?

Candra - I thought your relatives moved out of your house to their own? Can you move the treadmill to somewhere else in the house?

Maria - it was great to meet you. Sorry I forgot to come out of the classroom at 1 pm. And to think all this time our kids were just 4 classrooms away from each other. Is the guy in your avatar picture your son? How long does he have to be on crutches?

I took my kids trick or treating in our neighborhood last night for about 1 1/2 hours - I ended up eating 3 mini candy bars which I justified was okay since I had just walked 1 1/2 hours - back to my old habits. jeez.

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Hi everyone and hope you all have a great Sunday.

Pam- Yes it was great meeting you too. adn yes that is my son in my avatar. He will be in crutches fro at least another week. poor guy I hope he gets better soon.

Candra- I dont have any allergies to any products but I do use dye free and perfume free detergents becuase my guys do. I will probably wash the moomoo again just in case I am sensitive. Thanks! it sounds very cute. I jsut hope it fits.

oh by the way I swalloed my gum last night by accident!! how long does it take to digest? or does it?

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Hey all, jest checkin in . . . . . this eHarmony is keeping me really busy online! There are some seemingly fabulous single men out there - gives me hope! I am communicating with 11 right now tho so it does get kind of confusing, LOL

Pammie you like my litterbox? It's granola and crushed vanilla wafers for the liotter, tootsie rolls, paydays and $100,000 bars for the "turds" - OMG, so much fun! There were 4 kitties (costumes) at the huge Halloween party I went to last night, but I was the only one with my own litterbox!

OK so this makes me feel old: I take my son (the 21 year old with diabetes) to the Disney party with me last night - he doesn;t want to go but I guilt him into hanging with his old mom. AND HE MEETS SOMEONE!!! A 23 year old girl who was just recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, Dan has had it since he was 7, so he KNOWS - first they just bonded, but then their lips were perma-bonded! Oh my goodness. It just makes me feel so OLD . . . . .

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Good Morning all,

Okay so, I have a confession to make!!! Yesterday, was a really bad day for me! To start things off. I was awakened to the phone by my in-labor sister at 2:30am. YEAAAAAA! She said she was on her way to Kaiser and would keep us posted. At 4:15am her husband called and said her Water broke.

I jumped up and made it to the hospital at 5:00am.

At 7am I was hungary and went to the hospital cafeteria with my mom.

They had 2 things I could eat...yogurt and Cream of Wheat. Nither of which I wanted.

I ended up eating 1/2 of an English Muffin Sandwich w/ egg, cheese and bacon. Bad, I know and it went all down hill from there...She had the baby at 8:42am. I went by costco on my way home at 11am and I ate 1/2 of a slice of Pepperoni pizza. Later the family had Panda Express....I ate dinner and refuse to tell you all everything I consumed.....

Let's just say....it was all bad!

I was fine and in a tiny bit of pain and uncomfortable the rest of the night. I had to sleep it off. No vomiting or indigestion/gas. But really uncomfortable tightness.

I will try to do better today.....

So far, I've had:

B-chicken broth and 4oz. peach Jello

I hope I can do this.... It's getting harder cuz I HUNGARY!

I have a telephone conference with Robin the nutritionist on Wednesday. I will probably be moving to the Stage III diet then. Wish me luck...............:scared2:

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Hey all - I did it, not 1 piece of candy - it helps when you ignore the holiday all together!

Heater you look great in your costume!

Riley - I think I told you already but I loved yours with your little litter box.

Monique - i'm scared of you girl - make sure you chew very well since you are eating real food so early!!

I have zero motivation and I just don't know what the heck is up with me but I WILL PREVAIL!

Pammie - My sister in law and the two kids moved out but my brother ain't goin nowhere - I know this now~! I'm gonna get rid of the big ass bed in the spare room eventually and make that "my" room for exercising & things - Truth be told, I just really HATE to exercise and I dont know what that is all about. I don't get an energy boost or feel better afterwords like they say you're suppose to. I just always feel tired when Im done and need to nap. I'm telling you all I need hypnotism to change my mindset!

Oh, I did just order the 8 minute abs, arms, Buns & thighs video - I figure I have to be able to do 32 minutes of workouts a day!! Going to focus more on toning than cardio cuz I hate cardio so much LOL. My endo doctor told me that cardio doesn't make you lose the weight you already have but it can help you keep weight off so that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!

Ok, so we initially agreed to meet in Vallejo for the peeps that are coming from Sac so you sac ladies need to speak up! Looks like we're rolling out to the Santa Rosa group but then after we can either to Petaluma or Vallejo.... so Sac/EG peeps do you want to stop at vallejo or roll to petaluma?

Jes, we can roll together to Santa Rosa!

Everybody got that - Santa Rosa group starts at 10 so whoever wants to meet there come on.... Then after we will go to either Petaluma or Vallejo depending on you Sac/EG commuters - let us know! I am so horrible at planning things like this LOL. Somebody should really take over!

John Boy - stick to your guns! back to basics with the 1200 cal diet. I know - EASIER SAID THEN DONE! but you have come way way way too far to stop now!

Pat - i promise not to scare your husband!

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I dont care where we meet!! I am up for anything. YAY im excited to meet the ladies I have not met yet..

2 days til orientation....FINALLY!!

I went to the store last night to get a few things to start my diet on Wednesday. I have never had cottage cheese but I bought some.. Im ready to conquer this 1200 cal diet!! :scared2:

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Candra-you said you now know where Pittsburg is...Well, come over here and whoop me because I need to get myself on track. I am not trying to eat regular food so soon. I do want to succeed at this. It's just so hard when you have so many inticing foods, that you love around...Cuz everyone else is not on the liquid diet. I do move to Stage III, pureed foods this coming week. Hopefully that will be better.

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Hi Ladies and John

Happy day after! I didn't eat the candy, but it is really hard. (We did get ribs for dinner and I had 4 - and a grilled portabello mushroom with asiago cheese on it - that was my Halloween treat. Robin would not have said I was on program but it wasn't too far off.) Our neighborhood is grown up now, (so sad it use to be so much fun with all the kids) so we didn't have many trick or treaters. We bought the 150 piece bag from costco and 100 piece are still in the pumpkin sitting 10 ft from me. I am putting it all in a bag when I am done and putting it in my son's room.

Heather and Riley - great costumes. Riley you are a BAD girl!

OK for those of you who have had teenage boys you will appreciate this. My 16 year old dressed up as Andy Samberg from SNL in the skit called D--- In A Box (take off on Backstreet Boys - check out on YouTube!) complete with the gift wrapped box duct taped to his front! (Which I only learned about 2 seconds before he walked out the door!) For those of you without teenage boys, thank your lucky stars you don't have them!

Monique - hang in - sorry it is hard. I'm worried that it is too soon and you are not healed yet.

Jess - thanks for the encouragement. I need to lose more - probably 5 more on my scale just to be safe before I go in for my appt with Liz. I don't want surgery before Christmas - too much stress, especially with my older son coming home from D.C. - want to be able to spend some good time with him (he balances out living with the sullen 16 year old!). What I would really like would be to do it at the end of week after Christmas; we have a deductible Kaiser plan, so I have to pay $1500.00 for the surgery and if I can do it in 2009 any of my deductible I have already paid would go towards it -which is about $250. It isn't the end of the world if I can't - just would be nice if it worked out that way. Probably Dr. P will be taking some time off like the rest of the world so I don't know that it would work. Also at last support group, they said they scheduling was running out 6 - 8 weeks. Its more likely I'll be in January.

All, I am going out in a bit to check out the new trails at Schollenber. My foot hurts no matter what so I am going to get in a nice walk on such a beautiful day.

For the vetrans, Did any of you go through feeling really scared to both have the surgery (complications/ will sabatoge it) and really scared not to have the surgery (like if you didn't do it you wouldn't be able to ever gain control over the eating thing) at the same time? I'm feeling both.

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Hi All,

Pat, AND EVERYONE IN THIS BOAT!!!!!!!-I just had my surgery on 10/20 and I must say that it was truly a piece of cake. I was not scared to have surgery. However, I did get the negative talk from others telling me that I look good and that I did not need to have the surgery. I need to hurry up and meet you all because the way I look in my clothes, no one ever....EVER believes me when I tell them I am over 200+lbs. I am very staight up and down and have no hips at all. I am very solid though. I worked very hard to lose the pre-surgery weight that was required. As I lost the weight, people kept saying, "You are losing on your own... Why have the surgery?" or "Why can't you just keep losing and exercising?" My rationale is this....I have been fat/overweight for the past 10 years! I am finished having babies and it is now time for me! I want to get my body fit and healthy for the next half of my life. I want to be able to enjoy life and be able to physically run and play with my kids! More than the weight....Because it's not about the weight! I am a very confident person... I want to be healthy and not have to take blood presure medication. I also have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Losing the weight will minimize the symptoms. Some say it will cure the symptoms. If I go into depth with this....This will usually shut them up..... To heck with the negative, neigh-sayers!




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That's how you do it Monique! for Life!! forget the negative people because you aren't doing this for them - but you are braver than I because I have told nobody but my husband and you all. My brother lives with me and I haven't told him! Just said I had a hernia (well it's true!)

It's hard to stay focused right now but in a few months when you have your fills and you can't eat as much it will be fine! That's how I'm looking at it - there is a "sweet spot" at the end of the road and we will get there soon enough - in the mean time - we have to try to pick out battles with food - my husband got me the "eat this, not that" books and you'd be amazed at what the better food choices are!

I'm gonna email The Doc and see if I can go back to my sustained release wellbutrin - initially, he said it was fine to use those even after the band but I want to double check - The regular ones aren't doing crap for my headaches - I've had one every day this week! When I get then, I take my maxalt which helps but makes me sleepy and you know how it is when you're tired, you want to eat to stay awake but I can't keep doing that! Grrrr!

Ok, gotta get dinner started for my other half

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I made a ticker tracker just wanna make sure it works hehehehe...

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500 pages!!! Wow. We're awesome.

I totally went through the "I can do this on my own" phase. I was doing really well on the preop diet, now not so much. I'm struggling. I have gone back to the gym so that's a good start. I'm taking all the excess halloween candy and Cookies to work tomorrow, I can't be trusted with all this sugar in the house. I originally planned to buy candy I don't like (I was thinking almond joy) so I wouldn't eat any. Somehow that didn't work out. I should have just boycotted it like Candra! Good girl!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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