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Donna it is so good to hear from you! i am praying or you and yours. Your mom needs you and so do you.

Riley, congrats on being size 10. You inspire me! Keep up the good work.

Tamra- you are almost there girlfriend.

Jes- that cake sounds good, I'm glad you measured it because I sure as heck wouldn't have LOL.Smart girl.

Tina-I can empathize with you. You do excellent work and you my dear I SALUTE YOU!! Social services is no joke.

So got my tooth extracted:eek: yesterday evening so I could't post. So here's my meal for today:

B: Slim Fast Low Carb shake

L : Oz's spicy chicken one cup

Dinner: 1/2 cup fish and 1/4 Yuca 1/4c honey munches of oats.

So the good news is that I didn't hyave any Snacks today and NO PANDA!!!!!

Good night aall and have a good weekend I need to nurse this doggon tooth.:thumbup:

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I'm not going to make it to the walk tomorrow. I feel so bad, and I really wanted to go but it's just not going to work. I have been so busy lately, I'm looking forward to sleeping in a little tomorrow before we go look at houses then prepare for a friend's housewarming party. I'm putting the last minute touches on my paper and emailing it to my teacher tonight.

I had a really good talk with one of my oldest friends tonight. I was telling her about my feelings with school vs staying on track with the food & exercise. She totally understood that I just don't feel like going to school right now. I enjoy my classes but I'm not motivated to actually do the work required. I'm going to school because I feel like I'm supposed to. So, I think I will take another break from school and go back once I'm really ready. I was ready to start school in Jan when I first went back but so much has changed in the last 6 months. Now losing weight is my priority. I don't care if it takes me 10 years to get that darn degree. I don't want it to take 10 years to lose this weight.

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Good morning everyone, those of you doing the walk good luck I'm sure you will have good time. Don't forget your Water :thumbup:

Heather, girl don't stress about school. Take your break and pick it back up when you are ready. You won't succeed if you are not focused. Be glad that you are on track to loose weight and find a house that's enough. You can get both out of the way in no time and then be in a better place to tackle school.

Reggie, I'm glad you are back on here, yea no Snacks. That's a trip I went to the dentist yesterday and he told me i need a crown, after insurance $711. huh?

Analynn keep up the good work! you are working it.

Candra where are you? don't forget I know where you live.....

I think I better do the bridge again this morning, I'm jones'n for a skinny latte. I can't wait till I get a fill I'm really struggling. I don't eat until like 1-2pm and then I can eat like crazy.

yesterday meals

b/L= taco bell pintos n cheese (only half of it) & the inside of a burrito

D= 1 pc of sole fish, 3 french fries

S= 2 sf popsicles

btw not getting my water in at all, which is probably the problem cuz when I look at my food it doesn't look too bad but I still weigh the same. I have one week and 2 lbs to reach my back to work goal.

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Good luck to all those walking today.............have fun!!

I am down three pounds this morning and I ate alot yesterday. I guess I needed to :-) But probably not the Halloween candy ;-0

I do have restriction but starting to feel it slide away. So I guess a fill on the 29th is probably a good thing. After than I probably won't go back until December......I am pretty close to my sweet spot right now. Maybe I will only need .25 this time?? But I need to see how much I lose in the next two weeks.........another five would be really nice~~

Oh off to spend the day with my girl.............

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My ticker is back to normal again!! It is actually telling the truth once more!! LOL.

Jes and Candra your in bandster hell I went though that too. I lost 12 after surgery gained back 4 and settle in at 8 until I got enough of a fill than it started to come off again............I am the slow loser of the bunch. But I am down almost another 20 since than so it does come off...........but I was pissed off that I went through bandster hell for so looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg..................my luck!! :-)

It will get better!!

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Well for bein' in bandster hell, you guys don't eat squat compared to what I was eating! I did same as Tina, lost good and then gained back 5 lbs. in the 2 weeks before my first fill. I still gain back a couplw when I'm due for a fill, but I gained a BUNCH back before that first one! It's the only real blip on the weight loss slide graph . . . .

I met Pat this morning! (Hi Pat!) I can't wait for her to meet all the rest of you all, she sure enjoyed our energetic little Jess! Now I have someone to carpool with, yay! And we have a support group meeting this coming Thursday, and another one next Tiesday . . it's all about the support! The big group meeting up here today was very inspirational, as usual. SO proud of myself that I only cried 2 times!

Going to walk to store with son, type when I get back :-)

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Helllooooooo . . . . anybody out there???>

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I'm here fixing hubby 2 pork chops and boy do they look good!

I can't believe how much I want to eat.

so far I've had

b=decaf skinny latte

L=pc of sole fish

D=cup of chili


I know I'm not done yet. argh!!! this is hell I have 2 1/2 wks till I see Dr P again.

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You;re doing great, Jes! I think your food intake is pretty darned low. A whole cup of chili tho? Really? Was is sort of thin?

I had:

B - Decaf soy latte

L & D - homemade vegie "nachos" concoction, which uses the lowest-fat tortilla chips I can find, then veggie beef crumbles, fat-free veggie refried Beans, hot sauce and reduced-fat mexican cheese. Lots of Protein, but lots of carbs too I'm afraid . . . . beatsbtaco bell's, tho, which is where I was headed! Pure head hunger, no 2 ways about it. Like I was telling Pat this morning, I don't really get physically hungry - I was hungry by noon today, but had not had food for about 18 hours before that. BUT! I STILL have this insatiable desire to eat! Head, head, HEAD. My "tool" is working just fine, thank you. I'm not losing because I'm letting my head hunger win too much. And right now I don't really care, I am enjoying being a 10, I am OK with the fact that my little halloween moon on my Halloweeny ticker isn't going to get to the end before my 48th b-day (the 26th), and I'm just not beating myself up because my clothes fit the way I want them to. I have lost 111 lbs. and I am only 7 1/2 months out from surgery! Holy moley, I think I can slow down now! I happen to know that LAP-BAND® patients lose for 2 years, so I'm going to quit rushing the weight loss and try to get some balance back in my life. Not giving up on my daily exercise, but I'm going to leave room for more stuff too :thumbup: well that's the plan anyways.

What is suprising me is how much less I eat even when I am not trying to eat less or be "good." Does that make any sense? I'm hoping that's my new normal :tt1:

If anyone reading this has size 10 career clothes, I am in need!!! I have bids in on some items on ebay, but BOY does that take a lot of time! I still have 3 or 4 dress suits and a couple of blazers, all 16s in my closet for one of you career girls - I was going to have them altered, have found out I can buy new (used) for the $25 to $40 each it would cost to alter them, they are just too big to take in cheaply. Most need dry cleaning. Lemme know!

My latest yummy thing: decaf vanilla chai steeped in hot vanilla soy slender (no water), drank before bed. 70 cals but 6 protein and 4 Fiber . . . and I feel like I'm spoiling myself. Just got back from the store with #1 son, I went down to get a can of tuna for our dinner (I am TRYing to eat fish 2x a week, so far I have only managed 2x a month LOL) and then when I got home I realized that I was never wanting the tuna, I just wanted an excuse to eat the mayo! So . . . NO I didn't eat the mayo alone, but you thought I was going to say that didn't you?! That crazy Riley, cream of jimmie dean girl . . . . no i did not eat the mayon right bout of the jar, I put the tuna away and had my vanilla chai instead. Pretty proud right now!!

Boy am I rambling! Someone quick, come on here and rescue me from myself . . . :tt2:

OH! Candra I picked up your cookbook today :-)

Edited by riley4183

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LOL Riley, you are doing good, and 111 lbs is no joke so yes chill and enjoy.

BTW the chili was homemade kind of chunky but I added cheese of course.... then I just couldn't pass up the pork chop I ate the eye part of one. Didn't have any of the mac & Cheese I made :tt2: NOw I'm full. goodness! It's tough being a good cook.

I tried on some of my stuff in my closet and everything is big :thumbup: I don't want to go back to work wearing too big clothes then my weight loss will be noticeable. I wanted to ease into it have people notice gradually. soooo, I went to TJ Maxx today bought some size 12 jeans and pants for work. a few tops too, size L no more women's world for me! I can get away with jeans at work with a nice top and blazer or something. On days I have meetings no jeans so I'm going to have to work these 3 pair of pants I got. I think some of my dresses are still good though.

Riley, we have to get together...maybe we can meet half way between north & east bay? Candra said she wanted to come up your way too.

Anyway how much did people loose between surgery and 1st fill? Oh my appt is on the 29th, isn't that when the everybody is going?

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OMG . . just found this on Fatty MGee's blog . . .I was researching having my pannus removed, and ran across this - I LOVE this woman and I've never even met her! We all have a pannus, if not now then after we lose - nthis woman embraces hers and others and it's hilarious!!

Panni, front butts, and a mannus

The image*** above shows a great depiction of a pannus. I have a pannus. Lindsey has a pannus. some pannuses are small, some are big. I would say mine is above average. It's the only thing I have ever excelled in. I may not be in the 90th percentile of my class, but I'm in the 90th percentile of my pannus...and that's all that counts.

My co-worker, we'll call him Bill, has a pannus. Actually, Bill is so big I think we should call his a Mannus. Bill, I think, is getting up to almost 400lbs. I'm proud to call him a co-worker. Bill likes to show his Mannus off. He does this by wearing shirts that are too short. He doesn't seem to care about his Mannus.

I do care. I'll go as far and as fat to cover my pannus up with sweatshirts tied around my waist and long t shirts. I wear men's t shirts. They cover my pannus. They do not cover Bill's Mannus. Such is life.

Fat girl stores such as Lane Bryant (Dear Ms. Bryant, I love your bras...thanks for your support, love, Em) Torrid, and the plus size online section of Gap and Old Navy don't get it. They don't understand that women who are large have pannuses and like to keep them covered up. They think we like halter tops. They think we love showing off our "front butt". I am here to tell you, NO MORE FRONT BUTT!

My uncle has a very interesting pannus. I call it his butt stomach (not to be confused with front butt). His butt stomach is a mix between a pannus and an ass. Imagine this...a normal pannus with a strange crease running from his belly button all the way down his pannus and eventually under it, into no man's pannus land.

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Jeepers yall - this thread is suddenly a ghost town!!! Is it something I said?? LOL. I need to turn this off & get on my sweats & go speed-walk, but it's way foggy and cold so I'm dawdling :-)

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morning, don't know where everyone is. Perhaps Riley this economy is only effecting us since we seem to be the only ones around.

So how was the walk? post a picture.

It's coolddd out, supposed to go to an outdoor concert and walking in the woods. hmmm better bundle up.

Hope you all have day of good choices. well that's my hope for me. I'm going to try and have a little Breakfast so that I don't eat the top shelve of the fridge later.

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Good Morning ladies & John -

I just skimmed thru all the pages I've missed!

Donna - glad to hear you're doing so well considering the situation - will you be back by the 24th? Keep us posted!

Analynn - sorry I missed the workout on saturday - I'd love to go with you sometime but I didn't see the post till just now - txt me next time.

Atta girl Reggie - back on track.

Riley - I so love your spirit! thru all the crap you still shine.

Tamra - that truly sucks girl! love the way you're dealing with it - talk to Nicole, she went thru a special Kaiser plan that was cheeper than cobra!

Monique - congrats on your surgery date - the day after surgery you will be the sorest you will ever get - I was up walking around and didn't need any pain meds but sitting straight up in a chair was not really an option LOL. You won't feel like going to the meeting - good news is it gets better every day after that.

Jes - I need you girl! something just doesn't feel right. I'm barely eating only lost 1 pound this week and I have ZERO energy - all I want to do is sleep. I had to take my niece shopping Wenesday for a homecoming dress - she coundn't find 1 single dress that she liked - high maintenence! so after 4 stores and 5 hours I called it quits so I could come home & nap. Thursday was a little better but still no exercise to speak of unless you count shopping for 3 hours looking for green shorts - Daniela needed them for school the next day and NOBODY had any - finally found some at Kohl's in the little girls section - luckily she can fit into them still. Friday I walked in the morning with my husband then came home and lounged around- yesterday spent 2 hours at Davids Bridal - All the "summery" dresses have the boobie lines - you know, the empire waist where it cuts you off right under your boobs... Anyway only 1 of them semi fit my boobs but it's a long dress but we all agreed that it would be the one we get - also becasue one of the bridesmaids is on the larger size and it actually fits her nicely. My problem is that the 14 was "short" in the boob area - like they came up over the top but the 16 was way too wide - dress is 155, to alter it to keep me from getting arrested for indecent exposure is 160! WTF. so I didn't buy crap! Had to come home and nap after that. Just woke up at 10 but I'm still tired. Anybody else have that problem in the beginning - oh and yeah, I'm in hell - During the day I'm fine but by 4 or 5 I can eat about 3 cups of food with no problems and that is my worst time slot ever!

Tina - you are truly my body double! I am so upset that I've only lost 10lbs - I was hoping to be down 15 by my 1st fill date... it is the 21st - do you think I'll get a fill since I haven't lost much weight?

Nicole - how are you? Where are you? I went to Red lobster yesterday and had some crab - thought of you! Crab is probably one of the best things to eat on this program of ours - low in cals but high in protein! Not to mention it's yummy!

Is Columbus day a legal holiday?

Pat - sorry I missed you wednesday- all that dress shopping and the brat didn't find a dress nor did she go to the dance - GRRRRR!

Ok, I'm rambling - I need to get my butt up and try to get moving - don't know why I have such a lack of energy - other than that I feel fine - no flu or a cold or anything else.

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Oh boy - I just updated my ticker and I'm oficially half way to goal!

Riley, I was hoping to be a 9/10 by the time I reached my goal weight - is this where you want to stay? BTW - I've had a pannus my entire life!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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