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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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Analynn - you are killin me with the 82.7 pounds to go! You are not big enough to lose that much weight - what are you trying to accomplish here - cardboard status?

lol.. NO.. I changed my ticker to my surgery goal weight first.. so right now i'm like 199.9 lbs.. I hate this SHIZNIT!!! last week I was at 197 doing less than what I'm doing now.. doesn't make sense.. PLEASE GOD Just let this be PMS TIME, PLUS MUSCLE GAIN.. ALL I'M SAYING IS.. I better be 194 or less by the end of next week.. I AM DETERMINED TO MAKE a call to Dr. Park by or Before October 16th to let her know I hit GOAL for my surgery weight.

ok so wrote it on here I'm believing I could do this.. and so IT SHALL HAPPEN... lol

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Just got home from Richmond. Dr. Schnurr was cool. She did as me who the current preisdent, and the one before that and the one before that... I was getting nervous because I don't remember any elections before Clinton, and I was in 3rd grade for that! I would probably get the presidents in order pretty well, but still. Apparently Dr. Zimmerman is no longer with Kaiser, she quit. So everyone sees Dr. Schnurr now. Everything went fine she said "I can't make you have problems you don't have". And she's suggesting I take a stress class, so I'm looking into that.

The bridge walk was fun, but far! I didn't realize how far the trail goes beyond the bridge. I forgot to put sunscreen on my chest, now I'm a little burned. You'd think I'd learn by now. After the bridge I stopped off in Vallejo and bought me some size 20 jeans at Avenue. Nice, considering the last pair I bought from them were a size 26. I thought they were a 24, but no- 26! Yikes. Also, I've only lost .6 lbs since my last weight check 2 weeks ago. It would probably help if I actually exercised in the past 2 weeks. That changed today though! I'm back on the band wagon!

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I panicked a little at the president question with Dr. Schurr too - Obama wasn't president yet so I had to go back a little further - Bush, Clinton, and then Bush. Glad to hear you passed Heather (we knew you would).

Nicole - I had called the teacher in the late afternoon the day before his procedure and left him a message stating I hoped it would go well and painless. I was surprised that he called me too - he thanked me for the call and for thinking of him. I was in my daughter's class today from 11-3:30. I helped set up for the feast - some other parents came for the feast and then all left and I cleaned up while he took the kids to early recess. He came back and we talked before the kids came back. Here was my chance to ask him what the deal is and of course I chickened out. I graded some papers and made some photocopies. I'm not sure if I am going to go help for a couple of hours tomorrow - it is a minimum day.

I had Nutella with graham crackers and trail mix for dinner - that is an odd craving for me. - but I have had 6 bottles of Water so far today.

Are you feeling any better this evening Candra? The blahs are horrible -

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I wish I did. I am socially challenged. I know what I want to say, but can't get it from my brain to my mouth to say it.

I feel so yucky tonight - I just had a frozen yogurt from costco - I think I am having Protein Shakes all day tomorrow to rid myself of these horrible carbs I ate today.

My kids and I are going to the Kings open practice Saturday evening at Arco Arena - I got an e-mail invite - it is free. I usually buy the $10 tickets for 3 or 4 games a season for us, but I didn't buy any at presale this year and doubt I can afford any this year. I haven't told my kids yet. My dad gave me checks for their school lunches for October today and he paid for Taylor's East Coast Trip that he will be going on right after school gets out the end of May. I really appreciate them helping me out - I was going to take the money for the trip out of his college fund, but my dad didn't want me to do that. I have no clue how I am going to buy any Christmas presents this year. I'd better stop thinking about it as I am getting my nervous stomach.

sleep well my friends - tomorrow is another day.

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Candra I know the blah feeling. I think I'm feeling it because of my TOM. Could be why my weight is staying the same too. So I know exactly how you feel Maria.

I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with Water lately. Hopefully I do better tomorrow. I think I've got the food down pretty good and I'm not really hungry...all Protein.< /p>

Pam work it girl, make him come to you. Nothing wrong with a little flirting, let him make the move, you just tease LOL.

Glad we got a chance to walk Heather. I always enjoy the bridge walk. Actually It was a lot warmer than I thought since it's been chilly the last few days.

Relax Analynn, the weight will come off, don't stress over it. I know easier said than done.

Hope everyone else is doing ok, Pat, John, April, Riley. Tina hows the job? Kim didn't hear from you today :smile:

Canoli, when's the orientation again? I'd be interested in knowing if they take your past weight since they are so strict with the orientation weight.

Nicole I'm sending em up for you so stay strong.

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Hey all,

Still feeling blah, Pammie - not sure what the deal is - I kinda feel like I'm a band failure already - scale not moving an oz - hungry all night - eating !! I think I expected the not hungry feeling to last alot longer than 2 weeks. Today I had about 1 1/2c tuna salad total & 1/4c hummas - handfull of almonds - 1 gallon of crystal light - guzzling it though, just can't get it in if I sip it. My stomech is growling now. I do so much better with food when I have a cup of coffee in the morning but then I do horrible with Water when i have coffee. I think doing better with food is more important than water for me right now so tomorrow I see my PCP & head to starbucks!! This sure does require alot of analyzing for me.

Shoot - I can't remember the presidents - obama, bush, clinton, bush, reagan, (carter, ford, Nixon - my husband says) I can't remember my last three jobs let alone the last three presidents LOL.

I think we measured the bridge at roughly 4000 steps. Heather I need to get on the exercise train too - just have no energy suddenly. I got in bed around 8:30 last night & slept all night.

Analynn - don't tripp, the weight will come off if you stick to plan & stop licking shit LOL Atkins all the way. I lost weight eating burgers just like you had at Mimi's.

K, I'm ready for bed. ttl

John, where you been??

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so what's with this being able to guzzle Water? I've drank 3 bottles in the last 2 hours no problem. Is it going to hurt the band?

Oh Robin told me I had "some" in my band she couldn't tell me how much tho. I think it's empty.

Candra tomorrow is a new day, we are going to do better!

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Hi Ladies - I missed you tonight since I worked late and didn't get home 'til 10. I was starving - hadn't eaten since noon - guess I know why Robin says 3 meals 4-6hr apart! I ate extra but nothing bad - tried to go for Protein. If I hit the carbs I'll never stop!

Candra - LOL about the presidents & Dr. Schnurr - just you wait until you get to be my age and hit the Big M - your brain turns to mushies. My girlfriends call it CRS disease - Can't remember s*! I get Dr. Schnurr too in 2 weeks so I'll have to practice. She'll have fun with me - I have a checkered past so we'll see if I pass!

Analynn - hang in we'll get it off! You've done great and your exercise is awesome - you need to give me pep talks. I try to only weigh once a week otherwise it makes me crazy. NO carbs OK?

Maria - One question - when the case manager gave you your date was there any choice or could you have asked to do it later? I'm thinking I might be ready in Nov and not really sure I want to have surgery during the Christmas holidays.

Pam - Yes, Dr. Park said OK for my 1 cup of caffinated tea a day post surgery. She said the guidelines are written to the lowest common denominator and that since the Fluid goes through to the rest of the stomach there really isn't a chance of irritation/ulcer. You bring up a good point about appetite stimulant, but I don't think my 1 cup is doing that. Right now, I'm drinking it mid morning and it is actually helping with my hunger.

Nicole - thinking alot about you. Glad Jes is saying prayers.

Hey is anyone going to the Richmond Support Group meeting next Wednesday (10/7)? I was planning to go. Do they weigh you at that? Also do you get weighed at the Psych appt?

OK nite all. Tomorrow is TGIF thank god!

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so what's with this being able to guzzle Water? I've drank 3 bottles in the last 2 hours no problem. Is it going to hurt the band?

Oh Robin told me I had "some" in my band she couldn't tell me how much tho. I think it's empty.

Candra tomorrow is a new day, we are going to do better!

Jes - Dr. Park told me the bands are put in with some saline - she said 'they are primed with saline.' She also said that it does constrict that part of the stomach just by attaching it. BTW - are you only drinking in between eating - not drinking half hour before and not 1 hr after? Besides the caffine thing, that adjustment seemed like it would be the hardest to get use to.

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Candra: You are in band hell its normal.. 1 and 1/2 cups tuna.. hmm ur gonna not like my intake today:) You might have no Fluid did you email ur surgeon??? Im sorry that its hit so soon. Start walkin hot stuff:D

Jess: Email your surgeon they can tell u what ya go. Not sure if robin even knows.. I never tried asking her.

HEY GIRLS, who have fills in October.. when is it? I wanna come for the robin part but not a fill. I dont need it i dont think. Im gonna ask him also. Not sure if he can tell me which one my friends are going to though...

Pam: arent the carbs EVIL!

Everyone else how ya all doin?

So are we gonna get back on track and post our foods?? Lol i guess i am.. I was actually a good girl today well minus red robin, but still under 800 cals:D

B: 1 egg and 1/2 a piece of cheese

L: 1/2 cup tuna (yes only tuna) about

D: Fish and 5 fries and ranch.. (red robin)

E: 4 miles

I weigh less tonight then i did this am which is sweet.. now to keep me outa the freezer.. lol:D

Hugs everyone!

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Pat: hope you had a great day:)

You can ask for any time frame for surgery. I had a vegas trip so moved mine out a month... lol so worth it:D;)

AND for jess and candra and pat: It depends on your stomach, surgeon, and situation how much Fluid you get at surgery.. I know some of us got almost 4ccs maybe even 5 i cant remember.. But some only got 2. So it all depends.

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Good morning friends! Just checking in . . .I have had issues at work with my computer crashing every time I go onto the internet, not very happy about that and really, who do I complain to, since I ain't supposed to be here anyways?? Well it's working right now . . . .

I had 2cc's in my band @ surgery. The put in whatever the need to so that it fits right without being tight - reduces that chance of slippage. They don't measure it until you get your first fill, then the pull it all out (minus the "prime") and push it back in with your fill amount - it feels COOL :smile:

I am at 5.25 now, I feel it but barely - which is perfect.

Hey you post-bandsters, PLEASE go visit my "what else have you lost?" thread and post to it - it's getting really good, and I promised I'd compile this list of "other things!"

Will catch up on posts later, sorry - Annalyn no worries! I gained 9 lbs. over 3 days, which is impossible unless I ate 9,000 calories per day and literally didn't burn any of them - not possible. Then I started my TOM and I lost 2 lbs. a day for 6 straight days, so ended up lower than I had been! It was Water weight, caused by hormones (TOM) and by my liver getting fatty again from carbs and drinkies!

OK gotta work. Tina talk to me!

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Hi Ladies - Had my surgeon appt today with Dr. Parks. I really like her and she took a lot of time with me and my husband. Got all my questions answered. Like Jes said the scales are different, which I thought I had accounted for, but I wasn't down the full 10 lbs like it looks like I am at home - instead only 8.5. Still for 2.5 weeks it isn't bad. Good news, my surgery weight loss goal is 20 lbs - so only 11.5 more to go. Other good news from talking to Dr. Park: I don't have to cut out my daily cup of caffeine (it was the one thing on the list I just really couldn't figure out how I was going to - I'm not a morning person and I neeeeeed it!) Probably the best part was the way she ended the visit (after we spent 45 min talking about all the complications and potential problems and things that you have to be really mindful of and the statistics about LAP-BAND®® weigh loss not reaching full weight loss,) she said that people with BMIs in the 40's usually do really well and many reach their goal weight - she has had lots of patients that do. It was so encouraging. This is a big decision and it has risks and no guarantees, but it really helped to hear that she really thought I could do it.

I really don;'t understand the poor lap-band stats, except they are from previous iterations of the band (before the new AP, which has much higher success in the first year but not enough stats yet 'cause it's so new. Those of us who come on this forum, who use our bands as the TOOL that they are, who expect to do our own work (as opposed to expecting the band to do the work), can expect lose 100% of our excess weight within the first and third years! Support is the best indicator of success . . . oh an excercise helps. OH and I also heard that a BMI of 43 or less AT THE TIME OF SURGERY has better stats with Lap-band - I think Dr. Baggs told me that. So the more ya lose before, the better after, too. YES you can do this! And isn't Dr. Park a love??

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Hi Ladies,

AHHHHHHH FRIDAY!!! YES! i'm soo glad.

Dr. Park reminds me of Lucy Liu and Connie Chung mixed all in one.. LOL TUFF, INFORMATIVE, and CLASSY! LOL..

So ok, I've been staying away from CARBS and I stopped Licking stuff too. LOL.

I worked out again last night and this time I started Stair climbing too... yes that's a WORKOUT!.

Since the scale has been driving me nuts, I decided to start measuring myself today "hopefully" that will show me diffrent from the scale.

Ok.. since I Don't have the band in yet.. a couple of my girl friends wanna come over and have drinks.. would it be "ok" to have a couple of glasses of Moscato or should I just do straight "hard liquor" like Voldka or Tequilla shots? I guess what i'm asking is.. which has less carbs and sugar? or will either effect this diet?:smile:

P.S. i'll be starting a new thread in or Richmond group for measurements! List yourself if you'd like!

Edited by LaChica707

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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