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Aww, Thanks, Tina!!

Oh, Donna, I know you told me to post this but i forgot - oops.

For those of you who can't take the carbs but crave something sweet - here is the simplest childhood favorite of mine:


ricotta cheese

sweetener to taste

flavored extract to taste (I like rasberry)

Also, I'm a Pasta gal but now i use spaghetti squash & I bake it with some sauce (I use canned tomatos & pressed garlic) & ricotta cheese. I cook the squash in the microwave first due to lazyness LOL but then you just bake it like ziti! My brothers kids even like it!

ah, mangiatti!!

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Candra! I bought spaghetti squash on my way home from the meeting yesterday! I'm going to make that for dinner tonight. Thanks for the great idea!

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Where do you get the spaghetti squash? I want to try that too.................regular store?

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Hey Regg....you go!!! I swear it gets better...those forst few days I cried wished I had never done it!!! I was in total hell...I missed food...I hurt....I was pissed!! :lol: I almost 3wks post op and I would say I am 90% normal......

Tina...ok a few things.....one you mentioned your stiches pocking out...it so strange because a few days ago I noticed something clear pocking out of the port scar...so I pulled it (i know gross!!) not hard, but anyway it started to bleed and I was like oh crap thats a stictch....well then today I noticed one barley sticking out of another...is that normal? I thought about emailing Dr.Baggs....

also the nails peeling...I'm not even kidding just today I was sitting in the car and I always try to take care of my nails, I've been slacking latley but realized they are totally peeling....

And don't let that story scare you....like I said the women ate exaclty the way I would have ate if I didn't have the band!! You dont do that.....also she tried to tell me that her band only holds 3 cc.....is that true? Do they make different sizes cause that was not my understanding...she als osaid she felt at 3cc she was at the perfect restriction...yah perfect restriction to have surgery for fun and still stay fat.....she was totally fat!!! Why do it......

I think some people loose in weight and some people loose more in inches...for instance I have lost alot of weight but my ass and hips seriously are still huge.....you propably have much smaller hips and butt....you know

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I had pokey stiches too, Dr. Baggs says cut 'em off with nail clippers - carefully of course! and that if you rub antibiotic ointment on them it will soften them up, then they won't grab your shirt & pull & hurt & such.

Edited by riley4183

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oh yum, spaghetti squash is SO good . . . . . I make a sauce with Trader Joe's pomodoro sauce (lowest in carbs, and YUMMY), sauted onions and smashed kidney Beans, serve it over spaghetti squash and YUM-O it is so good!!!

OK, while we are on Pasta, I have to ask: has anyone tried those spaghetti-shaped tofu noodeles? They are called shiritaki, at Safeway they are in the produce section by the tofu, and they do NOT taste like tofu! You have to rinse them really really well because they smell like fish when you open the package. 2 servings per pkg, each serving 20 calories and 1 net carb!!! So what if you "blow it" and eat the whole package?? 40 calories, big deal! For lunch today I had 1/2 cup of them with 1 laughing cow light green onion flavored wedge and 1 tsp of brumell & brown spread melted and mixed in with it, it was totally like stroganoff and less than 100 calories, yumo yumo!

OK I have to stop typing about food, now i am getting hungry again!!

Edited by riley4183

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LOL Riley!! Yep I don't think the stiches are are huge problem. Just healing and pushing its way out. I tried to nail clippers and almost performed another surgery on myself so I am gonna wait until it comes out more and I can get ahold of it.............Ah candy pulling it give me a terrible cause of the shudders!! LOL. I sorta did a light tug on it but it hurt so I left it alone............I have images of things inside being pulled astray................

Actually I am asking Dr. Baggs to cut it if he can on Thrusday. It does keep getting caught on my shirt and than it hurts alot. I kept wondering why that one incision was hurting so much I though it was infected or something............but than I felt that crazy stich and I know Nicole had that too...........

The peeling nails is gross. All of them in the last two week and they are all breaking. LIke down to where I have no white on my nails. I cut them short but today two more peeled off. Just sorta hurts cause they are not strong anymore...........Sorry Candy but I am glad I am not the only one cause your eating meet and you have it.

I will ask Dr. Baggs about it. I asked the leader at the group and she said not enough protien or Vitamins. Hmm............one or two nails ok but all of them and mudy be normal though.

Ok so two periods in six weeks. You KNOW Dr. Baggs will hear about that one............:-)

So does he read all our posts? If so hello Dr. Baggs it is all good the things we discuss!! "-)

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Ah the cat just step on my port.........wowwee that was not a nice feeling............but it sure is there.

I am thinking about starting a blog. I have to figure it all out. I have the webcamera

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I seriously doubt that he reads our posts, probably too busy . . . still . . . . it's pretty easy to search bt his name on here and find 900 posts!! LOL, what can we say he's the lap-band king.

So I take it that at your support group meeting there was someone who had only lost 30 lbs 3 years out and thought it was NORMAL?? And a Kaiser patient no less?? Maybe she had a band with no preparation somewhere else, then got Kaiser later??? I have never heard of anyone in the Kaiser program being that unsuccessful . . . but then, Kaiser does not get to chose who becomes their patients.

I have heard of plenty of folks who are disappointed in their bands because the band did not "make them" lose weight, and so then they want bypass or whatever. I have no patience for people who expect the band to do all the work, personally. Those people are driving down the stats! Of course plenty of people just see an ad for it, go to mexico or whatever to get it without any education, and then expect to just lose with the same lifestyle. We know better! YAY to us, congrats for making good choices & coming on here to get even more educated than Kaiser already makes us!

SO you girls with fills on June 25th, do you all see Robin that day too? It sounded like a sort of group-teach like we did at pre-op. Does anyone know howlong it will take? He said to come at 9:30 no matter what my card says. I feel like I need more info so I know if I have to take the whole day off, etc.

Edited by riley4183

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I was wondering if you have to see Robin every time? I have an appt with Dr.Baggs for my first fill on June 12....

So this is gross but I have been constipated for 3 days.....I'm sure form the change in my diet!! So I have been drinking prune juice mixed with other juice for flavor....but now I feel totally guilt because I know the juice has alot of calories......and I ate 5 prigles....what the hell...I felt so full cause I had just ate dinner......I told my husband before I felt dizzy and light headed because I wasn't eating enough...now all the sudden that I am eating more choices of foods I'm finding it easier to eat...although my amounts are still small and I get full fast I catch myself being more experiemental!!!! :lol: I don't want that!!! It scares me

THanks for the good recipes with the spaghetti squash I've always wanted to try it.....

Can we eat like whole wheat Pasta? I'm assuming the answer is no......but just curious

Oh Riley that lady had it in September of 08 and she had it somewhere in Fresno she said....I met her at a party.....but either way I agree with you...it's a TOOL.....

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I totally get what you mean about being scared to eat "normal" foods, I told Robin I wanted to wait because I didn't want to be able to just "grab something" - that I was scared of real food LOL, I needed my little containers of puree she let me wait a few days but pretty much talked me through it, I wish I had listened to her better and kept bringing my food in the little containers, before this last fill I was eating 2 cups at a time NO PROBLEM and I was really scared that i had stretched my pouch! When I met with her on friday I told her how worried i was about my volume eating having come right back, it was always my problem before and it looked like it still was, she kept telling me I needed a fill and then I got it and OH so much BETTER! I eat 1/2 cup now and am perfectly happy :w00t: Oh and I had not stretched my pouch

I think everyone has to see Robin before 2nd fill, I know Tina did before 1st fill but she's special :thumbup: she's vegetarian & that's Robin's specialty! You can call and leave her a message anytime & she will call you back, I find it very helpfull to meet with her :thumbup: I love these little smiley guys they're fun :lol: Adult ADD here can you tell?!?

Have a great evening all! I did 12 miles today, I SO love that my body is working like it's supposed to again!

OH yeah, Constipation, very common and a big problem for me, I have to have no cheese, benefiber (which makes me gassy), Fiber one Cereal (which robin cut out) and salads WAY before I was supposed to. Also that new oceanspray diet cranberry-pomogranate juice, a whole bottle a day! 5 cals per serving so that's all good. And a lot of Water, Decaf coffee, hot water to drink in the AM and LOTS and LOTS of walking, it "motivates" me if you know what i mean!

I hope that helps, goodnight! :sad:


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Oh, Riley, I love your idea about the cheese wedge & melted spread! i haven't tried the tofu noodles yet but I'm on it!!

Hey Heather, How was dinner? ?

Hi Tina, You can get the spaghetti squash at any store with produce in it - I get it at safeway. It looks like an oval shaped melon & it's yellow. I cut it in half long ways before I microwave it then when its done I turn it sideways & scrape it out with a fork. I'm sure you can youtube it LOL. Oh, it has seeds in the middle like a melon & you just scrape them out first the same way as a melon before you cook it.

I went to a barbaque today & messed up! I didn't realize the chicken was made with taryaki sauce!! SUGAR!! Oh, well, couldda been worse. All I had was a small chicken thigh (they didn't have breasts) & salad. none of the other delicious food that was sittin buffet style on the table - grrrr! That sugar is gonna cost me but it is getting easier to just say no.

night night

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Candra you are doing awesome!!! You are very strict on yourself already that is perfect:D

Well I met up with the inlaws and they were nice.. I am still skeptical because this will be chance number 3 in 8 years. And each time they say the same shit. BUT THE AWESOME NEWS...

SHE NOTICED MY LOSS, LIKE BIIIIG TIME!!!! Over and Over she told me how AWESOME i looked, and actually said i look skinnier then my sister! Which i must add Brandi has always been bikini thin...

So that made me feel good, and im proud of mike for not saying "yeah she had surgery" Cause i dont want them to know. EVER! I also sold 2 pure instincts. I think she was just tryin to help out...

Tina: mikes not in the middle, its kinda them both against both of us.. its a big mess the people are psycho lol. Before we had auds what pushed it over the edge is when they asked for the baby stroller back and her crib bedding... Mess...

But it was ok, I was just me, and auds was shy as always so she didnt get to hold her anyways.But the kid went thru 4 diapers!!! there was a lot of watermelon... Audrey loves watermelon lol.

About the nails, i had my fakes removed, and my real nails are SOO TENDER.. they hurt soo bad. i dont know if its from having fakes for a year. But they seriously need some help. What do you guys mean by pealing???

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Candra, dinner was great!

I had 1/2 cup squash, 1/2 cup cottage cheese (since I didn't have ricotta) and 1/2 cup spaghetti sauce. Then I sliced 1 cheese stick and cooked in the microwave for a few minutes. Definately making it again!

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Good morning ladies!

Nicole, that is totally awesome news! I know that whole thing was weighing heavy on your mind, but you were you and Mike was proud and you got complimented on how great you look! WOOT! It's not just skinnier either, girls we are HEALTHIER in all ways, and it shows!

Peeling/painful nails, uhm yeah, after a year of acrylics your real nails would be really thin, and painful! I have them taken off every couple of years and it takes them 3-4 months to grow out & by healthy again, I actually had a hole right through my real nail from where they cut off the fake . . it hurt SO bad . . . but do you think I would learn, and just grow my own nails?? Oh hells no, I got acrylics again as soon after surgery as I could drive down to the spa! It's my only girly-girl thing :lol:

scale is moving again, I am full of good cheer and loving my band this morning! Wish I felt this way every time O got on the scale, LOL but I don't. Out for my walk so I can get back in time to do laundry while I watch the rescheduled NASCAR race! :laugh:TTFN

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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