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Pam- I wish you the best with getting things back on track with your husband. Often when we change out image especially weightloss, it brings confusion in the home. Hang in there and all will be well.

Well I have been struggling for a long time, since my near death experience, everything seems to have gone south with my weightloss. I cannot blame my band as I am sure if I allow it it will work. What I can say is that I have been extremely stressed with work. I have gained all my weight but 27 lbs short of my start weight. There is a reason why all of a sudden we all started getting emails from LB talk.,god knows I need all the support and I must say when we were together we did well. So those in sac let's do this and those in the eastbay get cracking and then we can make it a point in meeting at least once a month collectively.

I miss you all tremendously, the laughs and the checks and balances that we had was priceless.

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Pat- I wish you the best with getting things back on track with your husband. Often when we change out image especially weightloss, it brings confusion in the home. Hang in there and all will be well.

Well I have been struggling for a long time, since my near death experience, everything seems to have gone south with my weightloss. I cannot blame my band as I am sure if I allow it it will work. What I can say is that I have been extremely stressed with work. I have gained all my weight but 27 lbs short of my start weight. There is a reason why all of a sudden we all started getting emails from LB talk.,god knows I need all the support and I must say when we were together we did well. So those in sac let's do this and those in the eastbay get cracking and then we can make it a point in meeting at least once a month collectively.

I miss you all tremendously, the laughs and the checks and balances that we had was priceless.

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I too am really excited to hear from you all. Well the short version of my story is I've been in a funk ever since the holidays and all this darn rain. (EXCUSE) I loose 5 lbs and gain 4, loose 4 and gain 5...just one big circle. My band is working fine I just need to be consistent. Like you Pat I can eat sliders like no bodies business. but let me have a pc of chicken and it gets stuck. I called myself getting serious today so I went and walked the bridge after work. I just want to walk at least 3 times this week. Oh and since I'm putting it out there I have my wine every now and again wink.gif so that's no help. The last time I went to see Dr P was my 1 yr appt. She pretty much told me not to come back until I loose 10 lbs but I don't think I can handle another fill. I'm pretty tight but I know how to get around that...

Reggie you're right this is a sign for us to get back together, re-set and support each other. So even if we don't get together until May we can still check in here to keep each other motivated I hope.


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Just remember it took us all years of bad eating habits and emotional eating to gain this weight. We all want it all off yesterday. But if it takes a few years so be it. We have all lost weight, so we need to focus on that and know we can do it. We all love each other and want each other to be successful.

Love to all my banded (and sleeved) sistas and bro John

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Good Morning Ladies~

I'm in a typing mood and boss is off today so I'm gonna take advantage of this "free time" and give you a quick update..

Well last summer I was on a TAE-BO hype! (Still am but.. life happens and times change) I dropped down to about 165 lbs and I started veering to the thought of NOT getting any surgery at all.. since I was doing so great with my work-out and eating habits..

BUT.. Life happens, and my schedule changed, Did I mention I'm at the final stages of my divorce? Well, yes my divorce!! That also took time and an emotional toll on me as well.. My ex-husband took me to court and tried to get Custody of my kids.. BUT Well.. God is good.. and I was granted full legal and physcial custody!!

But going thru the motions of my kids having to talk about the abuse we all suffred and what they saw, What I went thru.. We had to go thru a whole process of mediation, and investigation.. we had to pretty much re-live and talk about everything we went thru.. And this.. triggered alot of emotional pain that was.. Bulit up in me..I packed on weight instantly.. I didn't have the energy mentally and physcially. I shot back up to 190 within 3 months?... I felt totally disgusted of myself...

So I called Dr. Park or actually emailed her and asked if I could still have my surgery done.. and of course she said yes just as long as i'm under my surgery goal weight and I would have to go thru Liz again for another evaluation..

So I did it.. and had the VSG done. My surgery date was on Feb. 15th. I weighed in that morning at 182 lbs two days later when I got home I weiged in at 176. A week and a half after that I dropped down to 168.

I weighed myself last week and i'm now at 155-156lbs. Can I just say.. I HAVE NOT WEIGHED this much since I was in the 4th grade!!?!!! I've been a FAT kid my WHOLE life.. so weighing in at 156.. AND haven't weighed this much since I was a kid is a total SHOCKER for me!

How is it having the VSG? - Its great as LONG AS YOU FOLLOW the rules.. Its also a trial and Error type of learning thing as well.

I watch my family eat and I feel disgusted now with all the big bites and large portions everyone takes. Well compared to me... there are times when my EYES are hungrier than my stomach.. and thats a big NO NO..

food to me is not the same.

I used to be SOO in love with the taste, the smell, and the comfort that food gave me... NOW..

Food is just something to give me energy and to survive.

I do have mind hunger.. like when I see a big Juicy burger AND FRIES.. My mind wants it.. but my stomach is screaming NO!!

One of the biggest things I am having a problem is.. eating too fast.

I forget sometimes that I really need to take my time and eat slow... Not only so I can digest my food easier but to also enjoy the small portion I have....I eat soo fast that within 2 minutes.. my meal is done..

So this is something I'm really working on.. taking slower longer bites and trying not to scarff things down so fast (another one of my bad fat eating habits)

I did go thru a "dumping syndrome" and I think it was good that I went thru it.. cuz bet your bottom dollar I WILL NOT EAT anything LIKE THAT AGAIN!!

My "dumping syndrome" SUCKS!

It was weeks back and I ate something sugary.. can't remember what it was but I know it was like a dessert cake or pie.. it was a "small" piece...

But as soon as it went down.. I felt like I was intoxicated and had no control. I wanted to throw up but only clear fluids kept on comming out.. The only thing that stops this.. is time.. and IT SUCKS!!!

So yea.. after experiencing that.. I STAY CLEAR away from sugary foods...

My energy levels has balanced out (at least I think it has) so for right now.. I'm just walking... (like forrest gump!) EVERYWHERE..

I'm planning to go to tae-bo class sometime this week. And of course I still do Hula. So my workout is good for now..

Well ok I just wanted to give you ladies an update.. I seriously thought about all of you before and after my surgery.. I wanted to write in the VSG talk but it just isn't the same...

I feel like "family" here... and plus I missed ya guys :) Well happy tuesday!

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Good Morning Ladies~

I'm in a typing mood and boss is off today so I'm gonna take advantage of this "free time" and give you a quick update..

Well last summer I was on a TAE-BO hype! (Still am but.. life happens and times change) I dropped down to about 165 lbs and I started veering to the thought of NOT getting any surgery at all.. since I was doing so great with my work-out and eating habits..

BUT.. Life happens, and my schedule changed, Did I mention I'm at the final stages of my divorce? Well, yes my divorce!! That also took time and an emotional toll on me as well.. My ex-husband took me to court and tried to get Custody of my kids.. BUT Well.. God is good.. and I was granted full legal and physcial custody!!

But going thru the motions of my kids having to talk about the abuse we all suffred and what they saw, What I went thru.. We had to go thru a whole process of mediation, and investigation.. we had to pretty much re-live and talk about everything we went thru.. And this.. triggered alot of emotional pain that was.. Bulit up in me..I packed on weight instantly.. I didn't have the energy mentally and physcially. I shot back up to 190 within 3 months?... I felt totally disgusted of myself...

So I called Dr. Park or actually emailed her and asked if I could still have my surgery done.. and of course she said yes just as long as i'm under my surgery goal weight and I would have to go thru Liz again for another evaluation..

So I did it.. and had the VSG done. My surgery date was on Feb. 15th. I weighed in that morning at 182 lbs two days later when I got home I weiged in at 176. A week and a half after that I dropped down to 168.

I weighed myself last week and i'm now at 155-156lbs. Can I just say.. I HAVE NOT WEIGHED this much since I was in the 4th grade!!?!!! I've been a FAT kid my WHOLE life.. so weighing in at 156.. AND haven't weighed this much since I was a kid is a total SHOCKER for me!

How is it having the VSG? - Its great as LONG AS YOU FOLLOW the rules.. Its also a trial and Error type of learning thing as well.

I watch my family eat and I feel disgusted now with all the big bites and large portions everyone takes. Well compared to me... there are times when my EYES are hungrier than my stomach.. and thats a big NO NO..

food to me is not the same.

I used to be SOO in love with the taste, the smell, and the comfort that food gave me... NOW..

Food is just something to give me energy and to survive.

I do have mind hunger.. like when I see a big Juicy burger AND FRIES.. My mind wants it.. but my stomach is screaming NO!!

One of the biggest things I am having a problem is.. eating too fast.

I forget sometimes that I really need to take my time and eat slow... Not only so I can digest my food easier but to also enjoy the small portion I have....I eat soo fast that within 2 minutes.. my meal is done..

So this is something I'm really working on.. taking slower longer bites and trying not to scarff things down so fast (another one of my bad fat eating habits)

I did go thru a "dumping syndrome" and I think it was good that I went thru it.. cuz bet your bottom dollar I WILL NOT EAT anything LIKE THAT AGAIN!!

My "dumping syndrome" SUCKS!

It was weeks back and I ate something sugary.. can't remember what it was but I know it was like a dessert cake or pie.. it was a "small" piece...

But as soon as it went down.. I felt like I was intoxicated and had no control. I wanted to throw up but only clear fluids kept on comming out.. The only thing that stops this.. is time.. and IT SUCKS!!!

So yea.. after experiencing that.. I STAY CLEAR away from sugary foods...

My energy levels has balanced out (at least I think it has) so for right now.. I'm just walking... (like forrest gump!) EVERYWHERE..

I'm planning to go to tae-bo class sometime this week. And of course I still do Hula. So my workout is good for now..

Well ok I just wanted to give you ladies an update.. I seriously thought about all of you before and after my surgery.. I wanted to write in the VSG talk but it just isn't the same...

I feel like "family" here... and plus I missed ya guys :) Well happy tuesday!

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Afternoon all!

Pat, I am so sorry to hear about you and hubby, but I hope the counsling works and you two are able to fix whatever is wrong or happened. Sending hugs and love to both of you. Always. How are your boys?

Well, an update on me since everyone is doing it. I have since finished school for Phlebotomy, and still cannot find work. I have been out since Oct 2009. I apply for things all the time, but the economy out here still isn't there.

On 3/16 my daughter and I were in a horrible car accident; A kid ran a red light TBoning us which sent my car over a curb, I took the signals half out the ground, went through a fence, and landed a few feet away from a portable where class was being held at a middle school. It was one of the most scariest things I have gone through. I tried to get out the car and my door where he hit me was jammed closed, so I jumped out the passenger door, flung the back door opened, and grabbed my daughter. Thank god she was okay just VERY SCARED. The police came, a tow truck came, and the ending results are I have back and neck injuries, my car has been totalled out, and I now have no vehicle. My car was a 2009, so it was still worth a lot. This accident has taken me through anger, sadness, what if thoughts (including what if my baby died, etc) despression, all being fixed by eating. I gained about 10 lbs that week alone. I am under the care of a Chiro, and I start Physical Therapy this Monday.

Since then, I have joined a gym, and am back on track. I am slowly loosing. I have 7cc's in my band, my last fill was Sept 2010. I see Baggs April 15th, but I won't be at the 209 goal he wants for a fill, and that's okay because I PB alot as it is.

So that's whats happening here. Haven't seen anyone from our group but Nicollie, so I hope to see you soon.

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Pat- The therapy with the Dr. who specialized in weight / eating issues sounds like a real good plus, I so need to do something like that! Let us know some of the things that they say that might help the rest of us. Glad the band is working for you!

Pam- I feel for you with the vicious cycle of emotional eating and depression, I know I can get that way too. Hope things get better.

Reggie- Hang in there girl! Sending my love your way

Jes- I lose and gain the same 3 lbs too! Plus it doesn’t help that I eat candy all day long when I’m stressed

Analynn- Sorry you had to go through so much to get where you are. I do my best as well with the sleeve and watching others eat, I know just what you are going through J I too did have a similar dumping syndrome episode but it has since dissipated and I can eat anything, although that is not always such a good thing!

Tamra- sorry to hear about your accident, but glad you and your daughter made it out alive, it sounds so scary L

As for me, I am pretty much at goal weight although I would still like to be 10 more pounds lighter. But I can’t complain. Although it is not done without some hard work, as I start to gain easily if I over indulge myself and don’t go to the gym. I too have had my fair share of life experiences that have been causing me a great deal of depression lately but I know that I will get through it and sooner rather than later I need to replace my urges for food with things that are more productive or I am sure that if I don’t I will push the boundaries to far and gain all the weight back!

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OMG!!!! I am so very happy to see you all back. I see there is lots going on in your lives.... I will pray for us all to overcome our struggles....

I am doing okay. I haven't gained but I am NOT losing anymore... It's totally my fault. I'm not exercising as much as I was and I am eating way too much on the weekends..... During the week, while at work... I do FINE! I need to get myself together and get to goal! I am literally within reach and can't seem to get re-motivated!!!!! I still wear my pedometer daily. I am seriously addicted to it!!!

I do want to see you all and plan to be there on May 14 if that's still the date we're meeting. I have a mini-goal to lose 13lbs by May 27th....My birthday! I basically have 2 months to make it happen.

We should all set a mini-goal. Something small and attainable. I am going to go back to the beginning and start recording all BLT's-Bites, Licks and Tastes!

Starting tomorrow. I am getting my journal out right now.

I forgot who said it... I'm sure many of you have. But... I think we all started getting the multiple notifications from LBT for a reason....We need to get off our butts and get ourselves together. We all started this journey for many reasons with one common goal!!!! TO LOSE WEIGHT!!! LETS DO IT PEOPLE!!!!

Not waiting til Monday to get back on track.... Been there, done that!



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I thought I was the only one experiencing the Protein getting stuck or pbing on meats. The sad thing is before Lb I was not a sugar or rice person. Now I eat it like it's no one's business.

I have been doing shakes and it is not working out so I plan on getting back to boiled eggs in the morning.

I wonder if dr. P will see me again, I have not seen her since the last time I met with you jes and if I am not mistakened it was in April or eaier last year.

I don't think I need a fill, I just need to drop this weight. Mo you are right I will set a mini goal of 15 lbs by may.

Where is Donna?

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I thought I was the only one experiencing the Protein getting stuck or pbing on meats. The sad thing is before Lb I was not a sugar or rice person. Now I eat it like it's no one's business.

I have been doing shakes and it is not working out so I plan on getting back to boiled eggs in the morning.

I wonder if dr. P will see me again, I have not seen her since the last time I met with you jes and if I am not mistakened it was in April or eaier last year.

I don't think I need a fill, I just need to drop this weight. Mo you are right I will set a mini goal of 15 lbs by may.

Where is Donna?

Reggie you sound just like me! My band WOULD work, if I would do MY job. I joined weight watchers again so I'll log everything. I need to buy a new pedometer and get re-addicted to exercise!

I'm at work so I have to run, but sta7y on here with me girls I need you!!!

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Hi everybody -

I am so in love with all of you. Hearing the updates is so helpful and the comradery on here gets me amped up to start over again.

First off - Analynn, so sorry for your trials and tribulations going thru the divorce - but congrats are in order! TamTam - Scarry Stuff but so glad you guys are OK and Reg - I don't think I recall hearing about your near death experience so I need to get caught up! love you girl!


I suck! I have said from day 1 I'm a slacker and I am -

I am back up to 190lbs - my lowest weight was 182.00. I still only have 5cc in my band as I lost my insurance right after my first fill. The good news is that this thing does keep me from gaining too much weight. Like right now, I can't eat much or i PB all day but when I'm down in the 180's I can eat everything. I'm gonna shoot for 180 and then the Fill Center Tina told us about!

I have zero energy - I just want to sleep all the time so I started back on pure Proteins again two days ago and it is HARD. I PB on everything and when I open my mouth it just comes back up on its own - not to mention that bending over is an absolute NO-NO. I have literally bent over to pet my cat and food came out my mouth and nose so fast it was crazy - husband not happy at all LOL.. chocolate, however, is a completely different story - slides right on down :) but I believe it is one of the things that zaps me of all my energy (and keeps me fat) so it's history for as long as I can take it :(

Oh, FYI: BRIDEZILLA IS HISTORY! I told her I needed some space because I was out of happy pills (welbutrin) and she's too depressing to deal with sober - she wasn't happy bout that! It was a long, negative process with the emails and her showing up at the house but finally I have peace in my life. Been about two weeks since I've heard anything from her. Yipee!

So back to my update....

With no more wellbutrin I'm getting headaches every day again. I saw on Dr. Oz that cyanne pepper nasal spray takes away headaches - Im such a sucker - The pain in my nostrils was so harsh that it just distracted me from the pain in my head - didn't actually take it away so don't spend $19.00 on that crap. I have learned that if you get up and go outside into the fresh air and sunlight and move around you feel 80% better. I thank God for bringing on the sun!

I'm a slow learner and my 40 years of bad habbits are proving harder to break than I anticipated!

Im rambling so much I dont even know what I've said - time for a nap :) and I promise no more depressing posts after this update!

See you all on May 14th!

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Candra -

I take the generic version of Wellbutrin - Bupropion. Do you have a prescription? If so have you checked Walmart to see how much it is? I stopped taking my generic Wellbutrin and my generic estrogen for about 3 weeks to see if it would make a difference with my weight and it didn't and I started to feel really anxious so I started back on both.

I truly wish sugar would give me the dumping syndrome as it has been my downfall lately - when I get upset or depressed I turn to sugar to soothe myself - life long problem. Guess I had the wrong surgery for dumping. Sometime I wish they would do band to sleeve revisions - I think I would get it.

Did Bridezilla ever get married?


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Hey Moniqued..

I was just reading your post and could not relate with you more!!! I had my band placed May of 2009...I am 164 but go up and down about 5 pds....can't seem to llose anymore but totally my own doing....I want to get motivated again...I miss that feeling I had at the begining of this journey... :( I even called Robyn the other day and she (suprisingly) was very motivational......we will see!! Just wanted to write cause what you were posrting sounded all so familiar!! :)

OMG!!!! I am so very happy to see you all back. I see there is lots going on in your lives.... I will pray for us all to overcome our struggles....

I am doing okay. I haven't gained but I am NOT losing anymore... It's totally my fault. I'm not exercising as much as I was and I am eating way too much on the weekends..... During the week, while at work... I do FINE! I need to get myself together and get to goal! I am literally within reach and can't seem to get re-motivated!!!!! I still wear my pedometer daily. I am seriously addicted to it!!!

I do want to see you all and plan to be there on May 14 if that's still the date we're meeting. I have a mini-goal to lose 13lbs by May 27th....My birthday! I basically have 2 months to make it happen.

We should all set a mini-goal. Something small and attainable. I am going to go back to the beginning and start recording all BLT's-Bites, Licks and Tastes!

Starting tomorrow. I am getting my journal out right now.

I forgot who said it... I'm sure many of you have. But... I think we all started getting the multiple notifications from LBT for a reason....We need to get off our butts and get ourselves together. We all started this journey for many reasons with one common goal!!!! TO LOSE WEIGHT!!! LETS DO IT PEOPLE!!!!

Not waiting til Monday to get back on track.... Been there, done that!



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Morning everyone!!

Deff check out Walmart Candra, like Pam mentioned. I have friends who have to get prescrptions there because of no coverage, and they only pay $10 or $12 bucks. You might get lucky and be okay! DO NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT YOUR WEIGHT GAIN! I am a yr out and only down 28lbs as of today. At one point I was BACK TO 235 (214 is my lowest) which is bad when surgery morning I was 247; We all have life and issues, and we all have to deal with them somehow. Regardless, you are still smaller then when you started and that right there is something to be happy about! =)

Riley how is WW working for you? I go on and off the plan and can't seem to stick with it. Right now I am doing a basic low carb Atkins, eating under 20 carbs a day since I don't do well with them. So far down roughly 9 lbs in alil over a week and a half and sure the gym helped as well

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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