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Hey guys....

Weird how my email stopped showing me when you all write on here so I thought everyone was on vacation! haha

So...I am seriously considering the sleeve now. Any lap-banders out there wish they had done the sleeve instead?

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Cukie, I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. Tonight is the Kaiser meeting. I can't attend as I have too many things to do tonight. I hope to meet you soon!

Sorry you couldn't make it! It was a pretty good meeting, I really got a lot out of it. I think I will be going more often!

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Becca - I don't wish I did the sleeve instead of the band - even if we would have had that option. I don't want most of my stomach cut out and thrown away - it is a permanent thing. I can have my band taken out if medically necessary later in life and I will still have my whole stomach. If I need to be able to eat more for some reason - maybe illness or if you get pregnant - I can have all the Fluid removed. But that is just my personal feeling. You need to decide what is best for you and you alone.

Any other bandsters want to chime in?

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Hello everyone!!!

Yes, I agree with Pam, I researched the surgeries offered me and really knew the band was right! Which was interesting, because my support person was more bypass. But I knew w/ my way of thinking to wanting good accountability aftercare to desiring a slower steady & sure way of weight loss for me, the band was it. Even if the sleeve was offered, I still would have chose the band, and am enjoying everyday my choice w/ this method to continue to get healthy!

BUT, make sure you do your research and as much as needed, checking the good & bad for all cases. Talking to people about the different surgeries (true stories) helped!

You will know over time, which is right, dont rush decisions!

Soooo, who all is game for Sac Support Saturday @ Kaiser Point WEst off of Arden, from 11:00 to 1:00pm...

afterwards...Mimi's for lunch?! John & Nikki, Ali, Stacey, Tina, MOnique & Ash, Heather, Pam, Newcomers please join us...anyone else, Pat, Maria, Reggie, Candra? Hope to see everyone possible! :thumbup: Yes...clothing exchange too!

You go Stacey, bold woman! C ya Sat!

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Research everything!!

after researching I knew I didn't want the RNY I was scared of that one. So the LAP-BAND® was my choice.

If there was sleeve I would have considered it. Not sure if I would have chosen it cause like Pam I don't like the stomach thrown away part!! Also doing alot of research and the sleeve has some issues too..............and I would worry about being to tight permenently. I think with the sleeve things go good most of the time but if you have complications they can be big ones. absesses and leakage.............after researching I see it does happen.

I say research, research, research................

I like that the band can be loosen and tighten up. I like knowing if I get to tight or needed to eat more I can have the band adjusted. But I like that the sleeve requires less doctors visit and no fills and unfills which can be frustrating and expensive. I for some reason swell really band with all my fills and unfills and that makes bandster life hard. The good with the sleeve is that after surgery and the swelling goes down I wouldn't have to worry about all the swelling. pros and cons........................gotta weigh them and decide.

What I don't like is the slow weight lose...........even though I know it is better for my body. I also don't like that bad foods go down easier than healthy foods and that you can be to tight and still get sliders down. It takes alot of willpower with the band. But they say that with the sleeve too after the first few months. I don't know anyone over a year out with the sleeve yet. I think I would want to watch the sleeve people for awhile and see how it goes long term before I decided to convert

I read that with sleeve and with band the honeymoon is six months and the hunger returns even with the sleeve. That the stomach somehow adjusts and the gherlin comes back. I would want to get some long term results to see if that is true. I would also want to see what happens with the band here and in Europe. If they phase it out that makes a point but if they continue to use it that also makes a point. So research there is pros and cons to both.

Email Dr. Baggs and ask him his reasons for recommending sleeve over band.................I would like to know and it would help you understand and decide. I asked him alot of questions and even detailed questions before I decided. I was even asking him questions in the ER about his procedure methods and if he was using the pars flacida method!! LOL!! which made him laugh. I told him I watched the surgery online and he wanted to know where I found that........YOUTUBE~~LOL!! He told me later "you were totally prepared for this and made an informed (or overinformed) decision.

My approach to all decision is research, research, research.......................if I do decide to convert to sleeve it will be after tons of debating, lost more research and several months down the road. I am still working my band and seeing how things go. I would love to her Dr. Baggs imput and will next time I go in. I expect he will say stick with my band but what he thought would be important to me as well. I trust him.

Would I consider sleeve now? I am still researching and thinking about my answer. I have heard some horror stories and many success stories. But same thing with the band. I researched it a year before I decided. I knew RNY was out for my since my family is medical and said it has to many long term effects.

Edited by swrktp

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I have a good friend that had RNY in August of 09. He lost 100 pounds...............But he has been in and out of the ER and hospital the last three weeks. Doctors told him he almost died on the ER table and if he had waited another hour he would have been gone. He had his gall bladder burst. He turned a weird yellow color...........week in the hospital in terrible pain. Than home...........the next week in ER again in terrible pain........they don't know what it is and he has been in the hospital for a week in terrible pain but they can't find anything wrong..........

He is very skinny and looks great but that is really scaring me right now............his mother, wife and brother all had RNY and they have had no problems.

I have three people in my office that did RNY and they are all three years out and doing fine..................so it is the luck of the draw.

But I tend to get the short stick health wise so the way I decide that is to think worst case scenario and than hope for alot better...............

I am the only bandster at work I know..............LOL. I am the only bandster I know except for the people I have meet online the last year....................

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Thank you guys so much for all the wonderful input.

I have had my mind set on the band for many reasons and as much as the sleeve is starting to sound appealing I am still pretty set on the band. I like that it is totally ajustable and can be removed, I would love to have another baby in the future and seems like a better option for things like that.

I also told Dr. Baggs my reasoning for wanted the band because he was recommending the sleeve and he ran some more blood test. I told him a major concern for me was the issues my mom had years ago after reversing her bypass and she was extremely anemic and was getting Iron infusions weekly until she passed. So he ran the test and it has me worried about doing any major removing of the body parts! I am already super low in Iron and since there just is not all that much backing the sleeve I am sticking to the band.

I agree that with every surgery some people get lucky, but some don't. I have known a few people who have been super successful with the gastric and one that has had the band and they are all so happy with the choices they made. But it seems like there is just not a lot of research yet on the sleeve to see how it affects people 30 years later in life. I just worry being 27 that removing part of my tummy could mess me up later...at least with the band it can be removed.

Just wanted to say thanks to you all for all the super important feedback...it helps sooo much to have real people who have had these surgeries. You guys are the BEST!

I will email Dr. Baggs today and ask him why he says the sleeve over the band. I think mainly his reasoning for that was because of the success rates and its much less work overall. But we will see what he says.

Have a good day everyone...thanks again :thumbup:

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Becca, yes you deffinetly need to do your research. I am 26 (just as young as you and I have little ones so i know what worries you have) and had the sleeve/ To be perfectly honest it was the best thing that I have ever done beside having my two babies.

The hard facts of the sleeve are #1 there is NO malabsorbtion. In other words, if you require more Iron, food, nutrition, you can get it in if need be with out the worries that your body is not absorbing it.

#2, you can get pregnant and carry a healthy baby to term with the sleeve, again because there is not malabsorbtion. My Dr. specifically discussed this with me. I am considering more children in the future. and She told me there are several ways to make sure I am getting enough calories in, for example, 6 meals a day or 1 extra Protein shake.

#3 Gerlin - SOME people do experience hunger pains early out, most of which may have acid reflux issues and MISTAKE them for hunger and just need a new or different PPI. However, with most people the hormone doesn't come back until 1-2 years back and is not as bad as having your full stomach present, besides, the simple fact is your stomach at that point can only hold 2-3 oz or 1 cup of food.

#4 leaks- they are a direct result of the surgery itself not a long term complication. In other words, those who form an absess at 6-8 weeks post opt. had the leak from the first day out and it was just to small to notice therefore they got an absess. Those things can be fixed. At my 6 week apt. my Dr. explained to me that I am not at risk of a leak or one developing because of that simple fact. Also most of the people that I have found in MY research that have developed leaks are those who had either issues with their band (doing a revision) or stomach (ulcers and what not) prior to their sleeve surgery.

#5 history - People say the VSG is new. It is not. It has simply been the same procedure for years that was used for the DS and for those people who have had stomach cancer and or ulcer issues. The procedure itself has changed slightly over the years depending upon the surgeon. In my opinion if you are doing research, do what i did and check out several message boards of those people who have had stomach cancer and sever ulcers and have had part or all of their stomachs removed. I had found people who have had no stomach (one formed out of intestines) who have lived 30+ years and are still thriving.

#6 Complications - Since there is NO dumping, No Malabsorption, the only major complication is Acid Reflux. i personally take a PP 2x a day and will continue to do so for life. There is no side effect to this besides the occasional burping episodes that may occur.

Do i think that the sleeve is a marical cure? NO. Do I belive that it is a tool that can be used right? YES. But I am also fully aware that it can be abused just like the band can. Also keep in mind, you may be able to remove the band if need be later in life but not the sleeve, but your stomach will still be altered as they will not be able to remove the stitching that they do to keep the band in place. So some might also reason that the band is a permanent alteration of your body.

Ultimately this is YOUR decision. My main advise would be just like anyone else, Research and discusses it with your Dr., after all they are thoroughly educated on this subject and there is a reason that they will recommend you to go one way or the other.

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Yea I agree research is the best.........be aware that Dr. Baggs sometimes doesn't respond to emails if it is something he feels needs to be done in person. I emailed him about the revision stuff and the band being phased out and it was a "need to talk in person issue."

But please share his reasons if he responds. I am interested as the reasoning............

I talked to someone who had the sleeve and got the absecesses. He has to have a colostrumy bag for a year because he is messed up inside............he said it is embarrassing. He also has been in and out of the hospital for almost a month after his surgery. But he told me he just got unlucky. But I always want to know the good and the bad with every surgery so I research both ways. He said his biggest problem before surgery was his weight.............now he has that darn bag hanging outta him........just made me think and dig a little deeper with the research.

I want it all good and bad................so I research it both ways. Did the same thing with the band!!

That said some days I wouldn't mind a bit of malabsorption!! LOL. I know RNY is not a good choice for me but the people in my office look so good.........gotta be jealous of the malabsorption some days!! Geez the things we will consider to loss weight!!! LOL...............

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Ash I agree about scarring with the band.............I know sometime people can't revise to sleeve cause of the scar tissue..........I don't think you can have the band without some scarring............

I think having a stomach thrown away has a weird feel for some of us..................in RNY they leave it in there, don't use it but I guess people think they can use it again if they ever needed to...............just a weird visual image!!

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They told us in orientation that the band is "removable, not reversible"

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yea that makes sense cause the scarring could still leave a tighter area in the stomach.............like they said sometimes band can't be reverted becuase of scarring. But I think that isn't the norm........

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Sounds like you have done your research on the sleeve Ash. There is no malabsorption with the band either, but they take all the Fluid out when you get pregnant to ensure you can eat a well rounded diet with enough calories for you and the baby. Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant after being sleeved? If I were planning on having a baby I would try to talk to someone who had already been through it.

I went to Vacaville and saw Dr. Im today - he flew through the waiting room when I was supposed to be seeing him. He later said there was traffic from Richmond - he had to cancel some of his other appts for some meetings.

We talked about the Medical Weight Loss program I am in at the Elk Grove Kaiser and he was very understanding. He wasn't upset with me at all - he thought the program costs about $10k - I let him know it is $4300 including the food. He said he thought he should take all the fluid out of my band so I can fully comply with the other program. That freaked me out as I told him I was afraid he wouldn't put in any back if I wanted it and he said that if this doesn't end up working for me all I have to do is contact him and he will give me a fill. He ended up taking out about 3.5 cc - which leaves me with 3.5 cc in my band. He said you can't really take all of the fluid out - some stays in there naturally. He told me to keep in touch and let him know how I am doing with my program. I told him I realize none of the surgeries work on their own and he agreed - he said you can gain all the weight back with all three surgeries if you don't change your eating habits permanently. I told him I heard they weren't doing many band surgeries anymore and he said they are still doing them. He is really an excellent doctor - I actually felt like he cared about making the right decision for me and not just what I should be doing based on the band protocol. Boy the needle to numb

I will be at lunch at Mimi's on Saturday - not sure if I will be at the meeting though. I am bringing my daughter with me.

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I can't remember whether I gave a definite answer, so I thought I would. I will be at the meeting and at lunch. I will be bringing my daughter (she's 20), she is my biggest supporter and company for the drive there and back.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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