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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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Yep Ali I will be a the Kaiser Point West Meeting this month and would love to meet you..............

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Tina!!! So nice to see you on here. LOL i know lemme guess... "Nicole you disappeared too.." oh boy do i know! I am glad Dr baggs said that. Because I hate to say this but i sooo wish i listened to Pam a long time ago. :confused: If i had I would have probably not done surgery and not be regretting it today:)

So how is everyone doing? Who is all banded now? I am still single.. well kinda have a crazy bf, some of ya know about him:)

As for my band, well when i left mike back in Sept i got an unfil, so i have no Fluid, and no insurance.. boy im in a fun situation. MEANING no band in essence, but at the same time i have my band.., now i have two tummies to make full.. because for some reason the top one is starving cause the food goes right thru.. (even when i eat only protein) With no fluid nothing holds it up there. So i am always hungry.. i am about to scream but whatever. Im getting back on track with my tina bean and no fills.

Time to go back to the basics, only thing i really need to figure out is how to keep both stomachs satisfied... any ideas welcomed, and yes ive done pure Protein diets..actually wanna hear somethin crazy if i eat bread i actually stay full longer cause yes i can still get stuck:) believe it or not!!! So if i put a carb in after i eat my protein it creates a block and just keeps me full:D lol bad stuff.

Exercise is going good again i did take two weeks off, but im back to my daily runs. Im up to running two miles straight.. i love running, i dont know why...

Well enough about my stressors.. how is everyone doing! Im gonna try to check in more since dr baggs thinks we need to visit here more often and not just with the bandsters in the same stage as me:D

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Ah Nicole girl you know I so understand where you are coming from. I didn't realize you got all your Fluid out. No wonder your struggling!! I agree an unfilled band doesn't stop anything and it it a mind game on top being hungry all the time. We gotta find a way to get you a fill insurance or not!!

I am still glad I got the band. But it is totally not what I expected when I started out 18 months ago. I am not where I thought I would be a year out. It has been a long road and totally not what I hope it would be. But I am still glad I did it and hoping the second year I finally succeed by making slow steps this time. I still weight alot less than before even though I am not at goal yet and my weight chart is a big zig zag!! LOL.

And yep Dr. Baggs said we need to be honest so people behind us know what to expect. I see a pattern with all of us a year out and we are all struggling in different ways some big and some small but I don't see anyone who has sailed through and most of us have gained some weight back. And I see the start of patterns even in the new people posting. This is NOT what alot of us expected or hoped for ............we all always think we are gonna be the one that exceeds expectations but sadly we are all on the same boat taking the same trip and eventually we all will realize that. Slow and steady and you darn better be willing to put all your issues on the table along the way and deal with the emotional stuff. THat is what I haver learned a year out.

I plan to check in off and on here Nicole but I am still sticking to the other forum for those of use oldies but goodies.........I think there is alot more personal sharing and we are all supportive of the struggles we are all dealing with and can talk about everything negetive or positive without imposed restrictions.

But I do think Dr. Baggs has a point if all the older bandsters leave than LBT loses its backbone and foundation. Just that sometimes trying to be a backbone is such an unappreciated position!! LOL

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Mo-i can't believe we haven't met!! I feel like we have known each other forever!! For sure we have to meet soon. I guess your right we haven't met but it sure feels like we know each other and have met.......will you be at point west this time??

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Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Tina, so great to see you back here! I'm really happy that you are finally on track for your fills.

It was so great to see Pat and Beatriz at the support group. Pat and B, thank you so much for my new wardrobe! You both look incredible and astoundingly svelte!

John, wish you were home too. Sleeve is treating me well. Down to throwing up only a time or two a week and sometimes it's my multi Vitamin that causes it. I'm up to around 3 oz of Protein and if it's shrimp I can eat almost 4 oz so getting my protein in. I had my three month lab work done early so that it will be ready for Dr. Baggs on the 21st for my 3 month check up. Everything looks within range and hasn't changed much since my last bloodwork pre-op. I'm still sticking to basically all protein with a bite of lettuce or pineapple at times. All my carbs are from Protein Powder, dairy or calcium chews.< /strong>

I was in Pinole at Vitamin Shoppe yesterday and took myself out to lunch for Mother's Day. I don't think a cheeseburger protein style (lettuce leaves no bun) ever tasted so good! I was surprised that I could slowly eat the whole thing. Ali, I haven't tried a fry yet. I dread carb cravings. I'm hungry often. The Sleeve doesn't guarantee the hunger will leave. I get hungry about 2-3 hours after I eat, depending on what it was, but it's so not like the hunger pre-op.

I'm staring down Onederland. Walking 10,000 to 15,000 steps a day and enjoying it. Trying to get myself bathing suit ready for the South of France in June.

That's all from Oaktown. I hope all of you are doing great. While I may not post often, I love seeing everyone's progress, trials and tribulations along the journey.

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I too didn't realize you got all your Fluid taken out Nicole. But I know you can get back on track - you did great on the pre-op 1200 calorie diet - maybe you should go back to that?

I hear you Tina - as we have found out most of our journey is not really about food - it is just our drug of choice to cover up the other issues. I truly believe that for me at least it is maybe better that I didn't get to goal in the first year as then I wouldn't have started to deal with my other issues and started to change my behaviors. I won't probably get to goal even in this second year (end of Aug will be 2 yr since I got banded), but that's okay too.

I can't give any advice to the people who have sleeves, but I can let the bandsters know that if you think this is a quick fix - it isn't - and it wasn't intended to be one. It is all the gaining weight, losing weight, gaining weight etc. that messed up our metabolism to start with.

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Pam, Sleeve isn't a quick fix either. Wish is was, but like you, I'm learning about myself along the journey. Things like Cookies (ate one and didn't feel it in my sleeve), chips (ate a few on Cinco de Mayo) etc slide right through the Sleeve so it's possible to just stay fat. Amazing that I can't get down 3 oz of chicken but don't feel a cookie. Those Slider foods are deadly. I personally love eating low carb because it takes care of food cravings. I learned from the 1 cookie and few chips that carbs are dangerous for me. It's definitely my crack. What I've discovered is that surgery didn't fix my dead metabolism, didn't change me from 59 to 29, didn't take away the menopause and didn't suddenly make me the perkiest person on the planet. This is such an inside journey. There's so many things to discover. Like you, I didn't get fat in a day and I won't get thin in a day, but I'm enjoying the journey and the exploration that comes with it.

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Two weeks ago today I had my sleeve surgery and the scale says.................DOWN 10 pds! Whooooo Hooooo!!!!

Me so happy! Behavior Modification...my new motto thanks to you guys!

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Hey there everyone, and Happy Mothers day to all the mothers.

It’s so nice to see you back Tina and Nicole and you too Pam and Riley, you’re missed.

Tina I’m glad you got your fill and back at Kaiser. I agree they put it in and should follow up and take into consideration your needs. I think you’re right checking in here now and again helps to stay on track. I hadn’t been on in a while either. I missed getting the viewpoint of all who’ve been where I am already. There is definitely a difference at every phase of this journey. The physical and emotional aspects really take a toll and there’s nothing like talking to some one who’s been there.

Did everyone have a good mothers day? Mine was good, only two of my kids were here so we went to the racetrack for $1 day ☺ it was great! I didn’t really make good choices…. since I took advantage of the $1 hotdogs, drinks and cracker jacks oops! I’m hoping to have a much better week. 1st thing on the list is cutting the carbs and getting in my 10k steps.

I took today off work to just laze around the house. I want to go for a walk a little later, it’s a little damp now. Pam I agree I think I’m going back to my preop diet of chicken and egg salad. I have gotten stuck quite a few times, I think because I pick p a couple lbs. so I need to get a handle on that.

Glad to hear about some of the newbies, Chrissy getting to goal. All you sleeve sisters and brother (John) work it out, I’m happy for you.

Heather congrats on the house, you slipped that one in on us. Pat, glad you are doin g good with your fill. Mo, what’s going on?

Oh I forgot to mention I’m doing a 5k walk over at coyote point next Saturday in san mateo, I want to hit as many walks as possible so if anyone hears of any let me know.

Ok, enough of my babbling going to get another cup o joe…Happy Monday all.

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Hi everyone Happy B-elated Mother's Day to all you moms. I have been eating so bad this past week that I need to promise myself to start this week off better.

Tina glad you got your fill and are back good luck!

I loved seeing some of you girls on the Wednesday support group everyone looks soooo great. Well everyone keep up the good work!!

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Happy late momies day everyone!

Tina, nice to see you back and congrats on the fill.

Heather, have fun with your new house :biggrin: So happy for you.

Lee, you are almost in the 100's whooo hoo!!!

Ali, congrats on the weight loss :lol:

Jes, nice to see you back and love the pic!!!

Mo, how you doing?

Chrissy- Text me later :tt2:

Two weeks till my surgery. Today I am getting an ultrasound of my gallblader to see if it is the cause of my acid reflux... So I have to starv untill 3:30 when my apt is.... I'm still below goal, 223.5 lbs. Kinda scared but Chrissy has been keeping me calm :coolB:

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Happy Mom's Day 1 day late - I had a really nice day and got a couple of really sweet, encouraging cards from my boys.

Ok - so I am not a virgin anymore! I had my first pb / vomiting episode. Had one of those bbq chickens from the grocery store and it was dry. It had been not feeling good on Thur & Fri when I had it but nothing too bad. But Sat I think I took too big a bite and didn't chew well enough ... and you all know the rest of the story. Boy does it feel bad! Needless to say it also immediately makes you not want to eat! So now I am back to counting my chews! and little bites!

Ali - woo hoo - 10lbs! Congrats

Ash - it is normal to be nervous - we are here for you. How the test goes OK.

Heather - you are amazing - I wish I had half your energy! Please take house pics and put in an album so we can see.

CoCo - miss you - glad things are going well.

Tine and Nicole - welcome back! Tina, glad your weight loss has started again. You are right - it is a lot of work, especially the mental part - this is so not about food.< /p>

Jes - cute pic - what are their names? glad you had a good mom's day. way to go on the 5K!

John - you're almost home! Can't wait to hear how many lbs you are up to.

Pam - happy Mom's day! Good job on staying away from the carbs - it is so hard sometimes.

Tam - you can do this thing! How is school? Can you get in any walks? We need to plan another walk soon.

Riley - hope things are going better. Please check in.

Donna, Maria, Chrissy, Mo - hope you are all well and hanging in.

Candra - miss you girl - we need to plan a walk! Yeah I really like Poisin Ivy too - and I guess you are right - she is too sexy for a band - but she is my idol! So Cruella is working! I definately feel full after I eat most of the time. doesn't always mean I stop, but that is where all the work is - getting a handle on all the reasons for eating that aren't about food hunger. I hope to see the weight start to come off now - but do need to do more exercise too.

Hope everyone has a good week (and that the sun comes back!)

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Ash, you will do great. I got very anxious starting about a week before. Started doubting the decision and all that head stuff....I got very calm and forgot all my worries the morning of surgery as I knew it was right.

You have worked hard and deserve this!

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Hi again everyone,

Glad to hear most everyone had a nice Mother's Day. Just checking in, I had my surgeon consult today with Dr. Fisher. It was possitive and negative at the same time. I like him but he has doubts that I can keep off the weight after surgery :-( and he was not impressed that i cut my Diet Pepsi from 6-10 cans to 1-2 in 6 days. He believed If I was serious about making changes and getting the surgery I would have quit cold turkey. I am serious so his words kind of stung.

I do understand he reasoning though I suppose. I am going to try and be free from diet pepsi and carbonated drinks by the end of this week.

I was also given my pre op weight loss goal--10 lbs

I was surprised it was not more, if I keep to the meal plan I could be having the surgery quite sooner than I thought.

I am still considering the sleeve over the band, so anyone who has had the sleeve and has any information to share I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for listening...

Sherri :biggrin:

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Hi Everyone! All is well here. I am doing well. I have this exercise thing in check. Now if I could just get the premenstural thingy....chocolate...chocolate covered strawberries from Mother's Day out of my mind....I'll be alright. I have been getting in many more steps per day...Striving for at minimum 5,000 at best 10,000+....I have broken my own record of 14,000 steps a few times. I hit the gym at least 3x per week.

Tina-more than likely, I will miss the next meeting. I have to see when the next one that I can make will be....We do need to plan another get together... Real soon.

Ashley-way to go gurl...Hope you didn't get too hungary.....

Jes-I'm good. Thanks for asking about me. I'm glad you had a fabulous time at the races. I may do that next year. We went to brunch at the golf course...It was nice. It was bitter-sweet cuz I could not eat that much. I think I did well.... Didn't want to get stuck around all those folks...Would freak some out. KWIM???

Gotta go see a man about a dog.....LMAO....See ya later.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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