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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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Good Morning everyone!

It just took me a long time to read through the posts. Happy Belated V-Day to everyone. Congratulations to everyone on your huge successes of the day. Keep on truckin to anyone having mini struggles. Heather, you rock on how you handled the gym situation. Ashley, keep us posted on the baby situations. Loved reading how all of you celebrated V-Day. This year single and not looking as I think surgery will keep me busy for a little while with recovery and learning how to live. Maybe next year I'll have a steamy tale to tell.

I found four big boxes of smaller clothes on the top shelf of my closet. I got them all unpacked to find all the clothes I'll need until I'm down to a size 14. They're never going back up in the closet again. I can't believe how many pants, shirts and sweaters I had up there. I'm glad I didn't throw them out as I found my all time favorite two pairs of jeans. Look out spring, I'll be back in them for sure.

I had my "last meals" yesterday so that I can eat very light today and tomorrow. I had forgotten it was V-day so didn't make reservations anywhere which was probably better. My last lunch was a small order of fries from McDonalds. I haven't had them in decades, literally decades but have been craving fries for awhile. Won't need to do those again. It took me so long to even figure out where there was a McD's! For dinner I had one dish of Thai Eggplant/Seafood with brown rice and 1 dessert. I know, not very fancy or anything but it's what I wanted. A friend came over to watch Survivor last night and we had dinner together.

I have an audit all day today and tomorrow up until when I need to leave to work from home so that I can take the dreaded MoM. I'll find out tomorrow what time surgery is. I wonder if I get to go before John! :angry:

To all with the day off today, have a fun day and please do some walking for me!

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Hi everyone,

I guess I am a lurker....I have been reading your posts for the past couple weeks and rarely posting. You guys are really funny, supportive, and inspiring! :angry:

I do have a question-

How do I get a weight check? Can I just walk into my PCP and asked to be weighed? I have been on program for 3 weeks and my scale is registering 15 pds down but I don't feel like that is accurate so I would like to check my weight on a Kaiser scale.

I plan on going to the Point West support group this month, do they have a scale there?

Great day everyone and positive thoughts sent to the ones having surgery this week.

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Mo I would love to go with you! I will kick down some gas $ too :angry: Just text me with what time to meet you @ Safeway.

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Morning everyone!

Pat ~ yeah I can deff say I hit the jackpot this year LOL. I was super excited. We did dinner too @ our chinese place in Pinole. Amazing food.

Ali ~ Just walk into any Kaiser you want, go to Adult medicine and tell the receptionist you need to do a bariatric weight check. They will weigh you and record info. Sometimes they offer blood pressure check too.

Doing good today so far. meeting my friend to do some shopping in Brentwood / Concord. Thinking I should wear my shape ups everywhere, Candra do you?

Breakfast: 1/2 cup pureed ham & split pea Soup. Tons of protien, 6 grms for half a cup!

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Good morning.

Ashley-I do need to goto the meeting. Can you meet me at Macy's on Sommersville? Or the Starbucks that's right in front of Macy's at 5:00pm?

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Happy Monday everyone, hope it was/is a pleasant weekend & holiday! The weather is wonderful!

Tamra, I would wear them round the house first, and 1hr or 2 at a time...cause they DO work the muscles, calves esp, or at least bring an alternative pair of shoes...but you dont realize how much they working till they are off!

Alright on deck pre-ops...John pls ck in! Hoping both of you are feeling healthy and geared up! When does Nikki come home? Think y'all will be in there til Friday?

Hope everyone has a good MOnday of healthy choices!

Hi Ali, welcome! Actually they use to have a scale at the meeting, but not anymore...reminder for everyone...

FEB 27th @ 11:00 - 1:00, KAISER POINT WEST!

All surgeries welcome & non Kaiser patients tooo!

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Hello Everyone!

Been busy getting ready for Wednesday. Lots of things on the honey-do list.

Not scared or nervous at all. I will get nervous when we arrive in Richmond, usually happens on the I-80 off ramp. Eating has just been ok. Hopefully I’ve not gained any weight…

Which Trader Joes Black Bean Soup is so good? I’m familiar with one in a box and another in a can…

Lee - I’m ready, just wish surgery was first thing Wednesday morning as it makes it much easier… I hope I get the early time :) Best of luck! I’ll post tomorrow what time I get.

Hi Donna - Nikki is home. I have no plans on staying past lunch Thursday. Wish I could leave Wednesday night.

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Ali- The weight check depends on where you go. In Elk Grove, they told me I have to make an appt (which is stupid- but I still do). Nicole told me Point West doesn't require appts, but that's during normal business hours. As far as I know, no one is open there over the weekend.

I just got my b-day present 10 days early. My boyfriend got me MBTs! I'm stoked! They were recommended by my podiatrist which is why I wanted them over the shape-ups. I'm loving them! So far I'm just walking around the house. I'm excited for my new shoes! The cool thing about them is that they make my shins feel great. I'm still a little sore when I wear any other shoe but I put on the MBTs and my shins feel great!

I did the body fat testing this morning. If you ever want to pay $40 to feel like you're drowning, do it! lol. I'm glad I did, and I'll do it in the future to see how far I've come. You go in to the trailer and they have two little dressing rooms, you (swim)suit-up and hop in the tank. The Water is heated to 90 degrees. They put a little weight belt over your back half because you're essentially laying face-down on a scale under water. You start out propped up on you hands or elbows and the guy tells you to breathe in, and breath out relaxed. Then breath in and exhale very fast, when you think you got the air out, go under water and keep exhaling. He's shouting "keep blowing keep blowing, blow, blow, blow" and when the bubbles stop you hold it until the guy knocks on the tank. Then you repeat two more times. They take the best of the three. The throught is that each time you do it, you get a little more air out each time. Then you get dressed and meet the other person with your print-out that has your resting metabolic rate, your body fat % and a list of how many calories you burn for various activities. I'm most excited about re-testing after I've lost a bit of weight.

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Happy Monday everyone!!

Well I am on day 2 of no pain meds yee haw!! I dont feel I really need them, the port is really the only thing that is achy (not painful) and its bearable. Robbie and I walked 2 miles last night, he wanted Ice cream so we walked to safeway with our pittybull lol.. I didnt even eat any lol. Luckily he bought a kind that I dont like lol. So yeah doin good today.

Pat you crack me up!! Love it!!

I am so excited for the meeting at the end of the month, I have 3 guests coming I think. One is my friend who has missed the last 2 I told her she better come or I will come get her lol. Then the lady who had bypass the same day as me who I met in the nutrition class, she is coming with a friend who is not a kaiser member but had rny in december and doesnt have support. So YAY... I also think another lady I met at the New Moon Premier who is pre-op through Kaiser (she has Dr Park) said she might be there too... YAY... So we will see.

HEather what are the shoes you got?? Oh and as for the Soup HECK YES I want some. I ate Tomato Soup last night it was really good and creamy, kept me full for a while. Im gunna finish the can today and the start my black bean soup tomorrow.

John I got the stuff from trader joes in the box, I am going to try it tomorrow and I will let you know how it is. I dont know what the others got.

Well Im gunna go clean up a little my house is a mess. lol.

So I think I am down 7lbs so far since surgery YAY. 10 more til onederland!! I cant believe it, I havent seen my scale this low in I dont know how long!!

Have a great day!!

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Mo Starbucks is fine with me. BTW what day is it?

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Hi Everyone

Nicole - you are doing so great. I am happy for you. Glad you are feeling full. Hunger started to hit me on the Monday after surgery, which is when I switched to higher Protein Soups. Watch your energy - sometimes you hit the wall real fast I've found. Oh, BTW - Robin yelled at me for eating the Black Bean Soup because she said the hulls can get stuck. I told her I pureed it really well and it was perfectly smooth.

John - I get the Progresso Black Bean soup flavored with Bacon - yum!

Lee - cool on finding the smaller clothes. I am still going through my 16s - that was the size I was in the longest so I have alot of them. It is fun because I forgot some of the stuff I had. My favorites, however, are my 12s - I was only in them for less than a year but I got some really cute things - can't wait until I get back there. I am kinda hoping to be in the 14s by by birthday in April! I am thinking positive thoughts for you - it is probably good you are busy with work - I was too before I went out and it keeps your mind occupied. I didn't get too worked up until later in the day before my surgery.

Tamra - go girl - you are doing great - just keep your focus like you've done before. I am proud of you. We are going to rock this thing!

My husband and I are going to see the movie Valentine's Day today. And I have to tell you what my son did with his girl friend yesterday - it was so sweet. He planned a picnic at one of the remote parks in Petaluma - has lots of hills and nice views. He brought sparkling cider, wine glasses, french bread and cheese and some of his valentine chocolates that I gave him. He had planned to borrow my laptop so they could watch Titanic on it so he would have a no cost V-day, but didn't know the password on (it is my laptop from work). So then they decided to go to In and Out Burger for dinner and he took her to see the movie Valentine's Day. Pretty good for a 16 year!

OK I am off to work out and do my walk - it is a beautiful sunny day.

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I wear my shape ups all over the place. And yep you can totally feel them in the legs and butt..................strange looking shoes but they do work. Makes me much taller........

HEather I researched the MBT's......top of the line you are a lucky girl!! :-)

Well off to a movie. My house is finally totally clean......which feels great. Yea for four day weekends. Hung out with family on Saturday..........other than that I got caught up on the things that fall through the cracks when you work full time.........

The fill center is FCUSA. I think they charge 395 for a fill and if that is the case I won't be doing that. I heard that if you move or change insurances it is almost impossible to get assigned to another doctor..........one of the downfalls of the band. Hmmm........maybe a push to the sleeve eventually. It is very, very, very difficult to get reassigned to another doctor.

My uncle is a doctor and I talked to him this weekend. He could probably do fills but he doesn't really want to. For sure he could do emergency unfills........wish I would have known that. But he is gonna do some research and maybe get certified. He felt the port and said he would'nt be hard to do. Just he wants to talk to someone and contact the lap band company and see if he could do my fills...........that would be so nice.

Not happy that if I lose Kaiser that fills are almost impossible............didn't think of that when I made my choice. I just assumed that you transfer doctors if you lose your insurance no problem..............wrong, wrong, wrong. This is a problem all over the usa getting fills if you lose your insurance I talked to quite a few people and it is a big problem.

Some nurses are doing their own fills. Once went to the ER for an unfill and the doctor couldn't find the port so she ended doing it herself and than after that..........she said forget the 4 hour drive and did them on her own....so lots of thoughts on fills out there.

One good thing bout RNY and sleeve is no long term worry about fills.............but with the band you can fill and unfill...........which is good too...........just gotta have a doctor..........

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Ashley- the meeting is Wednesday, february 17. It starts at 6pm. We need to leave at 5:00pm.

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TamTam - I don't wear tennis shoes often but when I do I wear those and I wear them all day/all over the place and don't have any problems with em - They are really comfy

Heather - I checked out the MBT's but couldn't afford em hence, the sketchers LOL Your fella's a keeper!

Pat - your son is way too adorable!!

Tina - for that one reason I would have considered the sleeve but they never told me about it - my options were RNY or band and that's was it. But I'm so happy I got my band - It will be interesting to see if the sleeve keeps you from overeating like the band does.

So Wednesday we could pop up & see John & Lee - maybe have the meeting in their room hahaha - Actually, John, if Nikki wants she can sit with us in the group - might be fun for her.

Donna - having a good Monday - hope you are too!

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Mo- Cool I will be there to meet you on Wed. (I will text you)

Candra- LOl we should go up and say hi to Lee & John :wink2:

Tina- Thank you so much for th advise on the baby. I am more convinced now to file for him legaly. It's just overwhelming, especialy since I have been down this road before with anoher realative.

You can tell that she did drugs while prego with him. He has stiff mucesels, hypersensitive, frequent emotional outbursts, among other developmental delays. Not only that, but his head is badly mishaped and his toung hangs out of his mouth all the time unless he is sleeping. He also trys to walk but is always on his tip toes so he falls everytime. My grandma told me that at the last Dr. apt for him she was told that it is evident that he gets left in his walker all day long :)

Tuesday AM i should get a call back from my son's pedi. to make an apt. for him so I can have it in writing that he has special needs. Then I'm gona have a sit down with my hubby so we can figure out if we are able to keep him or not.

I will say this... it is HARD with 3 babies in daipers and only 2 hands :biggrin:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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