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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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Good morning ladies!! Was going to do a little "home" 10K this morning but had to pee at 5.2 miles, came back to the house to do it, then picked up a mystery I've been reading, then . . . an hour had gone by, so no 10K for me today :thumbup: BUT it is nice and cool out, I am hoping my older son will get out there with me this afternoon!

Nicole, SO proud of your walking!! You are burning it up :) I am not happy at all about the Mike situation tho, your going from fat to thin and HOT in so little time is a huge adjustment for both of you and it sure isn't going to be smooth! It might not be at all . . . I agree you all need a break. Give that Auds a big kiss hug for me!!!

Reggie! I love you and I miss you girlie :thumbup:

You too Tina - jeepers. How did BOS vote go? Or was the union vote . . . . hard to keep all these darned counties straight! Worst thing that happened at my county this week is that they banned Water bottles big and small . . . really sucks for our inspectors out in the field, and saving about $2000 a year spread out over 200 employees?? I'd pay $10 a year to have my water cooler back! Small complaint tho compared to Sacto County, JEEZ

Pat I'm so glad you are on here regular now! We are real people with real fears and real stories. A few have had some minor bad experiences, but not a one of us regrets our decision to get the band! Kaiser is a great program, and I don't think any of the bad stories come from Kaiser patients, do they? I think that they come from folks who were not mentally and physically prepared, and who lack follow-through and support - just like Candra said. HEY CANDRA!! I miss you too girl :)

When are we going to meet up in Vacaville? If we are doing a weekday I can do Fridays or every other Monday

Pammie I miss you too!


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Hey everyone, wow it's afternoon already!

Just getting back from my walk on the bridge. It was a little nippy out...the girls were standing at attention. LOL

Candra don't worry about the popcorn, we had beer battered fish for dinner and I had a piece but tried not to eat the batter. So I'm sure those few kernels did no harm. I'm a little worried that everything seems to be going down just fine.

We really do need to plan to meet in Vacaville...I've got 2 more fridays before I go back to work, is anyone else game?

Yes, Pat I'm gonna try and make the Richmond support group this week.

Ok Let me check on my eggs, it's egg salad for lunch.< /p>

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Holy moley, 3 lbs. in the last 10 days! Maybe I will make my mini-goal . . . I can't believe I am losing at this rate again when I'm only 20 from goal. WOOT! Must be the excercise - and the FILL yay.

SO I definately have restriction now!! Ihad an episode yesterday, not PBing just sliming that lasted like 20 minutes! I was in the office getting ready to walk to Starbucks on am break with my friend Melinda (my friend I brought to Mimi's that one time), and I took a bite of cantaloupe and apparently did not chew well?? Who knows, it was both morning and my TOM, and a week after my last fill, so I was as tight as I could get I guess! We walked to starbucks which is almost a mile away, and I had to SPIT every 20 seconds!! OMG I just wanted it to END - OW it hurt. I wish I did PB actually, as that would have relieved my pain - walking, arms over head, jumping up and down, pounding on my chest . . . walking down a busy street for almost a mile. It finally ended right before I got there! Thank God Melinda knows ALL about lap-bands and my surgery! She was great about it. I thought I would be swollen for the rest of the day, but no - no other problems at all. Got back from Starbucks and ate the rest of my cantaloupe! So who knows?

Other than that, no issues . . I get full faster than I ever have, and I can still eat a lot of stuff that's less dense (like salad) but very little of the dense Proteins (like Quorn or eggs or even almonds). So it's all good!

Might be heading out to the ER soon, my son has ketoacidosis because his insulin pump batteries went dead last night and the alarm did not wake him until I heard it when I went downstairs this mroning - blood glucose is almost 400, but at least it's down from the almost 600 that it was this morning. Oh being a mommy is so much fun! So unless he is down below 300 with less-than-moderate ketones by 3 he's got to go get on an IV for a few hours . . . . we have been through this so many times, he thinks Kaiser is his second home!!

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Riley - I hope everything is OK with your son - it can be so scary. You're weight loss is amazing - you are really my inspiration about really seeing this work. I really want to do the 10K next year! Thanks for the encouragement - I agree that really using this as a tool and not thinking it is a magic bullet is the right and realistic way to approach it. I can't imagine being only 20 lbs away from goal weight - can't remember how long ago I was only 20 lbs over weight. Way to go!! Since we live so close, maybe we can get together to say hi.

All - the 50th Wedding Anniversary party was fun - they are such a great couple. I'm still blown away by 50 years together! I did really well considering all the food that there was. I ate larger portions but stuck to green salad/veggies and trip tip with BBQ Sauce (yum) and had a good amount of fruit salad (although it had some kind of sweet yogurt dressing in it)for dessert instead of the cake. And no dinner tonight. Proud of myself because the other stuff, especially the chocolate cake was tempting. But having this goal means more to me right now I guess. We're off again tomorrow early to my sister's place up north of Cloverdale to help pick graped and bottle wine - also suppose to be a b'day party for one of our mutual friends so hope there are good choices there re: food.

I'm in for vacaville - weekend would be better, but I work at home on Friday's so could get done earlier.

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Hey all - had a great day today - egg salad for lunch and chicken & veggies (chinese restaurant) with no sauce for lunch/dinner - americano for dessert - walked, walked & walked in frisco - the love fest was going on so there were more half naked people then i cared to see all in their rainbow tutu's & things.

I'm pooped so I'm gonna hit the shower & then the hay!

Riley Jane - how is your son? Did you have to go to the ER? Poor guy - too bad they can't do a pancratic transplant or something to cure diabetes! I mean, we can do everything else, why not that??

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He's good now - but overcompensated for the high blood glucone, too much insulin and got down to 47 last night!! And of course I had no sugar-y stuff in the house to help that - thank the Lord his brother has an energy drink stashed in the fridge drawer. Diabetes sucks! We have been doing this since he was 7 . . poor little guy. he's 21 now! Mommy will worry forever! I don't want him to move out unless he has a roomate who can help him . . . yucko. Been up most of the night; going to bed now :smile:

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Oh, Jane - that is awful. How long does the battery in the pump usually last - is it like a cell phone where you have to charge it regularly or does it last a few months? Does he qualify for a night nurse? sincerely hope he feels better soon and praying for a cure or at least a better way!

Donna - how are you? Hope to see you on here soon.

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Riley:D thanks for being proud of me ive been avoiding home so what better to do then walk:D

I took yesterday off... but we are up in gv with my sister and mom.. well auds and i.

AND bran and i went to the bar!!!! omgomg!

So i had wine.. before we went. Then bran got me a carona, and then after a while this ugly dude bought us shots.. OMG. I was drunk! Off that! Our bands do help with somethin we are cheap dates! OK.

Well for the first time i was the "skinny" girl with my sis in the bar. We are now the same size. WELL.. ok i told bran why the hell are we flirtin with the ugly dude so we scoped out the HOTTEST man in the bar. AND, the one all the girls wanted.. WELL guess who GAVE ME ATTN!!! You freakin guessed it, i had the guts to go over to him and TALK TO HIM. He ended up singing to me. ALSO he said i reminded him of the girl on 27 dresses.. so now i gotta watch that movie lol. But yes sooo much fun. SOooo much confidence. I love my new body, i love th enew me.. and mike dont...

SOmething tells me i shouldnt settle ever freakin again cause i can get WHO I WANT! :smile:

Yeah im a bit hung over doesnt help four of us slept on a king bed and then auds pissed all over the place.

SO.. lesson.. back to weight loss... OH MY I HAD SOO MANY CALORIES:( Horrid. What goes with booze, junk! So i dont wanna see the scale!

Ok love you all had to share my first experience out...

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Sounds like everyone has had a busy weekend. I was in a "poor me" mood on Friday. I have no restriction what so ever. I was in Taran's class for a couple of hours - I picked up a Starbuck's for her teacher and I had a Passion Tea with Splenda - it was caffeine free but I don't think calorie free - first time I ever got anything at Starbucks. Her teacher was a bit cranky (guess he's human) and I was already in a funky mood. The kids and I went to Golden Corral for an early dinner -used my card and only had to pay the kids' price. I was able to eat too much - had some popcorn shrimp, a couple of swedish meatballs, a little spaghetti, and some dessert - both of my stomachs were full and I was mad at myself. Took a nap in the evening, but we did take the dogs for a walk after my nap. I felt so bloated and yucky on Sat morning, went to Curves and got some MOM at Dollar Tree - man that is some nasty tasting stuff. The kids and I went to the Kings' Open Practice last night - it was free -went from 7 pm to almost 10 pm. My son Taylor took about 70 pictures. We met Gavin Maloof and I took a picture of the three kids with him. At the end the Maloofs threw out free t-shirts and baseball hats. Luckily we got three different hats. Tristan had Kenny Thomas autograph his. I had some In n Out fries on the way home and tried having a drink of milkshake afterwards - there I was getting on the freeway with a plastic bag up to my mouth - luckily nothing came up - that's why they tell us not to eat and drink at the same time. Lesson learned.

Having a blah day today - one of my dog's got clipped this morning and the kids are doing homework.

I can't wait for my fill on Friday. I think I will grill some shrimp, make some chicken salad and some tuna and fill up my little containers for this week so I am prepared - I am up 3 lbs from when I got my fill on Sept 9 - Dr Im will not be happy with me - so hopefully I can drop at least 2 of them this week.

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Nicole - glad to hear you had fun out with your sister - watch those drink calories though. When do you and Mike start your counseling?

Candra - you gotta let her take responsibility for her actions - I know it is hard but what would she do if you and your husband weren't around to help her out?

Riley - I wish I was into exercise like you - gosh I really can't get enthusiastic about it - I went to Curves twice this week and walked a few times, but I could definitely do more.

Does Saturday Oct 17 in the afternoon work for everyone to meet in Vacaville? Where would we meet? What time? Want to set up a carpool from Elk Grove?

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Riley - so sorry it was such a tough night. Diabetes is awful (family member experience). And being a mom never ends; I think I worry about my boys more now than when they were little guys. Take care of yourself.

Nicole - you do need to believe in yourself; your weight loss is awesome. So glad you are getting your confidence up there. Way to go! Go slow though - I married my safe rebound guy after my abusive 1st husband and it was a mistake. With a really good guy now (for the last 25 years) but it took me a while to find him.

All - I took the big step of starting to tell people I am close to about my process and decision for weigh loss surgery. Sent a long letter/email to all my sisters (4) and my closest girl friends. For me, I think it is important to tell people and let them know what has been going on with me and why I am doing this. I need all the support I can get and some of my weight problem is I keep too much in (you know - stuff the feelings down - and stuff them down with food.)

Hoping to get back on my exercise today.

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Nicole, you me and Jes are gonna go OUT!!!!! We are wild girls LOL . . . .

Pam passion tea is sugar-free if you just added the splenda and didn't get it mixed with lemonade. My fave!

Candra . . . it uses lithium energizer AAAs, any other battery voids the warranty . . .sometimes they last 6 months, sometimes only 2 weeks - I have no idea why. The alarm still goes off even when the battery is dead; he just slept through it. He has been having horrid insomnia and had taken an ambien . . . . I wish his doc would figure out what is going on with that instead of giving him another drug.

OK I have to get to the annual "apple party" out in sebastopol . . . . we harvest, slice and press into juice . . . and eat & drink! Band don't fail me now :smile:

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So my jealous husband has been reading this board.. so now i know how he knows a lot of what i say. But whatever.

He has kicked me out today. Not sure what im doin tryin to figure it out now.


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Nicole, oh honey I wish I wasn't so far away! Maybe you can go stay with your sis for a while or something. Or Candra! That's her baby after all :smile: Seriously - you call me if you want to talk or whatever . . . I feel so darned far away!!!

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Damn it Nicole - i sure do wish I had a room for you~! It is best that you leave though, given his temper and all that he has "read". I can help with a hotel for tonight if you need it - please let me know!

Riley - whew! That is so scary. I know your son may not like this but what if on the nights he takes his ambien you have one of those baby monitors so you can hear the alarm? Ive heard of diabetic comas before - is he at risk for that??? I just don't know anything about diabetes - nobody in my circle of life has it - guess I'm fortunate that way - the things we take for granted!!!

Pammie - you're so right - I needed to hear that! she does need to take responsibility for her own actions and I'm not doing her any good by bailing her out all the time - one day I'll be dead and gone and hopefully by that time she's learned to take care of herself!!!!

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