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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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I'm having a low energy day today too. Work was hectic, but I left at 1:15 so I could pick my son up at 2 from school, stopped at Game Stop and got a DS game my daughter asked for for her b-day and then picked my other son up at 3:10, then my daughter at 3:30. I am having lunch with her teacher again tomorrow - I may just bring my little container of tuna - my daughter is happy she gets Subway again and I'm getting him a sandwich too.

How are you feeling Christine? Did they say what happens if you get morning sickness and are throwing up? I hope for your sake you don't get it. I had it bad with all three of my pregnancies.

Candra - a .1 lb gain isn't really a gain - it is a natural daily fluctuation - don't let it frustrate you.

Congrats on the apartment Nicole - I want to move somewhere that has all those activities. :thumbup: Auds will love it.

How did the fill go Reggie? The unfill Christine?

I need to make a quick trip to Winco to get hot dog Buns for my kids' dinner - this is a time I wish my son was old enough to drive. I asked him to ride his bike over and he said it was too hot (which is true). I wish I could eat a hot dog bun once in a while - but I'm afraid to even try it.

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Just you wait Pam, as soon as I got my license I did (almost) all the grocery shopping and cooking for my family. Put that boy to work!

Nicole-Congrats on the apartment, and the committing thing. Perhaps this move will be just what you need to focus on building a stronger marriage. And that place sounds awesome!

Christine- Now you can tell Candra how Dr. Fisher's fills are.

April- I'm so sorry about your accident! I hope your back/neck don't give you trouble too long.

I love our group... We're all in different places in our lives, and we even have a band baby on the way! Now we can learn through Christine!

Tina- My supervisor asked our Lt. about the furloughs today. We don't have an answer yet but he's looking into it. I have a feeling we'll be furloughed. "most of the Sheriff's Dept" that you mentioned, is probably everyone non-sworn.

Riley- They're probably counting that your 3% raise is because you'll be doing the work of other people, and it'll still save $ by laying others off. Foregoing the raise probably won't be enough to save those jobs.

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Hey Ladies.....

Long day. I was in meeting with upper managment and the union most of the day. So crazy they keep talking like we aren't laying anyone off even though we are.....they said business has to go on as usual until the day the pink slips go out. Sept 4............so I guess we pretend.

CPS is basically going into triage mode. We will only help or investigate really serious abuse. We won't be going on anymore on anything that we can't take or hold up in court........might be good change I don't know. We won't have the bodies to do the work so we are changing our mission statement and policies in the next month and I guess going back to survival of the fittest......

Heather. I need to find the email but I don't think you will be forloughed. They are saying that the county is going after two unions UPE one and SEIU. Welfare and and CPS and Clerical. We didn't negotiate with the county in July so we are hearing the is retalitory......I think there is an email saying Sheriffs department wont' be touched since you negotiate. But I don't know for sure I need to find the email..........

I don't know where I am on the list. They are chopping the masters degreed workers and keeping batchelors. By Law CPS has to be staffed by MSW by at least 75%........County is breaking that rule doing what they are doing......hoping they won't get caught. So that might save my job if they are forced to lay off batchelors first........seriously if your going down to half staff you need your masters degree workers...........

I dont know yet. County mangers have the names onthe list but won't talk until you get a slip in the mail..........they are refusing to give details and keep talking like it won't happen..........so who knows.

Lots of us just wish our union would negotiate. We are willing to take a forlough and give up the COLA to keep our coworkers and CPS running...........

I am going to chill and get some sleep.< /p>

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Nicole-you live really close to me now or will!! YEa!! I think I know that complex and I might come swim at your place!! :-)

Chris: Unfill? Like how much? hmm......and yep Dr. Baggs is on vacation I tried to get an appointment for today but they told me he was out all week......so going next week on the 3rd instead........

APril: promotion is great in todays market. Where do you work..........

Riley: survivors guilt? We are havingthat were I work people who are staying feel bad..................but it is what it is...........

Heather: message me your email and I will send you the notification when I find it.......or are you on county email?

Reggie: tell us about the fill??

Jes and Candra two weeks ladies........hope to see you next thursday..........

Did I forget anyone??

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I'm UPE! I figured we'll get the furlough. I have total guilt that I got my COLA this year, but people got laid off.

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Oh My Goodness, April... What an ordeal! So glad you aren't terribly hurt! You know as well as I do from being in the P&C business... he crossed YOUR path so he is 100% at fault or as they at least 51% at fault and that's all it takes! Congrats on the promotion - not an easy task in this market!!!

Christine - dying to know how the fill went! You'll be the first person I've met that has experienced Doc Fisher. How are you feeling?

Donna - who the heck are you calling short, woman! I go to great lengths to be "tall". LOL.

Tamra, what's up with you? all ok? not posting ????

Jes & I walked the bridge tonight - was very refreshing - thanks for letting me vent girl!

Tina & Heather - dont' you dare feel guilty! Riley, you neither! it is what it is and none of you can control it!

Riley - guzzle, guzzle, guzzle that Water girlie

Thanks, Pammie - you're right... Just hate to see the scale go in the wrong direction!

Gonna take a shower now before it get's too late and everybody beats me to it -

Oh, Nicole - great news! I'm so happy for you! All this positive stuff - Mike working now is a God send - now you two will have the space you need to "miss" each other and grow and a nice place to do it in. I love that you're moving closer too - we can hang out more!

See, Tina - now you can't leave! You & Nicole are neighbors - I'm comin to swim too.... How long to I have to wait after surgery?

I've decided to put my foot down with Dr. fisher and tell him I don't want any scars so make it pretty - no big ass port either. My incisions better be straight and i want dissolveable stitches in the port incision so it will heal up nice & tight - think he'll throw me out of his office? LOL

Shower time!

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Ah Heather I was at UPE most of the morning trying to negotiate all this stuff...........I didn't know you were UPE 1. Ah than you might be on the forlough list.........

Yep Heather I agree with you I feel bad about the COLA and I would give it back to save my co workers and to make my job easier..........UPE 1 needs to go back to the table and agree to something.................I don't want to be forloughed and make a part time worker...........I want to give the COLA back and keep my job..........

Well I work with UPE one alot since I am on the PSW committee. I told them alot of us want to renogiate if it means we can save CPS.............they looked at me like I was crazy..........what are your people saying? Do they want to go back to the table??

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Oh, & my size 3 niece is making brownies - cuz, apparently, all the cakes weren't enough! I swear all these people gotta get outta my house if I'm ever gonna succeed at this hahahaha

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Pam how are you? I forgot you..............how you doing?? Girl make him buy you lunch sometime ok?? Don't buy every week........make him work it a bit!! Remember you ARE a sexy beast...........growl a bit!!

Tamra: where you been girl...........ok, ok where have I been too.............

Ok ladies chillin with my girl. She is stressed to the max with all this layoff stuff andme working late every night...............tonight we are chillin and having a girls night................:-) Girl talk............nail polish........oh yea some alegebra............and chatting about boys..........since both of us have liked boys at one point or another..............good for her.............bad for me since I was looking for a man.............not a boy child..............LOL!!

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Candra, we should totally call him Doc Fisher. I love it.

Tina- I have no idea what's going on with the union. We don't hear much!

I'm totally on the low energy train. I know its because I haven't been to the gym in days. It keeps getting worse! I have to work out tomorrow so I won't die on the Petaluma walk!

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Hi Ladies,

Got my first fill. The highlight of my day was meeting Chris there. Chris you look good, I see why Bri took care of business LOL.

So I met with Robin first and told her about my periodic bagel and smear escapades. She agreed that a fill was definitely past due. She warned me about the Bagels and gave me some good tips. She said she rather I don;t cheat at all Duuuhh!!

Then I met with Dr. Park, clearly she saw that I had only lost 6lbs since I saw her 6 weeks ago. so she gave me 1.5cc. Apparently I only had 2.5 in my band originally.I;m not sure where she got the 6cc from originally. So I am on liquids for the next 2days and then back to 1/4cup.

So that was my day. we'll see how it goes. She said I am scheduled to see her in the November but can contact her if I feel the need for adjustment.

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How did the fill go Reggie? The unfill Christine?

Thanks Pam for asking the fill went well. I think you and I were in the same boat I had very little in my band and that explains the spurts of bandster hell. I saw Christine and she looked great.

Thanks all of you for your support and concern. Jes and Candra can't wait to see you guys banded. the fill process is so easy and fast. I was impressed.

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OMG What a DAY!!! I'm so ready to hit the bed but wanted to give you all the scoop. OKAY...

I went to Richmond and met with Dr. Fisher. I really really really like him alot. He apologized for not being able to do my surgery back in April but that he had had a family emergency and had to take some time off (that's why I ended up with Dr. Baggs at the last minute). We talked about my surprise pregnancy and he was really great about it. He said that's what this band was SUPPOSED to do! Get me eating healthy, exercising regularly, losing weight and becoming more fertile and it's doing just that...just a little earlier than planned but it's fine.

He said that they concern they have with any pregnant bandster (5 months out or 5 years out) is band slippage during pregnancy. The routine for them is to take out about 1/2 at the beginning of the pregnancy and then totally empty the band at about 13 weeks for the last 2 trimesters. He said that he wants me to eat about 1200 cals a day and that it's totally fine if I continue to lose weight during the pregnancy, I can also continue working out at the same level or less as I've been doing since my body is used to it and that I can do so as long as I'm comfortable.

He said that I can come back 4 weeks after baby is born to start getting fills again, and that the first one will be a big one like at surgery (4-5 or more cc's...a nice jump start).

So today he took out 3.5 cc's and I still have 4.5 cc's until 10/30 when I see Dr. Baggs to remove the rest. I'm really confident that I'll be fine and still be able to lose a little more weight in the next couple months. I figured I lost 40 lbs WITHOUT a band and I've only lost 33-ish lbs WITH a band so my stats are actually better following the 1200 cal meal plan. This time I'll be doing the 1200 meal plan WITH a band...should be a piece of cake, right?

So, hmmm, what else? I think that's it. I didn't get sick with Soph but if I start to I'll just call and they'll send a rx for anti-nausea meds, no biggie at all.

I saw Reggie today and she is HOT HOT HOT!!! It was fun to catch up and visit for a bit. I can't wait to have another lunch with you all! Let's try for next week, okay?

Oh! I also stopped by the lab in Richmond for my official pee preggo test so I can schedule an appt with my OB and I just got the results tonight. According to Kaiser I'm OFFICIALLY PREGNANT! :thumbup: I'm really starting to get excited too.

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Good morning girls! I forget to tell you about Dr. Fisher and his fill. (want to ease the girls that have him!) He did it just like Dr. Baggs, found my port really quick, numbed me, stuck the big ol' needle in no problem, sucked ALL the saline out to make sure how much I had in there and then put half of it back in. He pulled out 7.5 cc's and said there's always about .5 still in there (which is right since I should've had 8) and I was thinking he'd take out 4 but he took out 3.5 and left me with 4.5 and I was glad about that. I'm already nervous about having only 4.5 since I had 5.5 on the day of surgery!!! I have really great will power though and know I don't want to start gaining weight yet so I think I'll do okay with little restriction. I just have to keep staying away from those pesky carbs!!!

I gotta go have some Breakfast, I'm worried I'm gonna start getting my morning yuckies soon and I'm dreading it. I NEVER puked with Sophie, just had a yucky tummy in the morning and then in the evenings from around 4-6 (made it tough to cook dinner!). I'm wondering if this pregnancy will be similar...

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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