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I am so pumped to scrap book and got slammed.. my mother moved it down to San Jose with her! Then she wont ship it to me, im pretty sad about the situation..

my mil got the Cricut.. anyone played with that? TALK ABOUT FUNNNNNN!:thumbdown:

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I love the Newsboys!! Ah I should have taken my daughter over there today..........I didnt know they would be there.

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Oh I love Newsboys too! I have not seen them since Christian Music Night @ Great America about 11 years ago . . . . haven't forgotten a song tho . . .

Isabella is a belly dancer with a kleptomaniac's restraint, tried stealing Eleanor's hand basket, made a fast getaway but McQueen she ain't, at the courtroom Joshua judges her ruthlessly on account of Ruth walking out on him, in the big house Isabella is a tellin' all to the chaplain who's become a friend . . . . .

yikes that's stuck in some weird lobe in my brain! That's the first few lines of Take Me to Your Leader. I just LOVE the Newsboys! And DC Talk, and Audio Adrenaline . . . I say it's from my Youth Ministry days, but truth be told it was always me!! Oh I hope Donna is having a BLAST and dancing to every song!!!

So the wedding yesterday was fabulous, it was a long day because I had to take my son out there early to help out with the food, then when we got there of course there was a TON of stuff to do so I ended up helping too, long day but . . . my #1 weakness was there, home brewed chocolate-espresso stout, I had like 4 glasses of it (like 4-oz glasses, no worries) but it probably had 120 cals per glass, then of course it made me lazy about my chewing carefully, so off into the bushes I was sliming :thumbdown: . . . . nice of me to Water their plants! It's an organic farm, so hey it's all good . . . NOT! So anyways I got over that and tried to eat again, but my band was irritated by then so back to the bushes with some real PBing this time . . . ah yi yi, not too pretty! I don't think anyone noticed except my son, who was dogging me the whole time because I had had the beer . . . . needless to say I did not even TRY to eat the wedding cake! Enough trying to eat already :scared2:

We did not have a camera, sorry ladies. I did spend some time tucking "the girls" back into my new dress, I've decided that it's too big across the top! There were quite a few other ladies there with uhm . . . ample cleavage, thank goodness, so I didn't stand out. Couple of compliments but no jaws dropping or anything :-)

Went to a yard sale today and picked up some size 12 jeans, tried them on when I got home can't quite zip them yet but MAN they make my butt look good! Another 10 lbs. and I'm going to actually like my butt!! In clothes that is . . . . it is GROSS bare . . . . skin hangs down in weird places, LOL!!

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So since i didnt get to scrapbook today:( ive been eating! Ahh darn it. Ive had watermelon, and some cheeze its.. not that many put atleast 10.. and then i had my egg for bfast, and some of mikes tomale for lunch. I really think our mind can loosen and tighten our band.. cause yesterday i had to chew chew chew, today i can swallow whatever and it slips right thru..

I just looked at my strawberries that i bought 24 hrs ago, guess what, they are now moldy!

what the hey

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Oh Nicole that Cricut looks like a blast! I drool over it every time I see it on TV . . . . I wish I was that creative! They make it look easy, but yeah someone has to think of all these projcts, I'm just not that clever!!

I am going to be down like 10-12 lbs. at my 4th fill appt. on Friday since my last fill which was what, 6 weeks ago? Since our June group fill. That;s enough for him to give me another fill, but is it too much? I read on here somewhere that you can't get a fill if you have lost more than 2 lbs a week, has anyone heard that? Maybe I will just wear jeans to my appt., LOL - forget to wear socks so I have to leave my shoes on to weigh in! Have you guys heard him/them saying anything like that? I know I read it on this board but it may not have been Kaiser . . .

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Breakfast: Venti Decaf skinny vanilla latte

Nothing all day until 3 pm;


omg i am MAD AT MYSELF!!

btw, I was 285 tuesday and according to my scale this morning I was 271!! go figured, and what do I go out and do???


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Riley.. question. If he didnt give you a fill would it Really be a bad thing??? Are you having PB issues at all?? I know he weighs that in. Personally if food isnt easy to go down I dont want a fill... Sounds like you are doing Fantastic without another fill.. You are loosing pretty nicely i think... I would go in in the same thing as normal and be honest about your weight, food etc.. and he most likely would give you a fill anyways. I am sure you dont wanna have to end up doing all sliders..... Just because your fill amnt is smaller then someones doesnt mean anything, its all about your stomach.. and about how easy it is to get food down. Think of it this way lets say you lie wear 5 lbs in weight and get a fill, then you pb so bad you slip your band.. Then you will be pissed that you weren't just honest..

But like i said, if you want a fill he will give you a fill i am sure!

Tamra i am thinking the same thing.. i dont know what i am thinking today.. lol, to much snacking, and all on carbs how does that work. Just think of it as oh well tomorrow is a new day. Otherwise it will happen tomorrow too:D

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Cricut IS A BLAST! oh my gosh i spent 3 hours on it yesterday at the in laws, now i want my own, i just bought the winnie the pooh cartridge since my MIL owns all the other ones. This woman is a Collector! Seriously she has a craft store and doesnt use ANY of it. Hey i dont mind i can use it:D

And have you ever made your own cards??? Scrapbooking?!?

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Tamra Tamra Tamra. How many nachos, and how many fries?? I'll bet even if you ate a 1/2 order of each, you did not go over 800 cals for that little pig-a-roo. Add that to your skinny latte and you are sill well under 1,000 cals - you have 200-300 stilo to go today!! Have a salad all vegies and non-fat dressing for dinner and you'll be fine, still on program. Last time I went out and pigged on mexican food, it got me out nof starvation and I stated losing again! I really think we need to keep our systems guessing with a high-fat, high-calorie (well, higer than 1000) day once a week or so to avoid the metabolic slow-down. We've all found post-surgery that we can't lose on less than about 1,100 or 1,200 cals a day. Lots of Water, lots of vegies for roughage, you are FINE girl

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Scrapbooking is a sad, sore subject for me . . .when my ex went wacko after his head injury, one of the things he did was take and destroy all of our photos of the 3 kids, from birth pics on through their growing up, with family members who have since passed, everything. You have no idea how deeply that hurts, it did then and it still does now! That was 10 years ago and my heart still hurts. Destroying photos of your children is like destroying the children, the memories . . oh god its awful that he could do that. That's what brain injury does . . . anyways. I have only photos that were hanging on my walls. I've done a bunch of pages for friends but for me . . alas. Probably why I won't break down and buy a digital camera, horrid memories and a big hole in my heart!

Still love that Cricut :-) I used to make cards but nothing like you can do with that thing! Just stamping & embossing.

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Oh goodness Nicole you know it! Do I, or don't I?? Some days when I have restriction I think I will just wait another month for a fill, then for the next 4 days I will have zero restriction and be able to eat anything! It's crazy and I don't know if I want one or not! Here is what I do know: A week after my last fill, I had perfect restriction, I could eat about 1/4 cup and I was DONE, and stayed full for 4 hours. So much so that I did not even think about food! I had no PB issues or anything, I just went about my life without even thinking about food. Then, almost overnight, I lost that and started eating 2+ cups at a time, and getting hungry again within 2 hours. I emailed Dr, Baggs & told him that, he said yes I needed another fill. Kelly called to make me the appt., and she tried to get me in the next day! I'm glad I didn't go in then.

The big weight loss is from having the stomach flu, not from being too tight. Although I have worked hard to not regain that weight this week! Yesterday's PB was from my stupidity - I have not been PBing lately. I can even eat tortillas now, I could probably eat bread if I let myself try!

I will go in and talk to him, we can figure it out together. I am thinking about asking for .25cc, if that turns out not to be enough, oh well I still won't be any worse off than I am right now! I do NOT want to be too tight, do not want to be on liquids or anything. But I DO want that sweet spot back!!

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Wow Riley I like that...piggin out once in a while kind of makes sense. I wold never have thought of it like that but I notice as soon as I make a change I start loosing again.

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Well I sure don't want a fill right now!! LOL. I really have to chew things well and even than it doesn't always work out. Yesterday was a really bad day I couldn't keep anything down except for yogurt. But the day before I seemed looser and did fine. I am finding the high protien stuff is the hard stuff to keep down which sucks!! I have to eat it really slowly and chew really well and I can only eat t tiny bit...............it is such a pain I can understand why it is easier to eat sliders.

I have to eat alone. Yesterday I was with people when the problems started and I think it is because I don't pay attention........I eat to fast and don't chew enough. Same with the last time I had problems at a resterant.

So for now I just want to eat at home where I know what works and were I can be slow and careful.

Now if I just lose a few pounds than it would loosen up a bit!! It has only been one week or so and 3 down.........but I am stuck at 210 now.

Needless to say my band was extra tight this morning since yesterday sucked. I am on liquids today. Soup and Water. I figured it was a good idea since yesterday I couldn't keep the protiens down. Soups work wonderful!! LOL.

I emailed Dr. Baggs trying to figure out what I need to do. I am not eating enough to lose I guess. I need to be able to eat more good stuff I need to get to 1000 at least.........


Edited by swrktp

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Nicole I watch that cricut commercial all the time! I wanted one just to do the cool etching thing with the bakeware. I don't even scrap! I did in high school, but not for 7 years or so! If I go on a cool trip or something I do a digital album and get it printed (Costco or Kodak.com etc). I have one from my study abroad trip that I will treasure forever. I'm just not creative enough for scrapbooking.

I have been reading some of the lap-band blogs out there and here's one I love. Chronicles from Band Land

She does this cool thing where she posts a picture for her lbs lost. Like, at 50 lbs she posted a picture of the 50 yard line. She also stacked up 10 5lb bags of sugar to represent how much she had lost. I thought this would be a cool way to represent 100 lbs lost at a party... hmm. Who is having the 100 lb party, Riley? You could have each guest bring a visual or 100 lbs. Like 1/10 of an elephant, or 10 10lb babies, or a big 100 lb dog or 25 4lb dogs... It could be a lot of fun!

One thing I've been doing since orientation is keeping a little journal. It's part food diary and part diary diary. I also take notes from dr appts in it and all that stuff. Well, I'm almost out of pages! I'm going to have to buy another journal. One thing I love about it is the 100 reasons to lose 100 lbs, I've started to keep track of my reasons. I only have 58 reasons right now, but they're 58 reasons for me! Not a bunch of reasons that don't apply. Like, I don't have any comorbidities. I'm not on any medications, so those can't be included in my list. I shared some with my mom (she's uuber supportive) and some made her sad (fit on a rollercoaster) while others made her laugh (wear white pants without looking stupid and weigh less than Rush Limbaugh) and others made her super excited (Go Skiing).

So Tamra (and others), Have you started writing down you 100 reasons?

My food journal has certain things I list for every day, weight, goal, Breakfast, lunch, dinner and exercise. The last time I did a journal like this I included one extra. I would write down one positive thing I did each day. It would be something tiny or something major, but it was helpful to keep positive. Maybe I'll start adding that to my weekly page. The weekly page starts out with "Week 13: Weight___ Change from last week ______ Total Loss______ Goals________.

Sorry for rambling tonight, but I feel like rambling!

I finished Carnie Wilson's 2nd book "I'm still hungry". I haven't read the first one (they only had the 2nd at the library). And I've started reading the Beck Diet Solution. I was thinking about what I'm doing different from the last time I lost any weight. I'm doing everything different! I have the right diet for me, I'm serious about exercise, I'm maintaining willpower at work, I've got the support group. I really think the thing that makes the most difference is the support group. It's great to see people in all different stages. Christine is out living life to the fullest, Riley is almost at 100 lbs! Candra and Jess are counting down to surgery, and we get lots of new people! I love it. Thanks ladies!

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