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Dr Baggs told Tina anywhere between 25-30 bmi... He told me anywhere I am happy.

Candra you are so good at long posts in the middle of the nite:D I hope your friend is doing better! Also hope she likes her new home!

Christine its nice to see ya around again! So glad you are having a wonderful summer. It will be nice to see ya again!

Auds is goin crazy today im thinking she feels better lol. We shut her bedroom door last night and she slept in to 8:30 so pretty good 12 hrs.... I think the damn cat goes in there meowin to wake her up.. and since shes not mean like us and doesnt push him off her bed then she wakes up thinking its a game lol.

So i havent doen the couch to 5k since Thurs, but i did it 4 times, so im taking today off also lol, and then gonna go to week 4 on monday like my calendar was slotted to do... it looks like its gonna be harddddd... 3 min run 90 sec walk 5 min run! holy moly. we will see how i handle this one:D BUT if im gonna do the 5k here soon i gotta try to be as ready as possible....

So mikes motherboard fried.. damn it. Stupid laptop. Oh well. Time for a new motherboard. How lame how both our laptops show their time is done at the SAME time! Ridiculous!Atleast mine still is on:D

Ok gals ttyl!

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Here is how they get to the 50-65% of what they expect us to lose.........found it in Dr. Simpsons Lap band Solution book which is also the book that goes into knowing when your in the green zone. GREat book.

1. Weight at surgery: (for me 228)

2. Subtract your weight at 25 BMI (for me 150)

3. So for me that is 78 pounds difference

4. Than you divided the answer (78 for me) by 100


5. Multiply that by 50, 60, 65 (39, 46, 50) So my 50% is 39, my 60% is 46 and my 65% is 50

6. Than you take your surgery weight and subtract the above to get what Lap Band AP predicts you will lose up to 18 months out. (so for me 189 is my 50%, 182 is my 60% and 178 is my 65%)

And the funny thing is that it come out to just about what Dr. Baggs was saying about the 25 to 30BMI is.

So I need to lose 65% of my weight to come in at the right BMI. So I have to get above the national statitics for lap band!!! LOL.

Too bad they don't count from starting weight but lap band AP says surgery weight is used to figure out your precentages.

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Nicole I think your way under your 50% so Dr. Baggs is probably happy with your weight now and anything less is just added bonus. I am still way to high on my weight!!

Girl if I weight what you do he would be really happy with my BMI!!! LOL.

I am really tight this morning. I am back to sipping my water!! No more gulps, chugs or throwing it back............ I haven't tried to eat yet letting it losing up a bit.

As long as I can drink Water I am gonna give this fill a try. I have lost three pounds in three days so as long as I stay healthy I am gonna stick it out. I need this to lose the weight obviously. I think this might be what the sweet spot is cause no hunger and I am barely eating...........even the three bites of eggs made me full. Which is crazy cause I was hungry before that. So I am not complianing. Just can't eat like last week............even thought I though I did good last week!! LOL.

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Ok i did the math:D

219 - 160 (bmi 25) = 59

59/100= .59

(50% 29.5, 60% 35.4,65% 38.35)

50% 189.5, 60% 183.6, 65% 180.65

So since surgery ive lost about 55% of my excess BF.. I prefer since orientation lol. BUT, atleast im beating the statistics since i was banded less then 4 months ago... I really wanna loose this last 25 though in less then 18 months...

I bet that is why they say not to get prego for 2 yrs... makes soo much since since the statistics say 18 months to loose 50%... huh interesting... I am such a numbers perosn, youd think i loved math... hahaha

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OMG Nicole your only 25 away!! That isn't much!! your right there!!

Candra I put my jeans from yesterday in the give away pile. They are comfortable but ok if your girls are saying they are to big than I have to wonder that people at work say!! LOL. They aren't as nice............so they sadly went to the give away pile. (heather I have another bag of clothes for ya now!!)

My job is a huge part of the reason for the weight gain. Dr. Baggs and Liz have talked to me about this. In my field we work long hours, no lunch, lots of unpaid overtime and way to many cases and expectations for one worker. That is why since surgery I don't do OT anymore. I take my lunches and I go home at 6pm when I get off. My supervisor who is clueless is going crazy since I refuse to rescue her butt anymore like I did in the past. But I am trying to be more balanced. When I am at work I work m my butt off and I am good at what I do. But once I leave my cell phone is off and I am done.

But I pretty tough around the edges. I don't put up with much crap and I can see right through people especially the drug addicts. I so have them pegged and I don't help people out who don't help themselves. I won't put more time into a client than they put into themselve. If someone want to improve than I am their best advocate and I will walk them through the process and have their back all the way. HOwever if they are playing me or lying to theirself than I am the first one to call them out on it and in a big way. I have no problem slamming someone to the wall and making their life hell for the short term to get them to wake up and face reality. We have a saying that in the social work/addiction field that we don't ever pull a bird out of their cage but we will open the door so they can come out on their own. And if they are just sitting in their with a door open doing nothing than I am have no problem shaking the hell out of the cage so it get really uncomfortable to stay inside the cage..............I am good at what I do. I just need to have a life outside of work or else the stress will make all my weight come back.

Remember stress and boredom are what makes my head hunger kick in big time.

Having said that I do tear up alot in my work and I am ok with that. As long as I am not crying harder than my clients than it is perfectly ok............this is exciting and sometimes frustrating work but I am good at it and like it. Never boring...........just wish the economy was better!!

Edited by swrktp

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and don't get my started on the 9th circuit court of appeals and liberal california who keep passing laws that give parents more rights than abused kids..................as we said yesterday in California animals have more rights than children. GRRRR...................

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Tina you are SUCH a strong woman! I am so proud for every ounce you have lost, i think i woulda gained it by now...

How did you get ur job anyways? Schooling?

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Good morning ladies,

Hey Chris - I double checked my appt and it's in vallejo so it's not my CM appt. I have a feeling my PCP set it up when I emailed him about a weight check appt. I don't think he realized that I just stopped in and had it done. I will email him tomorrow and see if that's the case. I'm also going to call Richmond (anybody know what number I should call?) to see if I can get the ball rolling.

Hey Reggie, who was the woman you told me to call? How do I reach her?

Jes, I'm with you about gaining weight. I want to hurry up and do this because I'm afraid my scale will jump back up on me. Call me when you get back and we'll walk the bridge EVERY NIGHT after dinner! Donna, come join us!

Tina, All I can say is - I just don't know how you do it. Yes you are a strong woman because I probably would have lost it. Lets push for equal rights for children & animals LOL. so glad you got rid of those pants - you are too cute to hide in them baggy baggy jeans!

Nicole - thanks agian for your push the other day. I'm feeling much better about it now - not so nervous anymore. back to just wanting to get this done! Can't wait to share clothes with my size 12 friends LOL - you know me, im all about the long posts hahaha. You have really been inspiring with your weight loss success.

Hi Riley - my cats sleep on me all the time - I hate it because then I can't move because I don't want to disturb their sleep - LOL funny how they never seem to worry about disturbing my sleep at 4 a.m. Ready for that walk so when did you say it will be finished?

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Thanks Nicole. SIx months ago I would not have been hanging out going to lunch with you all or anyone I was to work focused.........and now you see how I am I a recovering work o holic!!! :-P I am doing better taking care of me.

I got into social work..............ah .......such a long story. But lets just say I have a past. I have lived alot in my 38 years and I have been through hell and back. I feel way older than my 38 years. We all have issues that lead us to where we are. For me I was in an abusive marriage for way to long and left when I had my daughter........you can mess with me but don't touch my kid..........I had social worker and therapist help me through it every step of the way. I would say a good 10 years of hell. But I survived and went back to school and sorta fell into Social Work. I wanted to give back and since I have been through alot of stuff I get it in a way others people don't..............I feel it, I have lived it...............I also know that until someone is really ready to change they won't and so I know when to push and when to just walk away.............I look at the social workers who helped me and the one I considered pushy and tried to learn from that.........

That said I also got a scholorship from the feds that if I went into Social Worker and agreed to do some time in CPS that they would pay for my graduate school............as a single mom this was a great deal. I got 1850 a month for two years to go to grad school on the condition that I went straight into Children's protective services when I graduated. Miracle how all that happened and how I got that scholorship............but for some reason I am suppose to be at CPS if just fell in my lap. Not that some days I don't want to leave!! :-P

Riley I also did the single parent going to school thing. After I had my daughter I got my AA degree in Chemical Dependancy and addictions, my BSW in Social worker and than straight on to Grad School. Six years of school and a single mom........and dealing with a nasty divorce and 2 year custody battle. That is why I tell people you can do anything you set your mind to cause I was emotionally messed up for awhile and I still make it and survived and even like Kaiser says........have thrived!!

So in a nutshell that is my story. Crazy stuff. Nothing calm boring or routine abut my life............which might be why when things are to calm I get bored and eat!! Who know but I do know the last six months have taken on alot of my food addiction demons and I am determined to win this battle too..............LOL.

Sorry you asked huh?? Not a pretty story!!

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yea my band is getting looser now halfway through the day!!. I can get the Water down no without a problem.............going to eat some yogurt and if that works maybe some eggs!!

Getting out of the house today!! Geez I have to get some new jeans thanks to someone I know!! :-P I am gonna clean the closet again today too bad your not here Candra to tell me what to toss!!! LOL

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Ok im gonna read everything but wanted to know if any of you wanted to go to the river or to sunsplash or something today we realllly wanna get out of this house.

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Tina toss it all! Anything that says 16 and up!:tongue2: Seriously, Anything with an X in the number also!

Tina your perfect for your job im glad you are there to protect our kids:D One day i might be asking you for some parenting advice lol. I dont ever want to loose my baby, but i know the way my parents raised us they woulda lost us lol. I love my monster but sometimes...... i need a break lol.

Candra, girl you are 100% normal! We all got nervous at this point... Just call the number in the binder i believe u press three... chris knows that more... she called it more:D lol. I wouldnt wait for ur surgeon to give u a date. ALSO, once they give u a date turn around and say ok do u have any cancelations, cause they cant giveu a cancelation until u get a scheduled apt.. if that makessince! I amso excited for you and jess. I envy it in a way cause i know ur gonna loose 15 lbs fast here:D

I am being so lazytoday:( I want to go do something but i dont want to only go with my boring husband and daughter lol. I want a group but people are being lazy sundays too.. ahh, poor me lol. Now auds is crying guess i should go..


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Wow tina - you really have been to hell & back. I think you should tell your story at one of the meetings. It really helps to inspire people to hear that even thru all that crap and all the emotional stress you go thru on a daily basis that you CAN win the weight loss battle and food addiction battles. It also is a great lesson on learning to take care of yourself and your needs first even before work! I don't have that probelm at work LOL.

Nicole, I wish I could get out of this house but I've been neglecting it these last few days and need to get some cleaning done around here. I'm posting & reading in between chores.

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Candra, yes call the number in the book talk to Sara she's the assistant. I know the 1st time I called she said they take weigh in appts tue-thurs. After I weighed in she scheduled me with Liz and I have to do my labs this week before I go.

So my daughter and I are doing the bridge M, Tu & Thurs this week. probably about 6ish.

Its so nice I think we are going to walk around the art festival in Benicia

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lol i should do chores.... yeah no i dont think so.. im so tired of doing chores! instead im texting my friend back and forth lol. She went on a date with a hot cop lol.

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