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Tina, tried to see your album but It's not visible. I will try to get some pics up - It was hard enough to get a profile pic up - LOL

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Candra, good morning! Glad you got a pedometer :wink: it helps keep me motivated every day. Yes, I leave it on all day, and the extra steps DO county - every little bit counts! - but my Omron also measures aerobic steps, i.e., sustained periods of walking separately - so I can see how much time I spent and how mant steps & miles I logged just in "purposeful" walking.

I still have my caloriecount.about.com food meter set to 900 calories, it was what worked for me pre-surgery and what I shoot for now. I had gone well below last week (500-600 a day and not losing), then had this horrid PIG OUT (over 2,000 calories!) day 2 days ago, but somehow that made me regain my energy and started the scale moving again (I repented yesterday, LOL). I guess I needed it! After so many years of not trusting my body, it is hard to believe that it can do this . . . but it is!

Happy Friday all!!! :)

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Good morning ladies! I am going to have to go get me a very comfy recliner to sleep in because the coach recliners suck! My bed isn't that comfy for me to sleep in either. I have found the best position is the fetal position sitting up lol

Today I'm feeling pretty decent. Really tired and gassy. I hate the shoulder pain. I can deal with the abdomen pain but the shoulder pain is killer.

I was 232 this morning, Liz said don't stand on it for a week after surgery because you'll be depressed lol i'll take 2lbs in 1 day because they pumped me full of like 4 or 5 bags of Fluid lol!

Sip sip sip, walk walk walk. It's hard to plan anything since baby is in his cast and I can't pick him up.

I have found my savior, sugar free crystal light popscicles, they are awesome! Diet Snapple is good too but I only found one flavor that wasnt a tea. Tomorrow I start applesauce, pudding, creamy Soups and yogurts. It's not as bad as I thought, I have lots of variety of sugar free puddings. Jell-o has cinnamon bun ones, mint, toffee etc. Yummmm... can't wait!

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thanks Riley, when i grow up I'll get a big girl pedometer :)

900 seems to be working for me right now - I've only lost two pounds this week but at least I'm finally heading in the right direction - I still think Weight watchers rigged my scale to not work with any other diet - maybe it's time to get rid of the weight watchers scale & get a new one LOL

Ooh, my legs are sore! a good sore, though!

Have a great one, ya'll!!

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Hey Candra I have a weight watchers scale too!! You are so right I bet it IS rigged................I knew there was a reason it doesn't work in my favor!! I actually have two scaled and if they are within a pound of each other I know it is about the same as kaiser......ABOUT case I was up on their yesterday regardless!!

I have a pedometer now too. I am gonna just keep it on all day to see how it goes. I got the cheap one casue like Candra I am a baby walker still!! I just want to extimate how much I walk and than try to up it everyday.

I did ask Robin about calories yesterday. She told me they don't count calories post op but I kept asking her what was normal. She said 1200 is NOT normal it should be way under that if you only eating a 1/4 cup a meal...........I did find that alot of people were eating more than a cup and that they all felt ready for a fill. There were four brand new bandsters and about 8 people from last summer fall. I got alot tips from the old timers..................

Oh and candy I was there with four people I went to pre op with...........they all said they had NO restriction and could eat anything.........one lost 12 pounds, one 15 and one 11 pounds in six weeks. So your doing well girl. But it was good to hear them complain they could eat just like before.....

Ok ladies I am headed out. Want to get something to eat........shhhshh........I need a salad really, really bad today............Robin said salad doesn't fill you and that is the main problem......she said put on meat if you do eat it.....does veggie chicken count? I think.......YES!!

Feeling much better today. Band is tight Water going in slow but hey this is exactly what I signed up for ..........

SHeena loved the crystal light popsicles!! The SF pudding I only eat one and hated it............LOL. I only like hot liquids!! Glad your doing better. Gas pain is a killer but by a week out your be much better........

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That's too funny, my scale is weight watchers too!! Just what they had available at Raley's I guess, LOL - I bought the scale WAY after I quit weight watchers.

So Tina, how's that fill doing today? Mine is - uhm - enthusiastic!!

So you guys know how I have been wondering why I have so little in my band, compared to 'yall who have only had 1 fill but have more Fluid than I do? And I even said gee I guess maybe I have to trust that my surgeon knows what he is doing?? I get it now!! It has been 1 week since my second fill, I guess it is beginning to settle in. Last night I had like 2 oz. smoked fat-free turkey breast for dinner, not only did it get stuck but I PB'd 3 times. Yeah, not very pretty. Today I was scared to eat in the AM - kind of a tigh chest feeling - so I had my soy lattes (2!) for Breakfast, then for lunch I tried some nice, fully-cooked lentils - those went down fine (they are like mush). Then I took 2 TEENY little bites of my burger patty, chewed it up, and - STUCK. Right away! Took about 10 minutes to get past that, I was in a fancy restaurant and I'm up walking around, chatting with all the (work people) sitting there, trying to act normal as I'm like drooling and pounding myself in the chest trying to get the damned bite to go DOWN . . . in and out of the bathroom, never sure if I needed to be there or not! Fortunately my goddaughter is waitressing, and she notes my dilemna & gets me a little mug of hot Water to sip - that does the trick after a few sips, but I am DONE DONE DONE with trying to eat! So now I have to try to discretely pack up my entire salad - which of course I have not touched, Protein first you know - and almost all of my burger patty in a to-go box, luckily no one said anything to that. It's sitting beside me right now back at the office, my head wants that YUMMY burger patty - I THINK I'm still hungry, how could I not be? - but I'm too scared to try & eat anything! I'm sure the fear will subside by dinnertime, LOL.

So as of today, with only 4 cc in my band, I would not want to be any tighter than I am. Tomorrow may be different - and 2 weeks from now will almost definately be different - but right now, I am SO GLAD that Dr. Baggs never gave me as much of a fill as I thought I wanted!! :wink:

Reggie, how are you doing girl? My friend & coworker (Melinda) that met you at Mimi's just came by and asked after you, how you were doing after your surgery :) I told her you were great, beautiful as always, and how much you had lost already! She was amazed! And said hi to all you girls that were there :thumbup:

Speaking of work - I hafta do some. Type to you all soon!


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Hey Riley

I definetely have restriction today. I can only eat about half of what I could the day before..........oh course I already overestimated today that one last bite will kick you in the butt. I have to get over the clean your plate thing at resterants. There is a difference. HOw long it lasts I don't know but I am losing again. 215 today and I will weight again next Friday..................I think I am gonna lose the next couple of weeks.

Right now I would NOT want to be any tighter. I also felt tight and pressure in my chest this morning. I thought it was left over swelling my the fill yesterday, but I till have to watch it and see it could just be a morning thing never thought about that.

I may or may not want another fill in a month. I will see how it goes. I did get a really big fill of 2cc's. That will likely never happen again through. Next is 1cc than only .5 ccs after that. Dr. Baggs told me that he likes to sneak up on the sweet spot...........he said a .5 could make a HUGE difference.

Anyway. I have retriction and a much better attitude about my band today. I feel like I can do this now.....

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Hey sheena, glad you're up & about! I will note the crystal light popsicles for future reference should I ever get my band date!

good grief, jane, what an ordeal. I wonder how they determine who gets how many cc's at a fill - do they xray or something. I've walked 6700 steps today (purposeful ones - i took it off after each walk) i don't know how you do It, I feel like I've been walking all damn day. got one more route to do tonight - sticking to the regular 3500 step route because me legs hurt :) Gotta find a way to talk my husband out of the gigantor (the hill)

Ok, tina - we need to get together to do some scale shopping! Looks like riley was able to unlock hers LOL.

I downloaded the nike fit build your endurence workout mix so I can put it on my Ipod - its mostly hip hop & upbeat - nicole, there is a spanish section on it for you :wink: Anyway, if anybody wants a copy I can try to email it to you - maybe not cuz it's 45 minutes long so I don't know if it will go but I can certainly put it on cd's and send them to you or bring them to the next meeting. Christine, this would probably be perfect for you with your tread mill! Gonna see if i can find another one for the baby steppers :thumbup:

I have a friend to had the RNY 6 years ago and with the pregnancy of her, now 18 month old son, she's gained about 45 lbs and is devistated. Any words of wisdom I may borrow to help her out? She just says i don't understand cuz I "haven't gone to the extreme of surgery just to fail" She's only a size 14 now but was a 9/10 - at sugery she was a size 28.

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I think with either surgery you have to stay on top of things. If you mess up than you forgive yourself and get up and start all over again.......................can't beat yourself up over the past you just have to be ok with starting all over again.

That said I heard the body gets used to RNY and can compensate by the small intestines starting to absorb food again and you gain weight. It is just the bodys way of trying to fix what was "purposely" broken................I also heard they were banding some RNY patients to prevent post op gain.

Your friend needs a support and accountability system. Sounds like she is isolating and that is gonna do her in. She needs to get out and be with other people doing the same thing and who support her and hold her accountable to start all over again.

Ok that is just my professional/social worker side talking.......I know is it hard not to isolate when you upset I do that same thing.

I am probably going to start counseling soon. It was something that RObin talked about alot yesterday and some other people said it is very helpful.........when you start to lose alot of weight all the "feelings" that you have been hiding with your weight and food start shoving their way out..........one lady yesteday said she was getting angry alot more now.........like that her clothes were getting to big and she had no clothes.........she said it was what she wanted so she could not figure out why she got so upset about it...........I think this is a drastic thing and who knows what has been hidden for years that is gonna push its way out.....so far I am doing ok but this male attention sorta annoys me...........I don't like people invading my space or making me feel.........self conscious!! It is the stalker like, gawking rudeness I don't like.............but that is just part of my issues I guess. I think it is rude to just assume that women like that.........arrogant!!

Edited by swrktp

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I'm gonna print this out & show it to her!! SMART LADY. I truly hope she gets a grip on it before it gets way out of hand!! And ur right, her body has compensated - she can eat ANYTHING - even sweets & alcohol - no dumping symptoms. I'll find an RNY support group for her.

And, Tina, you better get use to that male attention, girl - i don't see it going away any time soon - It must suck to be beautiful :)

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Problem is that the male attention is from a supervisor at work........I called him on it and he denied it. Said I mistunderstood............he kept trying to arrange stuff for us to be alone together............anyway I can't lose my job and this i really uncomfortable. He is trying to say I was the one who wanted to be alone.............

But anyway this has been along term issue but has gotten worse the last five months. I don't want to let it sabateuge my weigh loss or make me lose my job......

I know it sounds whiny but is starting to piss me off especially now that he is blaming me when we both know what he was doing...............

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Hello Ladies!

I have a weight watchers scale too! For all my luck the first week of the pre-op diet I lost 16 lbs. I was sick for week 2 and couldn't work out (my asthma gets bad when I'm sick so there's not a lot of cardio going on!) I didn't lose any! I went for a walk yesterday and did my Turbo Jam dvd the night before, and I've already started losing again!

I love the idea of crystal light popsicles. I did try the crystal light slurpee from 7-11 a few weeks ago. Maybe mine was poorly mixed or something but it was so sour I couldn't even finish it. I had maybe 1/4 of it. The boyfriend took a sip and just about gagged.

Oh, and I bought the EA Active for the Wii. I haven't tried it yet since I'm not too video game savvy, but I've got a date with that game this weekend!

Anyway, I'm off to the gym for a little after work elliptical action!:)

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you go Heather - I ain't mad at cha!

So sorry, tina - that really puts you in a bad situation. wish i had some words of wisdom but when that happened to me at work many years ago it wasn't a supervisor & I just had him fired LOL. Don't let it ruin your success - it seems as if he'd be on you weather you were big or small! Any way you can go over his head?

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He does this with other people but right now I am the focus. He is trying to say he is interested in my health and being supportive.............LOL. Just you know how it goes.........standing to close, inappropriate comments and trying to arrange stuff after work...........he is married!! Come on I would love to tell his wife............but Candra he is like 60 years old!!!! I am SO NOT flattered by any of it.

HE is gonna retire soon and I will probably get his spot!! Just he got really mad when I called him on it. Which to me says alot about his intentions..................

Not he just pouts...............I am trying to ignore him but I am gonna ask to be transferred to a female boss. I have worked for him for 6 years and I am tired of this.......and your right he was like this before but really, really more agressive now.................

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I also have a female boss and she is fine. This guys is over her.............LOL.

So anyway last week he got upset I would not go anywhere with him after work..........he wanted to to me about starting a business on the side with him.........ah right................he came in and asked if I was uncomfortable around him and if I was to stop making excuses and spit it out...........so I told him I won't go with you alone after work........we can go with my coworkers all together...........he got mad and left than started saying it was all me coming on to him...........blah, blah, blah...............

Anyway he has been written up for sexual harrassment before so I really think he will leave me alone............just I worry about my job and his attitude around the office now.

But this has needed to be address for years now and I did it finally!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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