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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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Nicole, glad your fill went well. I'm looking forward to mine. Let us know when you find out how many cc's you got.

candy, DON'T puree chili yet! You're only 4 days out...wait at least another week before doing that, you could get bad heartburn, or worse. In a few days maybe you can puree clam chowder or potato chowder, something creamy but not too spicy or acidic. I had the best success with getting full from cream of wheat and yogurt, and after about 4-6 days on full liquids I started having 1/3 cup instead of 1/4. You'll know when you're full, you just won't be hungry anymore, it's a weird thing to feel "not hungry" after such a small amount of food.< /p>

Hope you're all doing well!

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Hi Reggie ,I'm in Vallejo .

Sheesh ,firstly I'm crying reading your post .I too am having problems "Keeping it off" .I have done the meridia ,which helped me drop about 60 lbs or so .Actually 74 ,but I gained 13 back last Summer due to being ordered off my feet for a wound that wouldn't heal .Thankfully it did and I got to keep my foot !LOL ...

I did the xenical as well but am hypersensitive to it so I ended up in the ER many a night to be poked and prodded and shot up with morphine only to be told they didn't know what the problem was then send me home .Thankfully my Dr figured it out .I was the 6 % of 14 % of people to get "Ovarian Cancer like" effects from it !Quit taking it and the pain passed in a few weeks !

Anyways after gaining the 13 back I have'nt gained but I can't seem to lose this time around .Honestly I think I need this surgery .I half heartedly have been doing the 1200 cals a day .I guess because I see no means to an end so why limit myself if all I ever do is fight my weight ?Not that I'm going overboard but I do still have fries and such twice a week or so .Not good ,I know .But in my defense McDonalds is 5000 ft away from my front door =/ .

So I'm just really trying to figure out a game plan .I honestly think I've made my decision and thats why I'm here .

Sorry it's taking so long to reply I failed typing in HS ...LOL !I tap type with one finger ...ugh ...

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So this "Fill" I keep hearing about ...you have to continueously fill it ?And just curious but does it (lap band) stay in forever ?

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Hi Zoe,

I think a helpful place for you to start would be this website:

Official Site: the LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding System for weight loss surgery

This is the kind of band that Kaiser uses and we all have. It explains a lot of info from the pre-op to post-op life. It was really helpful for me in the beginning of my journey.

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Thanks Nicole. So you went at 9:30am and the appointment was at 4:30pm?? Oh dear.........my apointment is scheduled for 2pm but the front desk said to be there at 9am anyway. I hope they have it all figured out by than. Excited to see the new office...........

So Dr. Baggs was happy with your weight loss? I have only lost 11 pounds. I hope to add to that a bit but I am hoping they don't expect miracles.............

Nicole when you get some time could you tell me how much of a fill you got? And also if you can feel some restriction now? Are you back on liquids for a few days? Ok, ok...........I just like to be prepared before my turn.

Zoe my doctor didn't want to refer me. I had to think about it for a month and go back. The second time I had done all my research and had even called and got the criteria from Kaiser as to who qualifies. I just handed it all the my PCP and she looked at me and said your serious and I told her I was and she hesitated but stated she would do it!! That was the end of that. Once I got to bariatrics they were very accepting of me wanting the surgery..............My PCP still doesn't know much about lap band but I am education her!! LOl

Reggie: You got a picture posted!!! Yea. Girl you are beautiful just like they said!! I also heard your from Africa we should talk. I just got back from Africa and I am so in love with that it now.............I plan to go back again!! Loved, loved, loved africa.............worth delaying my surgery for a month to go.

Candy: I made thick Soups, potatoe and broccoli that really filled me up. I had to use the food processer to get them smooth but they saved me. I had to forget the yogurts and puddings and anything cold and............well for me only Soup worked to fill me up and it had to be hot for me to feel full.

Now I am eating alot of ground up soy veggie meat and tufo stuff and ground up eggs.(gross I know if your not vegetarian).........but I am wanting to go back to soups. I miss those...........I know they are slider food so I am trying to stay away.........I don't really like this stage. I feel like I am ready for mushies and softs now.

Weird thing too.........the first week I definetely could feel my band. Didn't hurt but I could feel it...........now I can't feel a thing. I feel the port and I get full pretty quick.........my port aches when I eat to fast...........but I agree with Nicole hard to believe I have a band in there!! LOL

Nicole: if your mom moves what will you guys do? Stay in Sacramento or move with her? I guess that depends on Mike and the new job? Hope it all works out!!

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Zoe if you've made up your mind then go for it. You will have to leave McDonalds for a looonnnnggg time lol. forget the fact that it's 5K ft from your house. I love Chinese and Italian food but haven't eaten it for more than three months now, salad and chicken has been my best friend( however every now and then we fight lol). The whole idea is to train yourself to eat healthy.We all cheat but in moderation, well I can't say that for myself today:lol:. I struggled with the 1200 cal too, but once I got over the rigirous three days hump it was all good from then on. I wouild say try and eat healthy and not try to do the 1200 cal until you go to the orientation. After orinetation try and push the petal to the metal lol :). You can do this girl, save your kidneys and liver from all these weightloss meds. I have done them ALL.

I'm glad your foot is better, you are going to need them more than ever.:-).

Edited by reggie71

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Thanks Tina, yes we should talk.Thanks Ladies for the compliment.We are all indeed beautiful Ladies. Tina, sorry I suppose I didn't give you my number ooopss. Here we go 916-730-7641cell and home 362-4888. Zoe you can have it as well if you ever want to talk.

Please let me know when you write my number down so that I can delete it from the post. :-).

Edited by reggie71

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Zoe. I agree check out the lap band site. In fact I was just on there again last night checking out the post op stuff..............

Kaiser has lap band and RNY. It is good to have an idea what you want before hand. We have people on here doing both.

I researched lap band for a year before I asked for the referral. I knew I needed to do something different my BMI was 42 but I was having so many health problems and was missing work alot. I fought the surgery and gave weight watchers one last try last summer.......but by October I knew I was headed to bariatrics. By the time I went to orientation I knew I was going through with it..............I didn't walk into this without alot of debating and researching first.

Richmond Bariatrics is great!! I liked everyone and Dr. Baggs is the best!!

The psych appointment is a breeze!! Seriously no worries. Worry more about the weigh ins that is the stressful part of the program and sticking to the 1200 diet.

I weighed 260 less than 7 months ago. I am so glad Kaiser had me on the 1200 calorie diet................between that and surgery I am feeling so, so, so much better less than a year out..............I know it only get better.

For me I am so glad I did this. I would do it again in a minute!! Worth all the time, stress and yep the pain of surgery!!

I still have stuff to work on and I worry about my ability to pull it off sometimes...........but I love my band!! AP bands are the BEST!!! So glad Kaiser is using them!!!

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Oh Zoe if you haven't gone to orientation don't start the 1200 diet yet.................when is your orientation?

REGGIE: how long are you taking off to recover?

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Reggie ,Swishbc ,swrktp ,you ladies are amazing =) .

Swishbc --Thanks for the link ,gonna check it out in a bit .

swrktp--See I'm afraid that's what my Dr is going to do .She is a great Dr dont get me wrong but she's more the Hard work and perseverance .I have worked hard and have persevered ...LOL .But she's surprised me before .She did send me to the diet dr before ,I just wasn't ready for that step I guess and declined .So I guess she probably would do a referall after all .I'd actually forgotten about that appt till I was just now typing .

I'm copying the # NOW !.I'm sure I'll be calling you very soon .Just need to get my chickens in a row first =) .

Well I gotta get dinner going for the Hubby and Mom .I'll be back tommorow to chat more .

Is it possible to be in love with all you wonderful ladies ?Because I think I am LOL ...Your all so warm and inviting .I love that =) ...well ttyl .

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Oh Zoe if you haven't gone to orientation don't start the 1200 diet yet.................when is your orientation?

REGGIE: how long are you taking off to recover?

:wink2:I haven't even made the appt for my referral as of yet .Actually was going to make it this morning but we forgot to put the phone on the charger last night and it was completely dead .:eek:Takes 12 hours to fully charge and I didn't want it to die while talking to Kaiser .So I'll be making that appointment tommorow .

Actually my Dr asked me to do the 1200 cals .and see the nutritionist about 3 months ago .The nutritionist was intimidating ,couldn't of been no bigger than my pinky I swear .:)

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My PCP wanted me to go on weight loss medication...........I told her no just fill out the bariatrics referral. I told her "been there and done that" .........I also told her I am 37 years old now I don't have time to play around with my health anymore..........funny this is when I went back for my check up two weeks ago she seemed happy with my weigh loss regardless of how I got there..................took me off my BP meds..........she was shocked I followed through. I am guessing alot of people ask for the referral but don't follow through with it..................

I had to insist on the referral but I am so glad I did!! I can't believe I only got my referral on DEcember 3, 2008.................I have come a long ways since them. Seems like a lifetime ago..............

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Ah the nutrionist at Kaiser Richmond is tiny too and fresh out of college............not alot of life experience that I can tell!!

Nicole I wonder what they were saying about Liz!! Oh dear I can just imagine..............Liz has always been ok to me but I just talk back to her the same way she talks to me...........LOL..........firmly and will a loud voice!!! Seriously though she was ok to me.............

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You had 3.8 ml in your band and I added 2 ml.

Stay on the clears until tomorrow.

I will see you on 6/25 at 09:30 in the Pinole MOB.

The Australians recommended 2 ml at the first fill, one ml for the next visit and 0.5 ml after that.

Dr. Baggs

That was my email from dr baggs:D Because this girl here is chicken to ask in the office lol.

Oh candy sorry i thought you were 1.5 weeks not 4 days!!! Oh my, yeah i tried the chilli when i was close to switching to mushies.. But try the Soups like tina said. Yogurt, grits pudding did ABSOLUTELY nothing for me.

Zoe the program is very easy, just stick to the program.. And we all are kinda lazy on the 1200 at the end. Have you had your orientation??

Well mike is applying in the bay now.. apparantly im not meant to stick around here. (we live in marysville) and i really cant just ditch mom. I cant live with the lady though.

Holy crap i just realized i now have 5.8 mls! and you asked if i feel restriction.. Well i was bad, i thought he said regular liquids so i had Soup for dinner, and could have 1c of it.. but im sick, so you know how that is. That is all i had today though along with my Water. and i have no hunger. But my throat since yesterday has been sore.. OHHH i did feel the band again.

I love you girls. Did you know i really blame my success on you guys.. I think by now if it was me by myself i would be soo depressed right now... i am under soo much stress. Hitting plateu after plateu you girls are the only people who KEEEEEEEP me going! Thank you ladies!!!!!!!!:)

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OH YEAH, AND.. Dr baggs asked about my working out..

I told him ive stayed away from the gym cause i have no control, and he nodded. And i said i did 1.5 a day at min 5 days a week. He said ok. Then i said, well and last night we stayed at this nice hotel in SJ and they had a gym................................. I said "i did 20 min I PROMISE" AND he said ok...... and i said i started on elipti for 10 then tread for 10..

NOW GET THIS.. I have always been overweight, like soo that i was always walking in school, etc..

I RAN for 9 min STRAIGHT!!! Almost 3/4 of a mile. I was NOT winded. I could keep going, but i dont wanna over do it. I WAS SOOOO PROUD of me! Still am:)

Ooooh and do not give your scars uv rays.., that is what causes dark lines.. on our incisions.. good to know, no sun beds.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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