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Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

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Yea I have friends that had the RNY and told me NOT to do it...........they said they have nutrional problems and are in the hospital once a year if not more. They totally reminded why I DON"T want RNY.

I have two friends who did it though a year ago and they are both doing well so it depends.........although one has really, really lost her hair and looks very pale.

I am just kinda moody today. Post op stuff and than that time of the month..........anxious to lose weight and get healthy.

ALthough thinking about it I have had NO heartburn or stomach problems since surgery.........before surgery and weight loss I was having GI problems at least every other day and heartburn was a constant. Maybe no soda is part of it.............but it is nice to have had two weeks of not dealing with all that everyday!!

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maybe I do have restriction..........I might not know since I have not gone beyond 1/2 cup of anything........but I do feel like I could eat more and be fine. I thought it would be more obvious like I would "feel" restriction with 1/2 cup and won't want more.........

Riley all the incisions on one side?? That is crazy. I have them all over my stomach........The port is still a green yellow bruise with a reddish purple border........very pretty I might add!! LOL.

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What a pretty port! When I had the infection, there was a big area about 4" x 5" of bright red around my port incision, the ER doc @ Richmond drew around it in black marker so they would be able to see if it receded with the IV antibiotics, it was shaped weird and when I went into the bathroom and looked at it in the mirror, it looked exactly like lips & tongue from the Rolling Stones Forty Licks album, so I went back out to the ER hallway where my bed was and lifted up my shirt & asked the doc if he was a stones fan . . . fortunately he was and he got it right away so they didn't think i was a total loony case (although that was 4 days post-op and i was hitting the vicodin pretty hard at that point). it was hilarious! funnest ER visit I ever had, I tell ya!

They say that, ideally, perfect restriction means that you can drink Water easily AND 1) you are not hungry for at least 4 hours after a meal; 2) you can eat 1/2 cup comfortably, but do not feel like you need more; 3) you are satisfied enough that you are not obsessing about food, and 4) you are losing at a rate of 2 lbs. a week (little more for some, little less for others), assuming you are also exercising at least 30 minutes a day. You are not supposed to actually "feel" the band all the time, although some patients want to feel it more than others. I feel like I have had that ever since my surgery EXCEPT for about 2 weeks before my first fill, when I was definately hungrier, could eat more and was not satisfied. Oh and I gained back 3 lbs. then too! That SUCKED. I was very, very discouraged at that point. Of course it was getting to be "that time" too, which NEVER helps, either my mood OR my scale! But I tell you what, my situation right now is 100% better tha it was at this time last year, 75 lbs. heavier and with lots of unhealthy habits. Love this band!:smile2:


Edited by riley4183

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Hey ladies!!!

I will be there Thursday also....the one in Natomas right? What time?

The 2 appt I had with Dr. Baggswere both at Pinole....infact the first time I saw him they said it was his first day there and that was in March.....Then I saw him there about 2weeks ago...I think he is only there like once a week or something though. Its really not set up for him, its in the family practice side, but it works. I guess he really doesn't need much to do his appt there...

Anyway, had a great meeting today at kaiser....missed the rest of you guys, but can't wait till Thursday..

Have a great night

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I had fun today too! candy, those jeans fit perfect and so did all the tops, I'm feeling so cute and stylin' now in my new SMALLER duds...thanks and Happy Birthday again! I hope it was a great day for you. Also, after the meeting we went over to the Arden mall and let Sophie make a bear at Build-a-Bear...when it came to name it she thought for a while and we were giving her ideas and finally she said "I KNOW!!! I'm gonna name her Candy like your friend and then when we have our playdate I can say 'Candy...this is Candy!' She'll love that!" We were dying...thought it was so cute. She's really excited to have a playdate with Tyler and Abbey now. :smile2:

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Anyone wearing size 22/24 now?? I have a huge bag of clothes I could bring on Thursday.

Oh so glad so many people are coming on Thursday that will be fun.

Sorry I missed today but I am FOR SURE going to the next meeting at Kaiser next month. I feel like I am missing out but Saturday is a hard day for me to have "me time"............................

Any calls for size 22/24 clothing..............let me know. All Lane Bryant and Avenue stuff.........some not even worn which is a bit sad ............for me...........not for the recipiant!!

I am in 18/20s if anyone has some clothing in that size.

So what time on Thursday ladies??

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Oh the baby shower went ok today as well...........they had this egg salad that was very pureeded and I just ate a little of that............I know I am still on liquids for 2 days..........but it worked out and it gave me something to eat while everyone else was eating. Ate a few pieces of pita bread with it..............I pulled it in half than tore it into little cracker like pieces.........maybe a 1/4 of a piece of whole wheat pita bread.

Nothing got stuck and I was full very quick...........sure can't wait till next week and purees cause that makes me fuller than the liquids. I think everything slides right through with the Soups and that is why I don't feel any restriction. Today I felt restriction pretty quick and was totally full all afternoon with just a little bit of eggs and pita bread!!! Yea!!

I will be good the next couple of days but on Tuesday I am breaking out the eggs and making egg salad or scrambled eggs. I need some protien!! That was too good!!

Family was fine nobody said anything about me not eating. A few people knew and said they were proud of my decision to get healthy so that made me feel good.......I expected a negetive reaction and it didn't happen.

My uncle looked at my incisions and said I have a keliod or like scar tissue on that one incision and to watch it but the pus seems to have gotten better and even though it is a bit red is is not spreading.........just in that one spot. He is a doctor and said DON"T DRIVE TO RICHMOND for that............just watch it close. So I am almost totally healthy

Great day but tired!! Nite all

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Hi Everyone!

Sorry i been MIA.. been kinda Irritated with kaiser, and have been busy. My fill is still scheduled for the 22nd. Which is basically 7 weeks and 4 days from my surgery day. I am not having any luck with the ladies.. so I emailed baggs.. I will be calling those women daily though!!

And i get progressed on Tues so im gonna complain to robin.

I am starting to find myself snacking again. For instance i had FOUR meals on Fri.. (yeah i got pissed:) ) Well something about it helped me loose an lb lol. So i am now off my plateu!! Thank the heavens!

But then yesterday at the bday party i planned onjust having two deviled eggs, and i had 3.. plus a lil bit of my daughters sausage. Not enough to be 1/2 c.. but.. i didnt eat it in one setting, more like 2 or 3... not good.

Today i have done well, i skipped bfast so i can have a late meal (snacking happens) We had PF changs.. OMG delish.. I had about 1/2 c.. yes i brought my measuring cup. I also had rice... well if u knowtheir lunch thats how they make the bowls.. on top of rice.. oh well, didnt get stuck. I am still on mushies, yes about 70% of it doesnt go thru my processor.. instead i chew for a half hour it feels like, but i chew till there is nothing left.. (it does happen) but I also try to eat more mushie stuff, like tuna, egg salad (tina tooo die for!!) i did try some mashed taters.., i made this like chicken dish and put it in the processor that tastes yummy, i add a lil cheese and sour cream and im in heaven, i eat a LOT of quiche.. I hope i donthave to give that up!!! I have had Soup once when we went to Applebees, they had a chedder potato soup, and i got that cause its really hard to order out and about, and i knew that was a safe bet.

These last two weeks have flown. Tina, I do NOT feel my band. I did once when i ate too much.. i kinda took a bite of hubbys and before i knew it his was gone......:laugh: it was just a beef patty but oh my soo yummy i learned lol. To me it felt like i had swallowed a golf ball, kinda painful. Oh i turned into a crab to lol. But ever since, i try to stay at 1/3 c but im officially gonna start doing 1/2 more since i am getting hungry more and more..

I am excited to be to softs, cause then i wont feel like im cheating when i puree things in my mouth:D

THURSDAY!!! YAY i cant wait!!! Tina what is ur style i DO have some stuff.. not much cause i kinda went from 22 to 20 very fast then 18 and 16. Now im in 12/14. OOH today i bought some tens!!! If i lay down the button is only 1 inch away LOL. looove it! What time thurs???

Tina.. you are getting hungry very soon.. I hope when they transfer u to mushies it helps. I did get hungry at ur point also, what i did was pureed soups.. I also did pureed chilli.. well blended. A blender will liquify just about anything:lol: oh yeah dont worry about excersize right now.. shoot to atleast walk a lil bit.. but as christine will tell u this is our time to relax..:thumbup:

Everyone else:) You are all doing Awesome! Cant wait to see u all on Thursday. :thumbup:

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Hello All

I am ready to move to purees.

The eggs yesterday were so filling and I thought this is more like it!! I have chicken salad, egg salad and this veggie stuff all ready to go..........also have mashed potatoes as well.

Hard to really tell the different between puree and soft sometimes. I guess Nicole your right one you can use your mouth to puree that is funny!!

Not weighing until Fridays now. Just to confusing to be going up and down the same three pounds over and over. I fell like I have lost by my clothes..........but once a week is all I am gonna weigh now.

My first fill is exactly 6 weeks out to the day. 7 weeks does seem like a long time......

So I am two weeks out. Christine is three and Nicole is four. Time flies...........and May 4 is only a week away now! Reggie you will be going in this week and will have a date soon.

and yep I am waiting to snack more now. have to fight the urge but I have it more now than before surgery.............not sure what that was all about. Maybe not being able to chug Water when I get hungry like before.

Nicole I wear mostly casual stuff if you have anything. I have three trash bags full of clothes...........I guess we are all losing so fast they won't fit any of us!! LOL

Time on thursday??? Anyone know??

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Tina you are doing great:D i just had my 1/2 c of my left overs from lunch. That is one n ice thing about eating less we have WAY more left overs lol.

What does everyone think of 12noon for lunch on Thurs???

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Christine...that is so cute that

Sophie named her bear Candy...she is too cute!!!!

I had a great birthday....but of course I ate to much...I'm telling you those group settings are hard!!

So a week till surgery.............I'm getting supper scared....last week I was so excited thinking of all the great things I will be able to do and then today like a tone of rocks the fear really hit!!!

I will get through it!!!

Noon sounds great for me because I will need to be back in Elk Grove aroud 3:15 whne my son gets out of school!!! But let me know if that works for everyone!!

Have a great night and Monday everyone!!!

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Noon works for me too!

I'm eating either 1/3 or 1/2 cup of food at every meal. I don't really find myself feeling hungry until RIGHT when it's time to eat, but it's not a STARVING feeling, just like I feel like I could eat. I'm glad though that I haven't had bad hunger...just HEAD hunger.

I'm getting really excited for starting soft foods, I keep thinking of all the recipes I'm gonna make!

I have jury duty starting tomorrow morning, wish me luck that it doesn't last more than a day and that I DON'T get picked!

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12pm works for me. I also have to get my daughter after school by 3:30pm

candy I was nervous the week before but that CD sure did help me out. Also it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. It went so fast and I was home before I had time to think about it...............some days I wake up and I am shocked it is all already done. Candy you will do fine...........we were all nervous before. I worked the week before and that helped me to not think to much.........listen to that CD at night that honestly did help me not stress so much. I also listened to the CD during surgery although I don't remember it!! LOL

YOu will do fine.

Christine I think part of my hunger could be head hunger mixed with actual hunger. Seems like for me when I get a bit hungry my head plays games with me..............

LOL Christine about the new recipes for mushies......LOL. I am doing the same thing for purees!! I am gonna try your ricotta cheese recipe and I am so craving eggs.......

I can't believe it has been two weeks!!! It has so flown by.............

Can't wait to see everyone on Thursday!!

Nicole size 10...........your just shrinking right down

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Ok ladies so 12 noon on Thursday and Mimi's?? Unless I hear different I will be there..............

Ah sadly I will have to pass on the salad this time though. But yea!! I will be on puree by than and french onion Soup is great!!

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