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Get fill even though not sticking to diet?

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It can take 2-3-4 or more fills to get to the sweet spot. First fill generally does "nothing". Keep getting fills as needed. Trust me....even if you WANT to, you CAN'T eat too much if you have proper fill. It's not a single step process tho. You have to stay on top of it.

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First, I agree 100% with Hoosier Tom's post. In fact, if it's possible to agree 150%, then that's where I'm at right now.

Of course it's about "structure and discipline". What else would it be about? You can always cheat on a diet - band or no band. Unless you're locked in a room and someone else is feeding you exactly what you need to eat every single day for the rest of your life, then you will need to learn structure and discipline, first and foremost, in order to be successful wth the band.

Of course we all have emotional problems when it comes to food - that's why we're all fat! But making the decision to get the band should have been the first step towards self-healing as far as emotional eating goes. And once you have the band, if you find yourself slipping back into old habits, it's up to you to get help. Don't look for sympathy elsewhere, because that won't kick your ass back into gear.

He got a lap band because he needed help losing weight. So he got some help, had surgery on his stomach, addressed his problems with emotional eating, got himself some good structure and discipline, and he lost all that damned weight! And he's proud of it! And who wouldn't be proud of it????

People on this website are way too nice sometimes if you ask me. "Oh it's OK, you'll do better tomorrow, cheer up honey!". No, that's not how it is. When someone says they've been eating ice cream every day for a month, you don't tell them it's OK, we've all fallen off the wagon, and you'll be fine tomorrow. You tell them to get off their ass and recognize that they did this to themselves for a reason, and they need to reevaluate that reason and put their ass in gear heading in the right direction!

We all had SURGERY for crying out loud. SURGERY!!! To help us correct the problem with eating too much and eating too often...SURGERY!!!!! So why in the Holy Hell would one sabotage himself or herself by eating bad foods? Are you an idiot? Do you like the pain of surgery? Do you like having to crush your pills because you can't swallow them whole? Do you like not having any types of carbonated beverages - ever again - for the rest of your life? How about not drinking through a straw?

All the changes you have to make in order to have the band, not to mention all the things you have to go through to get there, and the money (for some of us, LOTS of money) that you spend on the surgery - I for one can't understand why someone would go through all of that only to chuck it all and make poor decisions.

I'm not saying it's wrong to have a bowl of ice cream or a slice of pizza. Hell, once you've reached your goal and are simply maintaining your weight, you can probably have it once a week! But while you're still losing weight, you need to kick yourself in the ass every day and remind yourself of all that you went through. You went through TOO MUCH to be washing it down the drain with bad food choices. Structure. Discipline. If you want to be successful, you have to have structure and discipline.

OK, I'm stepping off my soapbox now. Have a great day everyone! :wink:

Ya know, every time I see one of your post it pisses me off. Frankly, I am tired of hearing about how great you are and how disciplined you are and how others need to be. You are a month out of surgery and think you know everything there is to know about the band. How about leaving some of the post to get answered by people that have had the band a little longer than a month. Sometimes I stay away from this board just because I don't want to see what rude ass reply you said to someone who is looking for answers.

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Forums like this are a great tool to mine ideas and share experiences. And I think experience is the one of the greatest measures of credibility. I am very greatful for the people who regularly post on LBT who are, and have been for some time, at or near goal. They've done it - they've made it - and yet they come back to share their wealth of knowledge with us because they want like-situationed people to succeed too. After all, our surgeons can give us all the advice in the world - but unless they themselves have succeeded with a band in their stomach - they have no idea how it feels or what it's like to live through the pitfalls of a fat person who desires to be fit. A classroom can not teach it and patients can only describe it.

Now we may not like some peoples' delivery - but if the core content is accurate - don't scoff at them - THANK THEM.

When you solicit advice on here you get all sorts of responses. It's your job to sort through them - assign credibility - and take a positive course of action.

I too think there is way too much coddling around these parts. And IMO, I assign low credibility to those posts. There are two main camps of bandsters... Those who have made or are going to make it... and those who blame the band for their own shortcomings, rationalize their behavior, and will never make it goal...

What camp are you in?


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Forums like this are a great tool to mine ideas and share experiences. And I think experience is the one of the greatest measures of credibility. I am very greatful for the people who regularly post on LBT who are, and have been for some time, at or near goal. They've done it - they've made it - and yet they come back to share their wealth of knowledge with us because they want like-situationed people to succeed too. After all, our surgeons can give us all the advice in the world - but unless they themselves have succeeded with a band in their stomach - they have no idea how it feels or what it's like to live through the pitfalls of a fat person who desires to be fit. A classroom can not teach it and patients can only describe it.

Now we may not like some peoples' delivery - but if the core content is accurate - don't scoff at them - THANK THEM.

When you solicit advice on here you get all sorts of responses. It's your job to sort through them - assign credibility - and take a positive course of action.

I too think there is way too much coddling around these parts. And IMO, I assign low credibility to those posts. There are two main camps of bandsters... Those who have made or are going to make it... and those who blame the band for their own shortcomings, rationalize their behavior, and will never make it goal...

What camp are you in?


I know that I am going to make it. I am not without flaw and when I solicit advice I want to be told the truth not coddled. I think there is a line that is often crossed though. I do not want advice from someone who has read everything they know. I would really rather get my advice from someone who has had the band a little longer than me and who has lived it.

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Ya know, every time I see one of your post it pisses me off. Frankly, I am tired of hearing about how great you are and how disciplined you are and how others need to be. You are a month out of surgery and think you know everything there is to know about the band. How about leaving some of the post to get answered by people that have had the band a little longer than a month. Sometimes I stay away from this board just because I don't want to see what rude ass reply you said to someone who is looking for answers.

At any point in my post, did I say that I followed all the rules? Did I say I practiced what I preached? I had 2 pieces of pizza on Wednesday night for dinner - just hours after I wrote that long post!

The difference between me and most everyone else on this board is that I don't come here whining about what I've done wrong and looking for support. I eat badly, I journal it, I reflect on it later, and I address the reasons why I did what I did. Then I work on fixing them.

This is an internal process, you see. It's not something that anyone else can do for you. So to come on here whining about how you ate 6 sausage balls at the Christmas Party is just silly in my mind, because no one can fix it but you. And hearing "Oh you'll do better tomorrow" only makes it easier on you, which is not what you need when you stray from the diet. What you need is a swift kick in the ass to get you motivated again, and if you can't do it for yourself, then I plan to do it.

Whether you choose to read my posts or not, at least I feel better knowing maybe, just maybe, it struck a cord with someone out there and they'll get back on track because I was so "rude" and blunt and to the point.

By the way, I'm awfully flattered that you would avoid this website with all that it has to offer, simply because you find my posts offending.

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apparently people on here are rude at times, as i saw from reply's to my post. My dr. told me to reduce the amount of Fiber, because it is more apt. to get stuck...for instance....asperigus (spelling sorry) or things like that. So before you jump down someone's throat, perhaps you should ask more questions. I WAS TOLD NO>....i never said NEVER...i said my dr. said no. If you are going to cop an attitude, please do it else where, as some people here are honestly here to learn, and not from the know it alls.

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apparently people on here are rude at times, as i saw from reply's to my post. My dr. told me to reduce the amount of fiber, because it is more apt. to get stuck...for instance....asperigus (spelling sorry) or things like that. So before you jump down someone's throat, perhaps you should ask more questions. I WAS TOLD NO>....i never said NEVER...i said my dr. said no. If you are going to cop an attitude, please do it else where, as some people here are honestly here to learn, and not from the know it alls.

I take sugar free chewable Fiber Choice tablets as a fiber supplement and that does the trick!

I did have some cream of asparagus Soup that my mom made from scratch, but the only reason it worked for me is because it had been cooked so long that the asparagus pieces were practically mush.

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I take sugar free chewable Fiber Choice tablets as a fiber supplement and that does the trick!

I did have some cream of asparagus Soup that my mom made from scratch, but the only reason it worked for me is because it had been cooked so long that the asparagus pieces were practically mush.

Yeah I am pretty sure she said she didn't want an answer from the rude know it alls... You in no way should be flattered, you should just take that ugly ass picture down.

The end!

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Yeah I am pretty sure she said she didn't want an answer from the rude know it alls... You in no way should be flattered, you should just take that ugly ass picture down.

The end!

I was giving her an option for fiber that didn't include the food items that most often get stuck! How is that being rude?

Your response to me only shows how little of a person you are. Disagreeing with me is one thing (and there's nothing wrong with it), but lowering yourself to throwing insults about one's appearance is something entirely different. I wish you success with your band and I certainly you hope you find whatever it is you are looking for in life.

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Let's try to remember the rules here.....attack the issue at hand, not one another, and if you still feel the need to disagree on a personal level take it to PM. No one else wants to read it, and complaints have been made!

Thanks for cooperating!


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Let's try to remember the rules here.....attack the issue at hand, not one another, and if you still feel the need to disagree on a personal level take it to PM. No one else wants to read it, and complaints have been made!

Thanks for cooperating!


I agree very much. Thank you Kat! In all fairness the thread starter did ask for no rude comments or judgement...good luck everyone.

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I hope I can encourage you to stick with it and hang in there. I can't judge anyone ont his website and if I have please forgive me. I have my slips now and then and I was banded in 8/4/08. I know it's hard to stick with the new instructions on how to eat especially when you've practice the old habits so long. I too was a chronic drink sipper with my meals. I've been that way since I was a child and then all of the sudden I had to stop. Do you know I still have to make sure that I'm not grabbing a glass of whatever with my plate... because I've done that for 38 years.

So I understand what you're going through. I do not agree with whoever said that you need a psych eval. because you're having a hard time kicking the bad habits. Just try to be more aware of what you're doing and please call your doctor for another fill.

PS. Ice cream is my weakness but instead of buying it every week and having big bowls. I buy it once in a while and I have a small cup... I live in reality land and I know that my lips will touch sinful foods but I'm learning how to eat the sinful foods as If I have a small stomach.

Don't beat your self up and don't let nobody elese make you feel bad. It's a hard journey and it's even harder for others. So if you're one of the ones that it's just hard than consider yourself lucky and pray for the ones like myself that's in the harder group.:wink2::crying:

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Thank you for the chewable Fiber advise!! My dr. never said anything about those, nor did i think of them. Perhaps the OP is a forum troll...on other forums there are quite a few of them on other sites.

Internet Troll / Forum Troll

"Netiquette Guidelines"


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  • An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" or "Message Board Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.

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We all have our issues with food. I believe that if you don't get your fills you are just on another diet plan. To have this tool and not use it is a waste. Good luck.

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I am reading these posts because I was trolling to find someone who has slipped up as badly as I have this week. I have had only one fill and needed another but the doc's office wouldn't set one up until after the holidays. ( I resent that a little, but understand everyone likes time off during the holidays.) I have major self disipline issues when a crisis occurs in my life and I had a major family crisis this week. I found someone to identify with (the girlfriend) and got to witness the best (the boyfirend) and worst (you know who you are) of people I share something in common with (the band).

I will go on record as one of the older posters (55) as one who has permanent scarring from kicking my own ass so hard over the years. Personally, I find inspiration from those posters who stick to the facts about what has worked and not worked for them. My name is Kitt but I find cat fights hard to watch. After all--it is Christmas.

Here is to starting off to a more successful New Year with gratitude for our tool and companionship in our struggles.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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