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Quick check-in...

A nice quiet day... can check-off "nap" from my to-do list -- :thumbup: -- now it's time to clean a bit & get ahead for the week!

Can you believe that it's been sunny today? Blue sky & everything! So much for cancelling the soccer. But then a thunderstorm did roll through... gotta love spring!

TTFN... the vacuum is calling me...

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I'm mentally picturing myself on a nice tropical island sipping a Mai Tai. I sure hope Judy and Bob are having a good time.

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My house is clean, my laundry is done, the yard is finished being thatched, chimney has been swept, car has been washed, and oil changed. We have also made it to the motorcycle swap meet, and we drove!!! Bought a few goodies for his chopper, and a trailer hitch for a friends bike, had lunch in Durango and come home. We have accomplished a lot over the weekend.

I told Rick, I want it done now, so I can get onto a new schedule and not be always playing catch up, so he lit in, and together we got it all done!

We stopped in at Taco Bell for lunch. I can now eat about 1/3 of a pintos and cheese and 1/3 of a taco, and am stuffed!!!

Been drinking my Breakfast, making it a Protein Shake so I can have the additional nutrients. Unlike y'all I do not have dinner done, I either will not have dinner!!! Or we will go somewhere!!!

While we were in Durango, we went into their Walmart, so I could look at their pants, the local one NEVER has tall sizes. I do not need fancy, just decent!!! Ended up finding them on a clearance rack no less--3 pair $5 bucks a piece....brown, black and khaki, they also had purple, white and gray. Would have went for the gray, but they did not have my size.

The office manager called me last night, and said she had thought of several things to tell me, and so thought she would call. Said I could keep my cell phone on me, on vibrate for personal calls as long as they are kept to a mimimum, and not interupting business.

Told me there is a break room, and that there is a microwave so I can eat there for lunch if I want. She said roughly once a week, a vendor brings lunch in.

Explained to me what discounts as far as treatment and glasses etc. my family gets.

Give me the dates he will be out of the country doing the Dr.'s without borders thing, but it does not coordinate with out trip, but again she said that was not an issue.

Told me within a couple of weeks the lab will be all mine!!! YAY!!! Nothing serious, mostly stains and cultures. I enjoy that part of it tho.

She said when I don't have lab stuff going on, if I want to help out up front I get to pick my job!! LOL

All in all it sounds like it is going to be ok.

She seems very nice, and is happier in the office and out of the lab, she does not want to assist in any procedures, and that to me, sounds way better than pre approving someones insurance!!! LOL, so she thinks we will work fine together!

Rick is out fixing his parents smoke stack, it blew over, because it had rusted out, so he had to replace the pipe. Then when we were gone they called because the rain cover had blown back off. He was irritable with them, and said "sucks not having my kid there doesn't it?" because they have been mad at him over the split, they have sided with the DIL, thinking she will keep letting them be involved in Connors life. They don't get that when she is ready she is out of here, and in the meantime they have alienated our son, and likely Rick in the process. They are already asking him about bringing in wood for next year, because our son brought them in 7 cords last year-------they burn 2 stoves 24/7, all winter long. They have a large home, but the living area is opposite end of the house from the sleeping area, so they run 2 stoves.

I told Rick, he can talk nicely to his siblings, or I will do it, nice or not. They can get off their asses and do something, Rick and our son have done it all for years. Kinda makes me sit back and smile a bit when they realize what is happening affects them!

Better get busy. Sorry I wasn't here to talk back at you Jane.....I was cleaning, you should have CALLED and SAVED me!!!


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:thumbup: Hi everyone..I am baaaaack! Had a fantastic time. It was only rainy on Friday evening, briefly. Did the mud stop us from 4 wheelin'? NOPE. Had a few drinks...great company, lots of laughs....just what the dr ordered! Had a blast. Great to see everyone again. They are like a 2nd family and I used to get to see them all the time and now is like, 3-4 times a year. Glad to be home but can't wait to go again. :eek:

Lots do just since we just got home ....I will post again in the morning. Have a great night! (((hugs)))

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Dinner is eaten and dishes are done. Now I'm just finishing catching up on "Friday Night Lights", love that show. Coach Taylor is a hottie.

I'll be headed off to bed soon. Need to get my beauty rest and tomorrow is going to be a long day for me.

Everyone have a great evening and I'll check in when I can.

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Glad to have you back Tracy!!

Rick is fixin' to grill his dinner, a steak we had marinating, and I am eating mine as I chat with y'all! Whole wheat ritz with peanut butter!!! LOL 3 of them no less! It sounded good, and the steak is awfully hard this early on to digest, so I am having what I want!!

Well I am off to watch some Sunday Night TV!!

Rick is playing in his mancave.....I think he is being annoying to tell the truth, he is cleaning parts, and that stuff reeks!!! Anything around ends up smelling like it! Which means the guy out backs clothes he conveniently hung on a rod in Ricks shop----are all going to be yucky! Rick was going to put them in his trailer, but he locked it up. So he is continuing with his work as he would have otherwise.

I told him I don't care if I have to call the cops, he WILL be gone before Rick leaves for TX. PERIOD. He agrees 100%

OK I am off to watch the tube!!! And spend the evening on the sofa with the hubby.


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Kat, good luck tomorrow...have fun and I can't wait to hear all about it!

TracyK...welcome back and I am glad to hear you had fun!

We (well Susanne's team) won! We then went to Chinese w/ Jackie and Melissa! Then on our way home, Bob and Stef called and insisted we stop by (they live down the street) for a piece of pie. I don't really like pie, but Susanne does and she enjoyed the pie...I enjoyed half!

Have a great night!


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Kat, good luck today and I look forward to hearing from you tonight. We will miss you thru the day though.

Pam, Half a pie? :thumbup:

I'm off to work. I than have an appointment for a fill than my boot camp class. Busy day for me. I'll check in when I can.

Everyone have a great day. Hugs.

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Good Morning~~

Kat -- Best wishes on your new adventure!

Suzie -- Good luck w/the fill!

Pam -- Good luck w/the pie! oh, you already ate it! lol! :thumbup:

TracyK -- Sounds like a blast was had by all!!

Just another day in paradise here... make it the best it can be, ladies!

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Good morning ladies!

It is up and time for reality again :eek: I am ready for it (good thing, huh? lol)

Kat-your new job starts today, right? My mind is not back from the weekend yet...if yu do start today...make it a good one and I hope that you LOVE IT!

Everyone have a fantastic day...make the most of it. They are a gift, not a promise :thumbup:

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Morning Ladies~

No 1/2 a pie...lol...1/2 of an 1/8 of a slice, so like a 1/16. Now if it were pumpkin pie, we would be having a different conversation.

Another day around here. One good thing is the ONLY thing I have to do afterschool is one meeting on Wed. I like weeks like this. Last week, I had 3 appointments during the Mon-Thur and it makes for a long day.

We are going to see Melissa Ethridge on Thursday night! It is the Dinah Shore Weekend and LESBIANS ARE EVERYWHERE! Not only is there a major golf tourney, but there are dozens of pool parties, bar parties, and downtown is packed! We are not participating in all of the festivities, but are going out to dinner Sat at a very gay swanky place...then going dancing at a fun club! Should be a fun night!

Off to put my face on...make it a good one chicas! Hope Haydee's IT guy fixes her puter today.

Have a great day!


Edited by kity

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I am jealous. I love Melissa Etheridge, lucky you.

I had a restful, lazy, lounge around in your jammies reading good books or watching movies while it rains/snows outside kind of weekend. It was lovely and I really needed it :0).

Happy Monday everyone!!!

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Had a lazy Sunday, slept on and off all day. I was suppose to go to the store with my friend & her gf yesterday.. but her cell was dying on Saturday so she gave me her gf's cell. So around 9am yesterday I texted "are yall up yet" and she said "no were not up yet".. every hour till 1pm I kept saying 'still asleep?' and they kept saying 'yup'.

So today I saw my friend and I was like, so you guys slept all day?? And it ends up she gave me the wrong number. So I have no idea who I was texting & can't believe they kept answering without asking who I was LOL.

They figured I didn't want to go, and I figured they didn't want to go. Doh!

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Hello girlies!!! OMG, I'm glad to be back on. I have so so many pages to catch up on!!

So I hope everyone is doing ok and nothing major has happened while I was absent. I pretty much filled ya'll in on my vacation but yes, we have such a wonderful time. It is trully like paradise there and we relaxed and pretty much did nothing the entire time. The days go by so slowly there, it's absolutely wonderful. We would get up in the mornings around 8ish and put on a bathing suit and a cover up and flip flops and wander down to breakfast. Huge breakfast buffett spread with the freshest fruit imaginable. They would whip up whatever type of juice you were in the mood for. We would take our plates and sit out on the balcony overlooking the ocean and just eat leisurely. Then we would wander down to the pool or to the beach and take a long nap. Would wake up a few hours later and ask the pool guy to bring us pina coladas and margaritas and that would pretty much set the tone for the rest of the day. We would eat lunch either by the pool, on the beach or we would hop on a little boat and they would take us to a little town over and we would eat on the beach there...

The freshest seafood you can imagine. That's mostly what we ate there the whole time. Fresh seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables. But I think the amount of alcohol we consumed pretty much negated any of the good benefits that we got from all that healthy food, LOL! It was pina coladas, margaritas, rum punch. We would eat, drink, nap, and then do it all over again.

I really really wish we could all go down there. It's absolutely amazing and it does help just de-stress you and just forget about the rest of the world even if it's just for a few days. It makes you come home refreshed and able to cope with every day life just a little bit better. This little high will last me just enough to get me to my next vacation, LOL...

So I ended up getting my laptop back on friday but something else is wrong with it now. Juan went to use it on saturday night and all of a sudden it blacked out on him. I think that we're gonna have to suck it up and just buy a new one. Good thing they're not too expensive right now. So if anyone sees a good deal please let me know!

Weekend was so beautiful here in Houston! We did a Theology seminar at church on Saturday and it lasted from 8am to 8pm so we missed that whole day but Sunday we made the best of it. We got up early, went to breakfast, went to church, hit the German Festival for a few hours, then took our bikes and went to the park, then had dinner at an outdoor cafe. We got home pretty early but we were pooped so we went straight to bed. I read for a few hours in bed and finally dozed off around 11pm.

My boss is out of town all this week so things will be quiet around here!! YAY YAY YAY

i'm gonna go try to catch up on the posts now!!

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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