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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Good morning, Violets..

Been MIA because of same o, same o. Ethan keeps me super busy when he's here and he's here just about every day. Eating continues to be good and don't want to bore you with details when you are struggling. So I view the posts everyday. Just not much to say right now. Everyone keep the faith.

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Morning, The sun is shining so bright you almost need to wear sunglasses inside. I think the dusting of snow we got is also adding to that.

I was up most of the night with bathroom problems. Apparently I must not be drinking enough Water. My poor little b/h is so sore.

I must drink more water, I must drink more water.........

Jane e-mailed and said she can't get on here.

Whether it is money or food, snowballing is a very serious problem. If you don't stay on top of it it can get really out of hand. I have had several people tell me that I just needed to just stop eating, you know like how alcoholics just stop drinking. That would be fine if I could live with out food like they could live without drinking. Kat, I probably would have handled that situation just like you had.

A lot of times I just don't tell people that I have a band. That way I don't have to listen to how I shouldn't have done it, that surgery is not the way to go, that I will gain it back. It's easier to just tell people that I do Weight Watchers. And that's a big lie. I haven't been in about 4 months. If I wasn't losing why was I paying. Anyway, they seem to be happy with the fact that I do WW. What a sensible way to do it. That's the right way to do it. What ever way you lose it is probably the right way for you to have lost it. Now comes the hard part- keeping it off. That is probably a whole lot harder to do. Not going back to your old eating habits. Maybe that's why they so many people returning to WW after they have lost their weight.

Hubby has the fireplace going and I have my favorite NEW coffecup with hot cocoa in it. Nice and cozy here but I will be breaking that spell soon. Gonna take a shower and get my housework done.

Have a great day and make good choices.

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There are times...like now...that I find it very hard to get on here but I know that someone might be worried about me so I get on anyway. Just do it, even to say "I am OK". If I can do it I know all of you can. I just get very concerned about all of you. Like with Judy I was worried that something may have happened to Kris or the baby. With Jane I was worried a test came back and she was really sick. Band aside, we are all friends...am I right or is it OK to just leave? I guess maybe I may be a little closer to you all than I should be?

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Judy-if you can not share your successes with us, what are we doing here? I see that you are back down to your lowest weight? Right? GOOD FOR YOU! I know in a matter of days you will be under it and I am so proud of you. Yes, I am one of the strugglers, but it does me good to know that someone is WINNING! YOU GO GIRL!

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Good Morn (for 6 more minutes, anyway!), V's ~~

Hope everyone is well... you know, in reading the posts lately w/ups & downs in both wt loss and all other issues it strikes me that it's all JUST LIFE! Life is ups & downs, the little things that make us happy & stressed... 2 fries one day... none for several others... it all balances out in the end. I am happy to cheer your successes as I am to offer an ear to listen to your woes... either way... whatever you my friends need at the moment. And no, Tracy, I don't think it's ok to just leave... we may get busy, I mean, there's a reason it's called "real life"... but a quick "Hi I'm ok" may be all one has time for or feels like every now & again.

Just MHO...

Love you ALL...

Hey Mae, where'd you get that pic of PAM!?? :thumbdown: :lol:

Hugs to you all... I LOVE YOU!!! You add spice to my life!!

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Suzie.. you saved me last night. We had to take Ethan with us to the restaurant because his dad was working late. I ordered my deep fried walleye (I take off the crust and only eat the meat. The fish is much more moist when it's deep fried rather than pan fried)l. I got french fries with the fish because I figured Ethan would eat them. Well, his dad came and picked him up before the food arrived.. so there I was with an order of fries staring at me. I thought of you and your 2 little fries and I pushed those evil things away and just ate the fish. Score one for Suzie and Judy!! I had a few bites of salad and my fish and that was it for dinner. I came home and made a concoction of frozen raspberries, strawberries, mandarin oranges, half a banana and some heavy cream and stuck it in the magic bullet with some Splenda. It's my daily treat now. I had a few spoonfuls of it and put the rest in the freezer and had it for Breakfast this morning.

Yes, Tracy, I'm at my lowest weight since getting the band and am on my way to goal.... again. I know I could slip at any time, but for now, it feels like I just got the band and I'm being really anal about what choices I'm making. No sugar, lo-carb and strict portions.

I'm really looking forward to lunch.. tuna salad, mandarin orange segments and soy nuts. My new favorite meal.

Ethan might come in a few minutes if his dad doesn't get out of work before his mom has to go in. I thought I had the day to myself, but it's overtime for Joe, so I'm not going to complain.

I'll try and be good and check in each day ...sorry to worry you. Things are going very well and I hope for good things for everyone on here.

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Judy, Thanks, I needed that. And I was also worried that something happened to the Bobster or Kris. Glad to know all is well.

I hope everyone does let us know if they are going to be gone for awhile. It does help us not to worry.

I'm off to go visit a friend in the hospital and I am wearing a sweater that I got from Haydee. I had hubby take a pic and when I get back I will post it.

I seriously need to get started on my Water also.

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TracyK, I agree 100%. About it all! We are too close to just up and disappear! I have been having a helluva time getting logged on lately---and eventually I get through.....not sure what the issue is. Maybe Jane is having the same problems?

And Judy, you give us hope!! I know you struggled and are now in smooth waters again, you give me great hope, and great advice, with lots of practicality in it--------PLEASE share with us your success as well as we do our screw ups!!! You are not rubbing our noses in it! That has never been your style!

Terry---I know you are right in all you say! LOL I plan on riding this afternoon actually! Jason is coming after Kinsey at some point today. The problem lately has been the mud. You cannot ride in the mud then just lead them back to the stall and go. Takes awhile to clean up, and I am afraid to get into all that with Kinsey hanging out. It is cold and the animals are all really big compared to her. I have been stepped on.....and broke, it would crush her. So milling about in the barn, is not something she is allowed to do---but everywhere around it, thatshe plays in good weather while I muck stalls and such, is mud. Usually the ground is frozen longer, but we have had rain, and thawing snow for 2 weeks now.....and have a muddy mess.

I think I project more issues to you guys than anyone. I vent when I am mad or upset with Abbey----and I don't mention that much to anyone else--because it upsets or makes them hurt too, because they miss her, and are angry at how things are. So I avoid talking about it to those involved, and rely on y'all.

And same with my MIL and her comments. Rick cannot control his Mom, but if I bitch about it, he feels bad, and wants to "talk" to her----which is not the answer! And if I say anything to my Mom, or anyone, then they get an attitude with her as well--------so again I turn to my safe sounding board....y'all!

Telling everyone that Rick is driving me crazy with his worrying accomplishes the same thing.....so yep you guessed it---y'all get to hear it!

My weight is scaring me--------but this hunger is making me crazy! I WANT to eat all the time. When I am full from eating I still have this overwhelming NEED to keep munching on something. And my issues are not really sweets and Snacks, I feel a need to fix family dinners, and eat them all!! I believe it is an emotional reaction to everything else---along with the steroids.

And I know you will find it hard to believe but I really can be somewhat dramatic! LOL Not usually, but by days end when the day has been trying---and inlaws + hives + job worries + crazy kids + weight issues + sleep deprivation from worrying about all this = one looney toon me. One who peers through at the dark side....but almost always wakes up to another sunny day.

Thank you more than I can say for worrying about me....I really am ok. But am going to find something I can DO so that I have less time to THINK!

Well I began this post over an hour ago, and have had multiple interuptions....so am off to change laundry, and play with Kinsey til her Daddy comes.....please let him come. I don't want to be rid of her, but she is excited, and this brings up such horrible memories of her Mama being all excited and her flake of a father never showing up......c'mon Jason, be a good Daddy!!!


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Back from the hospital. They need to run more test but she should get out Tuesday.

Kat, Thank you for the post. I do worry for you and hate that you go thru so much. I also agree about the food. I feel that need that after I eat that I just need to eat more. It doesn't matter what it is, I just need something. I also feel like I am supposed to make these big meals everyday. Not sure where that comes from except that Hubby's Mother always had big meals for us when we went to visit. So I guess I'm thinking that I have to make a big meal to keep up with what she did. Well, her big meals were only on Sunday. The rest of the week it was bologna sandwiches. I still feel the need to make the meals as tasty and fancy just to satisfy hubby.

I also appreciate everyone posting there food intake. I told Tracy at one of the support meetings about it. I feel that it helps keep me on track if I see what you are all eating. If you guys can do it I can do it. I need to hear about your struggles and yes I do need to hear about you successes. Be it 2 french fries or walking 5 miles a day. It does help me to be accountable.

All of you need to know that you are a huge part of my success. I have come to rely on all of you and your struggles remind me that I don't walk this alone. You have all been in my shoes and know my struggles.

I do get very jealous of all of you. Most of you are at your goal or very close to it. I still have a long ways to go. Your struggles with your 2 pound or 15 pounds that you still need to lose is just as important as my 90 pounds that I still need to lose. Your daily ups and downs are just as important as mine.

Hugs to all of you and remember to always check in when you can. If you can't get on here, send an e-mail to someone so that we know all is ok.


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Hi gals

just got home from work about an hour ago, i'm beat

Laura - no antibiotics but since my gall bladder has come out i feel like my system is functioning normal again, no more bathroom issues, which i've had for just about 2 yyears and my scrip for my Water pill has something in it that says not to tan, I forgot about that because it has not bothered me ever

My feet are not purple but in 3 visits i'm very tan, and my toes itch now. they feel better but such a strange place to burn

Terry - Chad Heymes - He was in an accident that left him in a wheelechair and no feeling in his body at 27years old and is now a motivational speaker, it was amazing, I want to get the book, I'm going to get some copies of it made -

Anyway, I had 2 fries and 1 chicken tender last night so i am bad too

i'm going to stick to my pulled pork tonight

anyway, hope you all have a great day, i'm going to veg out with some pulled pork and a chocolate tini

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What the hell! Did anyone miss me??? Just kidding!!

You know, if this is just a weight loss "friendship" then I am not gonna hang out w/ you guys. Since the band, I ONLY lost 30 pounds...and then put 15 back on. So as for the band...I suck. And you don't want to be my friend cause I suck at weight loss, then I will cry! The VIOLETS transcend "weight loss" and have entered into each others lives soooo deeply! I miss you, think about you, refer to you all often, consider each of the Violets as my dearest friends. I couldn't IMAGINE life w/o you. So, unless you want my fat ass to show up on your doorsteps...and don't think I won't...you all better stay w/ us!

Michelle, you crack me up! She does look like me...and I THINK SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! She makes a perfect mascot!

Well, we have been out eating all day...not literally, but feels like it...and we are leaving again now to go to Mexican! And I slept until 8am so I missed working out...oh well...i will always have my violets!

I love each and every one of you! And don't you forget it!


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Haydee, here's some pics for you. Do you recognize the sweater? Thank You so much for the clothes you sent.



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OMG, I just saw on Yahoo News that Kansas City is listed as the 25th. Fattest city. Good thing Tracy and I don't live there.....LOL

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Hello, I am never gone, just couldn't get on!!! Tried Thursday night and Friday night and couldn't! I am attached to you all too much to just leave. For better or worse you have got me!!

Today at work there was a Water main break, so we had no water after the first hour!! So no Shampoo blow drys & colors. So I had to send my so I had four people I had to shove to a different day!! It sucked and still worked as long as scheduled, but only made 1/4 of the money. I seem to be complaining all the time don't I? You guys are going to wish I didn't get back on!!!!

I am going to look into the Dave Ramsey thing. I am serious about this debt thing.

Well have a good weekend!!!!!!


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Good Evening, Friends!

Ok, I don't know what the heck is going on here, but as Pamela said we are so NOT about the lap band anymore! We are far beyond that! I would like to see each of us ultimately beat our weight problems, but I think that we already have! I don't know about you girls but I know for sure that if I didn't have the band I'd probably weigh about 75-80# more than I do right now. I have never regretted getting banded that's for sure!

Judy and Suzie are getting back on track....and I hope they stay there....'cause it sure helps to motivate the rest of us. I feel that some day I'll fire it up again too. I have to quit smoking and I know if I do I'll gain 40# easy. So I have to be really highly motivated to eat far less and exercise far more just to stay at THIS weight!...forget about losing! I'm stressin' about that but I know you'll all be rootin' for me no matter what.

What did I eat today? Well, I'll tell ya, Suzie...

bowl of oatmeal w/ butter

handful of Cheetos

cheese & crackers

1 chicken enchilada + 1 tbsp rice

bowl of cottage cheese + pears

1 'fun size' Butterfinger

.....no exercise except walking around Ikea and playing w/ Hero

....and I'm hungry! Cottage cheese didn't cut it for dinner. (Can you tell I never made it to the grocery store today?)

I hope everyone feels better soon. Y'know things are just not that bad ...and could be so much worse. Let's keep things in perspective. We have each other! It's all good.


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