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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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I thought about it and this is what I came up with for the nursery... the base wall color in our house is this pale yellowish cream color (which I normally hate, which is why I've been slowly painting the house).. Anyway, the nursery is square, when you walk in, the right side top is where I put the border I finished.. going to put border on the opposite wall (left side) and call it a day with the border.. the wall you see when you walk in also has a window, going to paint just that one wall, some pastel color... probably a blue, but going to take a piece of the border to home depot tomorrow to see what color would pop with it. That's that! Would be easier to paint 1 wall and call it artsy than to border 2 more walls. LOL

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Good Morning, Violets..

Up early to get ready for church. I wonder how many of my choir people will be there today. We got about 6 inches of snow with this last storm and are supposed to get 1-3 more today. If I didn't have to direct the choir, I'd be back in bed all warm and cozy instead of thinking about getting the car warmed up and cleaned off to make the trek to church.

The Bobster got home in time to watch the Pistons lose last night.. grrrrrrrrrr

Nothing on the agenda today except church and a nap.

Laura.. what the heck are you doing up at 2 a.m.???? The room sounds great.. take some pics, k?

Kat... ditto what PamELa says about the email.

Hope everyone has a great day and all the "sickies" are feeling better..

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YIKES!! It's snowing so hard, I can't even see the Bobster cleaning off my car and it's only a few feet away!!!!! Beautiful for sure, but I wonder how the drive to church will be. Cross your fingers!

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Good Morning gals

another nice night out with Wayne -and my friend Laurie, she came over and I was going to stay home and said lets go, i called wayne joking that i was going to the same place and he was so happy we went.

Laurie told me if i screw this up she is going to kick my ass! She said I look amazing and you can see it all over my face. A friend of mine from the bar is a good friend of Waynes and we were invited to go away to Long Lake for a weekend with him and his wife.

Anyway, ....

Laura - how are the Pipes?

Judy, is it ever going to stop, you were snow blowing yesterday and sent it to me... I'm heading out now to do the same thing.... I'm sick of it already, we don't normally have this much snow and i don't like it

Have a kids bday party today and heading down to the pub with the girls today for a little bit.

Started tanning yesterday -went in for 10 minutes and already have some color, ok not tan color but don't look sick pasty

have a great day

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Pipes are good I think! It's warmed up today, even though I left it dripping last night. I don't think it's freezing anymore.

I was up late last night because I took a nap during the day, so I spent last night cleaning... our team won at hockey! They were 1st place team when we were going, then we stopped going over the holidays.. they've been on a losing streak :)

Last night they won 6 to 1! It was jersey auction night for a child disease, so their jerseys were these pastel blues & pinks.. I think maybe they played extra hard to compensate for how frilly they looked. The owners said we can't miss anymore games, because we seem to be the good luck charm lol.

I know I complain about my sis and how she runs through my parent's money like water.. I never have heard them say no.. well for Xmas they got her a truck bed cover so she can install a sound system in her truck ($800). She goes Monday to get it put in, so she asks my dad when he's going to schedule to get a sound system put in.. he said it depends on how much it costs, and she HUFFS and says "Well what does it matter? It's suppose to be my Xmas present!" No, the cover was.. but anyway, he says "We'll see, you realize we're in a recession right now and money is tight?" and she heavy sighs and gets all pissy. It's amazing, she's like a spoiled little kid.. but I was glad to see him give her some sort of resistance since I've never even seen that. Though I know she'll win, and he'll get her the system this week. She brought her gf, who was CLEARLY messed up on something. Russ said my sis was too, but I couldn't tell.. I know her gf was though.. and her gf was trying to eat popcorn at the game and couldn't coordinate hand to mouth 80% of the time so it made a huge mess. Then after only 1 period, they decide they wanted to go hang out in the car?

I am going to Home Depot soon, it's 8:13am, I called 5m ago and it said they're closed but their hours today are 8am.. so I'm going to run get paint and the golden paste and get this knocked out.. I'll take pics! The prettiest/most subtle color in the border and entire nursery set is purple stars (that I love of course), but I bet if I painted that 1 wall purple Russ would have a fit.. especially after painting our living room purple hehehe.

Normally I'm not here on weekends, but 2 weekends in a row I popped in and it's so quiet!!!

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Morning Ladies~

Laura, it is so quiet on weekends cause your not here usually! We like you popping in!

Judy, how do you drive in all that snow? Seriously? Do you leave chains on all season or have studded tires? I swear, in Reno, when it would snow, I called in sick to work and missed school. I did try to drive in the snow/ice once and totaled my car!!! I would be scared to death to drive in snow everyday! Growing up in So. Cal...I don't even like to drive in the rain!

Well, we skipped the bed today and are watching our Sunday am show in our recliners. Wanted to get an early start today.

Have a great day!

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I just noticed that the post I thought I posted last night didn't post. (That's probably not proper english, huh?) lol

Hannah and I went to go see 7 Pounds (Will Smith) last night -- have any of you seen it? I'd like to hear what you thought of it. Hannah and I loved it, but it was very touch and go for the 1st hour! Kinda slow at first, but LOVED how the story resolves itself in the end. I can't give you any details or it would ruin the whole thing. So.... you just have to trust me. When it comes on cable, make sure you see it.

I also got the vacuum out yesterday, hooked up the attachments and cleaned every baseboard, under every bed and every chair/couch in this house. Dirty baseboards make me crazy for some reason.

Also made ham and cheese Soup but added a can of Rotel, used 4 oz of queso blanco (quesadilla cheese) and 8 oz of Velveeta light; doubled the ham skipped the tofu. Instead of adding the sour cream to the pot of Soup, I serve a dollop in the bowl. LOL So we're all bastardizing the recipe in our own ways! Anyway....it was good and look forward to having some today 'cause I know it will be even better.

Jenn - if you screw this up you'll have a lot more ass kicking than from just your girlfriend to deal with!!!!!

TracyK - enjoying your meds? ;-)

Jane - you sure are quiet lately! Don't hide in your shell--you know that's not the way to 'get back in the game' and it's not time to give up!!

Well, hate to taunt you snowbirds, but I'm going to get dressed and enjoy our beautiful weather we're having today!! (See this is why we endure 95 degrees in the summer with 80% humidity!) Check ya'll later.

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Good afternoon, Violets..

I made it back from church. We must have received 5 inches between 7 and 9 a.m.!! Michigan doesn't allow chains or studded tires so we do the best we can with what we have. I've driven in snow for years and years and years and ... well, you get the idea. You just have to be slow and careful. Not many cars out on the way to church so that wasn't a problem, but lots more after church and some people still try to go too fast so you have to be awake and alert for the other guy.

Our neighbors were kind and snow blowed our driveway while we were in church, so Bob doesn't have to do it when he gets home.

I had enough in the choir to sing the anthem. For awhile, there were more in the choir than in the congregation. The minister called us the Frozen Chosen. The sermon was dull and boring as usual, but the choir sounded good.

I'm off to get some lunch for the Bobster and me. He's having the shrimp scampi leftover and I'm having tuna salad with soy nuts, my new favorite meal.


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Terry, Rick and I went last week and saw 7 Pounds, and I felt the same way you did!! At first I was thinking "C'mon, c'mon...." then things began to fall into place, and I was hooked! LOL

Tomorrow we are going to Gran Torino--we were supposed to go today, but I put it off so Rick could watch the playoffs---------then the man that he is, he made plans anyway. Kat is not a happy wifey right now! We are going to go freeze off all our parts and go on a bike ride. Told him it would serve him right if all his favorite parts froze!!! LOL Sorry, not something I probably should have shared, but it made me laugh!

I have steak marinating, we will grill it when we get home. Correction, he will stand outside in the cold and grill and I will be in the house nice and warm after the ride!

It is nice to hear you understand and agree with our approach to my DD's situation.

And Heather.....I am not purposely not including you in my email--I just have no email for you!!

I will send a pic email as well---Terry wants to see who she is mad at. I said it before, and will say it again.....just picture Eddie Munster!! LOL Serious widows peak, and very short dark hair----not a bad looking person minus the personality!!!

Isn't is strange that some people can be physically unattractive and be so sweet you see them as attractive, and it works the other way around as well!

Laura, I despise working with wallpaper----maybe because I didn't know about the golden glue! I hope it works for you!

My former MIL had her entire house wallpapered. It was "her" very bold and over the top! She had flocked red wall paper going up to the 3rd floor....I thought I would go totally batty in that enclosed stairway with all that heavy dark paper, and it did not want to stick! Now keep in mind this was well over 20 years ago.......burned me on wallpaper in a serious way!!! Good Luck to ya girl, and we got lots of Violets to set Russell straight on the pale purple (Violet)!! Rick is that way over pink! It is not a male pink thing, it is an ex wife thing!!! LOL

Well our riding buddies are here, so off I go to freeze. Hoping to hear early in the morning if we get to head off and get my fill!

Talk Later!!


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Hey everyone,

I had Abagail last night and I took her home about an hour ago. We had a great time but I am pooped out and have a little headache now.

I think the headache is more from this diet that I'm on. I now I'm lacking something, must be the sugar I'm not eating. It was really hard at the grocery store this morning. Just ended up buying carrots, radishes, a red bell pepper and some oatmeal. My cart looked pityfull.

Kat, that e-mail you sent with the picture in it--- Well, really, that just wasn't right. Who in God's green earth would dress up like that and do that? That just wasn't right I tell you. LOL.

I also agree with Pammie about what she said about your letter. Just remember that we have your back and you have our well wishes.

Jenn, Don't screw it up, enough said.

I'm like Terri, think I will get out and enjoy this somewhat nice weather we have. Looks like a good day to take doggie for a walk.

Everyone have a great day and make good choices.

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Well I guess I can't stick my head in the sand forever. I have to come out and face the music. It is amazing how much weight I gained in a month. I wonder if I can take it off as fast. I hope that tomorrow I get that fill. She is going to do a barium swallow before the fill to make sure my esophagus is ready for a fill.

I got my blood tests Friday back in the mail and my white blood count is back up. He told me to come back in a month and get them checked. If it is still up then, I am going to do something about it. I am not sure what my next step is.

Susie and any one else who does cross stitch. My mom gave me a bunch of aida cloth. Some regular, some for bread baskets, most off white. I think it is all around 14 or 18 count. If you need any email me and I will send it to you!!! I have a bunch!!! I think what I don't give away I will put on ebay.

I am so bad at personals. I want everyone to know that I think about them, and am going to get better. Maybe that will help me with my eating. So give me lots of juicy stuff to write back to you!!


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worked on ^&*$ing diss all day. Cried, had a huge fight w/ Sus, cursed (no surprise) and I still have work to do tomorrow...man, this is like slow torture!

gotta go see eddie munster pix...can't wait.

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Janie... glad to see your head out of the sand. You've been dealing with so much in the past few weeks, I can't imagine how you cope. Hopefully we can help you just by being here for you.

PamELa.. just remember.. this too shall pass and when you have that Dr. in front of your name, it will all be worth it!! Dr. Jazzy Bradford.. can't wait!!!

TracyK.. hope you're feeling better today. How was the chili??

No Eddie Muster pic yet.... Kat.. we're all waiting!!

It's still snowing, not has heavy as this morning, but snowing nonetheless. Lots of activities for Martin Luther King Jr. Day here tomorrow. The Bobster is going to a few of them. I have teeth cleaning and hospital shift and babysitting Ethan to fill my day.

Off to get some supper and then watch TV. Desperate Housewives tonight!!!

Everyone have a good evening. sleep well.

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hi everyone...I am kind of loopy right now...just wanted to let you all know I am still present and accounted for.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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