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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Haydee - Where are you off to THIS TIME? You're a travelin' fool!

Tracy - I can't smell ya!

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I betcha smell purdy Tracy!!!

I did my own 15 minutes today, walked during lunch--not something I like doing, we are in a raunchy part of town, but lots of nurses from the hospital walk the loop--so I just joined in. But talk about a cliquish bunch, they ignored me completely!!! Oh well....I got my 15 minutes!!

And I like.....that I am compassionate, and if we go physical, I like Tracy, can appreciate, that my legs never got too fat!!! LOL!!!

So glad you all played along! Hugs!!!

Jenn----I too will be hoping all goes well with Kev. It isn't that I don't like Kev, that seems way too harsh. What I don't like is when he makes you unhappy. All at the same time, I DO understand where you are at with him. And it makes me admire and sympathize with you all in one breath!

I know you fell in love with a different man, one who did not have brain damage. I have watched what that has done to my brother, and truly sympathize with anyone who loved him prior to his accident, and know there would be serious difficulties in loving him, in any similar manner post accident.

Yet putting myself in your shoes---------if Rick (God forbid) were to be injured like Kev in a motorcycle accident, I would do everything in my power to remain by his side. He is riding with my blessing, and often with me as a passenger---and to turn him away because of something that occured as an ACCIDENT would be all but impossible. So I can see where you are at. The most I can do, is pray for all of you, and really TRY to keep an open mind when he upsets US by upsetting YOU!

None of us had the opportunity to hear you rave about the man he was before his accident....so we have nothing to balance things with. What I do know is that your love must run deep, and I can appreciate the fact he too is trying. And I hope with all my heart, that the stent helps relieve pressure, and he improves again following the procedure. We just want you to be happy.

Pamela--I would tell the Dr. during your next visit that it does not look like your schedules are going to mesh---and see if he would recommend another surgeon---which would let him know when you see him in the gym, why someone else did the operation----plus it might be a Dr. you would like.

Has anyone heard from Heather? I am kind of getting worried, hope she and Ayla are ok....

Laura, go get her girl!! Keep us posted!!!

And yes, I got the PM, and removed the post for her, also explained how she could edit.

Tracy, glad the Water weight is dropping off, we knew it would!!!

Suzanne, I need some sun, tan for me too!!!

Haydee, have a great time!

Well, I better get dinner cleaned up----be back in awhile!

Edited by Kat817

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Good evening, Violets..

Well, I had very good intentions today, but they didn't pan out. I ate well, but didn't get my swimming or biking in today. We were at the hospital with our friend for a couple of hours this morning and then had errands to run. I made some Soup for lunch and then we had to go to get some printer ink and a couple of cards. By the time we got home there was not time to jump in the pool and be ready for choir. So I left for choir a little early and got things ready for the final rehearsal. 11 of us from the choir went out to dinner afterwards and I didn't get home until 9. Our friend called and let us know his wife is doing well, but in a lot of pain from the surgery. We'll try to go see her tomorrow if she's feeling up to it.

Haydee... so sorry to hear about your sister, but I'm relieved to hear she's not badly hurt.

Tracy,... great going on the treadmill and the Water weight loss!!

Laura.. how did things go at work after lunch??

Heather.. hope you and Ayla are enjoying your bonding time.

Suzie.. looks like you did well on your eating today too.

I bought some fresh blueberries today and some cottage cheese and brown sugar Splenda. Guess what I'm having for Breakfast tomorrow??

Terry.. have a relaxing time!! You deserve it..

PamELa.. how many more days with the kiddos? Schools here in Alpena were out Tuesday. The school I worked at in Mio was out the end 4th of June.

I'm heading to bed. NOTHING on the agenda for tomorrow. I WILL be in the pool and WILL get on the trike for a ride. Everyone sleep well.

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Terry, since you will be on the river I will wish you a happy birthday now!! I still need to get Judys juice, but bought a bag of Starbucks coffee today!! After the juice I am done!!

I ended up triple-ing my business today. I went from one haircut to three!! Woo Hoo!!

I hope all is well with everyone!!

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[edited to say that this is the section where I had about 800 words dedicated to personals for all of you. I even had 2 for Judy -- so I went back to edit and lost the whole darn section with all the personals!!! I'm going to hang myself now. Below is what's left of my post. BLEH!!!]

Well, I just realized I asked all these questions but won't be able

to read the answers for a week! I'll be back in town a week from tomorrow. I am very much looking forward to it all. Long weekend with 30 friends on the Guadalupe River, then 4 days in a family program with Evan. I can't wait to see him. It's amazing coincidence that the place where Evan is, is about 7 miles from where we are vacationing! .....and the family week just happened to be scheduled on the heels of our weekend with friends. Amazing, huh? I hope to come home with some of this weight off of my shoulders.

Signing off 'til next Friday. Oh, and if somebody thinks of it, text me and let me know Heather is OK.

Love you all.


Edited by TerriDoodle

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Terry have tons of fun girlfriend

Kat- thank you. Kev has made a complete 360 since January, not saying it is always easy with his injury but he is trying so hard, has been taking me placed and writing down things he promises so he doesn't forget. The last couple of weeks has been hard because he has not felt like getting out of bed because he feels so badly, but now we know why. I told him he can't leave me now, not after the last 6 months and he is stuck with me so be strong and get his ticker fixed. My mother scared me last night telling me some of the things that could happen, but i'm not thinking negative, waiting for his cath today to find out what is next.... but either way, it is getting better with us.

Anyway, going to be a long day, wanted to pop in real quick. have to jump in the shower

howdy everyone!

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Good Thursday Morn, Vi's~~

A "regular" day here today... work, errands, etc... amazingly no after-school activities today!

School here gets out on Tuesday... the kids are counting the days!

Everyone do something nice for yourself today!!

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Hey Girls!

HAVE FUN TERRY! I think I missed you, but have fun anyway...and I also hope you come home w/ some peace! It is on the way!

Busy Busy for me! The Proposal was GREAT! Comes out Friday...very good movie! We have 2.5 days left. Started breaking down the class yesterday and have 2 days more to do. We are out Monday at 11:30am!!!

Sadly, they are laying off 123 teachers in our district...everyone is on edge waiting to hear if it is "them". I am not in danger, being in the district 13 years...but my friends are worried...so it is a sad time.

I did hear from Cal State San Bernadino, Palm Desert campus. I am inquiring teaching for the university. Slow at first, but depending on the salary...perhaps full time down the road. I will send my letter of interest and vitae next week. It is hard to think about leaving public school...the $ is off the hook good ( I know it is not the popular opinion) so any university would have to knock my socks off w/ $ to leave public school forevver. Anyway...I am just excited about starting this. We will see!

Got a new puter at work...I'll post when I can from the new puter!


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well i'm officially very broke, but just paid my last bill for the month, so i guess that is good. Hopefully July 1 will start off good. I got behind because i didn't know when i was going to get an unemployment check and was freaked, but got 1 and will be ok... tight budget but ok

Pamela, sorry I went to type a few times and realized i didn't. I know you are 2 hrs from Pasadena, but that is ok, i'll have a car and can leave the kids behind.. So if you stay home would love to visit. May do a day trip to the beach, have our Six Flags passes, so Magic Mt will be in there and i told my friend if i'm going to get on a plane and go all that way, we are driving to San Diego! I love it there.

I found flights on Delta for $350 xmas week, i would have to drive to NY but would be a direct flight, so worth it to me, plus, holiday week... that includes all taxes and everything.

off to shower, i have nervous energy

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Thanks, Jane! I don't like birthdays near as much as I used to!! I LOL'd at your 'tripling your business"...I got all excited there for a minute!

Kat - I loved what you said to Jenn about Kev...you are so right. I love your perspective on so many subjects. You're a good woman. I just don't ever want to get on your BAD side!! LOL Speaking of which -- how's your SIL doing?

Haydee, I love your skin, too. Not only is it a beautiful color, but it's creamy-smooth, too. You are radiant!

Judy - I have a friend who had both hips replaced at the age of 50...not at the same time, but a year apart...and her recovery was pretty difficult for about 2 weeks and then got so much better quickly. It was very hard for her to go back for that second surgery!! She's awfully glad she did now, though. Best wishes for your friend...AND her husband! It's not easy to watch your wife go thru that.

Heather - Hope you report in soon....your Violets are worried about you!!

Laura - Carson must be getting better, you haven't complained about his discomfort lately. Oh, I hope so. How's things working out with him at work?

Jenn - there's one thing about you...you sure don't sit on your butt long! It must be very therapeutic to knock down a wall! How'd you learn how to do all that stuff, anyway?

Pamela - How the hell does a person HATE Mexican food? Susanne would never last a week here in Texas! That's all we eat!!! Richard and I have our favorite little hole-in-the-wall restaurant and we have to restrain ourselves from going more than once/week. The food is awesome there ...and cheap!!! But a person cannot live on cheese enchiladas alone. I've tried.

Suzie - enjoy your pool and don't work too hard! I hope your sisters appreciate you!

Tracy- Ready for school to start back up yet? LOL What's on the agenda for this weekend? Do ya'll have a neighborhood pool? It's soooo dang hot already, can you believe it? UGH! I'd like to have a pool in the back yard, but it'd be like bath Water anyway, so what's the point? some people are actually installing chillers for their pools these days.

Michelle - Been meaning to ask you.... how'd you get your editing job? My girlfriend is interested in doing work like that. I'd be a terrible editor -- I'd tear everything to pieces! LOL When I'm typing up memos/reports/whatever for my bosses I really have to bite my tongue....men are such bad writers! Sometimes I can't resist, though. Ok, a LOT of times I can't resist.

Judy - So what's your babysitting situation now? Ethan's in school just part time or what? And no Grady either? What WILL you do with all that spare time!?

Well, I just realized I asked all these questions but won't be able to read the answers for a week! I'll be back in town a week from tomorrow. I am very much looking forward to it all. Long weekend with 30 friends on the Guadalupe River, then 4 days in a family program with Evan. I can't wait to see him. It's amazing coincidence that the place where Evan is, is about 7 miles from where we are vacationing! .....and the family week just happened to be scheduled on the heels of our weekend with friends. Amazing, huh? I hope to come home with some of this weight off of my shoulders.

Signing off 'til next Friday. Oh, and if somebody thinks of it, text me and let me know Heather is OK.

Love you all.


There ya go Terry---I got it in my email notification!!!

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I am doing this on office first then pasting it here…the site is

acting funky and I LOATHE losing posts!

Judy-I wish I were there to get into the pool with you. You could

be my aqua instructor. :rolleyes:

Terry-have a super duper time on the Guadelupe! Think of US!Haydee-I know whereever you are going it is somewhere I

would be envious of! How was the game?

Heather-hope you and Ayla are doing OK.Laura-what became of your situation with the woman @ work?

Did she ever show up?

Pamela-how was the movie? I love Sandra Bullock and have

missed seeing her. Since she got married

she isn't filming much.Jenn-do you still go to the tanning bed? I wanna go so bad but

my sister is having cancerous sun spots

removed from all over her body and it has me SO scared.

But I need to do something…my legs are

just plain scary! LolTracyinKS-you there? FYI…we do not expect a food report and

weigh in when you come here. Just talk to us. We miss you!

(I went to grab some coffee)Suzanne-I can not wait until I can wear the shirt you sent me. It

is such a pretty color! I love it. Thx again.

Michelle-that big job you are doin must have you busy busy

busy! If you make TOO much do-re-mi…send some to me :w00t:

Kat-I hear ya on the legs thing. I am SO grateful that I at least

have that. BUT, it makes me V shaped and that sux! Lol

You know, linebacker syndrome! I got that from my dad…lucky me.JanieBug - how are you sista? I am glad you had more customers.

I keep remembering what you said about people

cutting back and not spending as much in the salon anymore.

So, I went and got my hair cut to help support my

local hairdresser….plus I needed it cut, but that is beside the

point, lol. I need to call you up so we can talk!

So, Jenn, Judy, Jane, Haydee, Kat (and any others on

the -5 challenge)…hows it going? Getting in your Water? So far I

am back to where I started the month off so I guess now

is my starting point of my -5. I knew I was bloated but I

had no clue I was THAT bloated. Makes me smile anyway, even

though I know it is just water weight…it is still

weight, ya know? At least to ME it is. I like to think that the

gym is helping too. My blister really hurts this morning

but I am gonna slap on a bandaid and go again. Macy really likes the kid gym she goes to while I work out.

She was shy at first. I never thought I would use the

words SHY and MACY in the same sentence…lol. She is a little

social butterfly. She got to know the kids quickly and

really likes it. She never wants to leave and I am like "baby,

momma is whooped….lets GO" lol

The meds the doc gave me are working for my blister under my

nose. I am worried now though…I think it may leave

a scar…can you believe? A SCAR! Please God, no scar, please! I am probably just worrying prematurely.So, I could just keep rambling and rambling because I havent

posted a nice long 'Kat' post in a very long time.

Have a fantastic day ladies…respect the pouch!!

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Good morning, Violets..

It's a totally lazy day here today. No Ethan, no Grady, no meetings, no rehearsals. Unfortunately NO sun either!! I will go in the pool this afternoon sun or no, and will go biking this evening. The Bobster just has some church work to do today and then will join me outside to mow the lawn and get some mulch in. I have 3 petunias to plant yet and then am done with new flowers for the year.

My babysitting is drastically changed. I won't have Ethan again until July. He is at Day Care this week and his mom is on vacation next week. The week after that is the Alabama trip and I won't get back home until July 1st. I'm going to miss him, but having a few days to myself is a treat. I won't have Grady at all since his Mom didn't go back to work. But I'll get visits with him here and there.. just not hours at a time.

Dr. PamELa... wow!! A college prof.. hope it works out for you. If it's meant to be, it will be. You're a fantastic teacher no matter what the venue is. I'm PROUD of you!!!

Michelle... schools around here are all out for the summer. Did you have snow days to make up?

I'm off to get dressed for the day. I've been lazy this morning. Everyone have a great day. Send some sun this way if you think about it.

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Kat...you confused the shit outta me....I thought that was YOUR post and it ended up being Terrys! LOL I am officially eff'd up for the day...THANKS! lmao!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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