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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Well I am here with no new car. Probably I won't get one. I am not disappointed though. They were only going to offer me $1800 for my car, so if that is what it is worth, I may as well drive it till it dies!

Went to dinner at the Elephant Bar tonight, I think only Pamela knows that restaurant, I think we are lucky to have one outside of Ca. My sister and brother in law lived in Tracy CA for a brief stint and found it.

It POURED today!! Not just rain, but buckets and buckets at a time!!

I am going to head over the the Alabama site, I had a horrible feeling tonight that I was supposed to get the balance to Terry by Memorial Day! I am late!!

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No Jane... I think they're going to charge the balance to my credit card on June 11 (2 weeks before check in).

Congrats to the whole soccer team, Michelle!

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Off to bed.

Tomorrow it's back on the 5 day pouch diet for me. I ate like a fool today and need to get back to basics.

Hope everyone got home safe and that everyone had a great weekend.

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We got wet, we got cold, but we had a blast anyway!! Was a good time with good friends.

Come home to the bad news that the Dr.'s son was in a pretty bad car accident, and he is out of town, in AZ at the hospital. His son was ambulanced in, but the driver was air lifted, does not sound good. Will find out more tomorrow.

We had the kids and my inlaws over for dinner. Youngest DD showed up with my baby grandson again, I am SOOOO glad they are changing their ways, I am sorry she is battling with his Mom but it is SO good to have her and the baby around.

I took a chance, and tried to eat some watermelon--it was like my stomach was a trampoline, down it went, and up it come. The last several times, it has made me sick, I don't have any itching, or swelling, but it makes me vomit almost instantly. Wierdest thing ever, I thought maybe it was a fluke, but nope. I HATE that! I love watermelon, it just does not love me anymore. I mean I was on a run to the bathroom, it is quicker than any PB I ever had!

Was a looooong trip home yesterday, weather was horrendous, we hit rain and hail both! Then one of the guys riding a little Sportster ran out of fuel on one of the longer stretches, coming through Taos. So we had to rig a siphon.....then our son lost power on his chopper, they determined today it was the Stator or something, but we were on the road, trying to figure it out, when along come a service truck from a local company, and they stopped to talk to the guys and agreed to trailer it on it for us--was a lucky break, and a couple of super nice guys. Our son tried to give them each $20---they refused it. It made our day much shorter, we were getting ready to leave, ride on home, and go back with a truck and trailer, but it was a good 75 miles out from home still---so after a day spent in the rain, it was welcome!!!

Pamela, your pictures are great, I am SOOOO incredibly proud of you!!!

Tracy, I am right there with Macy, no crawdads for me thanks, I have tried them, and someone can have my share!!! I'll have the shrimp please!! Looks like you had a great time, I am so glad!

Jane, I hear ya on the car, I plan on driving these until they drive no more, I am not getting myself back in a car payment for as long as possible! Slowly but surely our debt is getting eliminated, and I would love to keep it that way!!!

Laura, I watched a program on TV when I was flipping channels last night unable to sleep when we got it, and it was saying that pacifiers help with colic, as they increase the saliva a baby swallows. They say it decreases cavity production as teeth form, lessens the SIDS risk, and is only detrimental to the teeth of children over the age of 4. Not that I would ever reccomend a 4 year old have a pacifier!!! But if you are not against them, you might consider it.

My grandson was fussy today, he is teething like nobodies business!!! Manda got in my cupboard, and found Kinseys old teething tablets, which happened to be good through 9/11---and Abbey give him that, and he was almost instantly soothed, he fell asleep on my shoulder----so I got to cuddle and snuggle him all I wanted!!!

Terry---sending you love and prayers, hoping this is a turning point for Evan, maybe they will find new ways to help him. I am glad you got away for a bit.

Jenn, sounds like you are busier when you are not working!! LOL. We have been really lazy about home improvements, we need to get with it!

Well I am off to bed. I know I missed a bunch of you, but I am working tomorrow anyway----not sure what the rest of the week will bring, but I have labs in, and we have a BIG bunch of glasses coming in, after the long holiday weekend I am sure----so will work as usual, and the alarm seems to go off early!

Everyone take care, will see ya tomorrow night!

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Morning gals,

i was going to get up and walk tis morning but my mp3 is not charged so i'll charge it and walk later, i might just relax today not sure,

anyway, off to get ds on the bus......bbl...

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Good morning everyone~

Back to the routine...getting dd up and ready for school. Since I have been out of the norm, I havent been going to work out. I will get back to it either today or tomorrow. I have alot to catch up on since being gone so we will see. Lots of clothes to wash (I took yesterday off, lol).

I put some pics from the weekend on FB.

I will pop back in later. Respect the pouch!

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Up a little early today. I need to get to the store. There is a huge funeral tonight at church and the call went out for food. So I'm gonna go see about getting stuff to make sandwiches with to take. I also need to pick up a few things to make the Soups with for the pouch test.

Jenn, I hate that you lost your job and know that something better will come along soon. It's just going to be nice to have you around here for awhile.

Jane, I'm keeping my car also. With hubby retired we just don't want that payment again. I'm taking better care of this one so it will last longer.

KC is 21st and St. Louis is 33rd on the list as the healthiest. No wonder I am the way I am. Low on the totem pole.

Everyone have a great day. It's CTCD also.

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<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0twzwGOdhZw&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0twzwGOdhZw&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

I loved this when I saw it on Oprah....what a powerful song with an even more powerful voice!

Edited by TracyK

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Good morning, Violets..

We're back home and life is back to normal. It was so nice having someone fix and serve me Breakfast each morning and having a chocolate truffle on my nightstand each evening. Needless to say, the eating was not totally by band rules this past weekend, but we're back to reality and no more sugar here.

West Side Story was awesome. We were 5 rows from the stage. Dancing and singing was excellent and the story was just as pertinent today as it was back in the '50's. I got a new ring and bought some pop up books for Ethan's birthday next week.

I have my hospital shift this morning and then hope to get on the trike, but it looks like rain here so we'll have to wait and see. The grass really needs to be mowed and there is a lot of work to do in the backyard.

Off to do a load of laundry before I leave for my shift. Everyone have a great day!

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Morning V's~

Judy, so glad you like West Side Story...but did you get to see West Wide Story? Always wanted to go to Canada.

Another day, 1/2 a dollar! 14.5 days to go!!! Gotta keep teaching though, other wise the kids act BAD if they get wind of out of the norm stuff going on!

Pop in from work!


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Back from grocery store.

I made 5 pounds of tuna salad to take and I bought 3 pounds of sliced Turkey. Also got 4 loaves of bread. I'll leave here soon to take it over to the church. I ran into another couple at the store who were buying food to take to his mother's funeral. It is also today. They live on the next block over but I had thought that they were going to take her to Mexico to bury her.

My eating report so far for today is 1/2 of a banana.< /span>

Chat at ya soon.

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MAE - WOW!!! 100 pounds is AWESOME!!! You are doing so so good! I hope to get there soon. Sorry you haven't found work yet. I was reading an article in this month's Reader's Digest that said that it's the best time to be an entrepeauner (sp?)! I don't remember what you did before but could you do it for yourself???

Kat - the wedding sounded amazing! I'm so glad it turned out well in the end for them. I'm so so glad that you are able to spend time with your new grand baby. Someone's prayers were answered, LOL!

Jane - I would never recommend trading your car in. They will give you NOTHING for it, as you found out. If you really really want a new car I would consider selling it outside and then just go in the dealership with a good offer...

Laura - no advice for a colicky baby but always so so happy to hear about our baby Carson!

Terry - I'm glad your son is getting the help that he needs. That letting go step is, I think, the hardest but now that you've done it all you can do is pray that the program works for him.

Pammy - Haven't popped onto Facebook yet to see your pics but I can't wait to see your face!!!

Michelle - The soccer game sounded so exciting! Can't wait to see you on Friday!

Suzie - You are so good for working out on Memorial Day!! All I did yesterday was eat and veg on the river!

Jenn - Feels so good to enjoy the fruits of your labor! I love love that feeling of getting something done and then being able to sit back and just enjoy it....

TracyK - I LOVE CRAWFISH! I don't suck the heads out but I love the tails. I can go through 10 lbs in no time! I'm glad Macy had a good time! I love 4 wheeling!

Well, we had a wonderful but tiring weekend! I didn't want to do this, be exhausted for the week. I've got so so so much to do these next three days but I wore myself out these past few days.

Friday I worked like a busy bee to try to get as much accomplished here at work. And I did get alot done but I put off one thing for today and that's the thing that I got called about over the weekend. Figures...

But anyhoo, so Friday night we went shopping then out to a late dinner and got home and watched a show. Saturday I got up early because my house looked like a tornado had hit it. I cleaned almost all morning. When Juan came home from work around 2ish we went to the nursery to see about getting some Hibiscus bushes. Then we got home and worked in the yard until 10pm. I was so exhausted from working on the house all day and then working in the yard all day. But we got so much accomplished. We mulched our beds, moved some oleanders from one spot to another, planted some bouganvilleas along my fence, planted two hibiscus bushes, weeded, fertilized, whew!

Sunday was our big family BBQ so I went over to Juan's mom's house to help cook and set up right after church. We had an awesome time even though it rained. We put all the tables under the gazebo and ate there in the rain, LOL. After the rain stopped we all got in the pool for the rest of the night. She had heated it the night before so it was wonderful! We didn't get out until past midnight.

Then yesterday we woke up early and left for New Braunfels. We lazyed around in the river most of the day and finally headed home around 6pm. IN TRAFFIC THE WHOLE WAY HOME. Ugh, we didn't get home until almost 11pm. By the time we got the car cleaned out, us in the shower, it was already past 1am.

Needless to say I have a very busy week ahead of me since I'm short two days this week....

sorry about the novel. I just realized I've just been typing away for more than 20 min! Ugh, I really need to get to work....

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Hey All...

Waiting to hear at 10am the prop 8 decision. I have a sick feeling in my stomach, but anxious to hear none the less.

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Tracyk, listening to that girl sing, wow is that powerful!! She is good!!

Sounds like everyone had a busy or relaxing or both kind of weekend!! Haydee was there traffic from New Braunsfels to Houston??????? Traffic drives me nuts, I don't know if I ever mentioned it or not, but I live less than two miles from work. Hate traffic!!!

Love West Side Story!!! What kind of ring?

Well everyone have a nice shorter work week. Actually mine is a little shorter because I am taking off half day Saturday for a wedding.

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He isn't colicky, he just has bad gas pains.. definition of colic makes me want to pull my hair out lol.. 3 hours straight at least 3x a week, at least 3 weeks in a row of non-stop crying. He doesn't do that, he just has a hard time with gas pains at night (lasts 20-30m with me holding him and rubbing his belly).

I ordered 3x bottles of Colic Calm to have around and they're out of stock.. now I gotta be treating my current bottle like gold lol.

As for pacifiers.. I don't mind him having them, he hasn't liked them since day 1. In the hospital my ped. said don't give him a paci till he's a week old (I guess for nipple confusion). On day 2 in the hospital the nurses brought him in to me and said he won't stop crying, so he can't stay in the nursery (looking back, it's probably because he wasn't getting any food from me!!!) so I asked her what she recommends.. she said paci.. I said my doc said not to use the paci yet.. and she just kinda shrugged--that 'well..whatever' shrug. I gave him the paci, he didn't want it. To this day there's only 1 brand (we tried 6 now) that he will take, but only if we force it into his mouth and hold it till he stops fussing, then he'll suck on it. And this is rare, sometimes he still refuses it if we force it on him. Needless to say, we don't give it to him much. I read it helps prevent SIDS, so I have tried to force it on him for that reason alone..and I figured it would help him swallow when I can tell he has reflux I try to get him to take it.. but he won't. Oh well. Plus side is we'll never have to wean him from it!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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