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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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((Terry))... all of our best thoughts & prayers are with you & Evan... purple power to you!!

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laura, i kinda like her. i like her in movies better than her singing. why?

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Good evening, Violets..

All done with everything for today.

Terry... keeping you and Evan in my prayers.

Tracy... hope your nose is better today..

I didn't get to go trikking because Jen didn't come until 4:30 and I had to get supper on the table before rehearsal, so no time. I will have time tomorrow afternoon, so am bound and determined to get my trikking done then.

I'm going to watch CSI:Miami and then head to bed. Everyone have a good evening. sleep well.

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We did her new CD that is coming out end of May, I got to listen to it today and was gonna say it's totally not her style (I actually like it). It's eerie, jazzy, kind of music (like weird quiet circus music).

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Terry -- my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I had a fill under flouro today. I had great restriction in December which totally disappeared in early February. It's taken me until now with two more fills to convince them that there's a problem. So under flouro I drink the barium -- yep, you have no restriction. Thanks.... So then he put in some saline and had me try -- nope Water got stuck. So he pulled some out another swallow, yep, that's better. So now he says I'm at 6 ccs. In December I was supposedly at 7 and after my last fill I supposedly had 8 ccs. We're going to watch to see if I lose restriction again, then I probably have a leak and will have to do a dye test. But I was very glad to see the band on the x-ray and to watch the barium go through slowly.... Very cool!! Wonder how much that's gonna cost me??

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Long day...just checking in to see if Terry has posted!

Love you all!

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Weird quiet circus music? Interesting!!

Suzyt, I have my fills done under flouro now, and it is weird. They have me stand up with the needle sticking out of my tummy and then do a barium swallow so they can fine tune it!! It is kinda neat to see it done this way!!

Well I have my monthly meeting in the morning, and then work, then my manicure, so I may not post til late tomorrow.

If you can spare an extra prayer, my best friends mom is having bypass surgery tomorrow, and it is real risky since she has some blood clotting issues. So prayers for Mrs Corno if you can.

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Terry---will be thinking of you and Evan. Ignore my whining about my problems in the PM!!!!

I won't bore you with all the details, but suffice it to say life is a bitch right now, and once way back when....Rick married one!!! And we continue to pay...pay...pay.

Work is still feeling a bit like a battle ground. I see both sides, and honestly just don't like them being at odds! Hoping the pregnancy hormones and all settle soon!!

Judy, glad you had your little guy safe with you today.

Laura I can honestly say I have NEVER heard music described in any way close to that!!! Wierd quiet circus music, sounds eerily scary to me!!!

Tracy, hope the nose is better soon! Poor you! I think waiting, and not breathing so hard through all that is the wisest way to go. Stress makes a break out worse I understand, so take it easy!

Pamela, I know people who take toys to the cemetary for lost children, and have gatherings there for holidays--it is a BIG thing in TX where Rick's family is from to have the big family dinner, and meet up right at the cemetary following the burial! They actually have covered pavillions, and tables ---ready for the gathering. Was kind of shocking to me!

I think dealing with death is a very personal thing, and no one should make you uncomfortable in how you choose to deal. If they had been there blasting away when you got there, then maybe they should be allowed to "share" however, and whatever they want----but to come in AFTER you and force their way upon you is wrong.

Well.....I am going to bed, I am bumming badly. Will go into more detail as I know it. All I know at this point is we are headed to court, and it is not gonna be cheap. YUCK


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I am so far out of touch.. do you even remember me??? LOL.. Thank you Jane for the card!

I am trying desparately to get my head back in the game........... I busted out a zipper yesterday and I about bawled...... why do I do this to myself...

but if you've read my facebook... I joined my company softball team and it is kicking my butt... it is the most exercise I've had in about two years!

My mom is doing great and looking great.. she is nearing the 230's and started in the 280's.... she is blessed with a very thin face and thin arms... its her butt that that is the problem.... tonight at practice I had an ephiphany.. I need to do better........ I'm weighing in from 200 to 206 on any given day...... it is the slippery slope I tell ya......... a long long long way from 174.... but really if I'd get my head out of my ass it is not that far......

I've been eating ice cream 1-2 times a day...... tonight it was my dinner......... have I hit the bottom of this whatever?? I don't know.. I sure hope so..... this mind gaME I play it just sucks.... my personal hell.... I'm sorry I've been MIA for so long..... I'm guessing you've given up on me........ as another one that bit the dust... but know that I think of each and every one of you often... the texts from Tracy the card from Jane........ the I'm thinking of you....... all touch my heart.... I feel guilt, shame.. all the same bull shit i've done to myself time and time again........... I am sitting here sore thighs from softball practice........ crystal light and muscle relaxer... in hand and make a vow that I will show up because two years have come and gone............ slippery slope be damned (sorry Judy) I am going to fight my demons and get back ...

Much love always.......... Tracy

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Tracy, your post was the best thing to happen to me all day!! So glad to see you again. We missed you so much!! You're always a part of this group....whether you are actually HERE or not!

The drama with Evan has calmed down a WEE bit tonight but it took ALL DAY to get here. It started at 11:30 last night when I got the dreaded phone call...he called saying he wrecked his car (AGAIN). That's a long story all by itself, but he's OK, not hurt or anything and the car was towed off once again to the body shop. Things didn't go well after we all go home and by 1:30AM he was out the door sobbing and on foot and I had no idea where he was headed....probably to one of his friends, but I couldn't be sure. Phone calls to his dad, girlfriend, etc., then a restless sleep kept me up until 3:30AM and my alarm went off at 5:15 to get up for work. My son was missing. I went thru the motions but ended up in a heap of tears in my boss' office and he told me to GO HOME. Finally found Evan and brought him home at 10:30a but it was insanity for the next 9 hours. Not arguing at all, just trying to make sense of his world. With his bipolar it's very difficult to do and reasonable logic simply does not work with him. He left my house again at around 8:00p....on foot....in the rain....headed for who-knows-where. Said he just needed some space and time to think, blah blah blah. After 20 more phone calls between him, me and his dad it was his STEP MOTHER who finally convinced him to come in out of the rain, over to their house and get a hot meal, a shower and a night's sleep. Thank God....and all of you for your prayers. Once again, they worked.

Tomorrow will be a different day with new challenges, I'm sure. But today was a doozie.

I'm headed for bed now.

I love you all.


Edited by TerriDoodle

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Awwww Terry, I am so sorry. I can only imagine the fears you had through the night. I do not in any way miss the teen drama, and we did not have the bi polar issues to deal with.

I do believe we are experiencing something along the lines with my son now, but it is something that has been slowly evolving for a few years now. He has moved back home, and is back to the loving, "normal" man he usually is. He is looking to change jobs, but is doing so in a rational way. It is so hard, with just this, I can only imagine, and wish you well. I will keep you both, well the entire family in my prayers...even your boss for his continued understanding. (((((hugs)))))))

TracyKS---you should know we are harder to shake than that!!! You make me laugh----like we would give up. Now we DID think you gave us up.....thought you didn't love us or need us no more....thought you just abandoned us.....are ya feelin' bad for us yet????

Girl, I think there are an equal number of us losing weight we already lost once as there are not! You are NOT special in that respect!!! LOL

TracyK, and Pamela are doing their best to shame the rest of us into exercising.....and hey it is working, I feel guilty! Not guilty enough mind you to get off my ass--- but I AM feeling it!!!

I did a self clean on my oven tonight, and the sucker would not shut off. We actually had to unplug it, and reset the computer to get it to cycle off. And it was so hot it discolored above the oven door handle. So tomorrow, or someday soon, I have to call and find out what they have to say about it. It was scary hot. I use the auto clean about every 6-8 weeks without issue---but this was on forever, and when we tried to cancel, it just beeped. The door was locked of course, but we ended up interupting the electric computer part....wierd!

Well the alarm is going to go off early in the morning, so guess I will go to bed. Like Pamela, I really want to finish a book I began at lunch, but I am not gonna!! Will read tomorrow night, I have my Mom and Dad coming to lunch tomorrow. Actually my Mom is a patient, and the last one before lunch....yep I scheduled it thataway!!! LOL

I think I forgot to tell you the Dr. give me a raise. He threw another dollar an hour in. I was supposed to get it after 90 days, but he said he thought I deserved it now. Yay!!! It all helps. If they cut Rick's hours any more, he will make more on unemployment than he does working!

Got a picture of my 3 youngest grandkids all together on Mothers Day, I will download it and get someone to help me size it.....they are so cute.

G'night girls!

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Terry, I'm sending you a big hug. Sounds like you need one. Hang in there.

I'm up getting ready to take my neice to the airport. Yeah.

Here's a pic that Jane wanted me to post for her. I'll let her explain who everyone is. I only recognized the one cute little girl in the back.


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:thumbup: Hi TRACYINKS....:) I sure have missed you! I bought new deodorant & everything cause I thought maybe I stunk. :mad2: I haven't had anyone to do THIS to :thumbup: Please stay around. Our hearts can't take another abandonment! Way to go about the softball team :D You have probably noticed I joined the gym. So it looks like the Tracys are working on being forces to be reckoned with? GO US!! :)

Terry-:( I will keep you & Evan in my prayers. I was so worried yesterday. Keep us posted, k?

Hi violets!

I DID IT.............219.5.....GO ME!! Now I will stay off the scales for a few days so I won't see it bounce around! lol I will change my ticker later.

My nose is a little better, thank GOD!!!

I need to get Macy off to school then I am going to go hop on the treadmill @ the gym.

Love ya'll.....respect the pouch!

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It's a Good Morning, Vi's~~

TRACYKS!! Welcome Home!! There are several of us who've put on more than a few lbs and are struggling to get them off... happily, we're all in this together and we've moved SO far beyond our weight issues that initially brought us together... I said the other day that I wish there was a band for my brain to help w/all those crazy "mind games" that I play... but every day is a new slate, another chance to make healthful choices and get back on track -- thank goodness! I don't "do" Facebook, so please don't assume that we're all up-to-date from there... hope you continue to check in here!!

((Terry)) I can't imagine.

((Kat)) ditto.

You go, TracyK! :D

Drive safely, Suzie!

Hope you get out on your bike today, Judy!

Cute pic, Janie!

Counting down the days, Haydee & Pam!!

Hi Jen & Laura (& Carson!!)!

It's 8:30am & I've already baked 2 sausage/egg casseroles for the ES Chorus Breakfast this a.m.... popped them in the oven @ 6:30am & delivered them piping hot @ 7:50am. I truly am a "volunteer on crack"!! LOL! :mad2:

Am dealing w/crazy whacked-out PTA crap w/the elections for next year... remember that this is it for me, dd "graduates" from ES this year so WE are moving on (& I'm NOT signing up for the MS PTA... I'll stick to helping w/the kids' specific activities, such as soccer, band, riding, etc.)... well, suddenly it's like the PTA is a season of "Survivor" w/all the jockeying for position and trying to create "regimes" and who'll do what to whom when... I HATE IT!!... & now the County & State PTA are involved w/the "technicalities" of our bylaws, etc... & as I'm still the Prez, it involves me & spending HOURS (literally!) on the phone & "he said/she said" & just, well, CRAP! Ugh.

The ironic thing is... I technically don't have to resign... I could finish out my 2-year term next year even w/out a kid @ the school! LOL! That would certainly blindside several folks! But DH & one of my BF's have threatened me w/a PTA Intervention if I even *think* about staying on!

I hate drama like this. Why can't people do what's right and be nice to each other?

Cross your fingers that my phone doesn't ring today!

Make it a good one!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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