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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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It sounds easy to change shops, but I don't think I would do it. Research has shown every time you move you lose customers. I have been in the same shop for 23 years!! People don't have to look my phone number up. I am not happy, but I wouldn't switch shops. I would switch to a different career with benefits. It sort of makes me nuts when I think too hard about it. I don't want to switch jobs etc.... Oh, if that perfect world would happen. That perfect man with health insurance, would come knocking on my door and sweep me off my feet.

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Hi Girlz,

Thanks, Pamela -- my knee is better but still hobbling a bit. It'll be better tomorrow. I canNOT believe how sore I am today! Just wears me out.

I'm excited -- get to have lunch with Vi's on Friday!! yea!!!!

I'm heading for bed soon --

Suzie - I'm saying extra prayers for you tonight.

Laura - same goes for you, Russell and Carson. Hope everyone gets a good night's sleep tonight.

G'night girlies. Love you all!

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Hi girls~

Suzanne, big hugs to you as you go through this terrible ordeal....I wish I had magic words to make it feel better. Know I will be thinking of you and the family left behind. It always makes me feel better when I think of what they said about my Grandpa closing his eyes here on earth and opening them in heaven....knowing he was better made me feel better. He had lost a couple of fingers in an accident years before I was born, so Manda was thrilled because she just knew in heaven her Grandaddy had his fingers back! Sometimes the kids view of things makes it better.

Laura, I know it feels overwhelming! So sorry. One thing I wondered when I read your posts----was if you had tried swaddling Carson outside of the bili bed? Kinsey had to be wrapped like a little burrito or she did not sleep at ALL!!! When you said you buckle him down......made me wonder about swaddling maybe helping. I noticed in the nursery, the nurses swaddled the babies pretty snuggly when the grandkids were born.....

We used to swaddle Kinsey, and lay her little bouncer chair under the ceiling fan and she would zone out like that and boom she would be asleep!!!

I hear ya on the nipple thing Terry! Some women nurse without issue, I was not one! I do not think my DD suffered, she is intelligent, and was not sick more than any other kid....once the tonsils went. The formulas they have out now have raised many a child without detriment.....if it happens that you cannot feed him enough, it is what it is....what it is NOT is a failure! I refuse to believe Terry, and Kris and I are all failures!!! LOL

TracyK----I will be home til late morning....I have to make a couple of phone calls, so if I do not answer---I will call back. I have to call to get the final pay off on my car!!! YAY!!! Then I need to make a couple of other calls to pay crap---so if I am crying and sobbing when I call, you will realize how poor I feel after all that!!!

My SIL is still in the hospital----and looks like she will be through the weekend, but is hoping to come home on Monday----so I am going to try to talk MIL into waiting. I hate the wear and tear and cost of fuel if she is going to be home in a day or so anyway!

Jane, I hear ya----my stylist said she has lost major business after a couple of moves. she lost her place in the original salon when the owner sold and the new owner wanted all young stylists. She has moved 2 times now, and is very unhappy----no place feels like home, and she was so used to working in a certain way that to have to change is hard for her. Is Charlie in serious trouble financially or was it because he was just being lazy that the bill wasn't paid?

Glad the knee is feeling better Terry--what will poor Hero do if you cannot go to the dog park this weekend???

Kinsey is coming to spend Friday night with me. I am having some major withdrawals, so is she, she called me 2 times tonight. Poor love. But she loves school. She goes hard all day tho, she tells me tonight, "I am tired, I am tired and whiny, and Mommy is not happy about it!" Cracked me up. She was on her way to bed, which is just what she needed!

Pamela, hoping the UTI is better! They used to give Manda a RX for her pain that colored everything, Peridiam or something I think, but now you can get it otc as well----which is a major help if it happens over a weekend.

Judy--hope the rain goes away...and comes again another day!!! Like in August!!

Well I have not got everyone, but I am being called away.....DH has to show me something.

The meteor shower was awesome, we loved it. Spent from 3AM to about 4:15 AM in the yard. When we got out of the swing, I was frozen and stiff, and feeling VERY old!! Worth it tho!!!

Will catch the rest of you in the morning I hope!!!

Hugs to you all!!!!

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3am, ughhhhhhhh

But it is giving me time to catch up on all your post.

I miss you guys so much.

It's a good thing I don't have a extra large pepperoni pizza here. I'm be gnawing on it right now.

Jane, I hate that about the shop was without power. I know you can cut but what about blow drying and curling. That would suck. I also dressed for eart day and no one said a thing. sigh.

Laura, Hugs to you and Carson. I always marvel at the new things that they come up with to help people. That bed was something else. I had never even heard or seen anything like it. Keeping my fingers crossed that he gets better soon. Do they make anything to put in his bed at will vibrate it a little to sooth him? I know your to young for this but when we used to travel, they had those beds that you would put a quarter in the box and the bed would vibrate. Just hope you weren't on the 2nd floor. The poor people below you could hear it.

Pammy, I had to take antibiotics while I had my stitches and ended up getting a yeast infection. I know it's not as painful as your UTI, I just wished I'd had a brillo pad. Doc gave me a prescription for Diflucan and it cleared it all up. Hope you are feeling better.

Tracy, Haydee and Terry. You are making me jealous. I wish I had time to drive down and meet you all for lunch. Have a great time.

Thank You all for your thoughts and prayers. I know that God never gives us anything that we can't handle but he's pushing it to the limit for me. Losing special people in our lives is so hard to go thru. Kat, thanks for the story about your Grandpa. It reminds me that Kathy will be forever without pain and also knowing that she is with my Mom and Dad helps ease some of my pain.

I think I'll try to head back to bed for a little while. Kathleen and I still have a fee things we need to get done before the visitation tonight. I wish I had time to go find me some clothes that fit properly. Guess I'll have to get some safety pins out and do some tucking.

Thank You all of you. I treasure you more than you know.

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Good (early) morning everyone!

Macy woke up at 5 this morning talking about her tummy hurts! YIKES! I gave her some toast and a little applesauce and she says she is still hurting but she says her leg itches too so I am wondering if she is at the 'i am too sick to go to school' age *cough cough*. She isn't running any fever, so that is good. I will give it another hour or so and if she is still consistent with her sick story I will keep her home. As long as she does not have some kind of virus, we are good. I think she has had a throw up virus like maybe once in her whole 5-6 year life. I was at the store yesterday and came so close to getting some kids pepto but decided not to....now I wish I would have listened to my gut!

Suzanne-I sent you an e-mail. I am so sorry for your loss.

The YMCA was great and we are gonna join next week. I can not WAIT to go exercise! (did I just say that?)

omg....she just puked. So, I guess she isn't fibbin'. Please pray for a speedy recovery. I hope it isnt a 24 hour thing!

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I am giving her Emetrol....that stuff works really good most of the time. Keep your fingers crossed!

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Good mornin' girlies...

My mom is having knee surgery this a.m., so I'm heading down the road to her house to help, will spend the night, & return some time tomorrow... She has DIAL UP!... that says it all, huh?... I won't be back on here 'til I return... 'til then... make it count!

Enjoy the Vi's lunch!!! <envious!>

Prayers, Suzie!

Healing to all who need it -- Terry, Pam & Macy!

Hang in there Jane! (I've followed my stylist all over town for about 15 years now! It never occurred to me not to!)

((Laura & Carson))

Hope you get out on your bike, Judy!

Hi Kat! & anyone I inadvertently missed!!!

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Good morning, Violets..

Ethan is here and is watching Dora so I have a few minutes to catch up on here.

It's 37 right now, but supposed to get up to 55 this afternoon, so after Jen comes to get Ethan at 4, I hope to head out on the terratrike. We leave for a church meeting tomorrow so won't have Ethan and it's supposed to be 72, so I'll get out in the morning before we go. I have a headrest, mirror and flag on the bike now so I'm good to go. Just have to depend on the weather.

Ethan is sitting on the potty watching tv. It's a hit and miss deal with him. Sometimes he goes, sometimes not. But he never tells me he has to go. This is going to be a long process.

The Bobster is at the hot tub place. I went out to get in the tub last night and when I opened it up, it had a code on the temperature display and the Water was very chilly. Soooooooooo off to see what the matter is today. Hopefully we can get the pool opened in a week or two. Just have to pump the water out of the cover. I want to be swimming in my pool in May. That will be the earliest ever since we've had the pool. But that's only because of the gas heater we have now.

Tracy... hope Macy feels better after the meds. And hope you don't get it!!! Congrats on starting at the Y! Exercise is the key for many of us for sure.

PamELa.. hope you're feeling better too.

Laura...can you believe it's been a week already????? Give Carson an extra kiss and hug from Auntie Gramma Violet Judy. Whew.. that's a long moniker.

Off to check out Facebook and see how all my friends are doing there today too.

Michelle.. hope all goes well with your mom's surgery. Check in when you can!

Everyone make it a good one today. Be good to yourself.

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Hey Girls~

No work again for me today :rolleyes2:. I am not happy about it either. It is A REALLY bad time of year to be out. I woke at 5:30, and felt so dizzy. I went into the shower and still am weak and now dizzy. The hard part is missing during this crucial time of prepping (cramming all the info into their brains and praying they retain it). But I am still feeling sick. It is hard to explain but I feel like I can feel the infection. The symptoms are gone (not peeing blood) but I feel sick inside. I am starting to wonder if I am treating the right thing?? I've only had 2 anitbiotics, so maybe I just need one more day of rest. I am hoping this is right. I am sure my boss is NOT happy w/ me right now.

Terry, glad the knee is on the mend. We don't realize how much we use them until they hurt, huh?

Tracy, hope Macy is well soon!

Jane, hope the light shines bright on you today:biggrin:

Judy, hope you get on your bike a bit today.

Suzie, wishing you strength to get through the next few days.

Laura, hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

Texas V's, I am so jealous about lunch on Friday! Take pix!!!

I am enjoying my flowers more and more each day as they open up. This is great because it is the gift that keeps on giving!


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The power came on at 6:30 last night, so the light is shining!!!

I think it is a combo of not caring/financial problems. I think he thinks they wouldn't turn MY power off!

I am super busy today with 6 colors, 2 highlights, and lots of cuts! Charlie said he would help me Shampoo, so maybe I will have a shampoo boy!!

I hope all has a great day!!!

Kat you are sooo sooo good about personals!!!

I hope Macy feels better!!!

Give Carson an extra hug for me!!!!!

Judy hope your cold tub turns hot!!

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Good Morning!

Tracy, so sorry Miss Macy is sick. Wish I could snap my fingers and make her better!

Judy, we had fair luck with Connor, by teaching him to pee standing up first, and then working on the rest!!! Once peeing became fun---then the bathroom/potty stuff was pretty easy. We took fruit loops, and tossed half a dozen in the toilet---where they float, and Daddy taught him to try to sink them!!! LOL They turn to mush, so there is not a problem with the flushing of them. It made him want to go try it. He mastered that pretty quickly. We went to the store and bought a step stool, and a package of stickers and let him decorate the stool, so he knew it was his to use. Then once he got it we made a deal with him---if he did not potty in his pants we would go buy a toy!!!

Our biggest issue was getting Mom and Dad on board. It was just easier to change diapers. Messy pants on a kid that size was NOT easier. It made me gag!!!! LOL Good Luck with it......my Mom had trouble with my brother training, she said she thought she would have to send him to school with 2 lunch boxes, one with lunch and one with diapers!!!

I'm really jealous of the TX Violets too!!!

Pamela, I am sure you feel crummy. The infection ends up circulating throughout your body, and the antibiotics can make you feel pretty bad on their own. Suzanne has a point with the strong antibiotics, you might want to add a dose of acidopholus to your pill popping, or at least eat some yogurt.

Hope Mom does well with her surgery Michelle---drive safe!!!

Haydee, sorry family issues are plaguing you----not much worse. I had a woman come in yesterday I have known my entire life. We grew up a few blocks apart, and our brothers were friends as kids. So while she and I were never close, we have always been friendly. She come in and dropped some glasses off of her DD's and was saying she decided to let her hair go gray----so was thinking of different glasses yadda, yadda, yadda. So she is telling me she is under lots of stress. I ask if everything was ok....and in a very calm---almost rehearsed sounding voice she tells me "Well my Dad is bad, his dementia is so advanced he doesn't know any of us, and my Mom needs me to come help, but my DD and her baby just moved back in with us, and she is working split shifts so I take care of the baby, and my son is in jail, he's been there for 2 weeks, charged with a class 5 felony, he cut a girls throat, so I just decided I don't have time or the energy to worry about dying my hair." You could have knocked me over with a feather!!! OMG I cannot imagine my son doing something like that. Maybe the issue is that as mad as he gets at his wife sometimes I am afraid to imagine it. But I would be non functioning upset I think. And while I would not be the one who did it, I would be embarrassed by it---I cannot imagine having the matter of fact attitude she did. I mean he is headed for serious time I would imagine!

So......I am thanking my lucky stars that my son being in a impending divorce situation is not the end of the world---it COULD be much worse.

Hope your problems pale in comparison too Haydee.

My weight is soooooo irritating! It is dropping off so much slower than I hoped!! I know I could increase it with exercise. But time and energy are in my way! I am on my feet a lot through the day---easily 70% of the time. I eat usually just a couple of times a day---lunch and dinner, and I am trying to keep them healthy choices. I am so tight in the morning, that to eat is difficult, because when I go in, if I spend any time dealing with files, I am bending, and I feel my Breakfast wanting to come back up then! So.....instead I drink calories----guess that is what I will give up!

The weather is getting warmer, so that should be easy enough to give up my cappucino!!! I have some of the low cal/low carb Fuze drinks, I can take with me in the morning, and will try to push the Water, see if I cannot get this weight back off. I know many things I could do to help, but I want to try to be realistic in how I want my life to be.

Girls I just have one question......

Why were we born so doggone beautiful instead of thin???????

Paid off my car a few minutes ago!!! Feels so good! They were sooooo rude on the phone I ended up letting them make me mad and almost lost my "happy" over it!!! She told me that it would be $10.00 to pay it over the phone, that my usual bank transfer through bill pay will not work for a pay off. If I mail it I need to add .13 cents a day for interest between now and when it is received, and if the amount does not cover---like if I paid the .13 for 7 days and it took 8--then they do not accept the partial payment----but they also do not refund over payments. She was just snotty in her manner! I refused to talk to her, told her I wanted to speak to her supervisor! When he got on the phone, I told him I had paid regularly and timely, and now that I was not going to be a customer anymore, they were going to treat me hatefully? He waived the $10.00 and it is paid off!!! The rude attitude is what made me close my personal bank account with Wells Fargo here, and I cannot tell you how many rude ones I encountered while paying off this car. But no more!!! YAY!!!

Well, I am going to get some housework done.....not sure about calling Tracy with a sick kiddo.......

See y'all this evening!

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Hope Macy feels better soon- Emetrol is amazing, I keep a bottle beside the toilet at all times!

They took the miracle bed today :thumbup:

At 7am the nurse picked it up, and Carson hasn't let me put him down since. We're trying to think of a way to similate the humming noise (it was really like a computer hum). Ill have to look into vibrators!!

Hope you all have a good day!

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Laura - Maybe a gently swinging bassinet? Have you tried putting his car seat on top of the clothes dryer with a load in?

Just a couple more weeks and you can put him in the Amazing Gift from God, the ever lovin' BABY SWING!!! Hang in there!

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Laura-When we brought macy home from the hospital she was not sleeping much then I remembered seeing the nurse in the hospital having her in the baby swing on high the whole time....I sent frank to buy one and problem solved. We also had a vibrating bassinet that she LOVED!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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