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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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I'll be on tomorrow, and through the week. My DH is leaving for TX tomorrow, so spending my time with him.

I will talk to you all soon....

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That is so neat that Haydee and Michelle are going to see Pamela!!!! It is so special!! I really wish I could go!! How long will you guys be there? Fun, Fun!!!!

I just watched the Oprah show from the other day with Starr Jones, Marie Osmand, and Valerie Bertanelli. Interesting. Although according to some skinny people where I work if you just eat right and exercise you will be thin. You just need to say no to food and yes to exercise!! Wow, what an eye opener, maybe I should try that!!

I have the slowest day I have had for a Saturday in years tomorrow!! I am bummed so much because this has been such a slow week!!! No money for house payment, luckily I have overdraft protection that borrows from my credit card!!

Okay, off to bed for me.

Have a good weekend everyone, Kat enjoy your husband!!

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Well they are special nipple things, it's to help flat nipples so I can breast feed :scared2: They're silicone things.

Not quite something I could find at the stores around here (not for lack of lookin!) or make myself.

I thought that too--I was glad they opened it here.. but I looked for the tear strip in the yard, and couldn't find it..and they replaced the package in our flower bed, so I'm wondering if it was a neighbor (probably, bunch of crap heads around us) and they took it home, were like WTF and chunked it back in our yard.

I thought about cracking our garage, but not sure how to tell fedex to leave stuff under that.. and Russ scouted around trying to figure out where he could put a camera (he's more bothered about this since he orders a lot of computer parts--people pay him to build computers, and at work he's in charge of building new systems).

I just decided I'm sending 100% of packages to me at work, I normally send really personal things like this to our house, but not anymore.

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Morning gals

i missed a lot i guess... Michelle and Haydee ... you guys are going to cali????? how nice

They had a work meeting Thursday and I have become really tight with the head of marketing...There was a couple of meetings but one of them was about me/an office in ENY. They were the committe to either approve or reject the proposal i put out there to open an office here. My friend didn't say much because well... i'm a favorite and he wanted to see where everyone else was going with this... and well.... approved and going for final approval to the owner (who already told me how he feels) next week and proposal was to get it up and running while i'm finishing up this job, so May... which means I should know for sure if i'm going to be working from home very soon. PRAY for me girls. I want this so bad i can taste it.

I am going to watch Michelle today

I am glad winter is over but spring here.... April showers.... may flowers... well now all it is doing is raining!

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Good Morning, Girlies~~

I posted last night *exactly* at the moment they brought down the site for maintenance! LOL! I wrote...

Yay! Haydee and I are road tripping it to Cali in May! We're going to represent the Vi's @ Dr. Jazzy Bradford's big shindig!! We jet in on Fri., May 29, play & party @ Cyd's house, recoup, then zip home on Monday. We get to sleep in Pammy's big closet! & meet Susanne! & Klausie! & all their friends!! Can you tell I am excited?!

TODAY... is my 22nd wedding anniversary! :scared2: How is THAT possible? 22 years! Oh my. We've got lots of kid stuff to do, naturally... but we'll go to dinner tonight. & I made & cut out 22 hearts & put them all over the house for him to find... on the tv remote, coffee machine, light switch, etc... + gave him a 56 oz bag of pnut m&ms... he bought himself a new Fuji roadbike yesterday (his old one had a crack in the frame). He gave me premium m&ms, SB choc covered coffee Beans, & a SB card! He knows me!

It's finally a sunny day here today!! Enjoy the weekend!!

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Morning girls,

Well Rick is at work, and will work til noon, and then leave for TX. He thought his sister was maybe going, then found out she wasn't. So will just be him and his folks---shocking!!! I will say the sister that was going to go, her husband will go at times, and actually do some tractor work, he will not build fences or mess with the cattle, but hey it is still 100% more than the other 2 siblings combined do! The only reason I don't let it totally piss me off is that Rick enjoys it so much down there, and we both love the family we have there, and we do have cattle on the place as well as his Dad does, and no one else does----they could if they wanted, but they don't. So I will miss him, but I will deal with it I suppose!!!

Lucky Haydee, Michelle and Pamela!!! I am so glad you will be there to Celebrate with Pamela----but I thought Susanne was not going to be there the weekend you defend.....that's what I get for trying to read and catch up on everything so quickly!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful time.

Rick used his air compressor and blew out the back of the armouir (sp?) that the computer is in, and blew the dust off of all the cords, and junk that is in like a little cave back there----my computer fan had begun kicking on frequently---so now it is running great, but all the dust is now on my keyboard, and desk top----the top of the printer etc.....nasty!!!

My fill is loosening a little. I can eat about 2/3 of a packet of oatmeal now---which is where I was for those couple of years....and where I want to be!!

I want to be able to eat semi normally---I want to eat a taco and it be my meal, not 3 of them!!!!

My plan is to make me some Soup, and figure out a couple of things that are good for me, that I like, that I can have while Rick is gone and not cook, and NOT do the fast food thing, which has been way to frequently lately. The combination of the new job, and getting things done for him for this trip--we find ourselves in town doing things and out of time for dinner.< /strong>

Sometime this week, I have to hit Office Max, or Staples or somewhere, and stock my desk. They will reimburse me for it--but I get to choose what I want. I mean the supply closet has the usual pens, post its, etc. But I do need a few things they don't have there, so will get it. It was hilarious, the Dr. opens his wallet and hands me $22.00, and tells me, there now you have everything I had! I have to buy red file folders for the lab---and security envelopes for the lab---so he was giving me his "petty cash" he said! And he tells me, keep track of your time too, and we will pay you for the shopping.....yeah he actually said that to 3 women!!! We laughed and I told him fine I just won't sign out tonight!!!! I can shop all weekend, my husband is going to be gone! He just laughed. I also need a large fake plant, but a pretty one. My desk is L shaped, and all of my equipment is down a counter from the one side, so all the electrical supply comes in, in the corner of my L. It is too deep to reach, so it doesn't take up usable space, but all those cords look like crap while I have patients standing there, while we schedule procedures. So I am thinking a pretty artificial plant, would be lightweight, and not hurt anything it sat on, would not have Water (!!) and could easily be lifted off when we need in to move or fix something---and would look much better than the rats nest of cords it is now.

The Dr. and the office manager both told me I did great the first week, even went so far as to say they were impressed! Which was really nice to hear, I felt like I was moving in slow motion, and having to confirm everything 2 or 3 times!

It was especially nice to hear since Thursday Rick's company lost their biggest account---so they know they are cutting back to one crew---they just have no idea if it will be Rick's or Anthony's. While Rick has seniority on Anthony, his crew does not all have, and Anthony does have the Navajo hiring preference thing going on. So not knowing, what is going to happen, made it really nice to know they are happy with my work.

It snowed here last night. Yep snow. Probably not more than 2 inches, but it snowed. It has been in the mid to upper 70's.....then it got windy and blew in the storm that hit Denver, and it snowed. All my daffodils and hyacinths are out there hanging low covered in snow. I sent the camera with Rick, so it is put away in his stuff, but I wish I could show you the neighbors crabapple tree, it is full of dark, hot pink flowers, and snow---it is sooooo pretty!!!

Guess I better go get dressed, I have to take Rick's log book in to him so he will get paid. He is taking the van to TX, and left the book in his car.....

I'll check in later to cry.....

Oh yeah, Laura, do you think they might have mis delivered your package?

About a year ago, Rick got a delivery, he opened it and found a breast pump!!! The couple across the street from us, have the same last name! And he is as into motorcycles as Rick, actually more so. He buys and sells ebay all the time, a day seldom goes by without a delivery. Well Rick gets his quite often too....and once our motorcycle tire got put over there, and once a Christmas gift from Ricks sister went over there, and he opened it....so it was pretty easy to figure out when Rick saw it said Modela breast pump....it had to be theirs!!! Their baby will be a year old in June!!! I know what breast shields you are talking about. They are also used if Mom's nipples crack.

OK, see ya later!

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Hey Girls~

I have no power at home still!

Here is the link as 4 power lines are down about 4 houses from us:cursing:

KESQ.com Palm Springs, Coachella Valley - Weather, News, Sports: Home

If it doesnt work and you want to see, hit "down power lines" on the home webpage! This sucks...but we are at Stef's house...thank God she has power (and lives in our neighborhood). Been a rough 18 hours for sure.

Looking forward to the girls coming out in May! Wish you all were, but I am glad I will have some Violets at the party. Kat, the defense is in April, and Susanne will be gone...but the party is in May at Cyd Charisse's house!

Have a great day!

Hope to see you soon!

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Wow, it was super quiet in here today, huh? Hope everyone is having fun fun FUN!

I am just surfing the net and downloading some music.

Have a great night violets! (((hugs)))

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Good evening!! It really is quiet. I hope my tirade the other day didn't get anybody down!!

My phone rang at work today and I said, I wonder if Laura had her baby!!

I am wondering where Terry, Suzie, Laura, Tracyks, Heather, Suziet, and whoever else I missed that didn't post today!! Judy and Haydee have a vacation pass. What about you?????????

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Oh, I heard a song on the radio that I really liked the words. I found out it was Miley Cyrus :welldoneclap:!

It was called "The Climb"

I really liked the words and found them online, here is just the chorus

There is always going to be another moutain

I'm always going to want to make it move

Always going to be an uphill battle

Sometimes I am going to have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there

Ain't about whats waiting on the other side

It's the climb.

I like the words, it is hard to hear such a young girl sing such a deep song, but actually she could probably put me to shame on what she has lived. Nice song, never thought I be having a conversation about her!

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Morning gals

Jane, I love that song, it is on my mp3

today is another day, going to start digging holes in the back yard and moving my retaining wall, got my laundryroom/dylans playroom emptied and cleaned yesterday, with anticipation that is going to be my new office (keep praying)

Have a few odds and ends to put away but today is going to be the only nice day so i'm going to clean out the back yard and have to get rid of my dumpster Tuesday, and it will be full today.

I freaked out and told my kids that we need to have a spotless house all the time if i'm going to be working from home as a base, because i'm sure since it will be our office the super who will relocate here will be stopping in daily for work and people will eventually be in and out. Before DS i was a total neat freak (also weighed 10lbs more than i do right now, with no belly flab so i was ok with that) and we are getting back to that world, there is no reason for taking a year to get this place cleaned and spotless.

I am back to 198 today, probably too full, but i can drink so i don't care, i needed this. Started Protein Shakes yesterday .... full and felt pretty good, so down 11lbs in a week including the 5pms - but have some motivation to rock this band again. 2lbs away from my post surgery weigh (gall bladder) so i'm happy, i'm going to blow that away, but keep my next goal simple, at 190. that is only 8lbs, i can do that.

Anyway, Kev has been dealing with a bout of his severe depression from the accident, sometimes it doesn't take much to set him off, it has been a very hard week, because he pulled away, didn't vanish on me which is a huge step, but it was still hard. We made it, he got an emergency head dr appt, and was there for 2 hrs and talked about us for 3/4 of that and left feeling much better. He has an assignment of writing an essay for her to tell her what our life will be like when he moves in and our relationship. It got my head spinning and i did the same thing and sent it to him - I know that it will be different for both of us in different ways but he has been telling me for months that we can get through the past and move on only if we do it together... so when he was not good this week, i just kept reminding him of that.... something worked. There is hope for us .... by him not vanishing and at least calling me to let me know he was in meltdown mode was a huge huge step for him.

Well enough of my blah blah blah, that is pretty much where i've been for the last couple of weeks, depressed and angry about all that stuff, but holding on and not jumping off the bridge, it is coming together... maybe it is finally going to be my time to shine!

Thanks everyone for being such great friends.....

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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