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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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LOL...no he was long dead. W/ Chris...he was cuter than Elvis (especially after being dead for nearly a decade):cursing:)

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LOL, Pamela, I had to read half the last page to Rick so he would know why I was laughing out loud...literally!!!

Unless something drastic changes, I am going to go to work it seems! I have tossed around all the yays and nays....and there are more logical reasons to do it than not to. All of my nays had to do with time off with Rick and plans made....so we will just have to work around it.

They did another 7 or 8 lay offs today, mostly new hires he said.

I was laughing and talking to my Mom about the decision, and said I had been complaining and worrying about the possibility of the layoffs, and that I couldn't shake the idea that maybe this job offer was meant to be. That ignoring it, would be akin to the man who died in the flood and ask God why he let him die when he prayed for help, and God answers that he sent 2 boats and a helicopter. The answer does not always come as you expect. Maybe this job is my boat!!!

TracyK----you hangin' in there???

Judy are you counting down the hours yet?

Suzanne, both sisters doing better now?

Where is the closest place in that Southwest does fly----any idea anyone??? Might be cost effective for me to fly there and drive the remainder.

Well my dinner (soup) is not going down very quickly at all. Maybe I drank too soon, I feel miserably full. Had maybe 1/2 a cup. Feels good tho to not gorge all day, I was SOOOOOO out of control!!!

My graph would NOT be pretty Terry!!!

Sleep well---see y'all tomorrow.

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good morning gals

Kat, i missed it... you are going to work? I know you have been worried about layoffs, so what is the worst thing that happens ... you work until things calm down and then decide you don't want to work... and hey... Rick is not going to get laid off (positive thinking) and you will have a nice little stash to do all the things you planned plus more...

I feel pretty darn good this morning, not great but much better. no flexural last night. 1 pain pill when i got home and 1 at bed time and i slept like a baby and feel rested and still sore, but much better.

good thing, i realized that in my drugged state the last few days, i forgot to buy a door knob for the new door, and it is going to rain tonight. so i am going to run to get one tonight, I also have to get my carpet cleaner from my friend. Kev has obviously been spending lots of time with all of us, yes quality time with kids too.... but anyway, he is allergic to cats, and i have 2 long hair... he made a hospital trip the other night after he helped me get something from under my bed and the cats sleep under there an he was a mess. so he is trying so i'm going to get the cats groomed, which i do anyway, and clean my carpets.

The next big step for him and us to move to the next step is supposed to happen today. He is waiting for his attorney to finish up his settlement and disburse his funds, which has been going on for 2 weeks. He is stressed out and there are a lot of details to work out, but he was told it would be done today, good violet thoughts girls.... this is a big part of his closure he needs to move on to the little things he needs to deal with.

(plus he is going to give me the money he owes me too)

i'm off, running late now, have lots of company at work and big screw ups yesterday so it is not going to be fun.

hugs and kisses!

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Originally Posted by mdrai viewpost.gif

Yeah, Judy & I arrive first & we're gonna get the party started!! Woot!

....yeah, at the GROCERY STORE!!!:cursing:

Only if they sell LIQUOR @ the GS in Ala (which they probably do, huh?) -- lol!! & yeah, Judy will probably be withdrawing from her tuna / soynut / mandarin ojs so we'll have to stop in & get her fix! :)

Jenn -- Best wishes, dear one.

Pamela -- I love those old-timey postcards!! They are great! All those homes are in your town & you've never seen them?? And Walt's!!

Speaking of which... I am planning our next WDW trip for a 4-day weekend in September!! I'm so excited! I squirrel away $$ every time I get paid, so when dh grouches "We can't do that, we don't have any money, what are you thinking?" I can go "Voila!" In fact, I already told him & he did grouch & I said that we want him to come but if not, that we were still going! :tt2: Now, of course, I realize that a million things could happen between now & then, but I've already checked the soccer schedule etc., & it is doable as of this moment. Really, my psyche is much calmer and happier when I have a trip in the works... just knowing that I can "daydream w/purpose" soothes my soul somehow. I know, I am a crazy, weird Disney nut!!

I'm crazy busy today through next week. I won't detail it, just trust me. The biggie is that DH leaves Sat a.m. for a week for his Co's annual meeting -- in Orlando (not WDW, just O) of all places! (Trust me, I tried to make it work that we could tag along, but NO WAY w/everything the kids have got going... oh yeah, & school! lol! stupid school, messes everything up!) So I'll be single-mom'ing it again and seriously, the weekend we'll be home only to sleep! So I'll check in when I can.

Love you all!!

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Good morning everyone!

Today is dh first of 4 days off. We are going to visit friends in Louisiana tomorrow. Looks like those plans were gonna fall through but after all is said and done the trip is back on. I really need the getaway too. Maybe zooming around on a 4 wheeler all weekend is just what I need. :cursing: I am going to try to be a good girl as far as eating is concerned. We are gonna get macy out of school half a day early then head out. I will post between now & then.

Have a great day violets!

Pam-LOVE the beautiful tat!

Jenn-I hope you and Kev's day goes perfectly so he can put this chapter of his life behind him (you too)

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Morning, I woke up all achy, trying to decide whether to take something for it or not. She really worked us out last night.

Kat, congrats on making the decision to go back to work. You're right about the lifeboat. You gotta grab it when you can.

TracyK, have a great trip and have a lot of fun, you deserve it. Maybe this is just what the doctor ordered.

Jenn, Good luck with Kev. I hope things turn out great for you.

Janie, hugs to you.

Carson, a little hug for you and Mommy.

Judy and Bob, I am hoping with all my heart that you two have the time of your life. What a great trip to be taking and I'm anxious to see the pics.

(Is Judy gonna get lei'd in Hawaii)

TracyKS, I miss you girl.

Oh, Kat. I love ,love, love the coffee mug you sent me. I use it every morning and if it's not clean, I'm sad that I don't get to use it.

Michelle and Mickey, what a pair.

I'm off to go dry my hair, bbs.

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I'm off to go start my day. I'll be back ina few hours, I hope.

Than my shift tonight at the hospital.

Have a great day.

Oh, and it's CTCD.

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Hey Chicas~

Where the hell is Haydee?

We went to the gym, but let me tell you 4:30 was just mean this am. :tt2::):cursing::tt2: I could not fall to sleep last night because Sus put the flannel sheets on again, and I am TOO FREAKIN HOT! She is bundled up like an eskimo and I am sans clothes, on top of the sheets completely uncovered and sweating like I was on a tropical island w/ Judy:rolleyes:. Anyhoo...when the alarm went off I was DEAD! Walked around here for a few min with my eyebrows raised so high...this was to give the illusion that my eyes were open:eek:. 30 hardcore min of cardio...and I feel MUCH BETTER!

Getting my "do" done today!!! It is too long. Then we are going downtown to have dinner w/ Rob and Charles! Trying to make it early cause we have our trainer at 5am tomorrow!

Tracyk...I think zooming around on a 4 wheeler is exactly what the doctor ordered for you. It sounds fun and I look forward to hearing about it!

Glad you like the postcards Michelle...I LOVE vintage Palm Springs pix etc! The City Hall has great pix from the early 20th century...and from long before the town was established. We are basically a "new" town, only really being developed in the 30's -50s. Hell, there are areas now that were just desert when I was growing up. Anyway...I was having a spot of fun on facecrack last night!

Have a great day...gotta put my face on now and boogey!


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LOL...no he was long dead. W/ Chris...he was cuter than Elvis (especially after being dead for nearly a decade):))
Chris was still cuter than Elvis even though he'd been dead for a decade? You're way sicker than I ever thought, Pammy. And that's pretty sick.

Where is the closest place in that Southwest does fly----any idea anyone??? Might be cost effective for me to fly there and drive the remainder.

I think Birmingham. I could meet you there if you want and we could drive together! :tt2: It's about a 1.5 hour drive, I think.
Hey Chicas~

Where the hell is Haydee?

We went to the gym, but let me tell you 4:30 was just mean this am. :angry::tt2::cursing::mad: I could not fall to sleep last night because Sus put the flannel sheets on again, and I am TOO FREAKIN HOT! She is bundled up like an eskimo and I am sans clothes, on top of the sheets completely uncovered and sweating like I was on a tropical island w/ Judy:rolleyes:.

I'm sure Haydee's having a helluva time getting caught up at work, PLUS she thinks she's now blocked from LBT! :)

I have a fan that blows full blast right on me all night long. It's literally about 2 feet from me. So yeah, I can related.

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Good morning, Violets..

It's been a bummer of a morning, so far. Joe announced as he dropped off Ethan that he and Jen will probably divorce. Seems she heard a rumor from a girlfriend that he slept around and even though he denies it, she'd rather believe the girlfriend. Sooooooooooooo just before the happiest trip of our lives, shit happens. We had to make other arrangements for dog care since we won't be able to depend on Joe or Jen to be thinking straight.

I'm going to get my hair done and then taking Ethan to Kris's for the afternoon to get away. Bob will stay and do some last minute cleaning. And of course the cat barfed on the bed this morning, so we had to strip that and get the sheets in the wash. If it's not one thing, it's another.

I'll check in tonight. I probably could use a good dose of purple power right now.

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I could not fall to sleep last night because Sus put the flannel sheets on again, and I am TOO FREAKIN HOT! She is bundled up like an eskimo and I am sans clothes, on top of the sheets completely uncovered and sweating like I was on a tropical island w/ Judy:rolleyes:.

I had to laugh . . . my dh does this to me every night. I am sooo hot at night, I need everything off and he is also bundled like an eskimo. What is worse is that he is a light sleeper and wakes up several times during the night . . . sees me uncovered and then "fixes" the situation by turning me into an eskimo as well. They I wake up in a sweaty funk and kick it all off again. Needless to say, this repeats repeatedly, lol.

The tattoo is absolutely adorable by the way and I think the size and location are perfect. I love the colors. Thanks for sharing the pics of the wedding as well :0).

Kat, I am really happy you decided to take the job. He does sound like a good boss and being African can make the job more interesting. No one is difficult to understand after you adjust to their accent and have worked with them for a little while. Also with the economy being the way it is, you are really lucky to have a job fall into your lap.

I also have to say that there is something pleasant about working as well. The day passes, you feel productive and then you can really enjoy your time at home. It is also much easier to lose weight when you are not home all day (as evidenced by my weekday losses being offset by inevitable weekend gains, lol).

The timing could not have been more perfect with the question of layoffs . . . it sounds to me like a blessing in disguise. Manda is also doing sooo much better and it sounds like life is going so much more smoothly. Just think, had this opportunity come around over the insanity of the last couple of months it would have been really difficult if not impossible to start a new job on top of it. I also haven't heard much about hives lately, so I assume they are better and your stress level is going down (and will reallllyyyy go down once you kick the mooch off the premises, lol. Just make sure you lock all the doors before you leave for work).

TracyK & Judy, I hope you have absolutely fabulous times on your trips :0). I hope you take a couple of good pictures to share for those of us who aren't quite as lucky to have an opportunity to get away.

Everyone else, have a lovely and enjoyable day.

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Judy, I am so sorry you are having to go through this!! No fair or fun. Try not to think about it too much on your trip.

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Originally Posted by mdrai viewpost.gif

Only if they sell LIQUOR @ the GS in Ala (which they probably do, huh?) -- lol!! & yeah, Judy will probably be withdrawing from her tuna / soynut / mandarin ojs so we'll have to stop in & get her fix! :cursing:

What are you tryin to say??? :) They sell space crap in the GS at the airport. So nyah nyah. Huntsville isn't redneck, it's space & engineering! (Re: Geeks)

She is bundled up like an eskimo and I am sans clothes, on top of the sheets completely uncovered and sweating like I was on a tropical island w/ Judy:rolleyes:.

This is how I've been, I am finally getting the 'hot all the time' crap, I wake up throughout the night sweating and throwing all the blankets on the floor.. then going and putting Water on my face and leaving it there.

Good morning, Violets..

It's been a bummer of a morning, so far. Joe announced as he dropped off Ethan that he and Jen will probably divorce. Seems she heard a rumor from a girlfriend that he slept around and even though he denies it, she'd rather believe the girlfriend. Sooooooooooooo just before the happiest trip of our lives, shit happens. We had to make other arrangements for dog care since we won't be able to depend on Joe or Jen to be thinking straight.

I'm going to get my hair done and then taking Ethan to Kris's for the afternoon to get away. Bob will stay and do some last minute cleaning. And of course the cat barfed on the bed this morning, so we had to strip that and get the sheets in the wash. If it's not one thing, it's another.

I'll check in tonight. I probably could use a good dose of purple power right now.

Sorry to hear that, what bad timing for all of that :tt2:

Hope you enjoy the trip and get so wrapped up you don't have to worry about things at home!!

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Judy and TracyK -- thinking good thoughts for you and your families... Try to leave all your worries at home and have fun on your trips!!

Got one nasty day on tap today....it is almost 11 am and I can still see the thickest fog I've seen in a while. Laura -- I heard there were bad storms headed your way last night. Any problems?

I go to the dentist today to see how the tissue graft did. I have to say the week and a half of mostly liquids helped some -- I lost 7 pounds!!

When I walked into Curves last evening, one of the girls I haven't seen in a couple of months asked if I had lost weight. Great to hear, but no. But maybe that means that the inches are really noticable even if the weight is the same!!

Make it a good day!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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