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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Good afternoon, Violets..

Well, we got a total of about 3 inches of snow and it's finally stopped. Temp is 33 and a little tiny bit of sun. No triking today. sighhhhhhhh

I haven't done the chores I planned yet. I did get the laundry done and ironed the Bobster's Hawaiian shirts. He's all packed now except for the last minute things. Now I need to tackle the toy area.

I finished the last of the corned beef and cabbage for lunch. Now nothing but Water until Meals for 8 tonight. The hostess is making stuffed shells. That should be interesting. I don't do well with Pasta. Maybe I'll just eat the stuffing and forget about the Pasta. You'd think she'd know better.. she's banded too!!

Everyone have a great afternoon. Catch you all tonight.

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Hi girlies~

Technically Terry, I do not cook for him (him=the guy out back!) It works like this....Rick works all day, and so I do my best to have dinner for him soon after he gets home. Well guess who just happens to pop in to talk to him, and ask about everyone at work, and tell him about what he found out on the job hunt etc. at that time.....yep, damn near every night. He senses when I am at my limit and hides out elsewhere, I have not seen him in a couple of days now. Of course I haven't seen him, I had to dig up the sewer clean out this morning, could he have been around to help when something needed done....oh heck no!

So the sewer fix we thought we had last week, was not fixed, it backed up again last night. So the plumber just left----and I feel incredibly poor. I called about renting a sewer auger, and there is a waiting list that could be as long as 2 weeks! I cannot wait 2 weeks. Everywhere else wanted to come on Monday-------we are going to CO for my fill on Monday! I have been unfilled a year next month! I have been operating without a band for a year, and it shows, I want my fill!

This guy come within 45 minutes. He is a Roto Rooter franchisee guy, they have the warranty on the line remaining clear for 30 days....so I figured wth--------I HAVE to have plumbing!

So now I am off to Lowes to buy a cover thing the guy told me about so I can easily access the sewer line, and add chemicals through the growing season, to help prevent this. The plug was caused by roots, and my house is old, so the lines are not plastic, so the roots get in around the fittings, then they block everything gross from passing. So this kills the roots.....and eventually possibly the tree. But it is $3-4 K to replace the line. So with the job the way it is, and finances the way they are....the poor tree might have to suffer. Hate it, but it is what it is.

Back to the guy out back---------Rick said he is telling him when he sees him on these days off that he needs to clear out the shop, his parts are all in, and he is ready to start assembly on his chopper, so he needs the room. Plus he is doing a brake job for a guy at work today---it is in exchange for some work the guy is doing for Rick--but if times get tight, Rick can do side work out of the shop. But this guy has his trailer parked in the drive to the shop, and is plugged in through there. He even had the nerve to use this bar Rick has hanging in the shop he used to hang extension cords on, to hang clothes on. That pushed a couple of hubby's buttons!!! LOL

Anyway he says he is telling him it is time to move on. We'll see. Rick is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. He feels like he is kicking someone when they are down, and lets it go....but perhaps it has gone long enough now!

I better get to Lowes....will check with all of you later.

Smooches ona cheeks (what Kinsey says to her Aunties)---she sees them do the double cheek kiss on TV and thinks it is so cool-----she always wants smooches ona cheeks!!!

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For anyone interested... bariatriceating.com has free shipping 'til midnight tonight (not on ready-to-drink or liquids (like davinci syrups) tho). I'm stocking up on yummy cinnamon cappucino pro powder & trying the Big Train iced caramel coffee powder + pom razz powder (I'm thinking this one would be tasty w/a shot of vodka thrown in for good measure!!). I'm getting ready for that fill on Monday + ready to ROCK this weight loss thing again!!! If I have yummy alternatives, then I will use them & lose! :smile:

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For anyone interested... bariatriceating.com has free shipping 'til midnight tonight (not on ready-to-drink or liquids (like davinci syrups) tho). I'm stocking up on yummy cinnamon cappucino pro powder & trying the Big Train iced caramel coffee powder + pom razz powder (I'm thinking this one would be tasty w/a shot of vodka thrown in for good measure!!). I'm getting ready for that fill on Monday + ready to ROCK this weight loss thing again!!! If I have yummy alternatives, then I will use them & lose! :smile:

You go, girl!! Love the positive attitude I'm hearing from you!! Keep it up!!

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Why thank you kindly, dear friend!

Here's my horoscope for today... but I think it's applicable to ALL of us EVERY day:

Do you have a goal that's intimidating you? Forcing you to procrastinate and procrastinate? Well, today, you need to either start on it or give it up. You have learned to be flexible and go back and forth on various projects, but you can't go back and forth on this one. If you are too afraid to get started, then you shouldn't even bother tackling a tough project. But if you want something badly, you need to find the resolve deep in your heart to get it. You can do this!

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Kat - I thought Rick already had that talk with OB (Out Back) Guy!!? Why the heck can't he just go to some camp ground or something? The showing up at dinnertime would get my goat for sure! I think I'd just stare at him until he leaves. How rude!

Michelle - can you bottle some of that enthusiasm and send it my way please? I just can't muster any at all. Pfffft. I did get a big ol' bag of frozen tilapia and lots of green veggies...does that count as progress? Back in 'the day' I used to sauté tilapia and steam some green veggies and call it dinner at least 2x a week. No wonder I lost weight!

I might go see Duplicity tonight. Feel like gettin' out.

Kat - How many people live in your town?

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Hey Girls, remember me??????

I have nothing to do or no place to go till Monday morning. Just what am I supposed to do???????

Right now I'm so tired I'm not sure I can keepmy eyes open enough to make dinner. But I have to. Poor Hubby hasn't seen me in a week or had a home cooked meal OR sex. (sorry Judy).

I had to be over at church early this morning for our Women of Faith Retreat. It wasn't as good as the past ones. The girl that was leading it has recently lost about 36 pounds through a personnal trainer and Gym and drinking weight loss shakes. She was so up on it that she asked all of them to speak at the retreat today. Yadda Yadda Yadda, I'm proud of her and anyone else that can do that but the big test will be to see if they keep it off. That's the hard part about losing. I''m just glad that they didn't get down on people that have had surgery, I would have had to walk out on them. I was really hoping for more of a spiritual weekend.

One thing good about it was that there was some excellent food choices there. Lots of Proteins and fruits. I loved it.

I got home from there and within an hour I had to turn right around and go back for Mass at 4pm. I wouldn't have gone but it was my turn to be a Eucharistic Minister tonight. So now I'm home and have my slippers on and will fix dinner here soon and than off to bed for a FULL nights sleep.< /span>

I'll check in when I can.

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Well I should say good morning!! I slept late today and missed my morning ritual before work!! Then when I came home I took a nap!!!

Judy how long will you be in Hawaii?

I have been thinking of Tracyks alot lately! I hope everything is going okay.

Well nothing new going on here. I am going to go to church for the first time this year! tommorrow!! It is funny I have shyed (shied) (?) away from church because I have gained weight and didn't want people to see. If you can't be yourself at church where can you be yourself????

Okay have a good night!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When Rick had the talk with the guy out back, he told him he needed to look for another place to park his trailer, blah, blah, blah. I did not hear it all, I left. Today he told him that he is going to need full access to his shop and the trailer moved by next weekend. Point blank. Then he said when we left the girl who house sits for us would not be comfortable with a man out there, so it would only be a few days difference anyway. He says, no worries, he would watch our house. So I butted in (was soooooo pissed, will tell ya why in a sec) and said no, she has done it, she is doing it, it is time! And I left. Becky come and got me and I left. I was FURIOUS! They are out back with another couple of guys from work, one of them is who Rick did the brake job for, and another is brainstorming the chopper with Rick. I have not even went out to say hi to any of them. Rick knows I am back. I am not cooking today or any other day until he is gone, hope Rick can survive on sandwiches! If not he knows how to use his debit card.

I told you I had the Roto Rooter guy here. He roto-rooted out the roots, then he put some root killer in, and said for it to work best it needed to sit in the line 6 hours or so. So ok, Rick is at work, and I was headed to town to do my stuff, it would have plenty of time. So I typed to y'all and left.

Well then my Dad who was here this morning with me (did not want a strange plumber man here alone with me, so he come and stayed!!! Gotta love my Daddy!)come back up to the house to get some clippers that Rick had welded for him. Well Dad being Dad, left the back door unlocked, he never locks his at home. And years ago when I changed my locks here following the move, we had our locks keyed the same so we could have access with out keeping up with spare keys.

So then the guy out back comes in, finds the back door unlocked, and proceeds to do laundry. Flushing $92.50 worth of chemicals out of the line.

I come in saw that and was friggin furious. So I needed to yell---so I began moving these totes (thinking he would offer to help and I could yell at him) from the attached garage to the outer shed which is a metal shed next to the shop, and has noisy doors etc. I moved 6 large totes, the box with the Christmas tree, and 3 or 4 trips of other boxes and junk to the new storage area for them. Banging the metal doors maybe 6 foot from where he was in his trailer. He never showed his face. Minutes later, Rick pulls up in his car which literally purrs---and closed the door, and out he comes!

I did the ol finger across the throat motion to Rick and he got the message. I told him, if he is not gone by this week, I will handle it and call the police, I have had my fill. Now if he goes postal and kills me, I will probably be better off than if he stays and I go postal and end up in prison!

Terry, the little town I live in (Aztec) has about 6500 people. We are only about 7 miles from the next town over (Farmington) which is closer to 100,000.

Why do you ask?

Rick has one more day of jury duty---the 31st. He was actually supposed to go on Monday, but he called and since he has actually served on a jury during the call up they excused him over the phone! Yay!! I did not want to drive the snowy mountains alone, but would have for this fill!

Glad your sisters are better Suzanne!

We have talked to 2 other people today who went through the DWI checkpoint and one of them was given grief just like us!

We live in the county seat, so we have the local Sheriffs office as well as the State Police Headquarters in the area, and the 3 towns worth of cops----a total of 5 different entities that work together on the DWI task force, doing these sobriety checks----and I think they all try to out tuff guy the other one!

Well, I am going to find myself something to eat. I guess my husband is going to STAND in the backyard and BS with these guys all night. grrrrrrrrrrr

Talk to ya soon!

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Kat, I just get confused 'cause you talk about your town being small, but you talk about going here and there and it sounds like the town is bigger... so that clears it up.

Kat, I seriously canNOT believe OB Guy let himself in to do laundry!!!!! What did Rick say about the $$ being flushed?? Is the OB Guy gonna pay?? OMG!!!!!!! I'd be LIVID. How in the world do you keep from blowing your top? What is your secret?

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Good Morning, My Vi's~~

OMG Kat, I can feel your anger pulse through your post! & w/good reason! Yes, he should definitely pay for the chems & the service call, too!! Wowza!

This a.m. I'm deep-cleaning our bedroom (long story here, but dh has been having severe asthma issues ever since last weekend when he came home from his bro's house (they have a dog & dogs are the worst for dh)... esp. @ night... but because dh is SUCH a man he never thinks to help himself... he just bitches & moans & groans & sighs all over the flippin' place... so while everyone is gone this a.m. (dd is @ church w/a friend & the guys are at soccer), I am going to super-duper deep clean our bed / nightstands / and even move this ginormous pencil post solid maple bed & clean UNDER it, esp. near the wall where our head are... all in hopes that maybe the getting the dust & gunk out of there will help him sleep easier. Has this even occurred to HIM? No. Where is that roll-eyes smilie when I need him?? Cuz' that sums up how I feel about dh's waah waah w/out DOING anything about it!)

Wow, guess I needed to vent there, huh?

After that, I'll be at 2 different soccer games from 1:30p - 5:30p... lucky me! Good thing it's going to be gorgeous here today, so I am going to walk all around the park during the first soccer thing... yay!

Tomorrow is the big flouro-fill day!! I am excited & nervous at the same time... I've never had one... any of you? Didn't you just have one, Janie? You said something about having to stand up w/the needle sticking out of you?? Ai yai yai!!

Make it a good one, dearies!

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Yeah, I always think of Kat being in a little western town in the middle of nowhere!! But my town is smaller than hers... we have just 917 folks in my town!

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Tomorrow is the big flouro-fill day!! I am excited & nervous at the same time... I've never had one... any of you? Didn't you just have one, Janie? You said something about having to stand up w/the needle sticking out of you?? Ai yai yai!!

Now this just floors me :eek: You have been banded this long and have never had this done? Once the needle in in it doesn't hurt any extra to stand with it...or at least mine didn't hurt. I have had it done this way like 3 times. Shows you how much doctors differ.

Good morning sista violets.

I hope Laura is winning big money :)

Yesterday I did really wel at macys friends b-day party. The pizza place is a buffet but I did not eat one morsel. When they had cake I had half a piece so I think that is darn good.

I too have some tilapia and have NEVER eaten it before. I will try it today. I would love to be able to find a new low calorie favorite.

Terry,sounds like you and I both need a little rejuvination. Any ideas?

The plan right now is that macy starts back to school tomorrow and I am going to stay upright and busy.

Thursday we are going to visit our friends in louisiana. I know lots of food for 4 days will be involved.

I sure am missing the free fills right about now. :mellow:

Have a GREAT Sunday everyone. Respect the pouch!

Oh, I have a new saying....

"disappointments are inevitable but misery is optional"

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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