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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Been dealing with this customer thing all day, God what a headache!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for the day to be over.

Uhmmm the BF class is to teach you how to overcome certain problems if they arise, and I have some issues I want to address (it's just a 1x class for 2 hours). The people who do the class are the same ones who help you in the hospital, but I guess I want to ease my mind ahead of time. (I think their official title is Lactation Consultant???)

But as the day is going on and I'm dealing with correcting this snafu, I am really glad I'm not going to the class tonight. I can not wait to go home, put pajamas on.. maybe take a hot bath for my poor back. Maybe find some Dairy Queen on the way home.

This has been an unusually busy/annoying Friday. Normally Fridays drag on forever with nothing to do.. not today! And I've had to go back to the plant several times, and I hobble and cringe with every step.. and of course everyone likes to point out the waddle.

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An M&G Sandwich for me.

Montgomery & Gentry. Oh My......

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Sorry your day is crappy Laura.

Haydee---the place looks horrid, and it is a miserable 86 degrees there right now, so to show you what a good friend I am.....I'll go in your place.....it's fine! You're welcome!! No problem!!

WOW----it is a gorgeous resort-have a wonderful time Haydee!!!

I bought Kenny Chesney tickets for DH & I and a couple of friends a few weeks back, the concert is the 23rd I think. Also bought Dave Matthews Band for DD and I on the 5th of May. Tried to buy Nickelback tickets for Rick and I but theyare not on sale yet......probably just as well!!!

Personally not a huge Reba fan, we saw her in concert not long after her band was killed and I can't remember if it was the OK bombing or what had just happened, (I have slept since then). But they did a minute of silence-and they were laughing and cracking up on stage. Sorta left me with a bad taste. Rick has told me a bajillion times, there was something else going on they were laughing about....and I know that, but it still got me.

Went and bought groceries today----used the coupons I clipped, and shopped the sales. My total come to $148. something, and I saved $112. something! I told Rick I was taking that $112. and putting it in the 2nd bank account to save for my Alabama trip, he said whatever like I had grown a second head.

But they laid off 15 people yesterday, and they were not new hires, they were long time employees! So we continue to hold our breath.

Judy, that first night home, is so stressful, and the poor babe--EVERYTHING is so new and wierd to him. All he knew was warm safe and surrounded by Water, now the temp is always changing, and he has clothes on, and nothing is right!!! Give them all my best, they will settle in....it is pretty normal!!!

Pamela--sorry your sweetie is sick. Now you have to have a get well birthday party too!!! I feel her pain, everytime I think this is getting better or going away it smacks me down again. Today my fever and pounding head are back. grrrrrrr. I am ready for Alabama too.

Tracy-----is Macy still in love with her new school and house? Is she keeping up ok in school? I know you were worried.

Terry-thanks for the email you are such a sweetie!

Jane.....I wanna do some change with my hair....thinking some really drastic highlights--both in an auburn and a blonde....know what I mean? Do you have an opinion? And on't just say what you think I wanna hear------!!LOL

Jenn, Jenn, Jenn----------gotta hear the story! What are we gonna do with you? Might have to lock you and Kev in a room and see who walks out again!!! J/K Silly girl!

Suzanne--slow down enjoy your afternoon off!

Michelle, have fun at the book fair!!

Heather-I agree with Terry, plan a carry out dinner of some sort, and do a quick swipe clean and enjoy your company. Straighten rugs, wipe down counters, clean the bathroom mirror and sink------and let the rest go!!! LOL

TracyKS--hope you are having a great time!!!

Denise--how's things going? Better I hope! ((hugs))

I know I likely missed someone or 2---it is not intentional....I am headed in to lay down.

I rec'd terrible news from a friend here at LBT, and it has thrown me for a loop....will check in later.



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Good evening, Violets.

Just finished watching the Pistons win their 4th straight. The Bobster is on his way back from a meeting and should be home in about an hour. Ethan didn't leave until 7:30 and he was completely hyper by that time without a nap today. He was shouting the words to the Brown Bear book right in my ear!! At least I can sleep in tomorrow and have the day off.

Kristin is frustrated today. Grady is not nursing well. He keeps putting his fingers in his mouth instead of latching on to her. I just told her to relax and don't stress out because that will affect Grady too. She will talk to the nurse who specializes in breast feeding when she takes Grady in for his check up on Tuesday. She's disappointed because of the C-section and now the nursing.

Time to surf the net a bit while I wait for Bob. Everyone have a good evening and a great weekend.

Happy Birthday to Susanne!!! Hope she feels better.

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Good morning everyone-

Judy-I feel bad that Kris had to have a c-section. Pretty soon the disappointment will fade, but you know that. Grady is so cute! Big baby boy! Reminds me so much of when I had Macy :thumbup: I wish I could do it gain *sigh* Did you stick with the pouch test?

Laura-ah yes, the pregnancy waddle. You know those benches inside grocery stores & dept stores? That was my hang out while dh did the shopping. I could not make it through a whole shopping trip....forget it! My back & especially my HIP could not take it. I feel your pain sister. This will be a just a memory soon. It is so worth it! I am gonna scan some of my preggo pics and post them. Hang in there little mama!

Kat-Macy is hanging in there. She is struggling since she was behind her class AND a young 5 year old to boot. I may have to hold her back....we'll see. I would rather hold her back ASAP, ya know?

Pamela-tell Susanne happy b-day for me too (better late than never).

Do any of you watch the Bachelor? Ugh, I was so disgusted what Jason did to Melissa I could throw up....anyway

TracyinKS-I hope you had a fantastic trip.

I have let my weight crawl up some but not all the way back up to 223....it was 221 this morning but that is WITH some Water retention. I always screw it up. I have some kind of mental problem I guess....well I KNOW I have issues. I heard (read) the donut conversation the other day. There is NO way I can eat a donut and believe me it isn't for a lack of trying, that is for sure! I SUCK.

My sister is probably going home today. I feel bad for her. Just when I think I have problems, all I have to do is think about her and it lines me out!

:rolleyes: Hi all my violet sistas!

Have a great day ladies :mellow: Respect the pouch!

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Good Saturday Morn, Vi's~~

Judy, I had both my kids via C-section and the "way" they came in to the world never bothered me... I know it does for some women... but I was just happy they were here safe, sound & healthy. I also had nursing issues/problems w/both of them... still not sure if it was me or them... most likely a combo!... but it did make me feel like a failure... especially in the first few weeks when my hormones were all cattywompus anyway... I saw bottle feeding as "failure"... but ultimately I came to realize that we do what we can and what we have to do and it's not right or wrong or success or failure and I was glad to be living at a time when the best-possible options are available for alternatives... but yeah, those lactation ladies sure can make a gal feel badly if she doesn't breast feed... Oh! one more observation... my sister (who has 4 kids) deduced that the 4th day after childbirth is the worst emotionally for the mom... & it has proven out every time since!! Isn't that today for Kris? So please tell her for me to just relax, breathe, take care of herself & Grady, & to not try to do anything or get stuff done or whatever... just snuggle & nap & eat food that others prepare! :rolleyes:

Because soon enough she'll be having a day like mine!! -- leaving the house by 9am and running hither, thither, & yon all day & not getting home 'til 7pm!! Kids & their activities!! Ay yai yai!!

Make it a good one, Vi's!!

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Well, I won't go into my lactation drama...and there was plenty of that...but let's just say that both my kids ended up on the bottle, too. Now I'm kinda glad because they're no worse for the wear and my breasts are pretty perky for a 50 yr old! GF's of mine who breast-fed have ...shall we say....less perky breasts and leave it at that. But I DID try and am kinda sad I missed out on that experience.

I'm taking Hannah shopping today for her bus trip to Disney World!! (Michelle!! stop squealing!) She's going with her Orchestra class and will be gone for a whole week! She is beside herself with excitement! They board the bus on Wednesday right after school, drive all night and go straight to the park! Their itinerary is so packed that they go from 6:00a to 11:00p just about every day. I guess they keep 'em busy like that so there's no time to get into trouble! She's rooming with 2 Seniors and 2 Juniors (she's a Freshman) so she'll come back all sophisticated, I'm sure...LOL. Ahhhh, to be young again!!

I never thought I'd see this day...but my son and daughter are actually FRIENDS now!!!!!!!! I'm sure a bit of it has to do with Evan living here and there's some separation between them, but still.... what a relief from all the yelling and fighting and slamming of doors! Sheesh!! Evan actually ASKS Hannah to hang out....to the movies, to his girlfriend's house, out to Starbucks, Barnes & Noble... it's so nice to have a peaceful household after 15 years of sibling rivalry!! I'm DUE!

While we're at the mall today I'm going to stop and get a chair massage for my shoulders and neck... I've never done that but MAN I'm tensed up! How much could it cost?? $10-12?

So, I got this bonus the other day, right? I'm trying very hard to resist buying a 'new' (used, actually) refrigerator. Nothing wrong with mine, really...I just don't like it! I want one with the freezer on the bottom so the chilled food is at eye level. I think I'll just keep watching Craigslist and see if I can get a deal....othrwise forget it.

Last night after looking at that resort Haydee's going to, i was ready to buy 2 plane tickets!!! Man, isn't that a wonderful resort???? She knows all the good spots in Mexico!

Well, guess I'll get ready for my day! Ya'll have a good one! (My spellchecker doesn't like the word "ya'll" WTH????)

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Hello from Panera! My cyber-office from home on these busy Saturday morns. Aahhh, a cup of coffee & well, I won't say what I'm eating, but it is lovely.

Raise your hand if you think Haydee should organize next year's Vi trip to that resort!! :laugh:

Oh, & Terri... depending on how old your 'frig is, it may make financial sense to get a new one... they say that the new ones are a lot more energy efficient & save $!

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Good Saturday Morning to My Girls.

We have thunderstorms on their way but for right now it's a beautiful morning.

Last night at my workout we had a good time. It was the instructors husbands birthday so she cut it a little short and she made it a little more funner (?) for us. Still, I am sore from all of the workouts.

Terry, that's wonderful about your kids spending time together. Hopefully it remains that way. My older sister never wanted to have anything to do with me when we were growing up. I was the little sister that no one wanted. My younger sister and I had a whole different relationship and we have carried that into our adulthood, we really watch out for each other. How else could we still be living together and not be at each others throat.

Have a great day everyone.

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Good Morning, Violets..

I got to sleep in until 9 this morning!! I loved Saturdays when I was teaching and I still love them.

Kris, Nathan and Grady are coming over sometime today. I'm anxious to hear how the night went. I'll definitely let her know what the Violet Aunties are advising. I'm sure she'll be ok. She's always been hyper and negative like her dad. My motto is what is meant to be, will be. I wish she had more of that attitude.

Tracyk... I just finished the pouch test. I still have ham and cheese Soup left and will have that today for lunch. I can feel restriction again. I can't eat more than 1 cup at a time so that's a good thing. I haven't weighed myself...will do that tomorrow. But I haven't been able to keep up the exercise because of everything that went on this past week. I need to hit that again now that everything is kinda under control.

My house is clean and my laundry is done so I'm going to just veg out today and relax. Ethan was here from noon til 7:30 and that's a pretty full day for this old lady.

Weather here is dreary. Snow is melting and everything is wet and dirty looking. Daylight savings time tomorrow so we lose an hour. I wonder how many at church will remember that??

I looked at the resort too that Haydee is going to. Oh my... wouldn't that be a nice place for a Violet get together????

Off to shower and get dressed for the day.

Anyone else find that "give feedback" thumb thingy in the corner annoying?????

Make it a good one today, ladies. :laugh:

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Anyone else find that "give feedback" thumb thingy in the corner annoying?????


I'll definitely let her know what the Violet Aunties are advising.

Poor Kris... all these "Aunties" & their advice & she doesn't even know us!!! :thumbup:

I looked at the resort too that Haydee is going to. Oh my... wouldn't that be a nice place for a Violet get together????

So that's a hand-raise, right?? :laugh:

Ok... I am actually working this a.m.... but it's a boring chapter so I'm doing the ol' "edit 5 pages, check LBT" approach!! Will check back in 5 more!!

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Sus is feeling a bit better. Her mom came in yesterday from Phoenix (4 hours) because she was sick. We went to dinner and now out to breaky! MIL is then leaving. Sus and I are going shopping later...I need to buy something for the wedding next weekend! Plus, I get like this "cash back" thing from Gottschalks from last year for $146 FREE dollars!!! So that will help a lot! My cash back expires on the 10th!!!

Terry~ I have that fridge. It is called french doors where the top two doors open and all the food is up...w/ a freezer drawer on the bottom. The freezer pulls out and then there is an inner drawer too! I love the top part...you can see ALL THE FOOD...plus the veggie and fruit drawer is clear...you can see. There is this egg and lunch meat drawer too.

OH Yeah...My brother is my best friend now...couldn't imagine life w/o him! He did however, at one point, hold a BB gun to my face and said, "Take me to the store bitch...NOW!" After I told my mom, and he hasn't seen that gun since.

Gotta go and eat!


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Anyone else find that "give feedback" thumb thingy in the corner annoying?????


I'll definitely let her know what the Violet Aunties are advising.

Poor Kris... all these "Aunties" & their advice & she doesn't even know us!!! :lol:

I looked at the resort too that Haydee is going to. Oh my... wouldn't that be a nice place for a Violet get together????

So that's a hand-raise, right?? :thumbup:

Ok... I am actually working this a.m.... but it's a boring chapter so I'm doing the ol' "edit 5 pages, check LBT" approach!! Will check back in 5 more!!

I'm also raising my hand very, very high and jumping up and down for a Violet Cruise! Cruise prices now are the best they have ever been. There are some great deals out there. And you can certainly book a year in advance. Spouses and families would be included on a cruise, I'm guessing. Something to think about!! Sheesh, we haven't even done the one for this year and we're already talking about the next one. That's my Violets!!!:laugh:

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Cruise sounds great!!

I'm hoping that feedback thing doesn't become a permanent fixture, it is annoying.

Back is bad as ever, I did my exercises last night, then I was in the kitchen and felt what reminded me of a bubble bursting in my right hip.. OY. I hurt so bad.. Russell gave me a massage last night, I was almost in tears I hurt so bad.. the massage felt so good, I cried some tears of relief.. then I didn't want to move, so he took my glasses off and I fell asleep.. woke up all throughout the night in pain.. took a hot bath around 3am. Woke up, it's as if nothing changed :laugh:

I was counting the weeks, if this doesn't go away till Carson is here, that's going to be a while.. but I've dealt with it for 2 weeks now.. This is definitely turning me off from wanting to get pregnant again!!! I also worry about how this will affect giving birth.. If I still hurt like this, it's impossible to pull my legs up and I can't bend at all.

I would not feel 'bad' for having to do a c-section, all I care is that he's healthy and safe!! My doc does not want to do c-section on me unless it's an emergency due to the pelvic kidney though.

People at work, I told them about Grady and how BIG he is (they don't know who I'm talking about)!! One girl said her sister had 3x 10+lb babies, ALL NATURAL. Ow..

Cat just let out horrendous gas, got to evacuate the computer room (gag).

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Well if it out of the country and a passport required I am not raising my hand yet....as I cannot get a passport still. I need to get that taken care of, but life has been so busy lately--I am good to remember the name I have now, let alone change it!!

Judy, poor Kris......she would have been seriously injured, and possibly neither one of them would have lived, had she not had the option of the c section!

Manda had no choice between her Dads side (in his female relatives) and mine, she is very well endowed. When you added that, plus engorgement, to a 4 pound baby, it did not work out! Kinsey was too small, her mouth would not latch on, without her nose being smushed! And if Manda tried to push back at all, she lost suction. So she pumped.....and give her a bottle---well the first week, they dripped in into by syringe!!! Then they gave up trying to avoid the bottle, and just pumped into the bottle. As with most babies, once she had the bottle figured out, she was not happy being forced to try the breast. So Manda pumped for her til she was 7 months old!!! Then Kinsey just tossed the bottle---and refused breast milk in a tippy cup. The pediatrician recommended trying a tiny drop of vanilla extract in a cup of breast milk or formula, and she finally took the formula with it, for a couple of months then ditched it too.

There was NEVER an issue taking her bottle away, she threw it away.....the pacifier was a whole nother story!!!! LOL

They forced a pacifier on her in the hospital due to her prematurity, and her lack of suck instinct. Plus they had just figured out they helped lower the SIDS risk---so she developed a strong bond with her Passy........I have pictures of her at about 16 months, with not one but 2 pacifiers in her mouth---because Mommy threatened to take one!!! LOL

Doesn't really matter how he got here, she should feel proud, she grew him well, she must have been very good about her health while pregnant!

Still feeling crummy. Had such congestion last night, it got my ear and jaw aching. Finally about 1 AM I popped a pain pill and crashed, feeling some better today as far as the ear.

For years I had this neighbor he was old when I was young it seemed, and then when I bought the house, he was still there, and they were even older! But he was in the military, and every year his group (brigade, platoon...something) had a reunion. He and his wife always talked about them, and had so much fun. I see us doing the same......of course some of us might (just maybe) will seem older than others!!!! LOL

So Rick and I are not really at odds, we are in a position, that makes neither of us happy. A couple of weeks ago, his friend ask if he could park his travel trailer in our back yard area (there is an RV storage). He is in the final stages of a divorce, and she got the contents he got the house. So he was needing a place to park the trailer til he could get into the house. Was supposed to just be 2 weeks. Well, I hear him talking during the day on his phone and it sounds to me as though he is not getting the house anytime soon. Meanwhile, he just happens to "show up" to talk to Rick when Rick gets off work--so of course is here for dinner.....more often than not, I would say 5 out of the last 7 times I cooked he was here.

Day before yesterday he even ask for leftovers for lunch!

Now he has been fired from where Rick works, but his severence pay runs through the end of April, so he is making what we are with the hour cuts! He is not without funds!

He gets bored and wants to talk so he comes to the house. I don't want company all day everyday! He is not a bad guy, I just am done helping!! If things are not going to work out with him getting his house as planned, then he needs to find a park to put his trailer in---it is a really nice little trailer, there are just not many spaces available because so many have travelled into the area to work the gas field, as the oil has slowed.

So anyway, yesterday, he comes in and does laundry ALL day.

Sunday when Rick was home, he ask if he could shower before church. Rick said ok, because he thought it would be fine since he was home, but now the guy comes every morning, knocking on the back door, and if I don't respond he comes around and rings the doorbell, so he can shower.

So I told Rick, ENOUGH! Now he is deciding how to best handle the situation, without it seeming like he is kicking someone when he is down. I mean his being kind and helpful is one of the things I fell in love with about him, but now we know we are being taken advantage of, and it has to stop. So....he is on days off starting tomorrow, so by Monday I am hoping he is GONE!

Time to find food!!! See y'all in awhile. Oh see if your spell check accepts it with the ' in the y'all spot--contracting you all as opposed to ya all. Maybe it is the ya it is kicking out!!!


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