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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Oh, I just checked my email....looks like contractions stopped. BUT...as we know...they can start again any minute!! $20 says we have a baby w/in 48 hours. Any takers? :(

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Hi gals

what a busy day it was here

Tracyks - I hope you have a great time this weekend and things work out. I'm sorry for all you are dealing with, I understand more than you could ever know

Laura - i had the same hip problem, it was horrible. the only thing that helped for me was a body pillow and sleeping on my side with my leg on top of it to almost bring my leg level with my body, does that make sense?

Judy - I'm so excited for you

Hi Haydee, Tracyk, Terry, Jane, Suzanne, Heather,

Michelle, that is total satisfaction (the message from the son)

Pamela, did you get the stuff I sent you?

Well, I went out last night, early night but.... I had to be to work at 7 which means getting up at 5:30 and leaving at 6:15, roofers are here which i don't need to be here for, and our maint guy (who i came in for) did not show up. He only lives a minute down the road, I'm kind of aggrivated, 1 could have slept in, 2 have an hour and 1/2 driving for 2 hours of work, and long getting 2 hrs because I didn't come all this way to go home.

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Good morning, Violets.

No new news on the baby front. Contractions were 9 minutes apart and stopped by the time she got home. I haven't called this morning because Kris usually sleeps in and I didn't want to disturb her, but I'll call in about an hour or two and see what's up. In my heart, I'd love to see her have the baby tomorrow, March 1st as that was my brother's birthday. He was a well loved brother and teacher and passed away at age 50, 14 years ago. I just have this feeling my mom and Ken are going to try and have her deliver on his birthday. Crazy thought, I know, but I'll just be happy when this baby finally gets here.

The Bobster is going to an all day meeting an hour and a half away, but he'll be in contact by phone in case he's needed here. I have my cameras ready and just need the call!!

I'm going to go fix some Breakfast and read the paper.

Everyone have a good day!!!

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Judy and Pamela -- This is for you!......

*singsong* I read it anyway, Na na na Na na.......:(:tt2::thumbup:

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Good morning girlies....So glad to be able to post this morning.

Michelle-what a nice lady you are. How sweet of the son to call. Made it worth it, huh?!

Judy-can't wait to hear about the baby being born!

Terry-I almost spewed coffee yesterday when I read where you said chocolate is a gift from heaven :( I agree wholeheartidly.

Laura-I hope you have a fantastic shower!! The great thing is...you will STIL need things when we get there, so I will weed out all the nonsense and get something then! Like, nerve pills, aspirin, tequila...the list goes on & on. lol

Jennifer-sorry you didn't get to sleep in. I hate wasted trips anywhere! So you see the trainer today, right?

Pamela-what is on your social calender today? R&R?

Kat-have you & rick gotten to see your new grandbaby lately?

:tongue2: Hi everyone else! Have a great weekend!!! :thumbup:

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Judy, if she is born tomorrow than in my heart I will call her Kendra, ok, Ken if it's a boy. I just hope all are safe and healthy.

Terry, yes I said a bad word. I just couldn't believe how crappy the site was running yesterday. So frustrating when I can't check on my girls. Maybe I should have given up cussing for Lent? Try to be a good little Catholic girl.

It's snowing out, we have about an inch right now and they say it's supposed to keep snowing till about noon. It's really slick out also, I was going to go to Cures but not now.

Last night I went over to my sisters to watcha movie with her in the community room. One of the men that lives there was celebrating his 71st. birthday. So they had cake and ice cream, yes I did. Than I was mad at myself because I had done so good all day long. Holy cow, what is wrong with me. Here I am fighting this not losing battle and even seeing a psyhc Doc and I go and do something like that. Urgggggg. And now I have this party to go to tonight. So let's see if I can behave myself at this one.

Everyone have a great day and Good Luck to Kris.

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by the time I read the posts from yesterday because I couldn't get on, now I have to get ready for work!!

Busy day finally yesterday and today. No snow!! What about you Suzanne or Tracyks?

Judy I will be at work today, but wishing and praying for the best!!

Have fun at the shower Laura!

I am late, Bye!!!

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Good Morning again, Violets..

Just called and talked with Nathan. No new contractions. They stopped as soon as they got home last night. dang. Now we'll just hope for him/her to be born tomorrow.

I have the whole day to myself with nothing to do! Arghhhhhhh I think I'll go do a little window shopping.

Take care, everyone!!

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Judy, I can so sympathize with your position in all of the labor issues!!! I know you just want to pack a bag and move to their house, and just sit and stare at her!! LOL--Ok that may be a little extreme, but knowing you have to wait to be called, and sitting there not knowing, yet not wanting to keep calling and bugging them....that was the worst!!!!!

I too am praying for a safe healthy baby---and also for a sane Grammy by the time he/she gets here--I remember this time and anxiety so well from Manda!!

TracyK--no I do not see my new grandson often. I maybe could have scheduled a visit today, but I have Kinsey, and SOL does not want other children around him. And while I shouldn't play favorites with the grandkids--------I guess I do in a way. Kinsey is old enough to understand that I am leaving her somewhere to go see a baby she really wants to see herself. While Corvin is little and has no idea if I come or not. Add to that, that I seriously HATE being ordered by that 4 foot POS she married....so I stay away.

They were invited to Connors 3rd birthday party tomorrow.....they MAILED a no RSVP. Not even a phone call. Just a little card with Smith's and the word Regrets.

Truth is I will probably never be much in his life.

Rick and I were talking about it in bed last night, and he says he is afraid of his own grandkids. Because they can be taken away so easily. With the sons situation, we expect her to take the kids and go to Arizona if they don't work it out.

If Manda should decide to remarry someone away from here, she too could take Kinsey away.

It is hard not being the one in control!

Rick come up with a plan to help keep the kids off our hillside. We have a "play area" up there, that we have removed all the play items. The horsehoe pits are empty, the tetherball is down, the net is down for the badmitton/volleyball. Nothing to DO up there, but drink, smoke and sit around.

The other area up there we have planted a garden in before---it is just grass now. But he called this morning, and has arrangements for a couple of guys Monday to deliver and spread several truckloads of fertilizer (aka manure) around up there. It will be pretty fragrant for a week or so....longer as it gets wet down and soaks in. Which by the time school is out, and they quit coming around, it will be soaked in, and WE can enjoy our land, and the fertilizer will actually help the soil. The only one it might affect was our neighbor who goes up there to tend to his chickens, and we ask him, and he is actually wanting to talk to them when they deliver about putting some in his garden area.

It is far enough from the house we will only smell it if we are out and the wind is right.....but heck we are around it at the farm anyway, so WTH!!

Hopefully the kids will not want to sit around in it, or go back to school smelling like farm boys!

On the down side, if they do choose to gather it up, it will burn.....worth trying we decided.

He did hook me up a hose to the city water---so if an emergency arises, I am ready next time.

Rick is once again working on his Moms car this afternoon. Then tonight we are going to the motorcycle show I bought him tickets to. Manda, and her friend are taking Kinsey and going as well, in fact we are having dinner with them prior to going.

Then tomorrow, we are getting together a quick softball practice, at noon, then have Connor's birthday party at 4.

And Monday we are going to Albuquerque, to buy a welder Rick needs.

So I might just do some drive by posts checking to see if Judy is a Grammy or a Grampy!!!

Everyone take care, and have a fun weekend!!!

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Manure........One time we went down to Arkansas to visit my sister and her hubby. Just prior to us coming down, the guy who farms around him had the fields sprayed with chicken jut manure. OMG. We never did that again. Go visit after a spraying. They have the gut trucks from "Tysons" come and spread all that nasty stuff. Whoooo.....

I have a fire in the fireplace, about 3 inches of snow and a pot of chili on the stove. I think I'm set for the day. Although we do have that party to go to tonight.

I met this lady at where I work and she took a liken to me. Anyway, at christmas she invited me to come over to her house to see her christmas trees. She lives in a ritzy part of town and her house is huge and beautiful. It is something she worked all her life for. She had a goal and worked to achieve this home and you can tell she poured her love into it. So I'm there for an hour and a half and had only seen the main floor and basement when I had to leave. I won't go into explaining the main floor except to say, WOW. Beautiful. Lots of marble and beautiful woodwork. Well she takes me downstairs and explains along the way that since their last name is "West", that they chose to do the basement in a western theme. It was truly amazing. They did all the work themselves and let me tell you. I felt like I was in Old Dodge City and Wyatt Earp was going to walk out any minute. At one end of the room over in another section was a Saloon. There was an old bar that was all the way from Mexico, hand carved and stunning. There is a stage in there where her husbands band plays and they do kareoke. You come out of there and there is a gaming area with tables for playing black jack and other games. One whole wall is painted like an old western town store front, too cute. There is a dance floor and a common area for sitting and chatting and than you get to another bar. It's a mexican cantina. Has a pool table in there and everything is done in vibrant colors of old mexico. There's another room over to the side that has all the pinball machines and other games machines to play. The whole thing is absolutely amazing. I wish I could take all of you. I'm really excited about taking the hubby. It's a BYOB party so he went yesterday and bought my some bottles of margaritas to take. Now if it will just stop snowing so that we can go and enjoy ourselves.

I hope Laura is having a good time at the Baby Shower. I can't wait to see the pics from it.

Any Baby yet Judy?

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Can't believe it is almost noon and I am just getting on the puter. Was pissed last night about the site...missed you all!

We woke up and went to the gym, then we went to this farmers market and bought a ton of fresh veggies!!! Can't wait for dinner! Then we had Breakfast there (the farmers market is at our "artsy" theater and they have a great cafe). I had a great veggie omlette w/ zuccini, squash, spinach, tomatoe, onion, mushroom and mozzerella! MAN THAT WAS SO GOOD. Gave Sus the potatos that came w/ it. We came home I cut up strawberries and blackberries (ready for the week!) then we played w/ the dog...tried to brush his teeth; too funny...he did not like it! Then showered and popped on here.

I am putting my face on and then going to the Black History Month festival. I am sitting in a booth for the Human Rights Comission. It is BEAUTIFUL out...actually a bit hot at 85, but it is nice!

I will be checking phone...if someone could text me if we have a Madison or a Grady!

Jen, thanks, I got the diet last night! I am going to look it over, I kinda eat that way anyway...just add choc and shit!

Terry, that was funny, and I didn't see it coming!

Michelle, I am proud to call you friend...you are a good woman to help someone in need like that. I am not sure I would be so kind!

I love you guys...hate no being able to get on here!

Laura...Hope you make out like a bandit! I agree w/ Tracy though!


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Nope, Suzie.. no baby yet.

Kat.. you are SOOOOO right about wanting to call all the time, but not wanting to go overboard bugging them all the time. I called once this morning and no news. I called again under the pretense of letting Kris know about a birthday party for one of her high school girl friends, but no answer so I imagine they are out and about just trying to pass time too.

I went shopping and got a blouse at Penney's on sale for $1.97 wooo hooooo!! I got some earrings and a new necklace too. I went to Peebles and ended up with a puzzle for Ethan and then went to the resale shop and got him some sweaters and shirts in size 4T. He's just about ready for that size. Can't believe how big he is for his age.

I'm going to go try and take a nap justincase I have to be up tonight or early tomorrow morning for ummmmmmmm oh, I don't know........ a baby maybe?? PULEEZEE..

Will check back later this evening.

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Well Judy I think if us Violets started calling her, she would see through that ruse too!!! Hugs--I know how tough it is. Word of Warning!!! I know you are excited, but seriously prepare yourself, seeing your daughter in pain is not easy, even if it IS for childbirth. Manda's labor was so heavily induced with her pre eclampsia, that the contractions hit hard and hung in there for longer than a natural contraction usually does, and it was HARD to watch. I wanted to MAKE her DH react and behave in a certain way---and he was right there, rubbing her back, and doing all he could, he was freaked out too!! Of course he did not have any medical background. She did, but was not prepared anyway she said!!! Tough it out, it passes, and just like Mom you forget it once that baby is here!!

Pamela-enjoy your day. Is this something you are doing as a personal choice thing or is it in relation to your new civic post?

I used to laugh my butt off brushing my dalmations teeth--what a struggle, and if I happened to gag her, her eyes got bigger than the pugs!! Poor thing!!!

Suzanne, I would love to see the house. I am not so much into the theme stuff, but then again, I have no room like that!!! My theme....messy, homey, and fit for kids!

Kinsey and I took a long walk to the park, played for awhile. Mailed my bills-------now I need to get ready to go to my inlaws so Rick can work on his Moms car. Fun.....NOT.

BUT----his attention to his family, and his kind ways are part of what I fell in love with----so I tell myself, I would not want him to change, and simply tell them to spend money they cannot afford when it is something he can fix in a couple of hours. Instead I am going to go help if possible.

The other thing is, he would do it for my Mom, or for me......so I need to behave!!! LOL

BBL---maybe......maybe tomorrow!

HUGS~ and HURRY baby!!!

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Hi gals

Pamela, you are funny, chocolate .... i was eating Soup and that is it

so just got back from the trainer, holy crap! she kicked my ass, i couldn't even walk when she was done and we only did 45 mins

she had me do 100 crunches, which by 80 i wanted to die but 5 different sets so they were all a little different, not bad, you don't have to get all the way up ike i thought. she was impressed i did it all, I want to die but did it. then 15 mins on the arch trainer, which i loved, actually sweating and 2 mins on the stair stepper and free weights which she only wants me to do 3 times a week, crunches every day

I did a lot of other things before i even got to the gym too, the nice thing is i can do free weights and crunches at home. she is going to train me to run, which i'm very excited about, I said that was my goal 2 years ago, just never saw it happening. When tom is gone in a couple days i'm going to take measurements and go from there.

i have to go get the kids dinner, don't have energy to cook

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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