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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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... Also, I'm a Gemini and we have a hard time committing to one subject. We're very typically a 'jack of all trades and master of none' kinda folk...

Oh this explains so much. Juan is a Gemini too... He's really smart and knows about alot of different stuff but refuses to go back and finish school. I never got it until now... And he's soooo indecisive. About everything. About what to wear or what to eat. frustrating....

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TracyKS - big hugs sweetie. We're all struggling but we'll get through it...

Janie - big hugs to you too. Is this your second fill?

Morning girls... Busy day for me too. I'm gonna try to get my stuff done so I can leave work early today. I've got a dinner party scheduled for tonight for some friends and I've gotta run to the grocery store and start cooking!

off to get my coffee...

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Good Morning, Violets..

I slept in this morning since I don't have Ethan. I didn't even get up until 9. It sure felt good!!

We didn't get the snow they predicted last night, but we got a LOT of ice. There was freezing rain on and off all night. All the schools in the area are closed today EXCEPT the one where I used to teach. I remember all those times of having to drive 62 miles on very bad roads with schools closed here because my school didn't close. That amount of miles makes a big difference in road conditions. Anyhoo, I'm so glad I don't have to drive with "teacher rage" :rolleyes: anymore.

No word on a baby yet. Jane.. we don't know what it will be. Kris and Nathan wanted to be surprised. I'm thinking a boy, but would be so delighted with a girl and just very happy for whoever it turns out to be, either Grady Nathan or Madison Rose. We're supposed to go to a basketball game tonight because Nathan was an all state baseball player and they are going to award plaques during halftime for their sports "Wall of Fame". They have a wall outside the gym where pictures of former outstanding athletes are hung. The pictures got faded out, so they commissioned new ones and asked the athletes to help pay.. lol and then they will be presented to them during a special ceremony. The question is, is there a ball game tonight because of the weather??

I'm going to call Kris in a little bit to see how she's doing and see what the plans are for tonight.

The Bobster and I are being lazy today. No meetings, No Ethan, No nuthin! First time in a long time and it feels great. One month from tomorrow we'll be in Hawaii!! After 40 years, it will be a dream come true.

TracyK.. yup, I've had those chocolate lava lumps, not to mention all sorts of other interesting lava lovelies. I actually had a pot roast has lava lovely last night. yuck.

PamELa.. you are beautiful no matter what size you are!!! And I can't wait to officially call you Doc. You WILL be giving out free prescriptions, won't you???? I need a refill on my Water pill.

TracyinKS..you have lots and lots on your plate right now and I don't mean food. We're here for you and support you and love you. Do you have underemployment in your state?? When son Joe doesn't get his 40 hours in, he files for underemployment and they make up the difference. Usually not without jumping through many hoops, but still it eventually comes in and every little bit helps.

A big HUG to you sista for all you're going through. Wish we were closer so we could deliver it in person and wisk you away for some Violet time.

I'm off to get dressed and veg out for the day. Everyone make it a good one. I've already had my ham salad/soy nuts/oranges. Just waiting to start my first liter of WhiteCran/Peach flavored water.

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Hello everyone!!!!

Suzie and Tracyks, we're supposed to get your snow tomorrow. I hope we don't. I am super busy at work tomorrow and today (YAY!!) and people will cancel their appointments if it snows.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

I am sure glad I get to keep my monkey!!!!!!!!!!!

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I need some lortabs physie Pam!!

My hip is getting worse, last night I was sleeping on it, and I was achey so I went to roll over.. and I got the round ligament pain on either side, no matter what way I tried to move. I was panicking (that pain is NO JOKE). I've felt it before from sitting on the floor and laying down made it better, I don't know how to get rid of the pain if laying down caused it, so when I felt it coming on I just had to stop moving. I finally inched myself long-ways down the bed to stand up quickly-whew. I walked around for a minute. There's startin to not be enough room in my belly for him!! Starting to count the days just to be comfortable again.

Tomorrow is baby shower, fun!

TGIF ya'lls!!

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Good morning all you lovely Vi's,

Thank goodness I have never seen a Sonic in Ohio . . . it saves me from having to "check out" their offerings, lol.

Jenn, having a trainer is great. I need someone to kick my butt as well. I was going to the gym religiously several times a week . . . and now I can't remember if the last time I was in there was in January or February, yikess.

Kat & Laura, out of curiousity, how does one become a moderator and what do you have to do? Do you actually revoke memberships from time to time? This is my favorite site because people seem supportive . . . but I have seen other sites were people are vicious and nasty to each other. Is moderation the key, or are we just lucky that this site seems to attract nicer people???

Judy, I can't wait to hear that Kris has delivered along with the details :0). It is so exciting and I have to live the experience vicariously through others until the special day arrives for me as well, lol.

TracyK, be careful about pb'ing and not going on liquids. My stomach has become so sensitive that if I do it a couple of times in a row . . . I swell until I virtually close up and need an emergency unfill. It might just be pregnancy that makes me ultra prone to swelling, but I am not sure. One trick my fill doctor told me is to take children's Motrin and it makes the swelling go down. They said it is not to be used by bandsters except very infrequently, but they approve it for the special case of stomach swelling/inflamation on a very limited basis.

TracyInKS, I think a girls weekend is great. I haven't had one in toooo long and I miss it. Sometimes I even invite my small nieces over for the slumber party version with movies, manicures, pedicures and hair, lol. Although I have to be truthful and admit that this usually involves pizza and ice cream sundaes as well.

Terry & Haydee, my baby should end up being a gemini, lol. I guess I didn't realize what I was in for (not to mention the emotionality of being a girl). It sounds like it is going to be interesting to say the least.

Everyone, I love this thread and I am happy to be part of it :0). I am not out of the closet about being banded in real life, so it is nice to just chat about whatever with people who really know what it is like. Thanks!!!

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Oh this explains so much. Juan is a Gemini too... He's really smart and knows about alot of different stuff but refuses to go back and finish school. I never got it until now... And he's soooo indecisive. About everything. About what to wear or what to eat. frustrating....

What sign are you, Haydee?

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Damn site was down for a few minutes...almost started texting Judy about baby news! I LOVE the name Madison Rose...just beautiful! 10 fingers 10 toes is beautiful too! Thanks for the compliment too! :rolleyes:

Heather, as for LBT, this is my only thread now. I can not go into Rants and Raves...just feel life is too short to engage in such ugliness. The violets are the only thread for me! And for us, it has transcended into so much more than about weight loss!

Kat~ what is happening on your end.

Laura~ your hips are spreading as your body prepares for the baby...perhaps that is causing some of your discomfort.

Terry, thanks for your continued support. I initially FLUNKED out of college...seriously. Was kicked out of dorm, had to move home...it was bad. My parents were beyond livid because going to college was never an option for me...more like a mandate. After living w/ a LOSER and starting to live a VERY shady life...ending up in restraining orders and domestic violence offices...I decided I was not really cut out for this "white trash" lifestyle. So, at 23, I moved home w/ mom, went to the junior college, raised my grades and was on Dean's List for 3 semesters...until University of Nevada, Reno let me back in. With the exception of taking one year off after BS degree and one year off after Master's degree...I have been going to school straight since I was 23! Man, I am tired just typing it, lol!

OK...Judy, text one of us if the baby comes and we are not around the puter...we want to know!


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I need some lortabs physie Pam!!

My hip is getting worse, last night I was sleeping on it, and I was achey so I went to roll over.. and I got the round ligament pain on either side, no matter what way I tried to move. I was panicking (that pain is NO JOKE). I've felt it before from sitting on the floor and laying down made it better, I don't know how to get rid of the pain if laying down caused it, so when I felt it coming on I just had to stop moving. I finally inched myself long-ways down the bed to stand up quickly-whew. I walked around for a minute. There's startin to not be enough room in my belly for him!! Starting to count the days just to be comfortable again.

Tomorrow is baby shower, fun!

TGIF ya'lls!!

Yep, I remember that hip pain...just this dull achiness, right? As for the ligament pain, I remember that laying down on my side with a pillow supporting my tummy helped a lot!! I had so many pillows in the bed there wasn't room for poor hubby and that last month he had to sleep in the guest room!

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Terry - I am a Libra! Always try to be fair and balanced!

Heather - we love having you here! Can't wait to meet you in real life!

Judy - I love the name Madison too! Hope it's a girl!!

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My hip pain when walking feels like I dislocated my hip.. in bed it's just a dull achey and makes me want to roll. Like sleeping on it for 2 hours last night without moving myself, it hurt and I needed to change positions.. but then I couldn't.

I have 6 pillows + maternity pillow.. I tried propping my belly up on a pillow last night, it just pulled more muscles. I haven't figured out how to master that (everything I read says what you did, to prop pillows for belly).

I miss clothes fitting and being able to walk without waddling, and sleeping on my belly.. I could go on and on lol.

I'd love to just be able to take Advil right now, but no :rolleyes:

We're going to Logan's for lunch. I had their salmon last time I went and it was good--although I don't remember how they cook it, I just remember liking it.

Can't wait till June, that house you found is so beautiful I still can't figure out where it is!!

I vote for Madison too, that's one of the top 3 girl names for me.

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Hey Laura - we just got a Steak and shake here. Is it good there? Office staff is thinking about heading over there for lunch...

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I haven't been in forever because the local one has horrid service.

Their chili 3-way is fantastic (chili, onions, cheese).

Burgers are good too if you can eat them hehe.

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I have been in a similar situation as what TracyKS is in now. The child support does need adjusted, but if she is the one to ask for the change, then she has to get the attorney to get things going....which costs money, which is the basis of the problem! Anyway that is how it worked for me, for years with Manda's dad. He remarried, and had 4 more kids, and a huge home----and I struggled! Tried to get him to take Manda during the end of my 2nd marriage when the abuse was at its worst, and he refused.

I know it is little consolation now Tracy--but I fully believe what goes around comes around.....and the tables will turn!

Manda's Dad, continued through the years to be unfaithful (have to admit it was nice realizing it was not me....not something I did right or wrong, it was HIS issues) So he ended up divorced again, but by then she had run up credit card bills so high they re-fi'd the house, and ended up losing it. Then he moved in with a former friend of mine, together they have spent the last few years drinking themselves into oblivion. Just the other day Manda said she kicked him out, because she wanted to sober up (for the umpteenth time, hopefully for her and her family she can do it this time). So now her sister who lived with them, the one we consider ours....is having to move back with her Mom and her boyfriend who do not want her, because her Dad is going to be living in the motor home.

My home is not as huge or fancy as the one he had and lost. But it is mine, and it does not have wheels! I do not have alcohol issues. I have kids who love me. Overall a life to be proud of. I did not purposely or willingly let my child down, he will never be able to say that.

I Won. And Tracy, so will you!

My opinion on your going on these little trips etc. is kind of like leaving a kid in Kindergarten the first few days, they feel abandoned, but they realize after the first few times, you are coming back, and when you come back happy and refreshed and happy to see them rather that resenting them for not going-------they will be ok!

Now.....if you can find ANYTHING that the ex is doing that is against the divorce agreement or if an attorney will take it based on you having a child to raise that you are paying for....File the papers and include attorney fees and legal fees in the filing!

Rick ask me if Kinsey and I wanted to go to lunch with one of his coworkers and his girlfriend---we used to hang together at the ballpark, we get along well so I said ok. I was supposed to go to the restaurant a bit early and get us a table. Well word of it got out, and he calls and says there will be 11 people. NOT what I agreed to, and half the time these guys think since Rick is the boss he should pay! I plan on ordering first and stating very plainly it will all be on separate checks---and to please add gratuity to the tickets. Otherwise some of them will not tip. Morons!

Jane, my new grandson is Corvin, and he is already over 10 pounds!!!! He is an eater.

I had Kinsey and Connor in the back of the shopping cart in Home Depot yesterday and had 2 people comment on the twins!!! Nope! And Ali just had her US, and there is only one baby there! Unable to tell what it is yet....but the US pic is awesome!!!

Sorry you are in such pain again Laura!!!

Rick and I are both Leo's and neither one really fit the profiling, although I do more than he does. He HATES being in the spotlight more than anything!!

Heather, I have no real idea of what Alex looks for when he contacts people for being moderators.....he ask a couple of times before I agreed! I don't do a lot, and usually refer to him or Susan before taking much action other than reminding people of the rules. I make contact with newbies, and welcome them to the site, delete spam posts....mostly just monitor and sometimes warn!!

I am picky where I monitor in R&R------I have to be careful, I get pissy!!! LOL

Better go, Kinsey wants to write!

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Hey girls... lunchtime check-in... glad to see you all are so chatty today!

I am pooped! I just got back from helping my widower neighbor/friend clean. I was there from 10-12:45. We did make a dent. A dent. He helped. It's still a horrendous mess in 98% of the place, but when you walk in, the eating area of the kitchen + floor of kitchen + little bit of the floor going into the family room is CLEAR & VACUUMED! When I left, the kitchen table had a fresh green & white tablecloth on it w/a Juicy Orange Yankee Candle burning in the center of it, w/3 empty chairs pushed under it. The uncle kept saying how much the son was going to like it when he gets home from school, and really, that's who I'm doing this for! So I suggested a nice family dinner @ the table tonight & I think they may do it! So I feel good. The uncle & I also got "permission" for me to go there during the week & help the uncle organize the kitchen, so I will arrange that with him. I told them that I was happy to keep coming for snippets of time as long as I saw that they were attempting to keep it maintained... so we'll see. Honestly, part of me wants to cry now, for the horror of it, but mostly I feel good that I'm helping folks who need it.


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