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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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You guys are funny talking about hooha's!!

Kat, I feel out of the loop when I am at work, so I called for an update!

Was the slowest week I have had in a few years! I am bummed, but hoping next week is better! I think people are waiting longer, it save a few dollars for them, and makes me no never mind if I cut an inch or three, it is still a cut, so it doesn't make my job harder, just not totally recession proof!

I can't believe I am about to say this, but I am hot!! I live on the third floor and it gets full afternoon sun, and today it was over 75 in my house! Since I keep it cold in winter that is hot for me.


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Kat -- Where is Kinsey's dad?? Why can't he watch her??

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Yep Michelle is right, that is exactly what happened with Miss Kinsey. One foot in the tub, one out, stepping out, and the foot still in the tub, actually slid under the mat and boom. In her favor was that she is so little she only had inches to fall, but she fell full weight on it. It sliced or caused abrasion the full length it looked like. No one, Dr. included really prodded or poked around. She took a bath tonight--which Dr. said was good, just no bubbles. AND she waited for me to put her in and take her out.

Terry, her Dad is being a jerk! He has still refused to pay any CS. He will not allow Manda into the storage shed, because HE has not paid the bill----so Kinsey in their new house has a bed WE had in storage, Not her day bed. Manda bought her a daybed when she got big enough for a bed. Jason bought one for his house too. So when she moved over there, they put her daybed in storage, because her room was already set up. So her bed, and matching dresser, everything is in storage....Manda's TV, her microwave....everything they had doubles of. BUT the storage shed is in Jasons name, and he is pissed off because he heard she went to Kansas, and he knows that the friend she went to see, is the younger sister of an old boyfriend, and that she saw him while she was there. Which is BS, he was holding her stuff for ransom before that. BUT......he is busy. He and his girlfriend just bought a new house....they close on it Tuesday. So he is busy packing and all, they even sent her DD to stay with her Grandma, so they could work.

Manda finally told him he had to get her stuff and all the CS he owes her before the 15th or she is filing against him, and claiming he has not paid CS in 9 months. Which enraged him! Because she really was living with him part of that time.....but like she told him....prove it. Show the court the cancelled checks.....you cannot show any court ordered CS being paid! I know my DD, she won't do it, but it is a good threat!!!

Bottom line, is he does not have time right now for Kinsey. Shame, because when he has her she seems to have a great time, and she loves him. But he is more "into" his new family right now.

I get frustrated and tired of 4 year old questions....why everything! What is that? What does _________ mean? Non stop! BUT I would rather have her with me. I can assure her that we will go see Mommy, and ease her fears. Even if she did get hurt, I feel safer with her with me. He has never had accidents or issues, she has always been fine with him, this is a mental needing her to be ok with the separation. She gets scared, and I can hold her and tell her how much Mommy is missing her too, and we call Manda. I know Jason would not do that. He would go to her if she cried, but he would distract her, or something, not reassure her or nurture the Mom/Child thing.

And Kinsey is having a hard time sharing her Daddy anyway....so to face sharing Dad and Mommy being totally unavailable is a lot for a 4 year old. So while it might be nice for a couple of hours to read, or clean even without help.....it is ok. It really IS ok.

It is also one of the only ways I can really DO anything for my DD. I want to fix her and can't. I CAN ease her mind with this.

My MIL today hinted that I was being taken advantage of because of having Kinsey 24/7. She did not however invite her to play over there for a little while! LOL

Jane, I am sure you are right, heck I am guilty!!! I put off my hair! I figured heck all I am doing is trimming the ends right now---nothing major. Finances might get really tight, so I am making adjustments all over the place. I bet it does hit you hard.....maybe I should call Lori (my stylist) and apologize!!!

Laura, I have never cooked a duck. Never cooked a Quail. I have cooked a chicken! A turkey! Even cornish game hens----but that is it!!!

Well, I am going to read some email, and go to bed. My mind will not shut down.....hate that!!

See y'all tomorrow!


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Good Sunday Morn, Vi's~~

I awoke early this a.m. to the sounds of MO trying to poop again... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... he did squeek out a few pieces... so I whipped him into my bathroom, gave him an enema, and left him in there so hopefully it will help. It will just flippin' figure if I have to have him put to sleep while DH is out of town... why do these things happen/break the minute dh pulls out of the driveway?? I am woman... hear me roar... I will handle it!

Other than that... it's actually WARM here today... in the 60s already! Wowza! finally all the driveway ice melted, yay!

DS is making his "famous" oatmeal pancakes for b'fast... all by himself! I will not have any... he's going to try to make me a spinach/feta omelet (he's never made one). The past couple of months he's been interested in cooking & has learned several recipes... I say good!

Make it a great day!

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Good Morning, Violets..

I'm up and heading out to church and then have a 3 hour singing rehearsal this afternoon. We have a concert on March 13th and have a couple of tough numbers we need to work through. It's going to be a long day today.

Temp is 26 and we should get some more melting snow today. It's strange looking out my laundry room window and not seeing the mound of snow that was on the fence and shed roof. I see tons of bird seed and dog poop out my patio door... yuck. Sure signs of spring.

Kat.. hope you were able to get some sleep last night. I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. That's not going to help this afternoon when I can't take a nap.

Hope Manda is doing better today. Keep us posted.

Gotta run and get choir stuff ready before everyone arrives.

Everyone have a great day!!

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Good morning ladies!!

My cold has moved from my head to my chest. I was able to sleep last night since I am able to somewhat breathe through my nose again. Now I am in the coughing stage. You know, the cough so hard you almost pee in your pants kind of cough....the ones that when you cough your whole body hurts?! I need to go to walgreens today and get some liquid cough Syrup. We have Mucinex pills but they are the size of small dinosaur eggs so I know I would never be able to swallow them.

I am so glad that dd is in a school district that does not make her wear uniforms! I went and bought her some REAL school clothes yesterday. Some cute dresses and frilly blouses, colorful pants. Yesterday was an everything went right day. Everything fit her (for the most part). It was actually FUN shopping for her instead of a challenge.

With our anniversary, valentine and my b-day all right around the corner I have been dropping hints about what jewelry I would like to have. I love the 'open heart design' by Jane Seymour at Kay Jewelers. Another thing is the stone that represents 6th anniversaries is Amethyst. What a coincidence, same as my birthstone...I told dh he could kill 2 birds with one stone...:thumbup::lol:

Our dsd is finally verbalzing her wish to move in over here with us. We told her that she needs to speak with her mom about it because if it is done, we will only do it the legal way, change schools, change child support & the whole 9 yards. I doubt it will ever happen, but you never know.

Speaking of hair appointments, I made one for myself & Macy for Friday. We need it horribly bad!

Laura-I meant to tell you...way to go on saving for Conners Pre-school. Smart move..it is very expensive! Good tax deduction though!

Kat-I can not believe the woman from the CDC. I guess she thinks she is above the rules?

Judy-you are very right when you said not to undo what I've done on Valentines day with candy. That is my main problem lately....doing well then having a free for all. I need to stay focused at all times!! :thumbup: It DOES take weeks to fix the cheat! Besides, skinny tastes better :clap:

Have a great day everyone! Make healthy choices! My taste buds are off duty due to the cold...in a way it is great and in a way it sucks. Easy to stay on track when you can't taste anything!

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good morning gals

I still feel so bloated but i braved the scale...lost the 3+lbs i gained... go figure... i ate some corn chips and cheese and a bowl of popcorn and a chicken tender yesterday, figured i was at least 210 again... but nope... still in onderland... i'm so happy

anyway i'm going to make a pulled pork today and some ham and cheese soup... and some chicken salad

i know strange combo... but i'm trying to go for high Protein

Kat - you and your family are in my prayers...

We are definately a special group of ladies...

I'm off to get dressed, I'm taking ds to Breakfast in 20 minutes then we are going shopping... then going to try to hit the Y and tan

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TracyK - 'above the rules' has nothing to do with it. The woman is irresponsible and should have her license to practice medicine taken away from her!!! How can you be a CDC physician and not practice proper disease control protocol??? She is directly responsible for spreading the disease she is in charge of controlling!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Kat - I do hope you reported her to the hospital administrators.

Kat - I hear the desperation in your 'voice'... and I am so sorry. I know how worked up you get and I'm here to tell you that it does no good. Take it one hour at a time, one day at a time. Breathe. You are doing an awesome job with Kinsey, as usual. Just close your eyes and visualize enveloping Manda and Kinsey in a healing white light. Hold them there as long as you can.

I'm a believer in this method of prayer for healing. I have a cousin living in Florida who I've been very close to for my whole life. She was going thru a divorce that she didn't want and was having an extremely hard time coping. She chose alcohol to get thru her days. Problem was she was a mother of two young children who she drove to school each day. She'd mix herself a white russian or two for breakfast and drive her girls to school in that condition!! She was a SAHM and drank most of the day.

I was on my way to work one morning and as I was driving she was heavy on my mind although I hadn't talked to her in 2-3 weeks. I had this overwhelming urge to pray for her and 'send' that healing energy to her. When I got to work, I found a quiet empty office, settled myself and spent 10-15 mins in that meditation. I swear to you this is true.... 30 minutes later she called to tell me she was checking herself in to rehab. She stayed 30 days and has been sober for the last 10 years.

(((Hugs))) and healing energy to you and your family, Kat. We love you.

Edited by TerriDoodle

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Just im'd w/dh & he said that "some of your violets have been to my site" & I said, "tell me the location & I can tell you who" so he did & ya'll are so great to go there & check it out! Love you gals!

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Terri... as usual you are so elegant & so right ont the mark w/your words to Kat... I so frequently find myself thinking, "that's exactly what I was thinking but didn't know how to express it in this format"... we are blessed to have you as a friend, confidante, advisor!

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Terri... as usual you are so elegant & so right ont the mark w/your words to Kat... I so frequently find myself thinking, "that's exactly what I was thinking but didn't know how to express it in this format"... we are blessed to have you as a friend, confidante, advisor!

LOL..... oh yeah, ya'll are sooooooo lucky!! ROFL!!!

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Morning Girls.

Jane......You know my issues with my hairdresser. MONEY, MONEY..at $40 a cut, I just can't afford to go as often as I should. I get there about every four months. I adore her like crazy, she is so wonderful and we have a great time, it's just the money.

Terri......Prayer is very powerful with me and I use it every chance I get. Not to win the lottery but for the interventions that people need. I know for sure that when I had my surgery and my "C" scare, it was the power of prayers from all my family and friends that got me thru.

Today will be a hard food day for me. I'm home all day and that makes it hard. Although I have gotten rid of all the bad food around here. So that will help. It's just being home and so close to the kitchen that is hard. I started a new sewing project so hopefully that will keep me occupied.

Everyone have a great day.

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TracyK - 'above the rules' has nothing to do with it. The woman is irresponsible and should have her license to practice medicine taken away from her!!! How can you be a CDC physician and not practice proper disease control protocol??? She is directly responsible for spreading the disease she is in charge of controlling!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Kat - I do hope you reported her to the hospital administrators.

I guess since posts do not come with SOUND that you could not tell I was being sarcastic!? I know she is not above the rules...and even if she THINKS she is....she has another thing coming. I may act retarded BUT, I'm not. :thumbup:

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Yes I reported the Dr. and have to go see the Admin on Monday. I am doing my best to keep good thoughts, feeling that whatever I think will happen, will happen kind of thing....so I am only allowing good thoughts.

I am going to speak with her (Manda) today, and try to get her to be more assertive. She is usually not this laid back!

Rick is acting all wierd....I have had enough of his wierdness! He needs to get it together and be here---he has several guys from work he is trying to help with this or that, and I want him to take care of family first. He cannot take Kinsey with him to move things so he needs to keep that in mind. I think it is an escape for him from his fears, but also from us who are driving him nutso! He loves the grandkids, but he is not used to a 4 year old full time who wants to know what he is doing every second and why!!! Makes me laugh, makes him crazy!

He needs to get over it!

Well we are off to the hospital. Will check in later. No bleeding at all overnight for Kinsey---YAY!!!


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Just back from church. I finished my lunch of tuna salad and soy nuts.. but you already guessed that! Off to my rehearsal in a few minutes.

Kat.. I offered prayers for Manda today in church so there were quite a few praying for her recovery today.

Will check back later...

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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