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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Heather the post has been reported....not sure what they want to do with it, I have chose to let someone else deal with it! Just the mood I am in!!!

It is pretty accurate for the TT. I agree it should only be in the PS area. And it is a good pic to have....over there, because it IS accurate. But I agree with it being overly graphic for a home page!

There is no way in hell I would have allowed my picture to be taken nekkid like that following my TT. I did take pics in bikini panties---for MY own comparisons! But post them on the www not a chance!!!


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Good Morning, Violets..

We got home at midnight and had an awesome time with the grandkids and their mom and dad. I didn't take a bathing suit cause I didn't want to go home with wet hair. I wore a sweater and cords and yes, it was 84 degrees in the Water park, but we didn't stay long there. DD Kris, the Bobster and I went to the hall and looked through the window and then did a little shopping. I resisted temptation and Kris said she was proud of me. They had humungous Desserts, several of which are my favorites, but I only got tempted with 2 yogurt smoothies during the day that I shared with Kris and the Bobster. Other than that, my eating was under control. No sugar and lo-carb. And was I rewarded on the scale this morning????? nope.. still at 173 and can't seem to budge it. BUT, it's a new month and if I do half as well this month as last, I'll be a happy camper.

Kris was really exhausted by the time we got home last night. At 3 weeks from delivery, it was a very long day and long ride in the car. She is supposed to come to church this morning to hear her dad, but I told her not to if she was too tired. We bought her a cute little dragon that laughs when you squeeze it to put in the baby's room.

I better get going and get my hair curled and make up on so we can head to church. First time in a long time that the Bobster and I will be going to church at the same time in the same place!!

Everyone have a great day!!

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Good Sunday Morning, Vi's~~


It's Feb. 1... a new month!

We had a busy but very fun day yesterday... my Godmother hosted my mom's 71st b'day party & LOTS & lots of our family came & we ate & drank & were pretty merry, I must say! I'm not usually a wine drinker, but I did last night & I was quite "happy" shall we say?

Today I have to "power clean" the house as my friend & her family are coming over to watch the big game... I'm not cooking tho, which is nice... I ordered the "SB" special from a local deli... yum.

Did I mention that TOMORROW I am going cold turkey on food + am going to begin my MS Challenge Walk training. (I know, I say things like this all the time so no one believes me... I'm the girl who cried "wolf"!) Well, I am. No excuses. I'm just going to friggin' DO IT!!

Also did I tell you that DH is going back to Puerto Vallarta for 10 days this month? (Remember, he went last year for his photography... it's when I took the kids on our "surprise" trip to Disney!) Somehow he's managed to make this an annual trek! So the kids naturally assumed that we were going back to WDW! HA! NOT! But last night my sis & I (in our wine-soaked states) were SWEARING to each other that we were just going to do it next weekend... just hop on a plane & go for a long weekend! I wonder if she even remembers?? Too funny! I wish we could... but... sometimes you have to be the adult & suck it up & delay your gratification, blah dee blah... But I am just the littlest bit cranky that dh gets to go where there's SAND, SUN, WARMTH & free-flowing MARGARITAS!!

I've rambled on too long here... maybe there's still some wine in my system! Off to forage for b'fast & begin the clean...

Make it a great day, Vi's! I'm not at all invested in the outcome of the game today -- so I'm rooting that the commercials are good! :thumbup:

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I hear you Michelle on your last post, but I am the girl who cried wolf, more like screamed on my part. I also hope the commercials are good. Although Kurt Warner did play with the Rams for a long time here, so I am sort of rooting for them. Although they say they don't have a chance, Pittsburg might be to lax about playing and then blow it!!

Tom came today with a vengence!! Ouch!! It is getting better though. Drugs gotta love em!!

Judy I bet Kris is tired. That was so neat that you went there. I think there is one near Kansas City, they look really neat!!

I am not going to church again today, and my mom finally said what do you have against church lately, it is not church it is that I have gained so much that I know people there will talk!!

We are going to see the play "Legally Blonde" today, I hope it is good.

Well got to go get ready!

Hope everyone is having a great day and enjoy the super bowl!!!!!!!!!

I will be like Ms. Lois from Romper Room, I see Terry and Pamela and Michelle!!

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Morning Girls~

What a day yesterday! The trainer was great. I am a bit sore today, not like I thought I would be. I really still feel it in my biceps and some of my shoulder moves...but not too bad. I think it helped that we've been working out for a couple months...and doing really good in Jan. I am not going to weigh again for a while...but I can totally tell how I look and feel. I am not sure if the number is actually lower, but my entire body carries differently, the girls are higher (or the tummy is less), and my ass is hard! I love it!

Next was the tattoo. I spent 2.5 hours getting it done, and then burst into tears! I could not take the pain anymore. My skin was raw and I needed a break. I have the outline done, and the 30% of the color in. I have to wait for 20-30 days to go back. The artist said she cried during her back on too...hurt like hell! At one point I thought I was going to pass out. IT DID NOT HURT ON MY ASS LIKE THIS. But I totally LOVE it! She incorporated the violets into the butterfly wings. It is lots of green for the vines and purple for the violets, w/ fuchia accents. I have it on my phone and I've just tried to email to myself. If I can pull it off, I'll email to ya'll. The pix does not have the color...it was taken before the green was started. I'll get more pix later and show you when I get it, but at least you can see the outline. NOTE THE VIOLETS IN THE BOTTOM OF THE WINGS! I love it, and can't wait to finish it!

Then it was on to dinner. I did pretty good too. Diet coke, 1 shredded beef taco, and some chips and salsa. Not bad considering what our friends ate, lol.

Then on to the concert. I don't know how many of you Violets know/like Motley Crue. They are this hard rock band from the 80's and 90's. Tommy Lee (drummer), Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx, and Nick Rhodes. Anywho, they really rocked! They sounded just as good as before...even better. This was my first time seeing them, but I LOVED it. It was a blast and we all rocked out. My two other friends got tattos too. I did leave a bit early. EVERYONE was really drinking...heavily. I was not drinking at all. The concert is about 25 min from home on the 10 freeway. I wanted to be long off the road before all the drunk folks got on the highway. It was great to finally get in bed after a long day!

Today it is all about the game. We have about a dozen people coming over...should be fun!

I'll pop in later!


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Hi friends~

Move is done, almost done unpacking boxes. Just now got internet and computer set up. I read all the posts and now here I am. DH is so good to me. He did most of the work and I felt horrible about it. I am doing alot better neck wise, thank God.

For the past few days I have felt like I was getting pink eye then I woke up this morning with blisters on my eyelid. I had this before...like 4 years ago. I need to go to the eye dr and get this antibiotic cream to put on my eye. I look like someone punched me in the eye and it hurts really bad.

I have been eating horrible things too, up until today.:thumbup:

i am falling apart. :thumbup:

I missed ya'll!

Pamela-the tattoo looks great but it also looks like it hurt like hell...I could not do it! lol

Gotta run to the store...bbl

Edited by TracyK

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((((((((TracyK)))))))))) Just seems like you need a big hug honey!!! Hope your eye and your neck like your new home, and get better quickly! Don't forget to get us a change of address!!

Pamela----OUCH! So this is centered on your upper back? I think it will look great colored the way you say....and I saw the violets right off the bat! I showed Rick, he said "Holy Shit" and yes that is a direct quote!! He ask if that was what I was planning to get in TX. I laughed and said nope!!! I was talking a little one inch square violet on my foot!!! LOL I am not that brave! I will say I think your butterfly needs a viking hat with braids!! LMAO!!!

We are going to Becky & Gary's today. Their grandsons birthday party at one then flow right into the superbowl. Becky about blew a gasket when her DIL planned his birthday! She set the party at 4:30 today! Beck & Gary have an annual Superbowl party--they have the most space, and parking area---we all bring food, and it is BYOB, so she doesn't have all the work herself. We set 4 TV's up---one in the LR, one in the Den, one in the Kitchen and one on the deck!

Well her DIL ignores her plans, and plans the little guys birthday. DIL has a large, family. They are extremely rude (everyone but her brother, and he is a super nice guy!), and they come in to a room like they own it. They help themselves to drinks from the fridge etc. Becky said one of them was even found going through the medicine cabinet looking for Tylenol they said. Well with all the medical they have had (back and neck surgeries) they have lots of narcotics, so they keep a tote in their bedroom closet on a top shelf with ALL medications away from where Ray can reach. Nosy is just skimming the surface!

So she knows they will come and stay and expect to eat all the food that others bring.

So we got kind of creative/hateful!!!!!! We made goal posts out of wrapping paper tubes, and put on each end of the table, and plan to cover it completely during the birthday party.....and we are using crepe paper streamers to tape off the kitchen during the party!!! We are trying to find in our stashes of stuff, things to make yellow penalty flags, and tie them to the streamers----to make it more obvious that it is not ONE party!

Like she said, all HER friends know what the issue is, she has been "venting" openly!!! And if DIL's family doesn't feel welcome and feels offended, they are free to leave!!

I made a pot of posole, sausage queso dip, with mini tacos, and rolled tacos for dipping----and DEATH BY chocolate dessert! It is like an artery block in a bowl!!! Brownies, chocolate pudding, white chocolate pudding, toffee bits, chocolate Syrup, chocolate crumbles, and topped with whipped cream, more toffee and chocolate curls. None of it seriously tempted me. UNTIL----I was melting the chocolate for the curls and it seized on me, made a crumbled mess. So I wasn't too putout, figured I would just layer it in, and no one would know, and I made the mistake of tasting it.........mmmmmm!!!! It might not look pretty, but it tasted yummy!!!!

Anyway....Better get my gameface on, and get back out and help Beck.

I am cheering for the Cardinals, but am not die hard for either side. I actually like both Quarterbacks---and I can't say that about many in the NFL!!!

I have pics of Rick with Rothslisberger (SP???) at a parade in Denver years ago!!! He was really nice, posed with people, never acted like a big shot.

I sent Pamela a pretty interesting piece on Warner, since she stated her team!!!

So will be one of those years, I am just hoping for a good time, won't pout regardless who wins!

I do always feel sorry for the losing team....they look so sad. And then I think.....sure am glad I don't have to go home with one of them tonight! Talk about a grouch!!

See y'all later!!!



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i didn't get to see the tattoo???? you no love me anymore?

hope you are all having a good day, i'm beat, had an afternoon party of martinis and i am going to take a nap befor the next crew comes over

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Good evening, Violets..

We are headed to Kris and Nathan's to watch the Super Bowl on the biggggggggg screen TV. Kris said she's not cooking or cleaning for us, so that's kewl. I don't want to be tempted by tons of food. The Bobster and I split an omelette this morning and I pb'd it. Came home and made a fruit smoothie with strawberries, mango, Splenda and cream buzzed up. It sure tasted good. I took a nap and just finished 1/4 cup french onion Soup left over from a take out order from Kris on Friday. It was yummy too.

The Bobster did me proud with his sermon this morning. He was soooooooo good. It was one of the first times that the pastor trumped the choir. And I thought the choir was really good too!! So next week the regular pastor is back and it will be back to the boring, **yawnnnnnnn** sermons again.

TracyK.. glad you're getting settled in and that you're feeling better except for the eye stuff. Hugs to you from me...

PamELa.. all I can say is OUCH!! It's going to be beautiful, but better you than me, for sure!!!!!!!

I got a new DVD in the mail yesterday.. some 6 minute ab thingy from QVC. It comes with straps. If the ab exercises don't work out I think the Bobster and I can figure out something to do with the straps.............. ooooooooooooo Judy didn't say that, did she?????

Everyone enjoy the game.. Go Cardinals!!!!! (they ARE playing, aren't they?? ) Gooooooooooooo Commercials!!!


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Judy too funny about the straps!!!

Legally Blonde was okay and enjoyable. I think I need to join the cast to become skinny!! Oh my gosh they had this jump rope scene with some GREAT looking guys, and then girls started jumping rope and it was so intense and in sync!! Looked like even if I was in shape I couldn't do it!!

Okay off to watch the game!!

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Am sitting here on the laptop watching the game... or the commercials, rather. Actually the BEST part was the HALFTIME -- Brooooooce! His concert tix go on sale tomorrow morning & I'm very tempted to get some.......

We had my friend & her hubby & dd over, but they've gone home already! That's how not into the game we are! DS's gfriend is still here, tho...

Not much else to report... tomorrow is the big day I swear for my good eating & exercising & starting to train for the walk... really!!

Tracy, glad to read that you're getting settled in... you should be a pro by now w/the moving... just don't unpack -- you'll probably get the urge to move again in a couple months!

See you all tomorrow!

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Tracy, glad to read that you're getting settled in... you should be a pro by now w/the moving... just don't unpack -- you'll probably get the urge to move again in a couple months!

See you all tomorrow!

Even if I did get the urge, we can't....signed a lease. I do not wanna move anyway, great school district, great area, lots of kids for macy to play with.

The highlight of moving often...at least we do not have any junk! :tongue2:

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Good evening, Violets..

Just back from watching the Super Bowl. I was wishing the Cardinals would win and they made a good run, but not to be. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Jennifur Hudson's singing. She nailed it!

I only had a handful of nuts I picked out from the trail mix. There were lots of chips and dips and cheese, but I stuck with the nuts. I've had a great day of eating and am going to continue this month. I have GOT to get closer to goal!

Everyone sleep well.. see you in the morning.

Edited by Teachlady

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Good Morning,

I hope everyone had a great Super Bowl Day. We had a fish and shrimp fry. Ummm good.

Today will be a good eating day for me. That's one of the reasons why I like working. It keeps me busy and away from the kitchen. I do however have a dinner date with a friend tonight at Fazoli's. I'll just order a kids size meal and no bread sticks. (Yeah right.). I'll try my best.

Everyone have a great day and Ill check in later.

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Happy Groundhog's Day!


Today IS the day... I am going to eat properly, drink my h2o, and exercise!!

I've already had 1 cup warm Water w/lemon, and am almost done a 16.9 oz bottle of h20.

Make it a great day, everyone!

(oh, btw Judy, I just put my fingers in my ears and sing "la la la la la" when you write naughty bits... :w00t:)


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