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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Hi gals

Thanks for al your kind words. I honestly feel so much better, Wayne and I are talking and going to take it back to the friendship we started at... one day at a time... and NO SEX....I have talked to Kev.... and NO SEX.....I am being honest with everyone, which might have caused some of this stress. But if i think with my head I'll be strong.

As for me, well - you are all right and I've come to realize this, which is a huge step for me. You are right Kat, and I might use that line... if you don't mind. I tried explaining to Wayne because he does not understand why I can't look at myself in a good way and blames Kev - which ok some of it is, but when your first memories are your aunts telling you how fat you are and offering me money to lose weight - to getting picked on in grade school - middle school, and highschool the same thing, then your family telling you that you are a horrible parent ... blah blah blah... that eventually sinks in and cannot go away overnight.

and when that starts to go away, then i can honesly be happy with someone else

I'm better and have a great friend and who knows what will happen....

anyway, i'm going to make some Soup and go to bed, i'm emotionally drained.

OH... it warmed up here today and my Water to my island is frozen... ugh! i have the water on and hope that it runs enough to thaw it out.

love you all gals!

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Hey gals~~

Here I am!!

I've just been busy... busy eating every frickin' thing in sight & getting fatter by the minute so feeling bad about coming here and confessing... bad me.

We've spent the whole day watching the inauguration... big doings in these here parts y'know... DH actually got up @ 3am & went down into DC to take pictures... but it was so discombobulated, & streets they said would be open weren't, etc... so he ended up walking around awhile, then just hopping back on metro & coming home by 8am! They said that happened to alot of folks. DH said that, for every person you saw crammed onto the Mall, there was one stuck on a side street somewhere.

Right now I'm watching the O's @ the balls... Michelle's dress is pretty... I wasn't an O supporter, but he is an inspirational speaker... and man oh man, I hope he can tackle our challenges!

Judy, yes, there was a 40-vehicle pile-up very near here yesterday in the unexpected snow... but we were not affected.

Ok, so here's some news... I joined the MS Challenge Walk in June... 2 days, 50K walk... my BIL has MS & DH organized a 100-mile bike ride team last year, & this year my dsister is coordinating a walking team... I am hoping that while doing good for those w/MS, I will also do good for myself w/having to train, etc... will keep you posted...

Time for bed... g'night!

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WOW...I made the Ham & cheese Soup today, and LOVED IT!!!:tongue: I added some tomatoes/chilies...was very good though and I figured out the Weight Watcher points and it is only 4 pts per 8 oz serving...

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Good Morning gals

some stuff going on at work, so I'm stressed about that and can't be late anymore, but feeling much better

I think my choices for me are good ones and I'm going with it - one day at a time. But thanks all for your support.

I made a pot of Soup last night so i have Breakfast and lunch today and have a pulled pork in the crock pot, so i'm going to add that. I wanted popcorn so very badly last night but did not do it - I figured I have not had a taste for junk so i'm not going to even tempt myself.

I am not drinking enough during the day so i'm up 1lb, but i feel it is Water, so today even if i freeze to death - i'm goin to go out and pee and go out and walk.

I will not let myself go back to the 200's i'm not leaving onederland, and i will be in the 80's in the next 2 weeks.... it is only 7lbs, I can do that!

I Hope you all have a great day, not going to do personal stuff at work until i know what is going on there - major pms for the guys

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Good Morning,Violets..

Ethan is here and he's checking out what Grandma is doing on the computer.

Michelle, good to hear from you, but you gotta step back from the crap food!! And YES, I said CRAP. Been there, done that. I feel so much better without the sugar and carbs. It's really empowering to say no to stuff now. And are you going to be walking 50 miles in 2 days?????? Or do you just certain segments of the distance? I can't image walking 25 miles in one day. That would do me in for sure. And I assume this walk would be before our get together and you'll continue walking to Alabama??

Ethan is wanting to do the Wii so I better get off here and get him started.

Everyone have a great day..BBL...

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Morning Girlies~ Started getting really congested last night...so I am sure I will be sick again in a few days! I don't know what is going on?? Maybe stress?

Jenn~How do you make pulled pork? That is the stringy pork right? Any Violet know? And I have a really stupid question...what kind of meat do I buy? I never know "what meat" to buy. Times like these, I wish my mom were alive!

Speaking of mom...today is her birthday! "Happy Birthday mom!!! What kind of meat do I buy for pulled pork? How do I cook it? I miss you!"

OK...didn't workout today, as we take Wed and Sun off! I love it cause it makes the week go faster...plus we sleep in 45 min longer on Wed! WOOHOO...that is nice.

Jane~I cracked myself up w/ "so do I", "so do I" too! hehe

Wonder what I am going to eat today...everything makes me sick.


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Good Morning!

Mae: glad you liked the soup.. did you use tofu?

Jenn: I'm proud of you!

Michelle: Join the club!!!! we've all been out of control.. not a reason to go MIA!

Kat: How is Rick feeling

Terry: How is Owen?

Laura: SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!! Fun Fun!

Jane: How is the fill working?

Suzie: What did the xray show?

Pam: I FEEL FOR YOU!!!!! How are you doing today?

TracyK: What's up girlfriend?

Haydee: I finished book 3 of Twilight and I loved it.. ready for book 4.... go figure!

Judy: Are you digging out of all the snow?

Heather: How are YOU feeling today... are you nesting yet?

Gina: How are you?

Tonya: What's been going on with you in the new year?

Did I miss anyone?????? LOL

OK.... so I got a little to liberal last night in my search of a Low Carb white russian......... By the time it was said and done.. I had created a black russian...drank almost the etire carton of Calorie Countdown milk, 1/3 bottle of vodka, and close to half the bottle of the SF chocolate syrup... using some left over coffee I still had in the pot......... over ice........... IT WAS DELICIOUS........ dangerously delish! and full of protien!!!! LOL......

Full disclosure........ :tongue:

Today is a new day and so here I am typing this eating the last of my mousse... I mean mouse.. LOL

I brought in meatloaf again, but today I'm going to nibble on it so that I don't pb it.

Have a wonderful wonderful day!

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Good Morning Everyone!

Michelle - Glad you are posting again...I was getting worried. So, you've been making bad food choices. Wow, where have I heard that before??? Oh yeah. ALL OVER THIS BOARD!!! I, for one, have hit a new 52 week high. 185.6 this morning. You're in good (?) company.:lol:

Jenn - You hang in there, girlfriend. We all do the best we can, eh? Love you.

Kat - those are great ideas for baby toys! God knows you've had plenty of experience! I never thought of the mirror before!

Laura - I would LOVE to come to your shower! That would be so much fun. I'll bet you have some wonderful friends!

TracyK - I lost track -- did you have your MRI yet? It will be good to have some answers.

Janie - Did you clean a shelf last night? :wink:

Pamela - How are you feeling today? Poor baby...you've been thru the mill in the last few months. What are you gonna do with all that free time after you're a Dr.? Oh, and been meaning to ask...has the scale rewarded you with all that gym time?

Judy - You think this winter will EVER be over???

Heather - We need a baby bump picture!

Haydee - How many weddings do you have booked for the Spring?

Evan's living with me full-time now -- did I tell ya'll that? Anyway, he's doing better! Got his meds ramped up again and he likes his new psychotherapist (which is a miracle). He started back up at school yesterday. Now his dad and I just have some money issues to Iron out! :lol:

Nothing unusual going on with me otherwise...just the same ol' same ol'. I am starting to get a wee bit nervous about the job situation here...both for DH and I. We're both in the oil biz and DH is in the oil investment (read: banking :tongue:) biz...so between the two of us we could be looking at a rough road ahead. But it helps nothing to worry about it and I'm already really attacking our debt, etc...so I'm doing the best I can in that regard. We'll just ride it out. Been there before!

Ya'll have a good day -- k?

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I wasn't going to say anything, so lean in close and I'll tell you my secret...closer...closer...

I got on the scale yesterday morning...and was down 6 pounds since going back to school (after the holidays). I weigh only at the gym every couple of weeks. I feel it in my clothes and interestingly in my posture. I just really like how I feel when I work out...looking forward to our trainer. My eating is hit and miss...last night I had salad and steamed cauliflower and zuccinni, so that was great! Anyway...that is my story.

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Terry: Sorry I called your son by the wrong name! That is great about him living with you and improving.


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Yay, good job Pammy! 6 lbs is alot!! I haven't had the courage to weigh since after I got back from vacation. I'm gonna wait a few more weeks and keep up trying to do good before I weigh....

Michelle - I was riveted to the TV yesterday too! We woke up around 6am and watched in bed until around 9am. Then I got up and made breakfast and we ate on the couch in front of the TV. Then the rest of the day was the same. Flipping from one channel to the other to see what everyone was saying. Can't believe you were so close to all that!

Judy - Sounds like the WiiFit comes in so handy with Ethan! Keeps him entertained and wears him out at the same time!

Heather - love love love that baby name. It's just beautiful and unique. I'm gonna look up to see how much your bike is at the sporting goods store down the street. I'm hoping to find something for less than $200 bucks. The one you have sounds good because i'd like it for street use and for park paths use too... I'll keep you updated. Hopefully by next weekend I'll have made up my mind...

Terry - We've got 6 spring time weddings booked. Three in March and one in April and two in May. There's another girl who wants a shotgun wedding on Feb 28th. She's still trying to make up her mind. I told her she doesn't have much time left if she wants to get it catered. I usually have to get the catering order in at least 2 weeks in advance. We haven't booked anything for summer or fall... The good thing about having Juan's mom as a boss is that since this is a side business for her she doesn't mind that we're not too busy. I truly suck at being a salesperson because I'm not agressive or pushy. I present what we have to offer and if you're not interested, Good Bye! LOL. I know, I suck. But oh well. What interests me is the actual planning and executing of something...

TracyKS - I can't believe you liked book 3 so much! I don't know why I couldn't get into it like the other ones. Now I'm gonna have to re-visit it and see if I just missed something, LOL.

Hey, has anyone read The Shack? It's pretty good. It's basically about finding God again after feeling like he's abandoned you. Didn't think I would relate to it but it does a really good job of weaving this story and actually using the story to explain some of life's hard questions. I mean, it's not trying to be the bible but just trying to tell you the basics of what God and religion are all about. Like I said, it's pretty good. I had just checked it out from the library but I think I'm going to go buy it because I want to re-read it a few more times just so that some of it sticks with me for my daily life...

Everyone keeps talking about this gosh darn Ham and cheese Soup that I'm gonna have to go and get some stuff to make it. I don't really like cheese all that much so that's why it doesn't sound too appetizing. When i picture it in my head I just picture dipping my spoon into a bowl of queso, you know like for chips? Is that how it is? With bits of ham in it?

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I read the beginning & end of The Shack.. I didn't like it.

The Ham & cheese Soup didn't reheat well for me, but the 2nd day I added a spoon of guacamole dip (Dean's brand--it's like green sour cream) instead of Sour Cream.. added a different taste.

I just ate a brownie with cream cheese icing. People gotta quit having birthdays around here!! I give in 1/3 times they bring something in. I can do pretty good about passing up sheet cake--even though I love sheet cake... but when they bring in something 'different', that's another story.

I got some maternity shirts from Gap, which I've liked.. I bought some more because I like to layer--I almost always wear a long sleeve maternity tee with a short sleeve maternity shirt over the top every day. So I got some more shirts.. well this one I got today goes down to mid-thigh. Looks like a dress?! I feel even more frumpy now in this thing.

Did 24m on wii-fit last night. I actually got across the tight rope!! I was proud, since 3 people at work--we keep talking about it, no one has gotten all the way across. Most of them time out. I was down to 9 seconds with a few steps to go, so I started running in place to get across lol.

I think I literally made it with 1 second to go.

Also the wii-fit asks you about other people on there. It asked Russell yesterday "How do you think LaLa is doing?" and asks if I look more toned, slimmer, etc.. he picked 'more toned'. which is a lie.. so when it asked me about him, I put 'he looks the same' and he acted hurt.. but I explained, if I don't LIE now, when he really does look different he'll feel good about himself. I *know* i don't look more toned, so for him to put that--did nothing for me. So one day if I DO look more toned, I won't really know because he lied to begin with!

And that's that.. oh and we made RSVP for our V'day dinner.. we go to this place called Pauli's every year and I get their duck.. mm..

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Good Morn, Vi's~~

Ok, new dawn, new day... gosh I sound like the Prez, lol... but positive thoughts, positive intentions, positive plans... (except that I think that we're going to the cuban place for lunch today... ack!!) (kids are off school AGAIN today... they go back tomorrow... this is one of the reasons I eat so much cuz' they're home!!)...

I GOT THE BEST BOOK on Monday & have to share!! It's the "Eat This, Not That" Supermarket Survival Guide book and it is FULL of FREAKY info that you just have to see to believe!! I love how it shows you w/pictures that THIS is better than THAT... & 1/2 the time I'd have picked (& do pick) the wrong thing, but thinking it's a good choice!! What made me think of it to share w/ya'll right now was Lala's comment about the Dean's "guac"... here's what it says about that (p. 169 & more on dips on p.p. 180-181.):

The Claim: "Guacamole". The Truth: This "guacamole" dip is comprised of less than 2% avocado; the rest of the green goo is a cluster of fillers & chemicals, including modified food starch, soybean oils, locust bean gum, and food coloring. Dean's isn't alone in this guacamole caper; most guacs with the word "dip" attached to them suffer from a lack of avocado. This was brought to light when a California woman filed a lawsuit against Dean's after she noticed "it just didn't taste avocadoey." Similarly, a British judge ruled that Pringles are not technically chips, being that they have only 42% potato in them. What You Really Want: If you want the heart-healthy fat, you'll need avocado. Wholly Guacamole makes a great guac, or mash up a bowl yourself.

Seriously, this book is packed w/info... it's going to take a long while to get through it + use it as a guide during the year as we use up pantry items & replace them w/actual healthier choices. You've got to get this book, you won't believe it!

Between this & the walking (Judy, its a 50K, so approx 31 MILES, phew!) I hope to make some inroads... The reality is that if I continue as I have the past year, I will maintain my 80ish lb loss but not lose any more... so I need to shake it up!

Make it a great day, everyone!

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Michelle... I knew it was K, not miles, but they are pretty close and it's a heck of a long way to walk no matter what the measurement!! It certainly is another goal to attain. YES, YOU CAN!

TracyK.. where are you?????

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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