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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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I did good today (except for the Snickers). Had a turkey Sammie from Quiznos (those things are GOOD). Lots of Water.

Russ sent me this, kinda cute.. sends you your e-mail in the future. I'm deciding what to write!


Oh and I got my end of the year sales report, I did $200k more in sales than boss projected he wanted me to do. Woot woot, but this year he wants me to do even more, so I set the bar too high?! With the economy, and companies merging, it's going to be harder to get numbers to climb right now. Hopefully by our rush season this year the economy will be looking better? Heh.

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Thanks for all the well wishes & concern ladies ((((hugs)))). I am going to the chiro every day for the 2 weeks then 3 days a week for a while. He did x-rays and my neck doesn't have the curve the way it should and a nerve is being pinched. After a few more adjustments I will be better but it is the NOW that sucks. You know, the muscle spasms in your shoulders that come with the neck pain...that is what is killing me.

Today I am not eating like I should. I am wallowing in misery & self pity and therefore eating like a hog. I figure that Judy is eating well enough for both of us :sneaky: :thumbup:.

I will jump back onto the band wagon tomorrow. I am doing to well to screw it all up.

Have a good night violets! Love ya'll!!

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Sorry you are still hurting Tracy, and sorry you are sick Pamela! Glad you are feeling better Judy! Good grief you can tell it is that time of the year, everyone is sick or just getting over it!

Kinsey and I spent the day doing nothing....a little laundry, a movie, a snuggle and tickle fest on the couch.....we took a walk, and come home, that was our big outting!

Now finishing up laundry and waiting for Rick, dinner is mostly done....blah day. Blah mood to go with it.

Went to dinner last night with Rick's family, his brother was passing through on his way to the ABQ stores. His son went and got the granddaughter we seldom saw and her brother, so it was fun.

Getting a fill on Saturday it sounds like....it might not happen til Monday, but she said she thought he was working half a day on Sat. if so she would fit me in. Otherwise we will go on Monday....weather permitting, and him agreeing with me still being on steroids---she is supposed to call me if he objects still....hope not, I am going to be big as a house again at this rate.....I need to update my ticker, but don't wanna!

Well, I am going to go cruise through some threads, have a few people showing their idiocy today....of course!

Take care....will check in later!


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Russ sent me this, kinda cute.. sends you your e-mail in the future. I'm deciding what to write!


Ok that site just depressed the hell out of me Laura....I went to "view public entries" and this was the first post that came up:


How do I find the strength or the heart to tell my wife and kids that i am dying

I sit with my daughters dog and hold him..... its almost as if he knows i am ill

i am beyond scared (written Wed Jan 31, 2007, sent Thu Jan 31, 2008)

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Ok that site just depressed the hell out of me Laura....I went to "view public entries" and this was the first post that came up:


How do I find the strength or the heart to tell my wife and kids that i am dying

I sit with my daughters dog and hold him..... its almost as if he knows i am ill

i am beyond scared (written Wed Jan 31, 2007, sent Thu Jan 31, 2008)

It looks like it was sent almost 2 yrs ago...I wonder if he died??? :sneaky::confused::thumbup::confused::thumbup:

I need to look for happier posts now...kind of cool site....

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Good evening, Violets..

Just back from choir and dinner. We went to Culvers and they were very nice to put my double burger on a plate without a bun. So my piehole report for today is..

Breakfast: 1 slice cheese

Lunch: 1 Talapia filet

Dinner: double cheese burger deluxe --no bun

2 liters of water

The amazing thing to me is that I'm not hungry between meals. Thank you band!!

We are under a wind chill advisory for this evening and tomorrow. With the wind chill, it is supposed to get to -25 degrees. :sneaky: I have to go to the hospital to do my shift tomorrow morning and Ethan comes at 12:30.

Hope everyone is feeling better and the aches and pains go away.

I'm going to finish watching the Pistons game and then watch CSI New York.

Sleep well!

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Good morning, Violets..

Everyone must have gone to bed early last night.

It's -27 degrees here right now with the wind chill. Sure hope my car starts so I can get to my hospital shift.

Everyone have a great day!

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Good morning ladies-I just sent ya'll a cute e-mail. My friend sent it to me and I lol-too cute!

It hurt to laugh but it was woth it :thumbup:. The name of the e-mail is 'mirror mirror'.

I go to the chiro this morning at 9 AM. Yesterday when I went to him we discussed the money thing and cleared the air on that so I feel better about going to him now...so that is good. Tracy & Jenn, thanks for the texts yesterday, it brightened me up :) Tracy, you crack me up!

Tracy-I hope your fill went well!

Jenn-how was your date?

Judy-I am not hungry between meals...just head hunger. If I can just break the grazing habit I woul be golden!

Terry-how is Hero handling the cold weather? Does it keep him from wanting to go outside?

Haydee-Were you here yesterday? Are you OK?

Pamela-Gosh I hope you feel better soon. Us violets are having a sickness streak. have

you noticed it is always a group of us that are ill @ once?

Laura-Congrats on getting rid of the rest of the candy. That is fantastic will power on you & dh! Way to go little mama!

Kat-I hope your spirits rise. You are such a wonderful lady and I hate to see you down in the dumps much less with the hives! (((hugs)))

Michelle-Whats up PTA mom? :thumbup: Have you heard how your beighbors are doing since their loss? I have been thinking about them. AND how is Mo?

Jane-whats up sista? Thank you for calling to check on me the other day. How are things going with you?

Suzie-are you doing OK? I'll bet you are wanting summer to get here soon so you can get in the pool! I know I would be!

Have a great day violets...make healthy choices & respect the pouch, RESPECT IT!

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Yep, I went to bed at 8:15p last night!! Felt soooo good to get a full night's sleep!

Tracy - Hope you feel better soon. Hero LOVES this cold weather, are you kidding me?? Makes him 5x more hyper than normal. He's hilarious.

Pamela - Did you end up staying home today?

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Hey Girlies~

Terry, yes...I am home again. Actually, I am sooo mad at being sick again. But, there is nothing I can do now. I do feel about 20% better, but still have a fever. I just got home from school as I had to make lesson plans for the sub. I actually went in w/ my PJ's top on, sweats and a sweat jacket. I will take some Tylenol and give it a bit of time and try to work again. I did get some MAJOR progress yesterday afternoon. Hoping for a repeat. I have Sat am to work on it and Sunday too. Hoping it wont take that long though. Then Sunday, I'll have 30 graduate papers to grade...ooooo will the fun ever end?

Didn't eat much yesterday at all. I PB'd 2x on Tuesday (should have been a clue to be getting sick). Had weight control oat meal, 1/2 can of chix noodle Soup (old fashion red and white can) 1/2 cu.of spaghetti sauce, c. ice cream. We even skipped pop corn at the movies!

Speaking of movies, we are going again to the PS International Film Festival! Even though I am sick, I figure I can bundle up and sit through a movie as easy as watching TV at home! Yesterday's movie was a German movie (w/ subtitles) about a woman in her 60's who has a passionate affair w/ an older man...and she leaves her husband of 30 years. It was really good. Today is called, For My Wife, and is about a lesbian couple, who one woman is dying and they won't let her wife in the hospital because they are not "legally" married. Should be a tear jerker...that is why we need popcorn (haha...sooo full of shit arent I).

Ok...should give your eyes a rest now. xoxoxoxo

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Wow it sure is quiet in here lately!

Denise, I didn't even read others' emails, might be what I do today when work gets slow.

I had roast beef at Cracker Barrell last night (mmm).

Had a mini blueberry muffin and 1/2c of orange juice for b'fast today, working on Water right now.

This perma-allergy crap I got going on is so annoying!!!! My nose has been raw & chapped for months now, every morning I wake up sneezing my head off and snot all over the place. I go through a box of tissue every other day. Claritin and Zyrtec haven't helped, and I split the tip of my nose from being chapped, which really hurts, and it's splitting more :( Also have blisters inside my nose, mom gave me a cold sore med which isn't doing anything.. pharmacist said to try neosporin, so I'm doing that too.. still no help. And my hands have flared up really bad with whatever that is.

We're suppose to get -12 with windchill tomorrow--coldest it's been here in 15 years. News was talking about covering up water heaters in the garage?? Our kitchen sink goes to an outside wall and yesterday morning when it was 20 degrees it froze up (eek), so last night I made sure to drip faucets and left the cabinets open.

Carson has been kicking quite a bit this morning while I'm at work, a repetitive kick which feels like muscle spasms (which get really old when it happens for long periods of time!!) Guess I'll just be happy he's alive & kickin'! ;)

You guys mentioned feeling them roll over is cool, I haven't felt that yet.. I just feel kicks. 3-d ultrasound is scheduled for Feb. 4.

Russell is starting to get excited about building robots and doing science experiments with Carson. I sure hope he likes science LOL. My mom told him it'll be a while before he can do that stuff, and Russell said "just a few years". I guess we're going to have a child prodigy who builds robots at 3? I won't burst his bubble.. he can do science experiments and Carson can watch and eat the glue.

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Hey Vi's!

Yikes! I think I missed yesterday! Was a busy day.

Today there is a dusting of snow on the ground & they closed the schools! We're such wimps here!! I sent ds out to shovel the driveway & when he came in he said all it took was a broom to sweep it away! But it IS cold... brrrrr...

Of course, tonight was supposed to be the band/orchestra/chorus concert + PTA bake sale so now I'm home w/m&m Cookies calling my name. I told the kids we could freeze them 'til the concert in 2 weeks & they looked at me like I was crazy.

Mo is ok... we're back to the regular routine of meds & monitoring output... but honestly, I think it's just a matter of time...

Laura, it might not be as long as you think 'til they're doing project together. I took my kids to KinderMusic classes starting when they were around 2 or so, and story time @ the library, and nature parks/ranger programs... Evan LOVED that stuff & he was 3 or so... he loved doing "rockets" w/his dad... true, dh did the building & shot them off & Evan ran & got them when they landed, but he THOUGHT he was doing it... + computer stuff... I remember my kids sitting on my lap doing "games" & "typing"... now ds knows more about 'puters than I do! So don't underestimate the power of a chid's mind & curiosity!

Speaking of children... think I can con them into cleaning their bathroom? Now THERE's a science experiment!! lol. BBL.

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Good Morning Girls, I actually slept in till 9am. It felt so good to do that.

I didn't post last night after I got home form the Hospital shift. Hubby had a tooth pulled yesterday morning and I made him stay home, so needless to say I was ubber busy doing all the running around by myself. I came home watched "Idol" and than went to bed.

TracyK, I'm sending all my purple power to you in hopes that this issue will be resolved fast. You need to get tot feeling better and back on track.

Judy, Hope your car starts. It's 1 degree here with a -10 wind chill. Don'tcha just wish it was pool weather again?

Terri, I hope the upping of your sons medicine will have a good effect. Keeping all of you in my prayers. That must be so frustrating for you, wanting the best for your son and not being able to help him.

Pammie, You poor sick little girl. Hope you get to feeling better soon and back to your kids.

Have a good one.

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Hey girls~

Cold here too, but not as bad as it has been, weather showed us getting a warm surge of air from out Pamela's way.

Tension still running high at work, so far the only ones let go were contract workers....welders....on site temp councelor etc. But they are making the guys lives miserable with the threat of it hanging over their heads, like an open ended threat to them. Rick does not come home a happy camper. Hopefully it eases soon. He has so much time in, he hates to leave, with the economy slowing so much everywhere, he knows if he goes elsewhere he will be the new guy, and likely to go there too.....and NM unemployment is so screwed up, they were talking on the news that the federal government finally told the Governor to FIX it! People who filed back in November still not getting benefits. If that were to happen to us, the only way we would survive is to deplete our savings and hit our retirement.....in addition to taking any job offered to either of us.

Well I am off to lunch with my friend Marie. She has been sick, and I have been in this funk, I think we need an afternoon out. But I need to get it in gear to be on time!!!

Will check back later this afternoon.


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I'm going to see the Benjamin Button movie tonight. Me & friends were trying to pick a movie, he said this one.. Russ said it had bad reviews, but nothing else out that neither of us have seen so we're going. I'm looking online and I see good reviews.. any of you seen it yet?

Only thing that stands out as a CON to me, is it is 3 hours long! UGH. I am too ADD for a 3 hour long movie. We'll see if it can keep me attentive. It's from the writer of Forrest Gump--which I like, albeit another long movie. Long movies are best at home. Oh well. Haven't been out with my movie buddy since before holidays started, so I'll tough it out.. plus I get popcorn. Unlike Pam, I make no excuses against the popcorn lol. I am getting a small, which is 5 bucks and literally only 1.5 cups..everytime I order small they hold up the teeny tiny bag and go 'still want a small?'. MMHM. But I will pass on candy, I am trying really really hard to get this candy thing under control.

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