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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Kat-when Macy got out of school for the holidays I made sure she KNEW it was just a break. I showed her on the calender the day she goes back and we are counting the days....

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Yeah, that's the kinda talk that got you fat in the first place!! WE DO NOT SUCK AT ANYTHING!! We are awesome, empowered, strong-willed, omnipotent, determined, intelligent women!!!!! ROAR!!!!!!!

You forgot beautiful and sexy! And fanfuckingtastic! xoxo

Well my problem is that I have a disease..........

Hand-To-Mouth Disease.

Instead of a lap-band I should have had my elbows locked in to a straight position. Or maybe one of those cones they put on animals, have you ever seen them try to eat with one of those things on?

I had to LOL on this one! Too funny!

Well, we went to the gym and although it really hurt...I walked briskly for 1 hour. I thought I was gonna give in around 30 min. Then it was 40 min and I thought, well, you are 2/3 done. Then 50 min...hell, I can do 10 more min! And I did!! I have planter faciatis (sp) and my feet cramp up. My left one was killing me about 40 min, then it stretched out, and my right one was screaming! I need to stretch more. Usually I do a more rigorous workout, but I wanted to get some good circulation going. Actually, I feel like that was a great workout...even though I didn't get the sweat up I usually do. And here is the best part...We meet w/ our trainer at 6:30am! It is $600 for 10 sessions, but we are going to stretch it out over a period of time...and do it together. We are not thinking we are going to retain him forever, but we want to learn how to maximize our time there. I am excited...broke, but excited!

Our bathroom remodel will begin probably in the next few weeks. Our contractor comes back tomorrow @ 8am to give us specific measurements of what we need to buy. We need to buy the vanity, counter, sinks, faucets, tile, toilet, tiles for shower and I think that is it. That is not included in our bid, so we need to really watch it...and do some pricing. I think we are going to do that tomorrow after he leaves.

Today, I think we are going to movies, out to Breakfast, check our mail, Walmart, and misc errands. We already worked out and cleaned up the dog poop and did some light yard work.

OK...babbling now!!!

Judy, have fun at the game!

Kat, the baby is coming this week!!! OMG that is fast. Maybe a New Years baby!

TracyKS, you did not eat every rum ball this side of the Mississippi did you? No, I did..so you don't suck! xoox

have a great day!

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Good morning~

Had to come in here and get a dose of Violets! Been sitting here paying bills, how depressing!

Kinsey is STILL sleeping! She spent part of the weekend with her Dad, his Mom was off finally so they had their Christmas. With his "new girlfriend" and her girls. The new girlfriend is an old girlfriend resurrected....he is really mourning! LOL Anyway, for the most part Kinsey likes them, she says one of the little girls is mean to her sometimes. And as much as we want to step in, she says she makes mean faces at her and won't let her play with her toys. So that is something she is going to have to adjust to. But the girls are both older than she is, not by a lot, but she keeps up with them, and does not nap. Then when she gets home she is exhausted. She wanted to go sleep in my bed, so we went in, and she snuggled up tight, and was out, so we both snoozed for awhile, and then I wiggled out---------and she sleeps on. I'll give her another half an hour, and begin making noise so she wakes!

Pamela, what pride you must be feeling! To finish your dissertation! You know we are all so proud of you. I remember you battling whether to attempt it or not....you DID it! Well that is a good reason for finding an "Attagirl" surprise in your mail box!!!

TracyK---what are you thinking about going back to school for? I have contemplated classes here and there, but never pushed myself!!! I even thought about renewing my certifications, and shrugged that off as well!!! I had to get my degree in early childhood education in order to license myself in a privately owned Day Care. But it is not something I am interested in doing now! Sad but true! While I LOVE kids---I do not want to work with them all day every day, and not be too tired of kids to want my grandkids.

I have a friend here who is a pharmacist, he has been after me to take some classes and come to work for him, he said it is almost impossible to keep decent help. Years ago, that might have interested me....not so much now!!! LOL

TracyKS---I too am looking into a fill later in the week or next week. The scheduler is supposed to call me back. They know I drive a long way for it, so they usually fit me in as needed, they are really good. I told her, I want the fill, and I do NOT want to get on the scale when I hit the office. She says "that bad?" I said "that bad!"

Jane, no VS bras for me. We do not have a local store, and buying bras online does not work for me, unless it is a brand I can try on locally then order. I think it is secondary infection from scratching my hives. Which are behind my knee and up my right thigh....and has me sitting in the chair wiggling like I have ants in my pants! Had a BIG single hive on my eyelid last night.....I am thinking if they are maybe stress related, that holidays gone, the stress will ease. But going to talk to my Dr. about maybe trying some sort of happy pills, I would prefer that if that would "de stress" my life some, than the prednisone----I have been on it over a month now, and still having hives!

Refilling my Rx is what made me stand and talk about my options with my friend the pharmacist!!! All I got out of the conversation was a job offer!!

Terry, I wish I could take Potter to a dog park and let him go! He gets in our back yard, which is big, and runs in HUGE circles!! He tends to circle as I walk around out there, he runs in circles around me. He is crazy!!! He is not allowed on the furniture, so he has taken over Kinseys little foam Dora chair!!! She does not sit much in it, so I let him have it!! He has a cushy dog bed, but much prefers to sit on my feet. And he snores as badly as my DH!!! Do they make CPAP machines for dogs? Ones with smushed up noses??!!! Some woman called Manda from the vets office wanting to talk to her about using him as a stud. Since he is papered, or registered. And here I am talking about getting him cut!! LOL

Suzanne, does dreaming about red ribbons mean anything??? I only remember sifting through a box of hair things and picking out the red ones.

Judy, at my DD's baby shower they just had (as wierd as it was!) they had a table full of plain onesies, and a tray with fabric paint and fabric paint pens.....and let anyone who wanted to decorate a onesie for the baby. Some did really cute things, others were about as talented as I am, and they were not great, but they were all one of a kind!!!

We bought my boots yesterday---we actually had a really nice day. Kinsey was with her Dad, and it was just my DD and I--------not something that happens often!

She lives in her Uggs. In fact the first pair she has were mine, and she fell in love with them, now she has 3 pair. She wanted to buy me some more----for just comfy casual wear. I mean I have snow boots (brand new ones) and I have way too many pairs of ropers (cowboy boots--lotsa colors!)_, and I have a couple of pair of dress boots. So she wanted me to have what she wanted!!! I ended up getting Bear Paws, which are the same type, suede boots with sheerling lining....but these are western styled!! Love them!! Boot crossovers!

Well it is time for me to go make some noise so the girl wakes up, so she can sleep tonight!!!

Will talk to you later!! Hope Haydee is having lots of fun!!!!!


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I have a fill appointment for the 22nd~ At first the skinny nutrisionist biotch said, "we only do fills Wed. morning." I said, I am a teacher so that wont work for me. Then she said, "well, that is our only time for fills." I said (in my snobby manner) "well, I have been banded for 1.5 years, I have paid $6k for 5 years of fills, so I suggest you look at your schedule again and accomodate me and the few other teachers I've sent to the doctor...wed. am will NOT work for teachers." Then, all of a sudden, Thursday at 3:30 opened up! HHMMM...it is a miracle! LOL, I swear. Wed am...uuuhhh, some people work!

For those considering returning to school, I recommend online! It is VERY user friendly and I know you already have puters! Life is short to not do it...if you want to! I happen to know an online teacher who would be happy to help anyway she could! xoxo

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my phone is lost and guess what........... some guy named Jeremy ANSWERED IT! He found it in the parking lot of the mexican restraunt we ate at last night... he said he would take it back threre for me.... I thanked him for being honest.......(He asked me if I had a son that wrestled) I'm wondering what pictures he's seen.... (LOL, thinking of the belly shots that I took in the bathroom at work!)

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I really, really truly need to rededicate myself after the holidays. I went to work today . . . and can you believe there are new Cookies and treats that are more tempting than last week (I have a weakness for Peanut Butter buckeyes).

Anyways, it is time for me to start charting my calories and intake again. That is the only thing that keeps me on-track after I have fallen off the wagon for too long. I need a fill but they said they will not give me more than .25 cc's a month at a max and that is not guaranteed due to pregnancy (official policy is an empty band). I am really essentially bandless right now without a fill and woe is me.

The thought of using a dog cone around the neck and having unbendable elbows as a means to reduce calorie intake still has me laughing, that was great. :0)

TracyinKS, I am so happy your phone was answered and you can get it back. I would be sooo lost without my phone because I no longer have peoples phone numbers anywhere else, lol. Technology has improved my life . . . but what would I do without it???

I think I might just venture over to the gym today for a step class. Have a happy Monday everyone!!!

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Looks great, Heather! Y'know I never had to do 'liquids only' except for 3 days after surgery. I don't know if I could SURVIVE !! Aaaack!!! I hate Protein Shakes. :tongue2:

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Ummmmmmmmm I sent everyone that link months ago in here and got poo pooed for it. hmmmmmmm

Back from the hairdresser. I like my cut, even though it's still not as short as I'd like, but am really anxious to get the color back to more blonde. That will be the end of January.

No sunshine right now and it's really blah out, but no snow and no rain and very little wind.

I had scalloped potatoes for lunch.. about a cup worth and that was it. Beef stew for supper tonight with a salad. I'm trying not to eat anything in between and NOTHING after supper tonight. Now if I can get the Bobster to follow that plan, it will be a miracle.

TracyinKS.. glad you got your phone back. I don't know anybody's phone number anymore. They are all stored in my cell phone. Technology sure makes me lazy!!

It sure is quiet at home today. No Ethan till Friday and Bob doesn't have to work on a sermon and I don't have any rehearsals until the new year. So this is the way it's supposed to be!!

Off to surf the net. BBL....

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My next "maybe" fill is January 6th. I say maybe because I'm not really sure I need one. It's just a matter of my trying not to push the band to the limit. And one thing for sure is not eating all the gooey candy, cookie crap that was around the house here.

Report for today...

1 circuit at Curves

1 bowl of oatmeal

1 1/2 mile walk

Salad with 1/2 chicken breast

5 pretzels

Tonight I am meeting an old frend for dinner at Long John Silvers. Holding my breath on this one and already rehearsing what I will be ordering. Plus I haven't seen this guy for about 2 years and he knows I'm banded, so I anxious for him to see how much I have changed. He is bringing another person that we worked with and she had GB. She lost alot but as soon as she was able to eat regular food again the weight started to come back on. I know it wasn't an easy decision for her, one of the times I talked to her about it she said that had she known before hand what she would be going thru, she never would have had the surgery. Poor thing.

Glad to hear you got your phone back Tracy. I too would be very lost without mine. I wouldn't be able to call anyone. Even hubby. I have know idea wht his number is, just that he is #2 on my speed dial.

Have a good one.

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Ummmmmmmmm I sent everyone that link months ago in here and got poo pooed for it. hmmmmmmm

Sorry, I don't remember that. Perhaps I wasn't "ready" for it then.

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.... He is bringing another person that we worked with and she had GB. She lost alot but as soon as she was able to eat regular food again the weight started to come back on. I know it wasn't an easy decision for her, one of the times I talked to her about it she said that had she known before hand what she would be going thru, she never would have had the surgery. Poor thing.
That's horrible! :tongue2: Makes me glad we all chose the band. I can't imagine ever regretting it to that extent!! AND......GB is irreversible. Not Good.

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It posted before I was finished.

Anyways I am trying not to think about it too much that I am basically not banded. I have an appointment the end of February. (Remember he is the Dr. that sees Dr. Halpins patients for a fill the 4th Friday of the month from 8:45 - 10:00) He also said when he saw me in the hospital in front of my parents that I am going to have to be very very vigilant after "MY MASSIVE WEIGHT GAIN" after he unfilled me last time. That is so not right on so many different levels for him to say that!!! I miss my other Dr. so much. I know things would be different with her. Oh well, such as life.

I have an appointment tomorrow morning to find out if they found out anything from the lung biopsys. I went out this morning and am totally wiped out!!

I work tomorrow and Wednesday, and then off a day and work Friday and Saturday!


I hope everyone else has a good day

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