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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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Hi Girls -

Sounds like everyone is enjoying the holiday season, except for Jane :thumbup: This just sucks that she's in the hospital! I hope she gets out today. When my mom would go into the hospital for pneumonia and IV antibiotics, she'd be on that IV for at least 5-7 days. I'm hoping Jane wont have to go thru that, too.

I'm behind in my Christmas stuff but have been having fun. My daughter's best friend is like another daughter to us....she often spends the entire weekend with us and she's been here for a couple of days. We've been baking and watching movies, even took a nap yesterday. So I didn't get anything done that I was supposed to! Can you believe I still have not wrapped one thing??? But honestly, I don't have 1/3 of what I normally have...thank goodness!!

Well, I need to get started on my day, so I'll talk to you guys later! XOXOX

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Good morning, Violets..

On my way to the hospital for my shift. Then being lazy for most of the day. Ethan comes at 3.

We are going to have some pretty nasty weather today and tomorrow. 3-6 inches of snow expected today and the same tomorrow, but with some freezing rain and the snow tomorrow will be the heavy, wet stuff. I don't know what will happen on Christmas Eve. I usually go to Bob's church which is 40 miles away. Kris and Nathan were going to drive me there this year as Bob goes in way early. But if the weather is as they say, I don't think we'll be traveling anywhere. We'll just have to wait and see.

Everyone have a good day. I'll check in after my shift.

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Good morning everyone!

***Jane update***

I spoke with her last night and she is in very good spirits. She is really hoping to be home today or tomorrow. She taught me something yesterday (she did not know this either :tt2:) but when you send a text to a group, you are charged for each one. I (we) just ASSumed that you would be charged once...nope. :w00t: Anyway, we laughed about that :lol:. She is still fever free and she feels good. We all need to send prayers & purple power over to her doc to not be a grinch and let her go home for the holidays. OH OH OH, and good news...her insurance only went up 30 dollars and not 300.00 :cool2:.

Jenn-open your present!! There is another box inside, a cute one I might add! lol

Laura-lol, I would take a hundred bucks out of a tampon box anyday! TOO FUNNY!

Terry-sounds like a relaxing day you had yesterday! The no fill thing had to be a mutual decision between you & the nurse, right? They aren't really the type of place to say 'no fill for you', are they? I am gonna get one soon. Maybe 3 or 4 months of PBing and oatmeal & Soup is what I need.lol In all reality, I need to not be able to eat so much! :huh2:

TracyinKS-love the new avatar! The family pic is great too. Aren't you all just a photogenic group?!

Haydee-sorry that your sister had to go to the slammer! Wow, I would die. Maybe it was a good lesson for her. Did she seem like she learned anything? I hope so. Sorry your ut of town plans got trashed! :eek:

Pamela-boston cream pie...mmmmm:drool:. I am making one for our family get together Friday. never made one before so I hope it comes out good! YAY, still undefeated! That is so awesome! I love baseball & softball!

Judy-I'll bet you froze your butt off caroling last night! I am so proud for you that the choir did such great performances. I remember I used to be so proud when our choir did a great job. It is a super feeling!:thumbup:

Suzie-enjoyed the chat on Facebook lastnight! Macy ended up passing out as soon as her head hit the pillow. :wink2:

Kat-I knew you did not have text messaging so I posted about Jane as much as I could but I was out of town over the weekend. I had already told myself if something had happened I would call you! I wouldn't leave ya out (not on purpose anyway) :wink2:

Michelle-isn't it funny how kids think 2 or 3 days of playing well with one another = being good all year for presents. lol Sure does make it nice for the few days before Christmas though, right? :smile:

Terry-here is the banana Nut bread Recipe mom gave me:

1 stick of butter

1/2 c nuts (we use walnuts, the more the better)

2 ripe bananas-medium sized (which is 1 cup)

1-1/2 cups flour

3 eggs

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 cup buttermilk

1-1/2 cup sugar

Cream butter & sugar until fluffy. Add eggs & bananas and buttermilk, mix well. Add sifted flour, soda & sugar. Stir in nuts. Bake on 350 for an hour.

Have a great day everyone...make healthy choices. The Band Santa is watching! :thumbup:

Edited by TracyK

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Good Morning All.

Lazy day this morning. I don't have to work till 3pm but I'm waiting to see what the weather is going to do. They were calling for it to snow today but I got up this morning and things have changed. So it's a wait and see thing.

Tomorrow we have to work at the hospital and I am going to pack up all the christmas goodie stuff and take it into the volunteer room. I'm getting rid of all of it. not a morsel left in the house.

I got me one of those books that you right all of your food down and Water and exercise. I'm going to give it a very good try and keep a record of all that I eat and drink. I keep reading everyday how this is supposed to help you with your weight loss. I just have never been dilligent about it. I start out and by day two I'm done.

Keeping my fingers crossed that Jane gets to come home and that they find what is going on and fix it.

Kat, in my dream last night I decided to open my package and it was a big table cloth that you had counted cross stitched in a pattern that I have. I just couldn't get over the fact that someone would have done that for me. Isn't it funny, the things that we dream about. I still haven't decided when to open it, but you will know.

Everyone have a great day and make very good choices.

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I sent you all an e-mail. A small update on Jane.

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Good MORNING! I am hoping to get out of the office early......... my boss just came in and was depressed that I wanted to leave! He hates being here when I'm not here! MEN.... His wife, always picks out my gift.... this year they got me a Sterling silver necklace, heart shaped filled with amethyst.. VERY NICE....

I hope everyone has a great day!~

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Wow Tracy -

you are on the ball this am!

I'm at work, quick check in while everyone is out

Tried a pc of toast, usually works when all else fails, puked! my throat hurts (think i'm coming down with something) and throwing up almost killed me, didn't even make it out the door

Boss is going home for 10 days so i'm going to be on my own the rest of the week and then next week have a couple visitors but almost on my own.

Hope you have a great day

Oh - Tracy - I'll open it when i get home

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Good morning again, Violets.

Just finished my hospital shift. Not much to do so I just got folders ready for next week.

I texted Jane this morning and got one back saying she's doing better, but they still don't know what the problem is. Sure hope she is home for Christmas.

I took fudge into the office today so that is a big batch out of sight, out of mind!! Just have the batches for the paper carriers and my hairdresser and former nail tech. Then the fudge will be OUT of the house!! However, I got the urge to make some hard candy.. cinnamon and cotton candy flavor, soooooo that's on my agenda today. I can always pawn that off on the kids after I have a bite or two or three.

Suzie.. I'm already 16 days into the journal you gave me. It really is easy to do.. you just have to get in the habit of writing first thing in the morning and then leaving space for what you eat during the day. It's amazing how you think you don't eat much until you start to write it all down. It was an eye opener for me, for sure!

Off to clean up the kitchen a bit and get the last gift of Bob's wrapped. BBL......

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ho hum day today. I'm not feeling well but can't go home because I still have tons to do before I leave on vacation. We actually lost power to the office a little while ago and everyone was excited hoping they would let us go home but I was panicking! I kept running to the IT guy asking him to get us going again. I've got too much stuff to do!

I'll be so happy tomorrow night. I'll be all done with work, all done with wrapping, enjoying my familly on Christmas Eve. I was gonna try to make fudge or Cookies or something for my peeps but it doesn't seem like I'll have any time.

Stay warm today girlies....

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Busy Busy...out to Breakfast w/ step mom...no pie today, lol!

Laura, glad you got and like the gifts!

I got a flood of xmas cards yesterday from tons of Violets!

Did everyone get my card? I ask because of the friendship token in there...hope it "went through" as the guy said it might not!

Gotta boogey!


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Suzanne-------after that dream last night I urge you to open your gift!!! I know it is 2 days early, but what the heck HO HO HO!!!!! Check back in after!!

Lotsa baking and candy making going on here today. I have to make some reindeer food for Kinsey, she remembered that! She is with her Dad, so I don't have her, looks like our gingerbread house might be a New Years project! He will likely keep her again tonight, and have her for tomorrow, which is how their original divorce agreement reads. He gets her every year on Christmas Eve, and Manda gets her every year on Christmas Day. They opted for that as opposed to alternating, because his Mom always works Christmas Day---she is an OR nurse, and she has volunteered to work for years, so the younger nurses with kids do not have to work. So they always have a Christmas Eve dinner and gifts thing, then drive around looking at lights, and then go to 8:00 mass. Then he brings her home. This way they both get to have solid traditions, and it is similar to her each year.

So tomorrow I have to take a pan of dressing to Rick's workplace for a potluck meal.

Wish me luck. When I spoke with my MIL this morning and mentioned making candy today she laughed at me and said it would not set up with this weather. It is snowing like you know what outside. It is one of those really beautiful snows, that coats each individual branch, and twig...looks like a postcard! BUT I need my candy to work! I thought to myself, Judy made all that fudge, and it has snowed non stop on her!!! My MIL said she and my SIL both used their never fail divinity recipes and both failed and it was due to the weather. I am going to make some---and I don't even care for it! So I hope like crazy it turns out!

TracyK--as soon as I ask for someone to let me know I saw your email---great minds and all that! I really thank you! I think every now and then about getting my own cell service, but with it being a freebie, I am just too much of a Scrooge with my $$$----LOL! With this economy, I might lose it someday and when I do, someone will have to teach me to text, I will be so far behind!! Til then, I am letting the company pay for my phone!

We did get good news yesterday, Rick's company picked up all the BP service work in the 4 corners area, so it guarantees them work for the next 18 months. So while hours might get cut, and times tight---looks like he will not get laid off.

Gary was released from the hospital. They did find a new large ulcer down near the rectum--but the remaining intestinal tract looked better, and he is able to eat again. Becky said grouchy does not even begin to cover his attitude tho! She might not be making matters better by telling him he may have a sore a$$ but he does not have to act like one!!

Well girls, this is not getting my stuff done. I am going to cook all day in my jammies! I have hives where my bra sits under my boobs-and I'll be danged if I am even putting it on today! SO THERE!

Loves ya!!!


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Morning V's!

I'm all into the holiday spirit :thumbup:

Hopefully no one is diabetic at work, or we're going to send them into a coma by proxy. 3 different people made cakes/cookies.. then there's a 5lb box of gourmet belgian chocolate Cookies, several other candy tins (most of our customers send us cookies & candy for holidays), and 2 boxes of fresh donuts!

I tried a donut, PB city..so being content with my Water.< /p>

I know one of the girls who made cookies, keeps waiting for me to eat one (she is always looking at me for approval) and over Halloween I told her she was evil for bringing in all the candy heh heh.. so now she always likes to make sure I try her food.. I didn't! Must refuse. Making chocolate lasagna tonight, I need to eat nothing today so I can alot for the calories of eating the leftover pieces mwhahaha.

Just kidding!!

I had a dream last night I ordered a chili frittata (which I don't even know what that is) at McDonalds and they gave me (Subways') teriyaki chicken inside of a tortilla. I woke up throughout the night going "What the heck is a frittata?!" I just googled it.. it's an omelet thing.. how did that term bounce into my dream vocabulary??

Hope you all have a good day..

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Table: A table is a symbol of social interaction.

I just had the freakiest moment. I was telling my hubby about the dream I had had and that I told Kat about it. I told him that she had said that I needed to open my package. So right in front of my hubby I open the box and we just had the goofiest looks on our face. There right in front of us was a book that said "Dictionary of Dreams". So spooky.

Anyway, Kat Thank You so much for the box of the most loveliest gifts. I have to tell all of you that I think I'm the luckiest of us all. I was so touched by everything and can't hardly wait to get back home tonight and put on my new sockies and fix me a mug of tea. I can then crawl into bed and read my books. Thank You, Thank You and Thank You again. Love you Lots.

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Back from some last minute shopping for the Bobster. Now I'm officially DONE!!

I got my SS gift first, I believe, but I'm not going to open mine til Christmas morning. And that's a major accomplishment for me! If I can hold off on opening presents, surely I can hold off on eating Cookies and fudge, right? RIGHT??

Ethan is here and he's coloring right now. I'm going to wrap the last gifts for Bob and then color with Ethan.

It's getting really nasty out right now. I hate to think what it's going to be like on Christmas eve with 12 inches of new snow and freezing rain. YIKES!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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