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Shrinkin' Violets Part 3 Read HERE!

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You know what I meant :thumbup:

And as for your Christmas mugs, wish you'd said something, I could have put the graphics together for your on Cafepress and I believe coffee mugs are $10 each. And I know Cafepress charges more than they should, so $75 for 3 mugs is ridiculous..

The only g'father he ever knew (but died when he was a kid) was named Elwood, so Carson Elwood was thrown out there. I really am not much of a stickler for middle names, it's not like anyone uses them. Marie for a girl just because it's the family middle name we pass on in my family.. for a boy, he can do whatever middle name he wants as long as I can yell it easily when the kid gets in trouble :)

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It is funny how you get tired of the sizes you dreamed of attaining in the past. I got down to a comfortable size 8 in pants - with pregnancy I started pulling out my 10's again because they are comfortable.

I didn't realize how sad I would be going up a size, even though it is for a wonderful reason and I haven't gained any weight. I can remember how ecstatic I was to get into my first size 14's as an adult - now the thought of a size 14 fills me with horror, lol.

LOL ya'll sound like my mom. She hates this woman who married one of my dad's old partners.. Becky. She said if I name my kid Rebecca (which Russ & I like), they will be called Becky.. All the Rebeccas I ever knew were really 'cool' girls, and none of them went by Becky.. they were Becca or Rebecca. So I told her it depends on the nickname we would call her, and I don't plan to say Becky. Rebecca is the front runner right now, just because it's a name we both really liked. He threw out Claire today and it's one I had thought of, but didn't think too much about it.. but the more I say it, the more I like it (mom said she doesn't like this one either). She is having a fit with how difficult Russell is being.. she likes all of the original names I came up with (like Isabella-Izzy).

Natalie is a new one he threw out too, a name I never thought about because I've never known a Natalie, but I don't dislike it.

Makes me think of the singer Natalie Ambruglia(sp).

I doubt Brianna will stay in the running, I keep saying it, and it never sounds like a normal name to me.

I am not crazy about Becky for a nickname either - it is too common but Becca is really cute for a nickname. Isabella - Izzy is adorable. I do like the name Brianna but I have a cousin with this name who's nickname is Bri (sounds like Bree), she is vivacious, smart and a cheerleader. She always goes by her nickname and it is really a cute name. On the other hand, I knew a talkative, busybody who could be a little annoying named Natalie and I always think of it when I hear that name. I think sometimes we just like/dislike names because of who we have known previously :0).

Violet is a top 100 name? I have also never heard of a real person who's name was Violet . . . it does seem strange.

I have to start thinking about names as well, but I can't find any that really sound like "the" name. What is strange is that I can think of lots of options for girls names but am drawing a complete blank on boy names. . . does that mean that subconsciously I think I must be having a girl???

I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl!!! :) I guess tomorrow is the big day when you will find out.

Edited by HeatherO

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I am the opposite.. I think I'm having a boy, and a boy name was picked out and agreed on relatively easy.. girl names have been hard for us.

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Tell Russell you want to name your baby Bronx Mogwly or Sunday Rose and I'm sure Claire and Carson will be looking really good to him, LOL

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We need an updated belly pic Laura! Please try stay on top of these things... hello, the violet aunties have to be along every step of the way...

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You know what I meant :)

And as for your Christmas mugs, wish you'd said something, I could have put the graphics together for your on Cafepress and I believe coffee mugs are $10 each. And I know Cafepress charges more than they should, so $75 for 3 mugs is ridiculous..

I got 3 mugs at $15.98 each plus $4.98 to put the graphic and text on the opposite side,plus $8.00 for a 4th mug (I got it at that price because the mug had a chip. I just wanted it so I'd have one too). So yes, it was ridiculous, but I knew that going in. I could have had them done cheaper at Walmart or Walgreens, but I needed them tomorrow and that was the problem. It would be 2 weeks anywhere else.

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My grandma was named Violet.....and I LOVED her with all my heart, but was always a bit thankful that while my Mom named my brother after his grandfathers she did not "bless" me with my Grandmothers names!!!!

My best friend, is Becky---and of course she is Rebecca. Her niece is named after her and is Becca. Both are HUGE overachievers!!!!

Brianna--I had a Brianna in day care, and she too was called Bree--and was one of the sweetest tempered kids I have ever dealt with. She had a sister Aubri--who was just as sweet. Their Dad was a Brian, and Mom was Sabrina. I swear I never spoke with the family without getting my tongue twisted!!! If I coul have had a whole center of these kids, I would likely still be at it!

Never dealt personally with a Claire or a Natalie. For a short while, one summer to be exact, I had one of my regular kids step sister and her name was Natalia---and everyone called her Natty. Sad to say, but the name sticks out more than the child--while I remember her as sweet, nothing stands out!

My DD and her DH are apparantly still in the air over my grandsons name. His Mom is livid over some of the suggestions. She actually gave them a list of names she liked. She was SERIOUS! She told them with the last name of Smith, they HAD to be original or a bit different with the first name, or she would just make up a decent nickname for her to call him. The woman is annoying as hell!!! My DD jokingly told my DH they were going to name the baby Pedro. So I am going to make a fake stocking top and stitch Pedro on it.....will send my SIL through the roof!!!!

DD is here, see ya laters!!


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Ok.. here are 3 more pics of the scene outside. It's still snowing and it looks like we'll have to snowblow the drive for the 3rd time today. What a bunch of snow!!!




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Haydee, my DD considered the name Sage when she was carrying Kinsey---and Rick told them at work she was thinking of naming her Olive. When his secretary told me she was shocked by the name, and I heard what he told her I freaked out....his response was "That's right, Sage, I just knew it was some kind of green!" She ended up with a middle name of Sloan instead.....no green involved!!! LOL I like it too!!! Better than Olive!! LMAO!


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Hi, here I am :lol:

We had such a great time this past weekend! It is so much fun to jump on a 4-wheeler and just GO. It was cold but not Alpena cold :)

I had some great fun, great company, great kahlua. Now, back to the real world. Our check has not made it yet but the 'deadline to mail' was yesterday so hopefully it will be really soon. I found a Chevrolet Venture van to buy (cash) and it is really a steal. The dealership did not even want to sell it for what they had it advertised for. It is an '01 but it only has 41,000 miles on it. We got the carfax and it was one owner (elderly lady). She drove the van 6,000 miles per year...thats it! She still had the window sticker in the glove compartment. It was 29K. It has power everything She had a receipt for new tires in there too. She bought 4 new tires this past May. I am getting it for....six thousand :w00t:. After we test drove it, we told our saleslady it would be a cash sale and she went to her manager and came back with our "great offer" of 14,995. We said whoa there...the internet price is 5995.00 anyway, the rest is history. Now all we have to do is wait for the mailman to do his part. They let us take the van home today and I am a basket case thinking things like 'what if they did not even mail the check?' or 'what if the mailman loses it and it goes to kalamazoo?'....I am such a worry wart and I will not be OK with the whole thing until I see the check in the mail. Anyway, after it is all said and done I will actually have a vehicle with no car note! That will be fantastic!

As far as my friend and the gloating thing....she did not gloat because #1 I quit smoking and she couldn't quit AND #2 I still look good, heavier or not, I still look good. Not GREAT, but I feel good and it shows in my attitude and that in itself radiats beauty (or at least I think it does:blush:)

I am at a weird place with all of this right now. Yes I am going to strive to get back to onederland but all in all, I FEEL GOOD. I am happiest about that I think. Happy that I am wearing any size that starts with the number 1....and I know that scales wise I will be happy with any number that starts with 1. My goal in this was to be able to go to a school function for Macy and not have her be embarassed of me, to be able to go on field trips with her. To be healthy and to live longer. I'm (we're) doing it! I did the 'real age' test online the week before I was banded and my age according to my weight, eating habits and overall heath I was in my late fifties according to that(I am only 42). NOW...I am happy to report that it says I am only 44 years old...how sweet is that?! By changing my life and habits I have added approximately 15 years back to my life...that is HUGE. My focus at this moment, right now, today is to not gain.

Wow, I need to quit talking! Sorry for going on & on.

I was gonna do personals but I have rambles long enough. Sweet dreams violets :thumbup:

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i am inpressed that you have almost reached your goal BMI and am intereted in the emotional impact of becoming thin. everyone says it is great but also after years of being over weight the change must take some adjustment!

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TracyK -- Yay for you!! I think that that attitude & confidence is what we need to strive for, not a number on a scale! You go girl!! I am proud of you!

Judy -- What a winter wonderland! It looks beautiful, magical!

Laura -- Any way you slice it, I think naming another human being is the hardest thing to do...

DD CLAIRE and I went to the Y... she begged me to go so I gave in & went... how pitiful is it that my 10yo dd has to beg me to go be healthful? yep, pretty pitiful. Anyhoo, it turns out that because she's 10, she can't do anything in the fitness room... you have to be 11. That sux. So we walked around the track for 20 mins... she is SO much like me w/the eating & the not liking to exercise that I don't want to quash her interest in the Y... we'll have to look into what kid classes they have starting in Jan & get her signed up for a couple. I told her that for her 11th b'day next year we'd come & work out on the treadmills first thing!

Off to eat something, work on the tree (it went up on Sunday & we're still decorating it... we are very s-l-o-w this year) & knit a bit.

Enjoy your evenings!

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I thought we were naming HER Violet?! :lol:
No matter - it's gonna be a boy!!

My DD and her DH are apparantly still in the air over my grandsons name. His Mom is livid over some of the suggestions. She actually gave them a list of names she liked. She was SERIOUS! She told them with the last name of Smith, they HAD to be original or a bit different with the first name, or she would just make up a decent nickname for her to call him. The woman is annoying as hell!!!


Frankly, I don't know how you keep yourself from punching her right in the face.

Ok.. here are 3 more pics of the scene outside. It's still snowing and it looks like we'll have to snowblow the drive for the 3rd time today. What a bunch of snow!!!
That is pure insanity. How can anyone survive in all that snow???

Ok, it's official. i'm getting a cold. BUT, thanks to the advice of my Violets I ran to my nearest drugstore and got some Zicam! I really REALLY want to stay home from work tomorrow. Will one of you (or all of you) please give me permission? It's supposed to be in the 40's, windy and rainy!! YUCK!!!!!!:):mad::thumbup:

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You have my permission, what's that worth??

I got my first set of cards in the mail today WOOWOO!!

Pam that is such a great pic of you & Susanne!!!

Claire was his idea, Carson was my idea that he liked and Carson is set in stone. Claire is one I started out 'eh' about, but it's growing. I think I still like Rebecca anymore. But like Terry pointed out, it's a BOY so who cares about the girl name? I can't wait till Thursday to confirm it.. I have 2 nursery sets on registry so as soon as I find out I am ordering the correct one (Ya know, just in case my genderometer is off).

We put together our tables today, I love love love them. The coffee table, the last 4 screws our power drill died and I think in my nesting I threw out the charger (I didn't tell him, just playing dumb that I don't know where it went).. went to my mom's to borrow theirs, about to go finish that.. It's raining CRAZY out there.. it said we were suppose to get 3 solid days of rain starting at noon today. Luckily it didn't start till we were about 10 minutes from home, then it started pouring.. huge rain, hard to see.. going down the road to my parent's house was a big ordeal, had to go 30 down the interstate from all the flooding.. and lightening that lights up the whole sky.. good time to stay home.

So where's my permission to stay home tomorrow?!

Oh and definitely use those Zicam swipes, I really swear by them. Russell thought he was getting a cold 2 days ago so I made him swipe.. and he never got sick.. Happens everytime I think I'm getting sick.. although can't use them during pregnancy and when he said he thought he was getting sick I wished I could do one to be safe.. so far no sick though.. just my pregnancy-rhitis. Sniff sniff, sneeze.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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