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Worried I am eating too much, please help..

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I knew coming out of surgery, I could eat anything. I was in the airport 24 hours after surgery and knew I could have downed a mexican dinner at the only restaurant where I was waiting.

Nothing has changed, I can eat almost anything. The only times I have had any trouble is when I was gulping cantelope too fast, I got a little stuck and taking Vitamins late at night, just before bed, if I lay down in bed right after Vitamins they slime up. Wheat chex Cereal, I think thats the one with big pieces?? I had a little trouble for about a week with that after my last fill.

I can eat bread, sub sandwiches, everything else. Bread and pizza has never bothered me a bit.

I was told during a seminar there are about 10 foods people have trouble with and usually not the same foods as another person. Which foods you cant eat will probably be different than mine. Salads are one of the 10 foods, some eat fine and some cant do.

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ok so that is good to know, are you able to eat only small amounts at a time, it seems i read a lot where people have this done and still have trouble losing weight

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I can eat as much as before to me. I get this feeling like I have to burp after a few bites of food, so I stand up sometimes and walk around and then a little burp or two or four or five and then I can eat anything after that first little bit, and eat the rest. Sounds like some people are quitting eating and I know Im not. Maybe thats why I am losing so slow.

My doctor's husband has accused me of overeating and stretching my pouch when I went to make the last appointment, that its my fault I lose the restriction. I cancelled the last appointment, but going in this Saturday for another fill, but I never feel like like descriptions I hear. As I said once I burp a few times Im fine. Thats not stopping me from eating. Maybe its supposed to be stopping me, that gassy feeling, but I just wait and then I can eat it all ... and do.

Im going to try harder after this next fill to cut back portions, like some I read here who seem to be satisfied with so much less than Im eating portion wise. I am down another pound this morning. 188 lbs, going to change my ticker.

Edited by flowers

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hi i am new here banded 6 days ago, i don't understand how can we eat anything, i thought it was going to take a long time, i know about the fills, but it doesn't seem like to much bothers any of you, please help a newbie

The one constant that I've come to realize with the band is that there isn't one. Doctors are very different in their food recommendations, band fill rate, expectations, etc and people react differently to the band. I had swelling for the first couple of weeks that kept me at the "sweet spot". Until my first fill, I had some restriction that slowly disappeared.

I was under the impression, pre-banding, that I was going to have this major change over night, and that there were all these foods that I'd never be able to eat again. So far, the only thing that I have completely taken out of my diet is carbonated beverages. I haven't had steak yet either, but I would try it.

I hope to work at losing weight at my current restriction for awhile. I still feel like I'm able to eat pretty normally (no baby forks or spoons, not taking 1/2 hour to eat 1/2 cup of food, able to eat bread, etc). It's very subjective to how much restriction one needs to lost weight. Exercise helps a lot if you're hoping to lose weight without a more restrictive band, however, I would think that if you aren't going to exercise, you'd need more restriction to limit your food intake.

For me, religiously measuring my food, making healthy choices (although, I will have a very small piece of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, for example, because this is a life long commitment so I have to be reasonable), and making exercise a routine are all key components to a healthy lifestyle.


flowers, If I didn't measure my portions, I easily could and would eat more than 1/2 cup. It's only been a week and half since my last fill, but so far it's made a difference in how long I feel full. I've know when I'm finished with my 1/2 cup portion that I would have eaten more if it was available. At the restriction level that I'm at right now, after a few minutes, I feel satisfied, and I'm very glad that I quit when I did because I really didn't need that extra food.

If you're still hungry after eating your measured portion, then I think you do need a fill, although, I have heard of stretching your pouch, and I'm very worried about that too. I don't know how much you have to eat to do that, but if your food is sliding through quickly because of little restriction, you might not have stretched it. I hope you haven't, and you find that you just needed more fill.

(flowers, I just looked at your weight ticker, and it looks like you're doing great! I don't know when you had your surgery, but you've lost a lot. Good for you, and congratulations for the additional pound you lost this morning!)

Edited by kiz

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I had my surgery July 9th, so about 2 months before you did.

It sounds so simple when folks say eat Protein first, measure portions. Well, I live alone and I rarely cook. If I have to cook all the time this aint going to work and Ill fall off the wagon. I pull out a healthy choice or lean cuisine frozen dinner and cook it. Do any of you measure the quantity of a cooked frozen dinner, am I supposed to do that and get rid of the excess? It sounds so easy, but the reality has me scratching my head.

I gain if I eat carbs or sugar, Im prediabetic, so eating wrong is what does me in, Im eating the same portions as before the band (so maybe the band wasnt the right answer for me Im thinking). I get rid of sugar and carbs and I lose, simple as that. I do sometimes cook baked salmon because that always makes me lose, but Im not eating small amounts.

Maybe the smaller portions will get easier after my next fill. I sure hope so. I didnt have much swelling after my surgery, so had no restriction after my surgery to help get me started eating less. My surgeon looked at the two large bowls of Jello and applesauce and tea and said well you wouldnt be able to eat that, right after my surgery .... of course I ate it all.

This cutting back of portions is what I have trouble with. Losing is just a matter of what I eat, not how much but Id lose faster if I could eat less. I wasnt overeating before surgery though, but no one believed me the way I was gaining, I was almost on diabetes medication.

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My goodness, flowers, you're doing great with your weight loss!! I think, if I'm understanding correctly, you are more concerned that you are mostly doing this on your own will-power, and you're not getting the benefit from the band you anticipated. That's a valid concern, and I hope after your next fill, your band will be working with you a little better.

My husband is out of town a lot, and often it's just me and my teenagers to cook for, so I know what you mean about having to cook for one, in a way. My kids are into sports and activities, so they're not home a lot either.

When I have a Healthy Choice dinner, I do measure it. When I'm home, I measure everything, even my oatmeal. I either toss out what's over 1/2 cup, or save it for later, depending on what it is (I don't save oatmeal). I eat a lot single egg omelettes with veggies, canned tuna and salmon. I also fix chili all the time. I make it as healthy as possible and loaded with different types of Beans including green Beans. (Just to name a few things). I freeze 1/2 cup portions to eat through-out the week. So far, this has been working for me. I absolutely know if I didn't measure, I would eat more than 1/2 cup. I'd be the first one to say that just because it's what I have to do to stay in control, that it's certainly not for everyone.

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I am a few days shy of 4 weeks post op. I have healed well and am starting to eat more solid food now I am at the end of my mushie phase. I was told I would only be able to eat about half a cup of food at a time but I am eating more. Sometimes I can easily eat a full cup (measuring cup) before I feel full. I have had no fills yet. I always stop once I feel 'full' and have only overeaten on a few occasions (mainly at the start of the mushie phase when I sometimes ate too fast).

I am worried as I have been the same weight for two weeks even though I am walking for 45min every second day. I am eating well and have only had a few 'naughty' foods since my op. By naughty I mean ice cream or potato bake that has full fat cheese in it.

Has anyone else had an experience like this? I am stressed as I don't want to be one of those people who has the band and doesn't loose any weight.:)

I am currently only 1 pound from my goal of a normal BMI and have lost close to 100% of my excess weight in the first year.

I can tell you that I had the same exact thing happen. I lost for two weeks, and for the next month I had either a plateau or maybe even an occasional slight gain. My body had to adjust to the changes and it took a while. The first fill helped me to start losing again, although very, very, discouragingly slow.

By the second fill I was losing slightly faster but soon found an amazing thing. I started exercising at that point which caused me to started losing relatively steady in that I lost every month but had lots of small plateaus, losses, plateaus, losses. The initial stall did not impact long term success.

So basically, almost all of us stall a little at this stage and it is normal. If you keep following the bandster rules, you will do fine over time (especially if you can stay away from having ice cream or slider foods on any kind of regular basis). Exercise in any form is highly recommended if you want to improve your weightloss.

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This is the first time I'm posting. I am feeling like all of you that the band gives me restriction for so long then I'm able to eat whatever. I was banded 9-29-08 and lost 11lbs the first week. My first fill was 10-10-08 and I lost 3lbs. Now 2 weeks later I'm up 7 lbs. This is very aggrivating, I see my Dr. the day after Thanksgiving. He told me that my next fill will probably be in Feb.09. I do feel some restrictions and sometimes things get stuck.

But I'm sad that I gained. I have to start exercising if I can find the time I'm always running w/my kids somewhere. I need to make some ME time I guess.

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Wow, mj you got your first fill very early. It seems most doctor's recommend from 4-6 weeks to allow time for the surgery to heal and swelling to go down. Do you know how much you got? If it was just a tiny fill, you probably still have very little restriction. Do you know why you have to wait so long for a second fill? That seems incredibly long, especially since you're gaining weight. If I were you, I would call the doctor and see about moving that fill date up a bunch, like next week. That would be almost two months since your surgery and six weeks since your last fill. It seems reasonable that you might need another at this point. Although, if you're getting things stuck, you need to try to determine if you're eating the wrong foods, swallowing things before they're completely chewed, eating too fast, etc. If you're following the rules and getting stuck, it sounds like you have somewhat good restriction.

Also, welcome to the LBT.

Edited by kiz

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I just wanted to say thank you for all your support and sharing your personal experiences.

I saw my doctor yesterday for the first time since my surgery and he is really happy with how I am going. I told him about what I am eating and how much. He told me not to worry and said I was on track. Such a hugh relief. He has even decided to give me my first fill sooner as my weight loss has bee, to use his words, 'wonderfully good'.

Needless to say I am a happy camper now :blush:. Thanks again everyone.

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Princess, I think first you need to chill and just concentrate on learning to do what you are told will work. The issues with your shape and body morphology are not going to be solved this quickly, and going from a 24 to a 6 isn't going to happen overnight. Before you can look at a size 6, just look at the plate in front of you and ask if what you are contemplating eating is going to push you toward your goal...or away from it. There's no in between.

Focus right now on healing your body and learning to do what you are supposed to do. The rest will come later on.

I, too was banded on 11/21/2008 and I am having trouble with my blood sugar dropping. My dr. said to eat whatever I want, which is scary. Isn't that why I needed the surgery. So far I am only trying small amounts of soft foods. Any suggestions

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Hi Kiz, thanks for responding to me.

My fill was on 11-10 not 10-10.(my mistake)

It was 6 weeks after my surgery. I went to the Dr.'s yesterday and I'm down a total of 6lbs since my surgery on 9-29.

My Dr. is a little concerned that I gained because when I got my fill he put in 2cc. 3cc made the liquid come right back up, so he took out 1cc and said that should do it till feb 09. Some turkey got stuck on thanksgiving and he said the band is still giving some restriction just not enough. I see him again on 12-11 depending on my weight up or down we will schedule a fill before Christmas.

We also discussed that the band doesn't work for everyone and that the sleve might be an alternative. Thats a bit scary to me, I'm kinda attached to all my body parts which is why I went w/ the band in the first place.

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I'm right there with you. i'm 5 weeks post op! I can eat quite a bit too. chicken breast gives me a lot of trouble. I can eat a cup at a time. I am trying hard to make good choices and eat as much Protein as I can and ALWAYS eat protein first. It is really hard. So is this bandster hell? Waiting for a fill? I'm do to have one at my 6 week post op visit next week. God help me. I hope it works.

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I'm amazed at how much everyone has lost in such a little bit of time. I've always been a healthy eater with the occasional PMS chocolate monster.

I don't know how many cc my band holds I never thought to ask until now. Are there all different sizes? He said he filled my band a little the day of surgery and then I got 2cc at 6 weeks. 3 was too much which I thought was good. But now that I gained I'm confused as to why?! If 3 was too much then I should still get full and have alot of restriction right??? Please if anyone has had anything similar or can shed some light I'm up for suggestions.

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Hi , i was banded on 11/18 i seem to be able to eat most soft foods i really don't seem to need mushed food, i am worried i am going to fast. Also can we have a hot beverage, i really miss my coffee, i know that is not good but how about cocoa?

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