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I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

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Hilary, so far I have not considered the sleeve. I still have hope that I can reach restriction with the band, and I really dislike the idea of amputating the majority of a healthy organ unless I really feel that I have no other choice. I still have 2cc of space in my band, plus I know that they can be filled a certain amount past the stated capacity. In the end, I will follow my doctor's advice. If she fills the band to the point where she feels she really cannot responsibly add more Fluid and I still don't have an effective band (fingers crossed that never happens), then I would consider her suggestions for a next step, even if that meant the sleeve.

Of course, as self pay (my insurance excludes all forms of weight loss surgery, period), I'd need to feel very sure and take some time to save the funds. I hope it doesn't come to that.

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So someone recommended I come over here to play. Thought some of you might want to hear my story. So here's my story!

I was banded in December 2009. Had some success initially but a LOT of misery....I started at 295, briefly got to 210 (for like 60 seconds) and am currently at 225. From the beginning my band and I were at odds. If I was about to start my periods, if I was upset or stressed out, if I was sick or my allergies were flared up I wouldn't be able to eat and at times could barely drink...I fairly certain sipping hot tea saved my life on numerous occasions! The vast majority of my banded time I had little or no fill, even empty I had the same problems. At one point I had to get 2 liters of IV fluids....ahhhh those were the days. No to mention the constant chest and jaw pain....that was miserable. Fast forward to 2012.....

The reflux began. Then progressed to reflux so bad I'd wake up at night with stomach acid coming out my nose. Ouch dose not begin to describe the feeling. This progressed rapidly to throwing up any solids which turned into throwing up mushies, which turned in to throwing up liquids....back to hot tea. I was concerned but we'd done this rodeo before so I thought there was an end in sight. The end came when about 2 weeks in to this ordeal I broke down and saw my doc (actually his APN, she rocks). She sent me straight to the hospital for an upper GI. My band had prolapsed,my stomach was herniated upwards. My band was going to have to go away quickly. That was Friday, Monday I consulted with the surgeon. My options? Band removal and no revision, band removal and revision to RNY, band removal and revision to sleeve. I opted for RNY. After the nightmarish reflux there was no way I was getting a sleeve and risking more of that. Plus, while people talk about RNY being a major surgery with the sleeve they cut off the majority of your stomach...,not appealing to me.

So band removal with revision to RNY scheduled for 2 days later. I was told there was a SLIGHT chance there would be a lot of damage and he wouldn't be able to do the revision. On August 1, 2012, I had my band removed. And woke up with no RNY...he said I had so much inflammation and damaged tat he could not have safely revised to RNY and if he did, my pouch would have been larger than it is usually made....later, much later, I heard murmuring about a slight erosion as well. Never asked, really doesn't matter. God bless my mother. I woke up post op a d she looked at me and told me he could do the RNY....even stoned I could tell she was trying not to cry. That sucked. Recovering physically from band removal was a piece of cake! Very little pain, woke up post op and the constant heaviness in my chest for the last 2 1/2 years was magically gone. Recovering emotionally from removal was tough. I felt cheated and betrayed. I'd been a pretty good bandster,not perfect but good. I was sad, angry, mad as hell, I cried any time I was alone for 2 weeks. My surgeon said give it a year, he'd do my RNY in a year. CRAP!!!! In a year the 70 pounds I'd lost would be found again!!!! By my 2 week post-op check-up I was pulling my head out of my butt and feeling human again. I could drink!!! My energy was the best it had been in almost 3 years. Reflux? Ha! Not even a trace.... My surgeon said since I was doing so well he'd do the revision in 6-9 months instead. His nut/coordinator walked in the room as soon as he walked out and said 'schedule you for 6 months?' Oh yeah....schedule me for six months girl!!! So in August I was given an RNY revision date of February 11, 2013. 6 months and 30 pounds later (the holidays were heaven :/) I had my RNY. I'm now 5 1/2 weeks post op and down 30 pounds (pre and post-op). I'm averaging about 3 pounds a week. I feel pretty darn good. The fatigue was a bit extreme at first but over the last 2 weeks that's settled some. I may have taken 6 doses of pain medicine total since I left the hospital. I hate not being able to drink when I eat and I still struggle a little to get my Protein in (sounds like band life!!). Probably my biggest issue has been nausea. It took me 2 weeks to figure out when I started getting queasy I was actually hungry. The nausea is now all but resolved. My recovery has really been pretty amazing. 2 1/2 weeks post op I went camping with my 8 year old and cub scouts....it sorta sucked but I was there and functioning.

My RNY and I have an inner peace that my band and I never found. Allergies are BAD in central Arkansas right now but I can still eat and drink. The chest pain and pressure I had with my band have never returned. I'm not losing the 10 pounds a weeks hear other RNY folks talking about but I'm consistent with my 3 a week and I'm not hungry, and I feel good...I can handle 3 pounds a week if I feel this good. I have allergies AND PMS right now!!!! AND I CAN EAT!!!!!

So, that's my story. I guess I just wanted to say don't give up, there are other options. In a way I was lucky my band slipped, my insurance considered that a mechanical failure and covered the revision because of it. At the time of surgery my BMI had jumped back to 40 but I had no co-morbidities. Insurance said without the band or revision, my weight would continue to increase and my hypertension would return....they are so right.

Good luck to all of you on your journeys. I've discovered that sometimes the sweet spot lies outside the band.

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So someone recommended I come over here to play. Thought some of you might want to hear my story. So here's my story!

I was banded in December 2009. Had some success initially but a LOT of misery....I started at 295, briefly got to 210 (for like 60 seconds) and am currently at 225. From the beginning my band and I were at odds. If I was about to start my periods, if I was upset or stressed out, if I was sick or my allergies were flared up I wouldn't be able to eat and at times could barely drink...I fairly certain sipping hot tea saved my life on numerous occasions! The vast majority of my banded time I had little or no fill, even empty I had the same problems. At one point I had to get 2 liters of IV fluids....ahhhh those were the days. No to mention the constant chest and jaw pain....that was miserable. Fast forward to 2012.....

The reflux began. Then progressed to reflux so bad I'd wake up at night with stomach acid coming out my nose. Ouch dose not begin to describe the feeling. This progressed rapidly to throwing up any solids which turned into throwing up mushies, which turned in to throwing up liquids....back to hot tea. I was concerned but we'd done this rodeo before so I thought there was an end in sight. The end came when about 2 weeks in to this ordeal I broke down and saw my doc (actually his APN, she rocks). She sent me straight to the hospital for an upper GI. My band had prolapsed,my stomach was herniated upwards. My band was going to have to go away quickly. That was Friday, Monday I consulted with the surgeon. My options? Band removal and no revision, band removal and revision to RNY, band removal and revision to sleeve. I opted for RNY. After the nightmarish reflux there was no way I was getting a sleeve and risking more of that. Plus, while people talk about RNY being a major surgery with the sleeve they cut off the majority of your stomach...,not appealing to me.

So band removal with revision to RNY scheduled for 2 days later. I was told there was a SLIGHT chance there would be a lot of damage and he wouldn't be able to do the revision. On August 1, 2012, I had my band removed. And woke up with no RNY...he said I had so much inflammation and damaged tat he could not have safely revised to RNY and if he did, my pouch would have been larger than it is usually made....later, much later, I heard murmuring about a slight erosion as well. Never asked, really doesn't matter. God bless my mother. I woke up post op a d she looked at me and told me he could do the RNY....even stoned I could tell she was trying not to cry. That sucked. Recovering physically from band removal was a piece of cake! Very little pain, woke up post op and the constant heaviness in my chest for the last 2 1/2 years was magically gone. Recovering emotionally from removal was tough. I felt cheated and betrayed. I'd been a pretty good bandster,not perfect but good. I was sad, angry, mad as hell, I cried any time I was alone for 2 weeks. My surgeon said give it a year, he'd do my RNY in a year. CRAP!!!! In a year the 70 pounds I'd lost would be found again!!!! By my 2 week post-op check-up I was pulling my head out of my butt and feeling human again. I could drink!!! My energy was the best it had been in almost 3 years. Reflux? Ha! Not even a trace.... My surgeon said since I was doing so well he'd do the revision in 6-9 months instead. His nut/coordinator walked in the room as soon as he walked out and said 'schedule you for 6 months?' Oh yeah....schedule me for six months girl!!! So in August I was given an RNY revision date of February 11, 2013. 6 months and 30 pounds later (the holidays were heaven :/) I had my RNY. I'm now 5 1/2 weeks post op and down 30 pounds (pre and post-op). I'm averaging about 3 pounds a week. I feel pretty darn good. The fatigue was a bit extreme at first but over the last 2 weeks that's settled some. I may have taken 6 doses of pain medicine total since I left the hospital. I hate not being able to drink when I eat and I still struggle a little to get my Protein in (sounds like band life!!). Probably my biggest issue has been nausea. It took me 2 weeks to figure out when I started getting queasy I was actually hungry. The nausea is now all but resolved. My recovery has really been pretty amazing. 2 1/2 weeks post op I went camping with my 8 year old and cub scouts....it sorta sucked but I was there and functioning.

My RNY and I have an inner peace that my band and I never found. Allergies are BAD in central Arkansas right now but I can still eat and drink. The chest pain and pressure I had with my band have never returned. I'm not losing the 10 pounds a weeks hear other RNY folks talking about but I'm consistent with my 3 a week and I'm not hungry, and I feel good...I can handle 3 pounds a week if I feel this good. I have allergies AND PMS right now!!!! AND I CAN EAT!!!!!

So, that's my story. I guess I just wanted to say don't give up, there are other options. In a way I was lucky my band slipped, my insurance considered that a mechanical failure and covered the revision because of it. At the time of surgery my BMI had jumped back to 40 but I had no co-morbidities. Insurance said without the band or revision, my weight would continue to increase and my hypertension would return....they are so right.

Good luck to all of you on your journeys. I've discovered that sometimes the sweet spot lies outside the band.

Glad everything worked out for you and I wish you continued success.

I just started on LBT as you were going through all this and you were always so diplomatic in not bashing the band and just stating it did not work for you. I always appreciated that.

Best of luck!

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Hey there' date='

It's taken me a while, but I finally set up a FB group for those who asked. It's secret, which means anything you post there, even the fact that you're a member of the group, will not appear on your news feed and will not be public knowledge. I say this because some people were concerned.

It also means that if you want to join, you'll have to PM me your email address *NOT* your FB URL, but your email address. When things get settled, I'll see if anyone else is interested in administering the group besides me.

Hope to see you all there. Let's support each other and get back on track!


I would like to be included. karo1955@yahoo.com

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Hey there' date='

It's taken me a while, but I finally set up a FB group for those who asked. It's secret, which means anything you post there, even the fact that you're a member of the group, will not appear on your news feed and will not be public knowledge. I say this because some people were concerned.

It also means that if you want to join, you'll have to PM me your email address *NOT* your FB URL, but your email address. When things get settled, I'll see if anyone else is interested in administering the group besides me.

Hope to see you all there. Let's support each other and get back on track!


I would like to join.


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I would like to be part of the Facebook page. My email is suzspin@att.net

I have struggled and now live in Arkansas. I need to get a fill. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Please add me. I needed it. I'm apart of a group on fb, but everyone there is like the biggest looser. I need help. My email is: zgwinn@hotmail.com

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please add me to the group on face book. spiritfilledbabe@yahoo.com. thank you

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Did anyone get added to the group? Cause I'm still waiting.

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Did anyone get added to the group? Cause I'm still waiting.

Hi, I already invited you, but if it didn't work, what's your FB name?

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Hello everyone I am having some trouble with losing weight. I will be 2 years banded and haven't lost anything more since last July please help I have been eating 1200calories drinking my Water one thing I can't do right now is walk foot problems right now but I still do my excersize videos please I need help thanks Renee

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Hello everyone I am having some trouble with losing weight. I will be 2 years banded and haven't lost anything more since last July please help I have been eating 1200calories drinking my Water one thing I can't do right now is walk foot problems right now but I still do my excersize videos please I need help thanks Renee

I knoe for me, I have to be off carbs. No rice, no bread, no potatoes, chips, etc. How are you there? I say this, because some people learn to work that stuff down. If you can do video, have you considered the 'Walk Away The Pounds' video? The biggest thing about weight loss is the eating. I know that I have struggled with my eating, because I often let my emotions get in the way. Being here and talking it out will help you a lot.

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Hello yes the same with cards for me. I am carb sensitive so I know to stay away. I don't eat any of that anymore. Really not missing it either. What is the video you had said where do I get that? I have 20 more pounds to loss and can't seem to get it off. When I had the infill in July since that I have gained 10 pounds but took off 4 of it I just want to get to goal and maintain it

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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