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I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

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I wonder if food addiction is somewhat genetic. Like alcoholism - if your parents are alcoholic, you have a much stronger chance of being an alcoholic. Wonder if that works the same, with food.< /p>

My mom always struggled with her weight - she was never as big as me, but she was always yo-yo dieting, and I started dieting when I was 13. So I wonder if there is some genetic link....

SD CHICK - It's exci5int 5hq5 you will be seeing the surgeon- will you be getting a fill as well?? You've gotta fill us in on whether you feel more restriction after. Wish you the best on this!!!

I'm excited to go through this journey with you. Let us know, everyday, how it works with your December goal to measure everything.

I did well yesterday - today, I TOTALLY VIOLATED A BAND RULE - I purposely had tea with my afternoon snack - and it my meal slid right down - I already have hunger pangs from it. I hope I have learnt my lesson.

I also nibbled on some leftovers my friend brought over -no clue how many calories that held!! Arrghhh - where is the SELF CONTROL????

But so far, I am on track with my three goals - measure everything, 1500 calories a day and writing everything down. I am struggling with getting in all my Water, however!!

TOMORROW will be a better day!!!

I have found out that in the past, when I am not doing too well with the band, I stay away from LBT like the plague. But I realized, that hurts, rather than helps me - Pushes away the time it takes for me to get back on track as I don't want to be accountable for my failures with my eating. I will try to stick here, document it all - through THICK or THIN. I hope you will do the same, and stay with me as well, fellow strugglers!!!

How did you do, fellow strugglers, through the weekend?? GOOD OR BAD - let's put it out there!!! :thumbup:

Edited by Tabithan

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Tabithan, you are going to be successful with this because you have realized where you went wrong and you are taking positive steps to remedy it. I am glad you found FitDay. I love it!!! It is an amazing tool. I log everything that goes into my mouth. I try to keep my calories between 1200-1500. I occasionally go over, but I don't stress over it.

On the addiction, I think the tendency to be addicted to anything runs in families: alcohol, food, gambling, etc. I have an addictive personality. My father and his father were addicted to alcohol. My mother's mom was addicted to prescription drugs years ago. I had a double dose of genetics, so I stayed far away from alcohol and all drugs even OTC ones. Unfortunately, you can't stay away from food, it is something you have to consume every day. Now, I have a tool to help me.

SDchick: it sounds like you may be too tight. Check with your surgeon. If you fills are covered already, you may want to do a partial or even complete unfill and then go every two weeks until you get the right restriction. You shouldn't be getting sick that much. My friend went through that and she was completely unfilled 3 weeks ago and is on the journey to getting filled again. She is going for her second refill this week, and she is doing great now.

Good Luck

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Hi Crzytchr, I think you are on to something!!! There is alcohol addiction in my family as well, and I guess I chose food as my drug of choice!!! Also, thank you for the encouragement - I sincerely appreciate it. I see that you have already had so much success in such a short period of time. What is your secret???

Today was a GREAT day - well, parts of it, at least. Breakfast went well - did you Kashi Cereal. For lunch, I had to take my team out to Celebrate one of our birthdays. Birthday girl chose MEXICAN food of all - everything is fried or in cheese, which makes it sooo good. I went with a Grilled Mahi Mahi and asked them to keep out the sauce. It felt like there was butter or some oil on it, but at least I didnt over-indulge. I also stayed away from desert. I LOVE THE BAND.

I went to see my surgeon today and he told me that with my port revision, they took out ALL the saline and only put back .25cc. I cant believe I have restriction with so little, yet I went through a whole year and a half at almost full, able to eat anything. THIS BAND HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN...or is it that I now have a new mind? a new outlook??? :biggrin:

Another major accomplishment today - I went to tae kwon do - my first day - boy, was that a WORKOUT - I can tell my legs will be sore tomorrow. I felt LIGHT-HEADED A FEW TIMES - I wonder WHY????

Fellow strugglers - How was your day today? Any successes? any failures you want to turn around?? what are your goals for December?

Mine are: (I know I say them everytime - but there is something about repeating them all the time - like a mantra.)

-Eat no more than 1500 calories a day

-Write everything I eat on fitday and my journal

-Measure any food that is not-pre-packaged

Edited by Tabithan

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Hi Crzytchr, I think you are on to something!!! There is alcohol addiction in my family as well, and I guess I chose food as my drug of choice!!! Also, thank you for the encouragement - I sincerely appreciate it. I see that you have already had so much success in such a short period of time. What is your secret???

I went to see my surgeon today and he told me that with my port revision, they took out ALL the saline and only put back .25cc. I cant believe I have restriction with so little, yet I went through a whole year and a half at almost full, able to eat anything. THIS BAND HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN...or is it that I now have a new mind? a new outlook??? B)

My secret I already told: I log every bite of food that goes into my mouth (even all drinks). I also eat what I want that doesn't make me ill, but I measure it out. I eat the amount I give myself and then stop. I always feel satisfied. Many times prior to banding I think I probably just served myself too much and ate blindly, not even pausing until it was gone!

I have a Starbucks venti non-fat caramel mocha (2 pumps of mocha, 4 pumps sugar free caramel) almost everyday. Surgeon doesn't like the caffeine, but it makes me happy and has 220 calories and 17 g of Protein, so I don't care what he likes. I like it better than most deserts.

As far as the restriction goes, you may have restriction just from having the surgery again. I did from the swelling after my banding. If you look at my stats, my band isn't even CLOSE to being full. My stomach just seems to be sensitive to the band being there. This last fill actually was probably a tiny bit too tight at first. I pbed for the first, second and THIRD time since surgery last week. What kind of load of crap is THAT?! BUT....the last time I was sick was Sunday night, so I think it has loosened up enough for now. I do NOT plan on living my life being sick all the time. I will not hesitate to get some Fluid taken out if I feel it is needed. I meant it when I said watching my friend go through that made me sad. She wanted so much to have restriction that she rushed it and stayed sick for a few months. That led to her eating slider foods and stalling her weight loss. My loss actually is fairly slow (around 1-2 lbs per week now), but I am happy with it.

Continue on with your new plan, you sound like you are doing amazingly well. When we hold ourselves accountable to OURSELVES we succeed.:cursing:

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Today was an interesting day. Got TOO busy at work and was unable to eat - managed to sneak a Kashi bar and some coffee. On the way home, because I was SO HUNGRY, I found myself CRAVING chips and salsa - from Chipotle - love their salted chips and green chile salsa - it is my WEAKNESS - well, instead of indulging, I passed by Walmart and bourght a round-eye steak. Came home STARVING and cooked the steak - ate 4 ounces with rice and veggies and I am STUFFED. Luckily, I am still within 1500 calories.

Fellow Strugglers, what is your daily calorie limit? My surgeon told me to ensure I am around 1500-1700 - keeping in mind my height and weight.

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I just ate and my stomach is STUFFED!!! but I am still thinking of food - feeling hungry - Argggggggggh this Head Hunger!!!! I have to resist!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just ate and my stomach is STUFFED!!! but I am still thinking of food - feeling hungry - Argggggggggh this Head Hunger!!!! I have to resist!!!!!!!!!!!!

Head hunger is the worst!!!! :smile2: Honestly, that is why I just drink my dang Starbucks. With the decreased amounts of mocha that I use, it really isn't bad for me and it makes me feel satisfied completely. I also am full for at least 3 hours from it due to the 20oz of skim milk it contains.

Fight this head hunger, you can do it!!!!!!

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Today I did my Tae-Kwondo again. I was sweating like....really sweating!!!:cursing: I didnt feel light headed because I ate dinner before the workout, so it felt GREAT

At work, one of my team members brought chocolate for everyone and pretty much FORCE FED US!!! Of course, she is one of the skinny ones and I HAD TO EAT THE chocolate - Didnt know how to say no - good news is that I ate only 2 of the 4 cubes she gave to us, so that amounted to only 120 calories.

TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE SO TOUGH!!!!!! Have to take a client out for lunch - then, in the evening I have to take my team for happy hour!!! How in the world am I going to stay within my 1500 calories????? I must work out tomorrow, somehow.


- Stay within 1500 calories

- Do Tae Kwondo class at 7:45

- Do NOT drink alcohol at Happy hour - lawd help me

- Eat a salad or SOMETHING at the client lunch.< /p>

How was your day today, fellow strugglers???

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Head hunger is the worst!!!! :cursing: Honestly, that is why I just drink my dang Starbucks. With the decreased amounts of mocha that I use, it really isn't bad for me and it makes me feel satisfied completely. I also am full for at least 3 hours from it due to the 20oz of skim milk it contains.

Fight this head hunger, you can do it!!!!!!

Thanks for the Motivation, Crzytchr!!! At some point it got so bad, I decided to go and sleep RATHER THAN KEEP EATING - I over indulged in carrots and seriously felt SICK - But at least it was Carrots!!!!!! :thumbup:

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As far as the restriction goes, you may have restriction just from having the surgery again. I did from the swelling after my banding. If you look at my stats, my band isn't even CLOSE to being full. My stomach just seems to be sensitive to the band being there. This last fill actually was probably a tiny bit too tight at first. I pbed for the first, second and THIRD time since surgery last week. What kind of load of crap is THAT?! BUT....the last time I was sick was Sunday night, so I think it has loosened up enough for now. I do NOT plan on living my life being sick all the time. I will not hesitate to get some Fluid taken out if I feel it is needed. I meant it when I said watching my friend go through that made me sad. She wanted so much to have restriction that she rushed it and stayed sick for a few months. That led to her eating slider foods and stalling her weight loss. My loss actually is fairly slow (around 1-2 lbs per week now), but I am happy with it.

Continue on with your new plan, you sound like you are doing amazingly well. When we hold ourselves accountable to OURSELVES we succeed.:cursing:

I LOVE READING YOUR MESSAGES, Crzytchr - for some reason you always motivate me. And I think that is the RIGHT approach - you are looking at the band as a long-term solution, so you are trying to learn to live with it rather than torture yourself with a tight band for immediate/faster weight loss. Really great!!! Keep it up - we will LOSE ALL THIS WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:biggrin:

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I haven't even attempted to eat carrots. I don't eat salad. I love them, but I think I am just afraid that it will stick.

I too have gone to bed with head hunger rather than give in to it. It wasn't easy, but it felt better than the emotional beating I would have given myself if I gave in to it. You are making more progress each day!

If you find you go over your calories on one day, do not get upset. Drop back to maybe 1200 the next day or add an extra workout and it will even out. Getting upset could lead to emotional eating.

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I know that I was addicted to food prior to surgery. I wa an emotional eater. I craved sweets. On June 26,2008 I had my surgery. At first I had part of my port incision that took a while to heal. Since my surgery I have lost 38.5lbs (a little over 5 months). There are times that I feel that I am compared to a coworker who had surgery several months prior. At 5 months she had lost 65lbs. She has now reached 96lbs. My surgeon tells me that I am right on track. Each time I have been in to see him at 6 weeks I have lost 4lbs. At this rate it will take me several years to accomplish my goal. My coworker has been told that she is losing too fast. They took some of her fill out and her weight still did not slow down. I am frustrated and happy all at once. Help any suggestions? Wondering if should get another fill when see surgeon on Monday. I still feel tightness especially in mornings.:whatchutalkingabout uote=Tabithan;1077322]I wonder if food addiction is somewhat genetic. Like alcoholism - if your parents are alcoholic, you have a much stronger chance of being an alcoholic. Wonder if that works the same, with food.

My mom always struggled with her weight - she was never as big as me, but she was always yo-yo dieting, and I started dieting when I was 13. So I wonder if there is some genetic link....

SD CHICK - It's exci5int 5hq5 you will be seeing the surgeon- will you be getting a fill as well?? You've gotta fill us in on whether you feel more restriction after. Wish you the best on this!!!

I'm excited to go through this journey with you. Let us know, everyday, how it works with your December goal to measure everything.

I did well yesterday - today, I TOTALLY VIOLATED A BAND RULE - I purposely had tea with my afternoon snack - and it my meal slid right down - I already have hunger pangs from it. I hope I have learnt my lesson.

I also nibbled on some leftovers my friend brought over -no clue how many calories that held!! Arrghhh - where is the SELF CONTROL????

But so far, I am on track with my three goals - measure everything, 1500 calories a day and writing everything down. I am struggling with getting in all my Water, however!!

TOMORROW will be a better day!!!

I have found out that in the past, when I am not doing too well with the band, I stay away from LBT like the plague. But I realized, that hurts, rather than helps me - Pushes away the time it takes for me to get back on track as I don't want to be accountable for my failures with my eating. I will try to stick here, document it all - through THICK or THIN. I hope you will do the same, and stay with me as well, fellow strugglers!!!

How did you do, fellow strugglers, through the weekend?? GOOD OR BAD - let's put it out there!!! :wub:

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Hello to you all! My name is Christina and I have failed my band...whew, that was hard to say.

I failed my band because I lived for over 6 months too tight, ate soft foods, and gained back 16 lbs of the 42 I worked so hard to lose since May of 2007. I suffered from constant acid reflux and PBing episodes.

I went to my doctor this week, got a complete unfill (I had 2.5cc in a 4cc band) and we are going to try and get this reflux thing under control before adding anything back. I did not have a slip and he didn't see "evidence of a hiatal hernia" during the barium swallow. It has gotten better the last few nights, but I still need prevacid and a sh*tload of antacids.

However, I did just complete a Breast Cancer 3 Day walk in Arizona in November---60 miles over 3 days...so at least I've kept up my physical fitness! I knew I was in trouble when I could not eat the chicken breast for lunch and had to live off of potato chips and Cookies for 3 days!

I am going to continue the walking training and do a 1/2 marathon in April here in Nashville.

I am 6ft tall, started at 262, got down to 220, now back up to 236 and pissed because my jeans no longer fit!! It all went to my hips. I'd like to get to under 200 by my 2 year bandiversary. Anything I lose beyond that is gravy:) I'm a muscular tall gal, so under 200 is fairly healthy for me.

So now what? I don't have restriction but I am absolutely determined to eat properly until I can get a small fill again. I did my best when I was between 1.2cc and 1.8cc.

I am committed to eating healthy Protein, around 1500 cal a day, and keeping up my walking training (3 mile walks 2x a week, 6 mile walk 1x a week) and then start ramping up at the end of January for my 1/2 marathon training. After walking 10-15 miles back to back day while training for the 3 day, this should be easy, right?

I want to warn all those out there who are failing that being TOO tight is not a great idea. It is counterproductive. When I got my unfill, all I wanted to do was eat chicken and veggies--I'd been eating crap for too long because I would always get stuck on the good stuff.

Good luck to you all, here's to taking responsibility rather than whining about why "this isn't working." I had a long discussion with a woman waiting for a fill when I got my unfill. She was frustrated, so I asked her what she was eating...."nachos, peanuts, chips, etc." Huh? That's what you were eating before this band and that didn't work out so well, now did it? The other woman in the room had lost 113 pounds in about 18 months (she needed to lose about another 200, but her results so far were so impressive). When asked what she ate she recited the diet I am supposed to be on.."eggs and bacon for Breakfast, tuna for lunch, chicken for dinner and only string cheese or yogurt for snacks". So bottom line, eat crap you don't get results, eat what you are supposed to eat and you get results. Simple concept, but hard to do.

I remember my "sweet spot" well before I overshot it with an aggressive fill. I could eat 4-6 ounces of good Protein without a single PB, get full and then not have to eat again for 3-4 hours. I can't wait to get this reflux under control and get back to that spot.

Again, lots of luck to you all!

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Hi Fellow Strugglers, I have a CONFESSION!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't been here the last two days for a REASON. The last two days were MISERABLE - I failed my bad MISERABLY!!! Remember all my lofty goals to avoid calories and stay within 1500 calories?? well, it didnt work. Here is what happened!!!

Thursday - Have to take a client for lunch - We take them to pappadeaux. Everything at PPDeaux is DELICIOUS because they fry EVERYTHING or SOAK IT IN OIL. I tried to be good by checking nutritional content online - NOT TO BE FOUND - I even called their toll free number - they said they do not release nutritional information but recommended that I order something grilled. I WONDER WHY THEY WILL NOT RELEASE NUTRITIONAL INFO!!!

Well I ordered the tilapia and asked for it grilled - problem - it still had butter and was delicious - Problem # 1. Anyway, later that day I take my team for happy hour at some sushi place - I figure I can at least eat healthy there, right?? NOOOOOOOOOOOO - I drink two glasses of Red Wine and GO TO TOWN with the rolls. After that, I go for an ornament exchange party. At the ornament exchange - the ornament I have has 8 Girriadeli(*sp) chocolate squares in it. I come home and FINISH OFF THE chocolate - at 480 calories.

So I figure I will be good on Friday - However, on Friday I was taking my team for lunch and a movie at the tavern......I took my lunch to work and decided to eat before the movie so that I didnt order anything - well I got so busy, I didnt get the time. We go to the tavern and everything on the menu is fried. I order a philly cheesteak with fries and eat the WHOLE THING - Somehow my restriction is LOST. After the Movie, we go to chillis and order the SINFUL Molten cake - we split one for every three of us. Since my day was BUST already, on my way home, I go by CHIPOTLE and order my weakness - chips and GREEN CHILE SALSA.

The worst part, fellow strugglers, is that I avoided LAPBANDTALK like the PLAGUE during these two days. I dont know why I avoid this place when I am *SINNING* - It is almost like I cant bear to face LBT knowing what I have done.

But today is a New day - I am back on Track - I gained two pounds, which unfortunately is the two pounds I had lost. Well, I am not going back here for a while.

Thank you for listening to my rants and raves. I need support to keep back on track because my mind is now wondering back to the good ol meals I had the past two days.

My goals for this week are:

  • Eat 1500 calories
  • Write down everything I eat
  • Measure everything
  • Work out 3 times this week

How was your week, fellow strugglers????????

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I know that I was addicted to food prior to surgery. I wa an emotional eater. I craved sweets. On June 26,2008 I had my surgery. At first I had part of my port incision that took a while to heal. Since my surgery I have lost 38.5lbs (a little over 5 months). There are times that I feel that I am compared to a coworker who had surgery several months prior. At 5 months she had lost 65lbs. She has now reached 96lbs. My surgeon tells me that I am right on track. Each time I have been in to see him at 6 weeks I have lost 4lbs. At this rate it will take me several years to accomplish my goal. My coworker has been told that she is losing too fast. They took some of her fill out and her weight still did not slow down. I am frustrated and happy all at once. Help any suggestions? Wondering if should get another fill when see surgeon on Monday. I still feel tightness especially in mornings.:thumbup:

Hi Twin Sisters - First and Foremost, I should mention that you HAVE done EXCEPTIONALLY Well - 38lbs in 5 months??? that is AMAZING - Don't let the comparisons with the other lady take you off track - What makes you think people compare the two of you?? has someone said something or is it something you think they are thinking???

I think that if you find that you start eating large quantities and you have stopped losing 1-2lbs a week, you should explore an additional fill with your doctor. Since this is a lifestyle change, I wouldnt get too full - because you will be miserable if you are unable to eat - Keep in mind that a part of our happiness as food addicts is tied to food - if we cannot eat the right quantities, we are more likely to start eating around the band to fill that emotional void. Believe me, I have been there.

I think you are DOING WELL!!! Please keep updating us, let us know what the surgeon tells you and if you get a fill.....Welcome, welcome, welcome, and YOU CAN DO IT....we will get there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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