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I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

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Greetings fellow bandsters. I am so happy to find this site. I have read so many sucess stories-which are awesome- i was really feeling like a loser. I to did not realize the band was only a tool and not a majic pill. Head hunger and emotional eating has been my downfall, just like before i got the band. (banded 2/11/9). today i take diet pills to try to control the head hunger and the band does control the amount i eat. i cant pig out like i used to and i am very grateful for that. i have lost about 25 lbs since my surgery. My issue-i can not eat most Protein very easily, it gives me acid reflux, but i can easily eat anything with sugar, like Cookies, ect...i mean it goes down easy. i got banded in Mexico, had a great surgeon, but no support back home in texas. i have had numerous fills and unfills till i am sick of that. right now i am at about 7.1 on a 10cc band and just want to stay here for a while and try to retrain my self to eat the Protein i can manage. i always worry i have slipped my band. i eat to fast, to much and get acid reflux. prilosec and alka seltzer are my daily friends. over all i still would not trade my band for anything, i am holding out hope i can get on track and use the band properly. thank you for your posts-really encouraging. i plan on staying in touch now that i have found you all! God bless you and all of us who struggle with addiction. it is like a rabbit trying to contain a lion!


Welome. This thread isn't very active anymore, but you may get some who respond. I am sorry to hear you are experiencing problems.

Be sure you are chewing your Proteins properly. If you are, and you are still having problems, you are probably a little too tight. Sometimes you only need a very small amount taken out to make a big difference. You aren't going to want to eat proper foods when it makes you feel like crap. Also, isn't Alka Seltzer really fizzy? If so, you may want to try to find something else to help with the heartburn. Good luck.

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Hi this just might be the group I am looking for. I was banded in Sept. of 08. I have lost around 27 pounds I lost 11 in the first month after surgery. I have been struggling ever since. I just can't stay with the program. I currently have 7cc's in my 10cc band. In Oct. I had some taken out of the band because of slight refux. I was then able to eat almost anything. Gained 6 lbs beween Oct. & Dec. Went beck and had another fill which puts me at my current fill of 7cc's. I thought this would stop me but is has not. I joined a local gym,and have an appointment with a trainer next week to set me up with an exercise program.

I try not to be disappointed with my weight loss because without the band I probably would be heavier than I am.

It is very hard to stay positive when you go to support groups and people who have had surgery after you have lost a lot more than you. I cringe when it comes to my turn to tell all about my weight loss since surgery.

I need help. :biggrin:

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i feel just as u do!! unfortunately i haven't felt very much support from the very beginning, even from individuals in the same boat as myself. i'm not feeling sorry for myself but i am a little bitter & disappointed because so many days i would log on to lbt & it seemed like nobody read my posts or i was the only one. i eat through the band but i dont think my pouch is stretched. i had to get a total unfill in the summer because i was ill & suffered from severe dehydration. since my unfill i've gained the 45lbs i had lost. i was refilled by another dr who wants to "take it slow & work up to the proper restriction" but i'm disappointed because i have NO restriction now at all!! i want to join u because I too REFUSE to be a failure. i'm getting a fill on feb 2nd & i plan on following an eating plan designed by my surgeon to the letter. i will keep u posted on any PROGRESS!!! no more failing...

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I agree with your surgeon, but how slow does he want you to go? I believe in small fills, but will he give you one every 3-4 weeks until you get restriction? If you don't know this, ask him. You don't want to get too tight so you eat around the band again. As soon as you get some restriction, your battle will be so much easier. I know that if I had a total unfill, I would gain some weight back also, so do not beat yourself up over this. Start over now and move forward.

So, for lea and jacobsmom, this thread isn't active anymore. I am not sure why, but people just don't post much. Is the thread for the month you were banded active? Have you tried posting there recently. I know my home thread is not hopping, but we do still post there occasionally. I also post on the Home thread for the homeless. If you have any questions that someone doesn't answer, feel free to message me and I will help if possible. Good luck and let me know if you need anything.

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I'm glad a few of you have revitalized this thread, so to speak. I could really use the information, encouragement, and the peace of mind knowing I'm not the only one going thru this ...

Thanks :-)

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Hi fellow bandsters I found this site and was so excited,to bad that it is not very active anymore. I was banded in June of 2008 and lost around 15lbs in the beginning with no effort. But then after the surgery swelling went down I failed my lapband. One of the reasons was I thought the lap band was like medicine, it was going to magically take away the weight and I would lose my head hunger. Well of course my head hunger was not gone, and even though I had restiction I could still eat high caloric foods like icecream and such.

Foods like chicken and meats always came up.

The other thing was after my lap bnd my life got really stressful my uncle passed away,then my dad,and then my husband also got real sick and was in and out of the hospital.This left me a single working mom for much of the passed year.I tried Jenny Craig but would still binge eat after dinner, my Cereal, or icecream ect.

Fast foward to this JUne my 2 year anniversary and I am still the same weight,my self esttem is so low once again I am the only one who cannot lose weight after surgery.Anyway I decide now that all the drama in my life has calmed down to start focusing on myself again. I start exercising and decide to eat thre healthy meals a day with a snack. Well I start eating normal food no more frozen Jenny craig foods. But I start throwing up every day, Turkey sandwhich ,hamburger or steak, all week I am throwing up any real food I eat.So now I have been having alot of pain and nause at my port site. From what I read in this thread I probable expanded my pouch or possible a little slippage. I have been thinking of asking my surgeon who I have not seen in over a year if I could get Gastric Surgery. But after reading this thread I realize I have never really done the rules of lap band.

I never weighed or measure my food. Never wrote anything down,I was not exercising regulaly.

Anyway I have been reading this thread and feel recommited. to work with this band as soon as I know what is the apin from. I probable have to do the pouch test.

Anyway that is my story. I hope this thread picks up again.

Mary O

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PointBeach - you are on the right track to 'working' with your Band. I highly recommend the 5-day pouch test. Essentially, its liquids for two days, mushies for two days, and then soft foods.

I did it recently and lost 10 lbs, plus I feel like I've re-set my pouch to a smaller level.

I'm back closer to my goal weight (yep, I hit it and then got a slight unfill so I could eat salads, and the 'hunger' came roaring back). The pouch test helped me to reset my head as well as my smaller stomach. I've lost the 10 I gained, and I'm back on track to lose a few more.

I've decided I want to get about 10 lbs below my previous goal weight - my 30-year high school reunion is next month and I'd like a little 'extra' room on that scale! LOL

You CAN do this - November will be my 2-year anniversary of being banded, and I have to say that without my band, I'd still be on diabetes and heart medicine, I'd still have stiff and sore knees, and I would NOT have run a 5k last fall and be looking forward to running a 10k this fall.

As long as you keep moving and keep working on it, you CAN succeed at this. I have had my own troubles with my band - I was very hard on myself at times - and I still sometimes feel badly that it took me 14 months to lose the 85 lbs...but it IS gone, and I'm not putting it back on.

Stay strong, ask for help when you need it, and keep in touch with your doctor and nutritionist. Feel free to send me messages via this thread as well - I want to help!:)

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Oh my god you lost 85 lbs that is sooo good. I am so grateful you wrote back. I did see my Dr and he did not think I stretched my band but I am not sure I see him again tonight at a support meeting and am going to tell him again. I just think I should do the test anyway. Let me ask when you did liquids you mean Protein Drinks right? Which ones did you use? I am just curios. I could use alittle jump start to make me feel better.

I see the nutionist next week.

I do need support thats why when I found this site I was excited. I wish it was still active like it was.

Mary O

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I feel like such a loser I just came from a support group for lap banders and was the only one who has failed her band. Everyone had lost weight, alot of weight . except me.Plus I ahve been having mild to moderate pain at my port sight for while I finally got me Dr to order a upper GI to see if anything is wrong, he seems mad at me because I have not seen him in a year and I feel like I make him look bad because I have not lost weight which I am sure is in my head but it is really hard not to feel like a loser right now. Tomorrow is another day

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PointBeach - you are on the right track to 'working' with your Band. I highly recommend the 5-day pouch test. Essentially, its liquids for two days, mushies for two days, and then soft foods.

I did it recently and lost 10 lbs, plus I feel like I've re-set my pouch to a smaller level.

I'm back closer to my goal weight (yep, I hit it and then got a slight unfill so I could eat salads, and the 'hunger' came roaring back). The pouch test helped me to reset my head as well as my smaller stomach. I've lost the 10 I gained, and I'm back on track to lose a few more.

I've decided I want to get about 10 lbs below my previous goal weight - my 30-year high school reunion is next month and I'd like a little 'extra' room on that scale! LOL

You CAN do this - November will be my 2-year anniversary of being banded, and I have to say that without my band, I'd still be on diabetes and heart medicine, I'd still have stiff and sore knees, and I would NOT have run a 5k last fall and be looking forward to running a 10k this fall.

As long as you keep moving and keep working on it, you CAN succeed at this. I have had my own troubles with my band - I was very hard on myself at times - and I still sometimes feel badly that it took me 14 months to lose the 85 lbs...but it IS gone, and I'm not putting it back on.

Stay strong, ask for help when you need it, and keep in touch with your doctor and nutritionist. Feel free to send me messages via this thread as well - I want to help!:sad:

I had never heard of the 5 day pouch test... Glad I saw this! Thanx

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I feel like such a loser I just came from a support group for lap banders and was the only one who has failed her band. Everyone had lost weight, alot of weight . except me.Plus I ahve been having mild to moderate pain at my port sight for while I finally got me Dr to order a upper GI to see if anything is wrong, he seems mad at me because I have not seen him in a year and I feel like I make him look bad because I have not lost weight which I am sure is in my head but it is really hard not to feel like a loser right now. Tomorrow is another day

Please don't feel like a loser... You are in good company here. I have had my band for 3 1/2 years and it just started working for me back in April after a 2 year hiatus... Or maybe I started working with my band... Whichever... Don't feel like a loser!

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Wow, there are some sad stories here. I have to say, my mother has always been sweet and non-judgemental. I can't say the same for some of my siblings though. My brother, (who had just been released from prison by the way) after not seeing each other for quite awhile said to me "So sis, what have you been doing, besides eating?? hahahaha" really?

When I was a teen, there were some mean boys who used to call me "tank" I have a lot more too....driving along and looking over to see some guy puffing out his cheeks at me, and staying the same speed as me so he could be sure I saw him, he had another guy with him and they were just laughing and laughing...

I have to say as a mother, I could never imaging saying something so hurtful to my child as some of the things I have heard on here!

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21/2 yrs. and the only weight I have lost is the 36# I put on to qualify for the surgery. I really hate myself. What is the sleve? How does it work? So many people get rid of their band and get the sleve. Any ideas?

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Good morning Everyone!

Still struggling a bit...the slight unfill I got affected my hunger level greatly - I have an appointment to get the fill put back in, but not for about 3 weeks.

I encourage everyone who is struggling to re-visit the reasons you wanted the band in the first place. Try to return to the state of mind you were in before you were banded, and how hopeful you were that this solution would be the one you'd stick with for life.

I was there too - and when I got my unfill, I failed my band by going back to some of my old habits - drinking with meals being the primary one. It's easy to 'wash' food right through the pouch and then you not only can eat more, but what you DO eat doesn't stay with you long enough to register with your mind as being full.

Start over again, fellow bandsters - treat today like it's the first day of your banded life again; you are post-surgery and need to go on liquids for 2 weeks. Then ease back into mushies, then to soft food, then back to solid food. Literally start over again with logging everything that goes into your mouth, eating your Protein first, and NO drinking during the meal.

If you didn't start off that way, now's a great time to re-start and do it right. You CAN make this work for you - and no matter how long it's been, you can start over. If you haven't had a fill lately, get an appointment for one, and then start with the liquids.

Don't put off using the tool you worked so HARD to get - and don't let it sit idle in your body and not help you. If you are not exercising - start TODAY. 10 - 15 min of walking is better than nothing. Make a promise to yourself (and log it) to exercise at least 4 days a week, and 6 is better if you are doing short-duration or low-intensity activity.

I've been running 2 days a week, walking the rest - now I'm running at least 4 days a week, with a long run (5K or longer) on the weekends. I re-subscribed to my Bodybugg monitoring program and am writing down EVERYTHING I eat again - I've been overeating my exercise and activity, plain and simple. Part of the reason is that I CAN eat more, and part of it is that I WANT to eat more.

I am turning this around TODAY - I'm not waiting any more. Not gonna wait for my fill or anything else to get back on track. Will it be hard - YES. Can I do it? YES!

Come join me...:wub:

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Good morning Everyone!

Still struggling a bit...the slight unfill I got affected my hunger level greatly - I have an appointment to get the fill put back in, but not for about 3 weeks.

I encourage everyone who is struggling to re-visit the reasons you wanted the band in the first place. Try to return to the state of mind you were in before you were banded, and how hopeful you were that this solution would be the one you'd stick with for life.

I was there too - and when I got my unfill, I failed my band by going back to some of my old habits - drinking with meals being the primary one. It's easy to 'wash' food right through the pouch and then you not only can eat more, but what you DO eat doesn't stay with you long enough to register with your mind as being full.

Start over again, fellow bandsters - treat today like it's the first day of your banded life again; you are post-surgery and need to go on liquids for 2 weeks. Then ease back into mushies, then to soft food, then back to solid food. Literally start over again with logging everything that goes into your mouth, eating your Protein first, and NO drinking during the meal.

If you didn't start off that way, now's a great time to re-start and do it right. You CAN make this work for you - and no matter how long it's been, you can start over. If you haven't had a fill lately, get an appointment for one, and then start with the liquids.

Don't put off using the tool you worked so HARD to get - and don't let it sit idle in your body and not help you. If you are not exercising - start TODAY. 10 - 15 min of walking is better than nothing. Make a promise to yourself (and log it) to exercise at least 4 days a week, and 6 is better if you are doing short-duration or low-intensity activity.

I've been running 2 days a week, walking the rest - now I'm running at least 4 days a week, with a long run (5K or longer) on the weekends. I re-subscribed to my Bodybugg monitoring program and am writing down EVERYTHING I eat again - I've been overeating my exercise and activity, plain and simple. Part of the reason is that I CAN eat more, and part of it is that I WANT to eat more.

I am turning this around TODAY - I'm not waiting any more. Not gonna wait for my fill or anything else to get back on track. Will it be hard - YES. Can I do it? YES!

Come join me...:thumbup:

Thanx so much for posting this... Really reminds us why we did this in the first place. Reading it made me want to go workout! :)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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