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I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

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Hi Everyone,

Hoping you all had a GREAT christmas. I see that we have many newcomers. Whooowhoooo - I will go ahead and read in some detail and reply to all this PM. Right now, I am at work but wanted to check in.

I went to Dallas for Christmas and it is all a blur. had a great time and ate ALL the wrong foods. Thank goodness for the restriction or I would have eaten a few cows. Then last night I figured, well, I have been doing really badly anyway, so I will have some KFC extra crispy chicken. I dont even know how I ate all that food.

But I am back on track today. The holidays kicked my behind. But as we always say, the goal is not to let the failure continue - to stop it in its tracks.

My goals for this week are:

- Post on LBT Daily

- keep my calorie intake at 1500 calories daily

- drink 64 oz of Water

- Work out ONE DAY this week.

How did you all do with your eating this holiday?? Talk to you all this PM!!!!

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Wow...a support group just for me! lol! I've failed my band miserably! I was banded 10-2007 and losing slowly (not taking full advantage of my new tool). Then in May of 2008, I got a fill and was "too tight" but tried to work with it anyway because I wanted so badly to lose! This was not a good idea, and I wound up with a slipped band and then recurring dialation and eventually had to have a band revision on 11-2008 where they moved my band up to the weak spot and also replaced and moved my port, which had come loose and was "floating". I went in to get my first fill last week (five weeks post-op from revision) and wouldn't you know it...my port has already flipped. If its going to happen, trust me, it will happen to me! I still have absolutely NO restriction and I'm ready to get on with this losing weight thing! I have my second revision surgery tomorrow to flip the port around again. Wish me luck!!!!

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Wow...a support group just for me! lol! I've failed my band miserably! I was banded 10-2007 and losing slowly (not taking full advantage of my new tool). Then in May of 2008, I got a fill and was "too tight" but tried to work with it anyway because I wanted so badly to lose! This was not a good idea, and I wound up with a slipped band and then recurring dialation and eventually had to have a band revision on 11-2008 where they moved my band up to the weak spot and also replaced and moved my port, which had come loose and was "floating". I went in to get my first fill last week (five weeks post-op from revision) and wouldn't you know it...my port has already flipped. If its going to happen, trust me, it will happen to me! I still have absolutely NO restriction and I'm ready to get on with this losing weight thing! I have my second revision surgery tomorrow to flip the port around again. Wish me luck!!!!

Hi Ebox!! Good luck with your surgery and please update us on how it goes. I have had a port revision procedure twice in the last month and a half - the worst part - everyone - nurses, anaesthesiologist etc, how much i have lost in the past two years - and when i say 55lbs, i can hear the surprise and disappointment in their voices. Almost as if they are saying, that's it - I coulda done that without surgery!!! Do you get that??

Those darned..... :tongue2:

Well good luck with your procedure. What are your GOALS for this week???

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Yes, unfortunately, I know those comments and looks all too well. Sometimes I wish I had just not told ANYONE that I had the surgery! It is so embarrassing!

I haven't set any goals yet...I suppose that would be a good start! lol!

Since I'm having my port revision surgery tomorrow, can you tell me what the "norm" for a port revision post-op diet is? My revision surgery last month involved moving the band, so it was like the first surgery, I had to be on liquids for a week, softs for a week and then progress into solids. I cannot lose that way...potato Soup likes me too much! I know they'll give me guidelines when I leave the surgery center, but I was wondering what your rules were. I'm not sure how to set realistic goals when I don't know what I'll be able to eat.

I'll start with this goal...I promise myself that I will not eat unless I am really hungry. I'm such an emotional eater and I didn't even realize it until I started reading this book called "Breaking Free From Emotional Eating" by Geneen Roth, which is so far very inspirational.


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Yes, unfortunately, I know those comments and looks all too well. Sometimes I wish I had just not told ANYONE that I had the surgery! It is so embarrassing!

I haven't set any goals yet...I suppose that would be a good start! lol!

Since I'm having my port revision surgery tomorrow, can you tell me what the "norm" for a port revision post-op diet is? My revision surgery last month involved moving the band, so it was like the first surgery, I had to be on liquids for a week, softs for a week and then progress into solids. I cannot lose that way...potato Soup likes me too much! I know they'll give me guidelines when I leave the surgery center, but I was wondering what your rules were. I'm not sure how to set realistic goals when I don't know what I'll be able to eat.

I'll start with this goal...I promise myself that I will not eat unless I am really hungry. I'm such an emotional eater and I didn't even realize it until I started reading this book called "Breaking Free From Emotional Eating" by Geneen Roth, which is so far very inspirational.


My diet post port revision was 2 days liquids (i bought progresso Soups like chicken noodle etc and focused on thr broths) then soft foods and solids as I can tolerate. My port revision was really what help me recommitt so in a way, i am grateful for it!! Lost about 10lbs in a month and a half since the revision. The bad bad is that i have additional scars that I didnt need to have (sigh). But i would rather have scars than continue being obese!! :tongue2:

Yes, please set some goals and write them down on here. that's what I do to try and help me keep focused!!!

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can you tell me what the "norm" for a port revision post-op diet is?


By the way, if you have to go on liquids, try this. It really helped me.

Go to the grocery store (walmart does not carry it but HEB and Kroger do) and buy a Cereal called weetabix. Then, take two biscuits and add 3/4 cup non-fat milk. Then add one or two splendas. (more milk if necessary.) Then put in microwave. This liquifies it and can pass through a straw. It is delicious and filling, and a good variety in the liquid stage.

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Hi Fellow Strugglers,

Now that the new year is nearly here, I thought it might be nice if we wrote out our 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and 12 month goals for 2009. Then we can come back and use this goals to keep ourselves and each other accountable!!!!

My 2009 Goals:

3 month goal

- Track everything I eat on fitday.com

- stay within 1500 calories a day

- Work out 3 times a week

- Get back up right away when I fall

- Visit and post on LBT at least 4 times a week.

- Lose 15 lbs (5lbs a month.)

6 month goal

- Same as above

- Lose a total of 30 lbs (15+15)

9 month goal

- Same as above

- Lose a total of 45 lbw (30 + 15)

12 month goal

- same as above

- maintain the 45lb loss

- plan to lose an additional 15lbs to goal, in 2010

Wuhuuuu - what are your 2009 goals, fellow strugglers???:frown:

Edited by Tabithan

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Hi my name is Jeanette & I have failed my Band.

I was banded on April 21, 2008. I have lost 25 pounds.

I have gained and lost the same 5 pounds over & over.

So can I please join your group. I have a notebook to write my foods down & I have an appointment with a nutritionist to help get me on track after the New Year.

Thanks for this Forum.

Hi Iseethinme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome, welcome, welcome to this group!!! I think you have taken the first step to turning this weight loss struggle around/

I absolutely agree with you on writing down everything you eat. I think we strugglers need to do that in order to understand what we are consuming and keep ourselves accountable, until it becomes easy like clockwork. Many on the thread write everything they eat on www.fitday.com. It works really well and I use it.

Please tell us, what are your goals for 2009??

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LOVED,LOVED,LOVED this thread. I feel like I havent ever posted any good news on the site. I have totally failed my band. I had surgery in Oct 2006. The only real weight I have lost was during the resticted diet after surgery. Once I was able to eat again, I never really stopped. I have steadily gained all of the weight I loat back and then some. I weighed 199 the day of surgery (I am barely 5ft 2in.) Today I weigh 203.8 lbs. I have never felt like more of a failure. The weight gain has made me feel horrible. My fibromyalgia pain has increased along with my appetite.

Of course, I have vowed to restart for the new year. I am SOOOOO sick of my weight being my new years resolution for the past 17 years. Enough is enough already!!!!

Today, I am rereading all my lapband stuff, trying to find some encouragement or motivation. This thread has been great. For those of you who weigh and measure your food for each meal, what are your goals with that...1 cup...etc...??????

Thanks for letting me vent......

Welcome welcome, whiteo6. I am SO GLAD you found us!!! I can definitely tell you that for me, posting regularly on this thread has done one thing for me - it has allowed to get back up quickly after I fall, rather than letting that fall consume me for months resulting in weight gain. I think it has helped keep me accountable and can do so for many, many of us strugglers.

I think you should eat until you are satisfied. For me, that usually equates to a cup or a cup and a half, depending on what the item is. On some items, i can only eat half a cup and be stuffed. So it really does depend. Personally, I think if you can eat a couple of cups and not feel satiety, then perhaps you should speak to your surgeon and consider a fill. Have you ever asked your nutritionist about the calorie quantity you should stay at? this really varies based on your height and weight. For me it was 1500 calories and it helps to have a number i can actually focus on, on a daily basis.

How many fills have you had??? What are your goals for the next 1 month? I am so excited for you and excited to go on this journey with you. Again, welcome!!!

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Hey Tabithan!

Yeah, I'm going to try to write everything down, but I might not mark everything down for tomorrow, lol. I'll take one day of reprieve, for Christmas. Not ot mention, I have a lot of cooking to do tonight *sigh*.

*Crossing my fingers*

How are you today? Are you still feeling a good amount of restriction?


Hi Music!!!

How did you do over christmas?? I did HORRIBLY - lol - I told you that I am soft on myself and tough on others...but I am BACK ON TRACK as of today, back on my goals. That's why I love this thread - helps me pick myself back up quickly!!!! :frown:

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I am becoming a Lap-Band failure. My goal is to not let this happen. I have been on-line looking for support but nothing seemed to be the right place for me. I think I found my place. I was feeling like the only failure out there. I remember going to the local support meetings thinking everyone is succeeding, I will too! Only to find that I am not succeeding like I thought I would be. I know I can do more about using my Lap-band as a tool rather then a "Cure All."

I received the band in Jan '08. It is now Dec '08 and I have lost 40 lbs. I have had 3 fills and with everyone of them I have had to have some taken out. I am not even able to eat 6 oz of yogart after a fill. I haven't had a fill in 4 months and in the last 3 months I have had chronic reflux. No RX is helping either. I have always been a person who has avoiding vomiting at all costs. Now I wish I could, just to relieve the pain. I was told before the surgery that if you have refulx, it resolves after surgery and it did in the first few months but it is worse now then ever.

My surgeon told me I should be able to eat anything just no more the 6 ozs at a meal. I am beginning to question if he is not telling me the whole truth. I need help with a diet plan. I know enough to avoid breads and rice. I try to stay with easily digestable Proteins and veggies. I am finding that I am craving more sugar now. I never ate candy before my surgery. Now I find myslef looking for chocolate. I don't know if my body is looking for an energy source or if subconsciously I know it will "slip through"

The holidays have been killing me. There are a lot of Cookies and chocolate in our office and at home (the kids bring it home). I was asked to make pecan pie for Christmas and I had a tiny slice yesterday and I have been paying for it ever since. I am not digesting it. It is stuck and I keep spitting up a little here and there but I can't throw it up. I am very uncomfortable and depressed about this.

If anyone can take the time to help me with this I would appreciate it. The local support groups are only once a month on an evening that I work so I am not able to attend. Besides, I don't fit in there as everyone seems to be a success story and I am not.


I am so glad you found us!!! I completely felt the same way. Everyone with a lapband was doing extremely well except me, and it was becoming frustrating, even being on lapbandtalk.com since I seemed like the only one not seeing the results I wanted. This thread has helped me vent and pick myself back up, with the support of fellow strugglers. So welcome - we would love to have you as a part of our group!!!!

If you are having a hard time eating at least 6 0z of food in a sitting or the yogurt you mentioned, I would bring this up with the surgeon. You may need a slight unfill. I cant tell you how many stories I have read of people who were too tight and resulted in a slip. And many times, this was associated with being too tight. I really would seriously think about an unfill. Being too tight keeps us from losing weight as we cannot eat the right foods such as solid Proteins and instead stay with slider high calorie foods like Cookies. Please call your surgeon right away, instead of risking loss of your band!!

With regards to sugar cravings, I recently discovered sugar free popsicles and fudgesicles. These are really low in calories and have helped me with my sugar and chocolate cravings. They dont always work as sometimes my cravings overpower me (I am just as fallible as everyone here) but they work MOST of the time - and this helps create good habits that will lead to our eventual success.

Welcome, and please post regularly. We will try and keep you accountable, and you, keep us accountable.

What are your goals for the next 1 month??

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Hi Everyone,

I really need to vent. I signed up at match.com yesterday and posted honest pictures of me, at my size. I have had 93 people view my profile and NOT ONE has sent me a note or a wink. And when I look at profiles, I am not a match for them from the "body type" perspectice. They want the slender, athletic, average or slightly overweight. I signed up and paid for 3 months and I am starting to wonder if all of this was a waste.

Why does everything have to be about the physical????? Arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - I'm so mad that these guys are not willing to see the smart, intelligent, ambitious, humorous woman I am, because they cant see outside of my shell. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I had to VENT!!!!!!!!!!

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Tabithan-Just reading your posts motivates me...but...

To answer your questions, I have had about 6 fills. Most of the time they werejust 0.25 or so. About 6 mos ago I had all of the Fluid taken out because I was PB'ing all of the time. I was stuffing myself all of the time. I had gotten to where I didnt care if I got sick as long as I got to eat what I wanted. Anyway...talked myself into trying again and went back to my doc and got two more fills (I am at 1.25cc in a 4cc band) The commitment lasted till the next day and I was back to my old habits....I cant seem to find the strength to move on. Every time I eat something Im not supposed to I feel horrible...but just not bad enough to stop!!

Tomorrows another day Scarlet...lol!!!!

I am barely 5'2" so I always show every pound. As we speak I am planning my menu for tomorrow. That has to be a step in the right direction. I HAVE TO DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!! GET IT IN MY HEAD!!!! ha ha

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Tabithan-Just reading your posts motivates me...but...

To answer your questions, I have had about 6 fills. Most of the time they werejust 0.25 or so. About 6 mos ago I had all of the Fluid taken out because I was PB'ing all of the time. I was stuffing myself all of the time. I had gotten to where I didnt care if I got sick as long as I got to eat what I wanted. Anyway...talked myself into trying again and went back to my doc and got two more fills (I am at 1.25cc in a 4cc band) The commitment lasted till the next day and I was back to my old habits....I cant seem to find the strength to move on. Every time I eat something Im not supposed to I feel horrible...but just not bad enough to stop!!

Tomorrows another day Scarlet...lol!!!!

I am barely 5'2" so I always show every pound. As we speak I am planning my menu for tomorrow. That has to be a step in the right direction. I HAVE TO DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!! GET IT IN MY HEAD!!!! ha ha

Hi White06,

Have you considered a couple of things:

a) the 5 day pouch test. Supposedly when you go on this strictly, it helps get rid of the cravings you have. The website for the 5 day pouch diet is: Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test

:party: Planning to snack on something naughty. Rather than completely eliminating the naughty Snacks, just gradually eliminating them from your system. This would be tough for me, but it may be what you need. E.g. You deny yourself a cookie all day, but save the cookie for 8PM daily. this can be your daily "cheat" and you can plan for it in your calorie allocation.

c) Finding healthy alternatives to snack on. For example, I love the Kashi bars - the crunch ones - like the pumpkin spice flavor - yum - i feel like I am having Cookies but instead I am having a healthy alternative. Or if you crave chocolate, trying the Quaker Chewy chocolate chip granola bars - they are only 100 calories, but they taste dlish. This way, when you snack, and only once a day on your naughty snack, you are not snacking on 500 calories.

Try this if you need ideas, and let us know how it goes!!!!!

Any other ideas from the group????

you can do it, white06!!!


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How's everyone doing on their goals today? for me, so far, so good, since yesterday!!! Back on track after my disastrous holiday!!! :party:

I GAINED 1.6lbs over the holidays!!! My weight is now 246 but I refuse to change it on the TICKER - hehehe - just because I know I can lose it quickly when back on track. At least I am stopping at the 1.6lb increase rather than waiting till it is 5 or 10lbs. That's my way of self congratulating...hehehe

How's everyone doing??

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