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skinnyjenny08 aint so skinny and 08 is almost over!!!

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:blink:seriously!!! i need some advice because i am going crazy! i am so very aggrivated right now. i was banded august 27th and have ONLY LOST 23 POUNDS! :thumbup: whats the freakin problem?? what am i doing wrong? i mean seriously... well- ok do i exercise?? to be honest no, but only b/c i get up at 6, leave house by 730 drive 45 minutes to work, get off btw 5 and 7 usually then drive home, but when i get home i have school work, a husband, and a child. so you tell me where im to fit in exercise??!!???!:eek: but i know that can not be the only reason why im not loosing weight. so what is the problem??? i have had 3 fills and i feel the same. i am still able to eat pretty much whatever i want- which yes i am sure is getting me in some trouble but i do not eat near as much as i used to. so- can anybody help me with this?????? anybody else going throught the same thing? share some of your stories, what do you eat or drink? how do you exercise? yadda yadda... maybe your story can help me.

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Have you tried getting up 30 minutes earlier and maybe doing some cardio? Morning exercise boosts your metabolism. Or maybe on your breaks at work go walking? Tell your husband you need to have 30 minutes alone time with yourself. Have him take care of your kids and you take that 30 minutes whether it is to exercise in your room or walk your neighboorhood block. I hope that helps. I have not been banded yet.....BUT I do understand time can be rough to find, but if it is something that is essential try making the time. Post a schedule on the refridgerator and have the time you are going to have you time highlighted and make sure no one bothers you. Also, maybe take your kids for the walk with you? There are different ways to do things...you just have to find what works best for you.

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I was only banded last Wednesday but I will tell you I was hungry from the get go and feel as though I am able to eat way more than I should be able to a week out of surgery. I haven't lost much post surgery like i thought I might. I haven't exercised so much but I have at least walked around the block a time or two each day which was more than I WAS doing.

I think that at work going for walks helps, in my office there is always someone going for a walk, we have a huge work campus to walk around (about a mile all the way around) however I also live near Seattle and I just don't walk in the rain and cold so that is quickly coming to an end for me. I hope you have better weather in Texas! LOL!!!

And how about weekends? Can you get up before the kids and get a half hour of exercise in on those days? Then if you can find 2 days during the week as well you will be off to a great start.

Keep your chin up, everyone loses at different rates...Its hard to be on the slow end but you will do it! :thumbup:

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You have to find a way to make time for exercise. The biggest thing that is hard for us is that exercise needs to be a priority . . . but sometimes we put personal time last when we have family, work, school, etc.

I have a full-time plus job, am a graduate student working on my masters and have a child at home and one on the way . . . exercise is my priority even with all that. Once you make it a habit it gets easier, and after time you find that you need & want it to relieve stress. It becomes important to you.

Until I found restriction, I was losing the weight so slow, it wasn't even funny. If you can still eat everything, the band is not doing enough to help you and you need more of a fill. I lost almost all of my weight after my second fill and am 1 pound away from 100% weight loss and a normal BMI . . . but it did take most of a year to get there.

Getting another fill, getting the exercise in if at all possible and charting your dietary intake should make sure you are on track to continue losing.

Also, if you consider that we are supposed to be losing 1-2 pounds a week, 23 pounds is not bad for being banded at the end of August . . . you are on track so don't be so hard on yourself.

Your average over 13 weeks banded is 1.77 pounds, my average over 44 weeks is 1.91 - that is pretty small rate difference (and exercise might be the only difference between us, and I didn't start exercising until 3+ months out).

So give it a little time, keep doing in the right things, keep your chin up . . . and just think of what you will be wearing by next summer, lol.

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you may not be as skinny at the end of 08 as you want to be but hey you are skinnier and that in my book is a big plus!!! you are doing great so dont be so hard on yourself. The suggestions to try and walk at work is a good one...also try to do some jumping jacks if you can sneak them in somewhere through out the day, 10 or 15 here in there may not seem like much buy hey its better then nothing.

I can also pretty much eat whatever I want just smaller portions but there are alot of things that I choose not to eat or at least I will eat them as a treat once a week or every 2 weeks. If your current fill is not giving you enough restriction then try to go for another one but in the mean time try to think about what you are eating. are you getting enough Protein? eating to many carbs? I dont count anything - carbs, calories, fat - but I do try to stay away from things that are high in those catergories on a daily basis.

dont get down on yourself you are doing great...good luck!

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:blink:seriously!!! i need some advice because i am going crazy! i am so very aggrivated right now. i was banded august 27th and have ONLY LOST 23 POUNDS! :cursing: whats the freakin problem?? what am i doing wrong? i mean seriously... well- ok do i exercise?? to be honest no, but only b/c i get up at 6, leave house by 730 drive 45 minutes to work, get off btw 5 and 7 usually then drive home, but when i get home i have school work, a husband, and a child. so you tell me where im to fit in exercise??!!???!:eek: but i know that can not be the only reason why im not loosing weight. so what is the problem??? i have had 3 fills and i feel the same. i am still able to eat pretty much whatever i want- which yes i am sure is getting me in some trouble but i do not eat near as much as i used to. so- can anybody help me with this?????? anybody else going throught the same thing? share some of your stories, what do you eat or drink? how do you exercise? yadda yadda... maybe your story can help me.

My suggestion would be to walk on your lunch break. You will feel so much better. I understand perfectly about being busy.I too am married,I have kids,I have an hour commute to work and I go to school part time so I TOTALLY understand how hectic things can be but I will tell you what was told to me by friends/Doctors etc,you have to make time for yourself. Walking is a wonderful way to decompress and lose the weight at the same time. My other suggestion would be to talk to the Doctor ,I would think after having fills that you shouldn't be able to eat anything you want,from what i've heard anyways. I myself will not have my first fill until January 8th. My other suggestion would be to follow the nutrition guidelines and suggested foods only. I've eaten only what's on my list. Just remember ,this is your journey,do this for yourself. If for some reason you can't walk on your lunch break ,maybe get up a few minutes before you normally do and go out for a quick walk or invest in a tread mill.

Good luck ,you can do it :unsure:.

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I don't know what you are eating- but that is what matters more than the excercise in my opinion.

I struggled with seeing the same number on the scale for months- believing that I could eat whatever I wanted- because I was eating less. Oh, and the excuse of I got this surgery so I didn't "have to follow a diet"

So I decided to drink EAS low carb Protein drinks for Breakfast (100 cal, 17 g.protein), a few slices of deli meat for lunch or low calorie Soups,(under 200 cals and low fat) drink tons of tea and Water and have grilled fish or chicken for dinner with veggies. I stayed away from anything I didn't know the calorie content for. It is much easier if you stay out of restaurants because you never know what you are really getting.

You can eat as much of these items as you feel hungry- the key is you are staying away from sugar and high carbs.

I dropped 9 lbs in less than 2 weeks. (and I did excercise 2-3 x a week)

Believe me, it is a struggle but well worth it to help you get over a hurdle. After you get all that other shit out of your system (sugar, high glycemic carbs) you feel better and don't want it as much. Look at that food as chemical dependency.

Just try it and see if it can work for you.

Edited by Just Banded

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I was banded on June 10th and have lost 28 lbs so far. I am disappointed but my doctor is happy with my progress. I do some exercise and eat what I am supposed to eat and but I don't exercise every day. I take several medications and some of them interfere with weight loss but I am not giving up. I figured I have lost an average of a little more than a pound a week. I just want that to keep going. I do not have a problem with flabby skin and still need to lose 50 + lbs. Losing slower helps in that area. Hang in there. I know exercising is important but you have to prioritize your life and family is important--but so are you. Getting healthy is the best thing I am trying to do for family and me.

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Hi Jennifer,

You and I were banded on the same day.:unsure: I have lost 31 pounds since surgery with a total of 64 since consult on May 19th. I went to the doctor the other day and he told me I am doing great. I was hoping I would be down more but my nurse reminded me to look for the non scale victories also. I'm off one of three blood pressure pills, have a lot more energy and I'm also down 3 sizes in clothes. I too have not been exercising but I have been more active than I was. I'm trying to work it in to my day. Keep a journal so you can see where you may be going wrong with what you are eating. I know it helps me. Keep in touch maybe we can keep each other motivated.


Remember: We didn't gain it overnight, so it's not going to go away over night!:cursing:

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Try working in just 10 minutes every 4 hours at your breaks. I was gettign up at 4:30 am for the entire summer and walking on treadmill for 45 minutes, then driving 50 min. to work. Too hot in the summer to get out In the evenings. Now that it is cooler. I sleep a little later in the am walk 55 minutes at lunch, we have created a walking buddy at work. Some days we have 6-8 people walking maybe the parking lot, sometimes around the corner to get to the sidewalk. I remember I signed on for this and When I feel lazy and don't get moving in the a.m. I feel really guilty. Every chance you can get out and walk with the kids and DH, It will tire them out faster and maybe give you time to do 30 minutes dancing before bedtime or some quiet hand weight lifting or yoga. Turn the tV off when you get home. ASk DH to help so you can have extra time for exercise.Anything to get that heart rate up is cardio. Small children love to jump around with mom. include the entire family in your new lifestyle. Let them know you are really serious about your new life. Good luck hang in there.08 is not over yet...

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You have only lost 23 lbs by your own admission. You dont exercise and you overeat. That will do it. Maybe talk to your doctor again and see about a getting another adjustment.

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Hey Jenny; I'm sorry about your frustration. I have to tell you that I am a single mother, so its mostly easy. Try to get some time in there for yourself, if not you will start to feel that the band wasn't worth it. What kind of job do you have? if its a sit down one, girlie, get up, move around often, bring some weights. Good luck to you

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:blink:seriously!!! i need some advice because i am going crazy! i am so very aggrivated right now. i was banded august 27th and have ONLY LOST 23 POUNDS! :) whats the freakin problem?? what am i doing wrong? i mean seriously... well- ok do i exercise?? to be honest no, but only b/c i get up at 6, leave house by 730 drive 45 minutes to work, get off btw 5 and 7 usually then drive home, but when i get home i have school work, a husband, and a child. so you tell me where im to fit in exercise??!!???!:laugh: but i know that can not be the only reason why im not loosing weight. so what is the problem??? i have had 3 fills and i feel the same. i am still able to eat pretty much whatever i want- which yes i am sure is getting me in some trouble but i do not eat near as much as i used to. so- can anybody help me with this?????? anybody else going throught the same thing? share some of your stories, what do you eat or drink? how do you exercise? yadda yadda... maybe your story can help me.

Maybe its time to really look at your life and ask if your happy. A healthy balanced life is important for your kids, husband and most importantly yourself. You sound like you have way to much on your plate. No one on their death bed ever says I wish I worked more.

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Sounds like you just don't have enough restriction. You have the band so use it. Get another fill and decide to start over. My doctor recommends doing shakes (5 per day) for a bit of time after the fill. The stomach is a muscle so I would focus on not stretching it out. I would do two weeks of liquids, a week or two of mush and then back to a low-carb healthy diet. Make sure you get at least 50 grams of Protein and enough Water. I would start walking with goals like time or distance (nike plus ipod is my personal goal keeper) and increase it as you make improvements. It seems like you don't know where the problem is so go back to the bear minimium and then add on to it while watching what your weight is doing. Another thing is that you could have food intolerances that interfere with your weightloss. Going to a natural low carb diet where you carbs come from fruits and veggies and healthy breads could help you identify things your body just doesn't process well. Common intolerances include:dairy, wheat, perservatives and chemicals in foods. I did the Glucerna shakes for diabetes they help maintain your blood sugar so your not hungry all the time. I view the band and the weightloss as a journey. It's never to late to take a change of course. If I were you I would wake up tomorrow with a more positive outlook and just take life a day at a time. I liked the comment about keeping a balanced life I think it's something you must aim for and make sure to take time for yourself. I was banded on Nov 12th. (BMI 44) I lost 15 pounds preop drinking glucerna and working out 5 days a week (started the preop diet Oct 20th) and 13 pounds post op so far. I started walking again yesterday about 8 days post op. I have just been drinking the glucerna's and next week I will start my mush diet...yah!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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