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How are the banded Notorious Novembers???

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Hi everybody!!!

I was banded in November of 2008, as well. It's about time I check in w/ you!!!

I recently had my third fill and am finally feeling restriction. It actually may be too much and I'm having it checked out w/ an upper GI today. Of course part of me does not want to part w/ any saline! But the other part of me knows that I need to be healthy.

Up until this recent fill (now 5 cc's in a 10 cc band), I was able to eat most things - and even drink while I eat. Not anymore. Now, I can just eat maybe one sausage (or a 1/2 of one you'd put on a grill), and it feels like it's stuck in my chest for HOURS. It's giving me mid-back pain, too...for HOURS. Does that sound like it's too tight to you all experienced folks?

Well, we'll see what happens later today - and I'll check back in. I'd appreciate any feedback you all have...thanks!!! :o

hey mamacita, first things first...is that sigmund the seamonster as your profile pic? I sooo love that.

well about you being to tight, i am gpoing through that right now. i had a fill which i thought gave me great restiction but it also gave me horrible heartburn. an esophogiagram confirmed it and i had 3 out of my 6 cc's removed to my absolute horror. i know for sure that i am now to loose and my doc and i need to get on track for getting mr to a better restricted level. i havent lost much c=since my unfill. but i am actually glad that i havent gained.

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Hey guys!

I can't believe that it has been nine months since my surgery on Nov. 20, 2008. I have lost 45 lbs and I am very happy that it has been slow and steady.

However, when my colleagues see me after being gone for the summer, they are like wow...how did you lose so fast? When I tell them about the band, they respond like oh that's how and insinuate that I took the easy route.

It's so far from the truth. With past diets, I have lost weight much faster but I have gained it back. This process has been slow and it's been an emotional roller coaster. Facing the ugly demon that I am a food addict has not been easy!

I am about 15 lbs. away from my goal weight. I know that if I keep on keeping on, I will get their eventually.

Anyway guys...hang in there because we are better off this year than we were last year.

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Hi Notorious Novembers!

I'm checking in...doing well right now. Kinda stuck for weight loss, but the inches are coming off and the clothing sizes are dropping, so I'm pretty pleased.

I'm just over halfway to my goal of losing 110 pounds - I'm down 60 and staring Onederland in the face! It feels like forever since a significant loss, so I've got to take some of the advice I've been giving others and journal all my food to figure out what I'm doing to stall my weight loss.

Tried on some size 14 bottoms today - I can get them on, but they are not comfortable to wear yet. I'm happier in 16's. That's a big change from my pre-band sizes of 22-24! My proportions have changed - my waist is getting smaller and I now have to dress around the lower tummy instead of dressing around the ENTIRE tummy!:thumbup:

I'm pleased with my progress - understanding that I still have a ways to go. My blood sugar numbers are much better (I'm a type II diabetic) and my meds are much reduced.

Glad to see everyone checking in - and yes, while we struggle a bit, we are definately NOT where we used to be!:cursing:

Delivered - I think losing with the lap-band is actually harder than people believe it is. We still have to make good choices on what we eat, we still exercise, it's still in OUR hands. The folks who have gotten the bypass have less opportunity, I think, to eat past their bypass - the fundamental change in their anatomy makes weight loss for them faster and more sure. They have their own issues, for sure, but I think that is by far the easier solution. I chose the band because I WANTED to be in control and because I didn't want the malabsorptive challenges of the bypass.

ddgalarza - you're doing great not to have GAINED any weight! I know without my band and my current level of restriction, I'd be eating badly and regaining what I've lost - it's a big fear of mine. I don't want to EVER be unfilled. I read some of the entries elsewhere on this site about what people try to eat while banded (or newly banded) and I'm horrified...keep up the good work - you and your doc will figure out the right level for you and you'll be losing again at a good rate very soon...

Mamacita - sounds like you have a good level of restriction and are eating properly. Take care of yourself!

aloudwhisper - hang in there...sometimes we stall and have to go back to what worked for us the first time. Sounds like you are doing that by writing down what you're eating. Try switching up your Snacks to something else and see if that jump-starts your weight loss again. I know I have to do that - I've gotten into a routine and it may not be the best for me, so I've got to shake things up as well.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!:)

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I have not been on here for months in fear of hearing how well everyone is doing but me. Glad to know I am not the only one not losing.

I think that was the reason that I wasn't getting on the site as well, but I realized that I need this. I need to talk about it with as many people that know that I am going through. Those that overcame, as well as hearing from those still in the struggle. We can't give up. We didn't go through this surgery for nothing. Sometimes with forget, because we are all caught up in us. Any support is better than nothing at all.

Stay encouraged.

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Thanks so much for our words Ebony. Congrats on looking at Onederland. I can't wait to get close. I feel like the kid in the back sit of the car, screaming at my mom "are we there yet?" LOL! Wow, 14s. That is great. I can't wait. That is a beautiful thing to get in 14s.

You are also right that I need to shake things up. I know that my eating is the problem for me. I also need to be more mindful of my eating on the weekends, cause I am known to do so good with my eating during the weekday, and the sabatoge by Saturday. I am trying to consider other Snacks, and ensuring that I eat more fruits and veggies. I know that is a big part of the problem.

Congrats Delievered! Don't worry about what people say. I don't even tell a lot of people, cause I don't have the time for being judged. They only assume that its easy, and everyone compares our surgery to gastric, but it is so different. Keep pushing forward. I know I am on my way.

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Well, my radical hysterectomy is scheduled for Sept 3rd. I had not lost much all summer mostly due to my trips and the way I was eating. I had needed a bit of a fill for a long time. I went for one a week and a half ago and the Dr told me I will have to be totally unfilled for my surgery and wanted to do it that day. I argued that I could do lots of damage in 3 wks and wanted to return the day before. He agreed since I was already prepped and said he would give me a "good fill". Well, I am at 5.5 cc's and it is just too much and I am miserable some of the time. I have trouble getting pills down and have had them stuck several times, had food stuck and been sick too many times and would have been back in for an unfill if it were not for the total unfill coming up. I now see why people do not lose when they are too tight as I do tend to go for slider foods when really hungry and those Cookies, chips and chocolate go down very easy!!!! I just hope I can get back to a comfortable place after the surgery and also not gain any weight while unfilled. I am two pounds from my original goal, but will now change it to about 15 pounds lower (much to my husband's dismay!!)

I'm happy to see everyone here is hanging in there and most are seeing great results and everyone is confident they will succeed!!!

Edited by jms462001

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I haven't written for awhile, life seems to keep me pretty busy between work, daughter, home. I am excited to now only be in the obese category, can't wait to get out of this category and off of blood pressure medicine, i've been on it for maybe 15 years. I've had steady weight loss since the banding in November with a few weeks of stall or gain, but am proud to be down 60lbs, with 48 to go.

I have not told very many folks that I had the band, I didn't see any reason to ask I knew that I'd get the response "oh you did that" like there was little work on my part.

All for now, got to go to church.


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OK let us all have a reality check!!! We all got the Lap Band which is well know for SLOW weight loss. If memory serves me correctly they say the average bandster loses 1 to 2 pounds a week. We are only 9 months out from surgery, a mer 36 weeks. So by my calculations we are all doing pretty DAM good! i know that some have lost much more than others, but we are all losing. We should be so proud of our selves. We are banded but we put forth the effort, the BANd is not the MAGIC cure. My niece just had the Bypass 4 weeks ago and she has already lost 35 pounds, BUT thats not what I signed up for. Slow and steady. We shouldnt beat our selves up over how much we HAVENT lost , but be proud of what we have....My good thoughts and encouragment to ALL!!!!

Edited by ddgalarza

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You are so right! I have lost a total of 49 pounds since starting this process and my surgeon says he just doesn't know why I haven't lost more. This is defeating for me. I feel good about my loss. I am 59 years old and it isn't as easy for me as for some of the youngsters, but I am working just as hard. I am off my diabetes medicine completely, as well as 3 other meds. Without the surgery, I would definitely be bigger than the 257 where I started. I can see onederland, but I am struggling to get there. I am at 208 right now. I WILL get there, but maybe not as quickly as I wanted. I will get there though. I want to be healthy for my family and my beautiful four year old twin granddaughers. I want to go to their weddings and hold their children. I am on my way......not my will, but Thine be done, Lord!

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You are so right! I have lost a total of 49 pounds since starting this process and my surgeon says he just doesn't know why I haven't lost more. This is defeating for me. I feel good about my loss. I am 59 years old and it isn't as easy for me as for some of the youngsters, but I am working just as hard. I am off my diabetes medicine completely, as well as 3 other meds. Without the surgery, I would definitely be bigger than the 257 where I started. I can see onederland, but I am struggling to get there. I am at 208 right now. I WILL get there, but maybe not as quickly as I wanted. I will get there though. I want to be healthy for my family and my beautiful four year old twin granddaughers. I want to go to their weddings and hold their children. I am on my way......not my will, but Thine be done, Lord!


49 pounds is AMAZING!!!! You should be patting yourself on the back and dont let a non supportive surgeon take any of your glory away!!!

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You are so right. We should be happy. I have to remind myself that I am better than where I was. This is journey, and I am so grateful to be on this path. I am looking better than I was last year at this time. Gloryyyy!

Stay encouraged everyone!

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So I went and saw my regular doctor today (damn head cold), haven't seen him since last September when he did my referral for insurance on my lapband. He was so awesome.....he comes in and says 'honey you look like a new woman, 65 lbs! Wow!". We should all remember that, people who haven't seen us since our surgery are FLOORED at how good we look! Even if you've only lost 20 pounds, it's better than the 20 you would've GAINED if you hadn't had the surgery.

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Thanks, dd, for the encouragement. I have to admit I do let my surgeon get to me. I can't go to him for support. But, I am on the right path and we can all do this together. Some will be there faster, but slow and steady wins the race. Everyone have a good day!

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NSV Bridesmaids Dress Update

So first off I am still unfilled down to 3cc's following an extended espisode with heartburn. So my restirction is basically non exsistent, but I am trying to the best I can with food choices and exercise. But the good thin is that I back to my surgeon tomorrow so hopefully there is a fill in my immediate future so I can get some help getting the scale moving.

So do you guys remember me asking your advice about ordering bridesmaids dress for a wedding I going to be in in October? Well at the time I was in an 18, and took a gamble on myself and ordered the dress in a 14... Well I picked up the dress yesterday...

Can I get a drum roll please?!?!?!?!?

The dam thing didn't fit! It's to fricken BIG!!!!!! Like I had to hold it up (its strapless) so that it would stay up to BIG! I am so floored I mean i probably could have gotten away with ordering a 10. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!!

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NSV Bridesmaids Dress Update

So first off I am still unfilled down to 3cc's following an extended espisode with heartburn. So my restirction is basically non exsistent, but I am trying to the best I can with food choices and exercise. But the good thin is that I back to my surgeon tomorrow so hopefully there is a fill in my immediate future so I can get some help getting the scale moving.

So do you guys remember me asking your advice about ordering bridesmaids dress for a wedding I going to be in in October? Well at the time I was in an 18, and took a gamble on myself and ordered the dress in a 14... Well I picked up the dress yesterday...

Can I get a drum roll please?!?!?!?!?

The dam thing didn't fit! It's to fricken BIG!!!!!! Like I had to hold it up (its strapless) so that it would stay up to BIG! I am so floored I mean i probably could have gotten away with ordering a 10. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!!

This is wonderful news:thumbup: Good job:)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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