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Just had my band removed...

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Long story, short: I was having a lot of reflux and my doc unfilled me lat week. I spent a week on liquids and had a UGI scheduled for Monday for him to check that the swelling and dilation had gone down. It didn't. He admitted me to the hospital and scheduled for me revision surgery. I went into surgery understanding that he wanted to reposition the band... but came out of surgery hearing that he needed to REMOVE the band due to the inflamation in my stomach. :)

I have to be bandless for at least 90 days - he said that will allow my stomach to heal and the inflamation and swelling to completely go away. They we can talk about my options for getting it replaced.

In the meantime I have so many questions. He has me on full liquids for 2 days during recovery. What did you first eat? Did it go down OK? Stay down OK? Did you find that your stomach shrank any and that it took less food to feel full than before you were banded?

I know after reading many of the threads in this forum, many do not want their band back - but I DO!!! I was banded for just shy of 2 years and had many more GOOD times than BAD with my band. I've lost 93 lbs. and don't want to gain any. Luckily, my doctor is going to work with me and prescribe an appetite suppressant to help keep me in line during the interim... Right now, I'm just concerned with starting to eat like a "normal person" again. What did you eat? How long were you on liquids before eating? He didn't say anything about a mushy stage - just liquids, then do my own thing. Help??? :)

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Hi Jaime,

I had mine removed a month ago and I think I was on light food for a couple days but I have noticed that I feel like my stomach has shrunk because I can't eat as much as I did prior to banding over a year ago. Right now I'm pms'ng so I crave more food especially salty/sweet but that's pretty normal for me. But I definitely do not have the appetite I had prior. I hope you have the same sensation as I know you don't want to put any weight on. I never had an endoscopy done but so in some ways I wonder if there's something else going on in there because of the fact that sometimes I feel like certain foods are still difficult to eat. I see my surgeon next week to ask him about it but other than the reflux pains I wasn't having much of a problem before.

Anyway good luck to you, Nancy.:rolleyes2:

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Hi Nancy,

THanks for your response!!! I am hoping that is the case for me too - little appetite... or at least much less than before! Did you have issues with your stomach grumbling or anything like that? BC mine has already started!!! UGH! Could be bc I've been on nothing but liquids for 2 weeks now. I hope that I can eat much less than I did 2 years ago, prior to being banded. I imagine my stomach shrunk, it would have to, right?

What kind of foods are still difficult for you to eat? And what do you mean difficult? Obviously with no band... you don't have a PB or "stuck" feeling... so can you elaborate?

Thanks for the info.

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At first it was like I heard food actually going from the top of my stomach to the bottom and it was really weird because it had been so long since I had experienced a normal stomach. So it wasn't really a growl but more noise, lol.

Today I had Chinese food and prior to surgery I could eat a full plate and go back for another full plate. After surgery a couple bites unless it was Soup. Since the removal I eat like a normal person it's very strange but I think I'm having success because I had the lap band and then it removed. I know that sounds crazy but the shrinking of the stomach did more for me than the lap band. Now of course it's only been a month so I have to be careful but I am more conscious of a "real" sense of fullness than I had before banding and naturally during banding as that was a fake fullness of sorts.

I didn't have to do the liquids like you do because I didn't have problems with my stomach. Also you know how in your head because you've been banded for so long you know certain foods will clog you like bread or donuts or something like that well they still kind of do and I don't know why. Is that weird or what. It's not like I can't eat them but I can only eat so much of them. Also I don't know if my esophagus has anything to do with it because of the reflux probs I had/and still have to a point.

But it is a nice thing to be in touch with the "true" sense of fullness which I don't know how long it's been since I've experienced it.

I did overeat once and then I realized I can't just vomit like I did when I was banded and that was kind of strange. No one likes to vomit especially from the bottom of the stomach so I try to avoid overeating but when you're getting ready for your period it's sometimes cravings that take over.

Take care Nancy:smile:

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NANCY!!! I am so so sooooo glad you responded to me!!! This is exactly what I wanted to know! And although, yes, some of what you said sounds odd --- but I think I know exactly what you mean... I was trying to explain to my husband how I feel like Water or tea or whatever is going WAAAAY down and I hear it/feel it - instead of that "hang out and trickle" that I used to feel!

Maybe you're right... the stomach shrinking will be enough to keep all my good band habits in tact, even without the band!!! I feel so much better after reading your post. Anything else you want to share - I'm more than happy to hear it. I don't post here much. I will PM you my info. I'd definetely like to stay in touch.

Thanks again for all your info!!! :rolleyes2:

- Jess

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I am so glad to read your posts. I am supposed to get my band removed this coming Monday. I have so much fear about that right now because I don't want to gain my weight back. I know the doctor has told me that they'll help with appetite suppressents, etc, but I'm so afraid. I know what I was like before the band. I was just starting to see real success. I've lost 75 pounds, but still have about 80 to go. I have just gotten into clothing in the regular department - out of the plus sizes- and I am so afraid of going back. Aside from all that, how is the surgery compared to getting the band in? How long is the recovery? I'm supposed to fly across the country in 2 weeks to see my first grandchild and I don't want to miss it. Did your reflux problem begin to clear up immediately? I'm really anxious to hear what others have to say. Thanks.

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I am sorry you have had all this worry. It is my biggest fear that I would ever have to have the band removed. I have binge eating disorder and without the band I would be awful and even now sometimes try to abuse it now I have reached my target weight.

My partner told me last night that I had lost enough then joked about are you sure the scales are right about your weight you seem heavier than tha so that has upset me and I am now trying to loose even more now.

I wish you well and am thinking of you at this difficult time.

take care Dianne:thumbdown:

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That is wonderful that you have hit your target weight, but everytime you think of hurting yourself just think that you are so beautiful and you do not need to hurt yourself, please do this for me!!!

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Aside from all that, how is the surgery compared to getting the band in? How long is the recovery? I'm supposed to fly across the country in 2 weeks to see my first grandchild and I don't want to miss it. Did your reflux problem begin to clear up immediately? I'm really anxious to hear what others have to say. Thanks.

i totally and completely understand your fears, smammas!!! my doc also prescribed me an appetite suppresant. are you getting your band back, or do you have any info. on that yet?

yes, the reflux goes away immediately. mine actually went away when he unfilled me. i needed to have the band removed bc my stomach swelling didn't go down and he said i was at risk for other issues if they didn't take it out. but after 90 days of healing, we can discuss putting it back!

today was my first day eating solids in 2 weeks! i had cerearl this morning and one small bowl, just like with the band, was enough!!! so, so far so good!!! :thumbs_up:

thanks for your thoughts!

I am sorry you have had all this worry. I wish you well and am thinking of you at this difficult time. take care Dianne
take care of YOURSELF, dianne!!! thank you so much for your thoughts! :frown:

myself, i have lost over 90 lbs. but to reach MY goal, i need to lose over 50 more... to reach my "ideal" weight, i need to lose 80 more. sooooooooooooooooooo, i have a long journey still in front of me. good news: it's not as long as it was 2 years, and 93 lbs. ago!!!!

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Taking it out and putting it back in do you pay for that or did your insurance cover that??? Not that I need that but I was just wondering who eats that bill???

Good luck to you all and I pray that you are all feeling 100 soon.



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I am so glad to read your posts. I am supposed to get my band removed this coming Monday. I have so much fear about that right now because I don't want to gain my weight back. I know the doctor has told me that they'll help with appetite suppressents, etc, but I'm so afraid. I know what I was like before the band. I was just starting to see real success. I've lost 75 pounds, but still have about 80 to go. I have just gotten into clothing in the regular department - out of the plus sizes- and I am so afraid of going back. Aside from all that, how is the surgery compared to getting the band in? How long is the recovery? I'm supposed to fly across the country in 2 weeks to see my first grandchild and I don't want to miss it. Did your reflux problem begin to clear up immediately? I'm really anxious to hear what others have to say. Thanks.

I found recovery much easier but I did not have any comps. I had the same five incisions and I believe they were very close to the original ones. I did not have the gas pains that I suffered with getting the lap band and I thought the port removal site would be very painful because of the thought of them digging it out of muscle etc... but it really wasn't that bad. Also I was given better pain drugs because I didn't have the lap band, I'm assuming, this time and so that probably helped. Not "extra strength tylenol" which is what I take for a headache anyway!

I was put on medication for my reflux about two weeks prior to surgery when I was in the hospital for "chest pains" which was actually my reflux. Then I was approved in that two weeks time to have the removal done. I think the combo of the meds and the removal pretty much cleared up those pains although once in a while I will get a pain because of something I ate or drank, so I assume there's something still there going on there that can be brought on by that. I still see the surgeon one more time before it's all over with and will ask him about that.

It's been a month now and I feel fully recovered and the main thing you need to be concerned about is any heavy lifting so that you don't damage stitches or cause a hernia. I am still under a guard for heavy lifting but there's a difference between heavy lifting after getting the band and heavy lifting after removal. I'm sure you've heard of people who have lifted something heavy and the port popped or something like that. So you don't have that issue to worry about.

Also as I said earlier I definitely feel my stomach has shrunk as I can tell I can eat much less than I had prior to banding even though the doctor warned me I'd gain back the weight. I never did well with weight loss on the band so for me having it removed made it easier for me to actually start to lose weight. Now I know I'm in that percentage of those who don't lose on the band which is probably small.

I hope you do fine and good luck to you and enjoy your trip, Nancy.:thumbs_up:

Edited by Nanook

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Taking it out and putting it back in do you pay for that or did your insurance cover that??? Not that I need that but I was just wondering who eats that bill???

Good luck to you all and I pray that you are all feeling 100 soon.



For me my insurance paid for the surgery except for co-pays and insurance paid for the removal except for a smaller co-pay because I was out-patient and the bill was about 1/3 smaller than the lap band surgery.

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Taking it out and putting it back in do you pay for that or did your insurance cover that??? Not that I need that but I was just wondering who eats that bill??? Good luck to you all and I pray that you are all feeling 100 soon. Thanks, Angcal

my insurance has covered everything thus far. i have NO idea about putting it back in. i actually have an appt. on nov. 20th to discuss all my options - and that is certainly a question i have on my list!!! i will report back. since it HAD to be taken out due to dilation... it wasn't my CHOICE. i wonder if that will have me covered?

For me my insurance paid for the surgery except for co-pays and insurance paid for the removal except for a smaller co-pay because I was out-patient and the bill was about 1/3 smaller than the lap band surgery.
my insurance paid for everything as of yet. i don't know about how the hospitalization works - it was my first time being admitted into the hospital. i guess we'll see. i have pretty good insurance (bcbs - ppn)

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Hello everyone. I am having my band removed this week too. I don't want to sound negative but I too had nothing but problems with the band. In fact, it has been a living nightmare. I developed Atelectasis/Pneumonia as a result of getting the Lapband surgery. I was scared to death of ANY surgery after that. I had one fill and thereafter I threw up constantly. Had to puree all my food - even soups! Started eating Wendys Frosty's too, which was a BIG mistake (don't ever taste one if you haven't yet). I only lost about 25 pounds with the band. Still threw up solid foods often. When I started having severe gastric pain along with throwing up even pureed Soup and liquids, I knew I had to get an endoscopy. Was told I had GERD (reflux) as a result of the band and had to go on Nexium and get the fill removed. I didn't want to give up on the band though so after that, I joined Nutrisystem to make sure I was getting small nutritious meals, but couldn't even keep some of those down. Started eating more Frostys ( I now have an addiction to Frostys and ice cream.) Had unbiased X-Rays taken from someone the surgeon didn't know and that Radiologist said that it looked to him like the band was placed almost on the esophogus instead of the top third of the stomach, - which of course the surgeon denies because he doesn't want his "reputation" tarnished (he told me he hoped the Radiologist didn't put that in writing, but of course the Radiologist did). I have now gained back almost all the weight that I lost. Still terrified of getting surgery to remove the band but I have no choice, I can't live like this. No other surgeons want to get involved with the mistakes of the first surgeon, so I am going to have to trust him to take it out correctly...

After the band removal, I have decided to start seeing a new Counselor (my other Counselor who was great retired right about the time I got the band put in - sigh). I plan to WORK the Nutrisystem program the right way once I heal and can hold things down correctly. I am a Christian and I would like some of you who are also Christians to pray for me, because I believe God especially listens to the prayers of others who know what you are going through too (in essence, you become Wounded Healers or Prayer Warriors yourselves!).

I will be back to give everyone some updates on how I am doing. Thanks in advance for your prayers and your support! -BandedWrong

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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