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NJ (& Others) Nov/Dec 2008 Chat

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Can I just say liquid PHASE SUCKS? Ok I can't say it's out of my system but, at least I said it lol. There isn't anything I can have thats appealing, Protein Shakes are wearing on me, I tried chicken star Soup all blended up that was ok for about 5 sips, I blended up Kale soup...well that was good as long as you didn't look at it. It ended up looking like something the Exercist threw up ewwwwwwww. I have 11 more days of liquids. Oh lordy please help me. Ok I'm done wining lmao. I keep snapping myself out of it by saying WELL YOU COULD HAVE NOOOOO BAND and then I shut myself up but, I knew you goils would understand *wink*

Hmmm might have to melt down some frozen yogurt as Pat mentioned lol. It's really hard smelling the pizza, chinese food, steak and other things the guys are eating but, I do realize it's only short lived that I can't have this stuff. Once I'm up to the full foods part I can have them in small quantities.

So DH, DS and I just got done playing RockBand lol. OMG hysterical. I can't sing for Beans and I can't even see the words scrolling across the screen. I should have had my glasses on for distance lol. Fun though :hurray: I was able to convince my son to clean up his room and remove a piece of furniture to get the game in there. The drums stay set up all the time and he needed room. OMG what a disaster and then he did the fatal mistake of telling me to NOT go in the closet. Now.........I'm afraid, very very afraid of what could be living in there lol. Part of me wants to go through it...the other..says he's 18 let him live in it. Good thing I still get too tired right now to do it lol. I was pooped just doing grocery shopping today.

My son got me a DS Personal Chef game/program. In the program is the recipe for French Onion soup and another for Garlic Soup made with Churizo (spicey sausage) that he'd love. So I got the ingredients for it. You know the program that they've been advertising with the woman from the Friends show and alittle girl and they make chinese food. That one :laugh: It's kinda cute actually :smile: DH and DS also got me the Wii Fit package that has the padding for the Wii board, the carrying tote, the rechargeable battery pack and yoga mat so I'll be starting to use that again. I told myself back to work means start to walk and do small workouts. I just need to do this again and get my ars moving. So I'm ready when you gals are.

I'm going to set up a separate thread for our exercise tracking that way folks who want to participate can and those that don't won't feel they have to listen to our mumbo jumbo all the time lol. Sound good? I'll post the link into our regular chat so you can follow it there if you want to participate. As they say.....even moderate exercise being a 10 minute walk or taking the stairs instead of the elevator is going to help when you've done nothing at all before, helps so we don't have to make it hard on anyone. Sound good?

Well...I need to get something into my stomach before I eat something I shouldn't UGH.


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Good Morning Y'all!

Back to work for me, boy where did my time off go?

Sherry just remember you can eat anything at all as long as you put it in a blender and make it liquid!

Pat enjoy your trip! I want your lifestyle! lol

Gotta run, first day back since the 18th of December. I just know my desk is piled sky high.


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Hey Betty, Unfortunately the bariatric center I go to is pretty strict on the liquid phase of things. It's nuts! I've already pushed it a bit by liquifying some Soup. Basically suppose to be on really thin liquids until the mushy stage then I can blend anything and eat it and it can be the thickness of mash potatoes. Then onto the solids....yea I can say I'm looking forward to having some choices but, I have to wait for now.

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Sherry.....YEAH!!!!! you are doing great!!! man, it sure is hard to stick to that kind of diet, so far....but I bet the scale is already being your friend :crying: I've been thinking of you a lot today, and realizing how hard it is to be on just liquids. I'm counting down the days with you! soon.....very soon, Mushies!!!! Yea!!!!!!

Oh Betty :frown: so sorry your time off is over already....WHERE IN THE WORLD DOES IT GO!!!!!! well hope you had a good time while you were off. :thumbup:

Pat, have fun on your trip! I'm with Betty, I want YOUR lifestyle....ah, tanning in Florida :wink:...anyway, I havn't talked to you since your anniversary party! ....well, almost that long, WTH? Miss talkin' to ya. (hope you're doing alright).

What's up with Donna, Trish, Jessica, Darcy, Michaele, Eileen? How're you gals doing?

Well, guess I'll call it a night. I tried to cut my finger off carving the ham off a bone!!! DH says I should have gotten stitches...but geeze! Have you guys ever done that? Waited for the doc , at the local "dock-in-the-box" to stitch you up? ....long wait, big bill....I just don't want to do it!

BTW Kat, that gal is "somethin' else"! My goodness! what a bunch of "stuff" for your son and you and yours, to go through, while she gets with her former boyfriend and then later, quits that....geeze! (fodder for a book!)

have a good nite everyone.

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Good Morning Gals from sunny Florida!

Hahaha, my lifestyle, when you're my age you'll be doing the same thing! To be honest traveling is not my cup of tea, this is hubby's dream. Although, once I'm here, I do enjoy the weather and usually want to stay a little longer.

Sherry, hang in there girl. Glad my doctor only did the 2 weeks of liquids and 2 weeks of mushies. Also, on liquids, I could have anything that would go through a straw, took a while to find a straw the pureed gravy would go through, :blink:.

Diane, you've got some nerve, asking where everyone else has been and you've been mia all month! We need to make a date soon. You owe me a trip to my neck of the woods when I get back, lets make a day of it.

For all you busy, missing pals, Happy New Year.

Betty, my desk will be even worse when I get back, because they will all be bills to pay :party:.

Oh yeah Sherry, remember I got the Wii Fit several months ago, well, it's still in the box, unopened! Sitting right next to the printer I bought last year during the end of the year sale, still unopened.

Oh yes, when we got to our room, the fridge had two cases of Bud Light for hubby and a bottle of wine for me, plus a plate of cheeses. What a welcome! The hotel GM was in VA a few weeks ago and hubby took him and his brother out fishing, how cool is that! Just hope he remembers that at check out time, haha.

Kat, sounds like that girl is a real pia, I hope she gets her life straight, believe me I know what it's like dealing with psycho girls.

I'm stuck in the room this morning, they're moving us from the ocean front suite, which faces north, to another suite that faces south, I love the morning, all day sun, but it's a pain in the butt having to move, after I've already used a half a can of disinfectant to sanitize this room.

Happy New Year and hugs to all.

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I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I finally got a break from school and have had company staying at my house for a week!

I'm cooking and entertaining constantly, which has put my weight at a standstill. I can't wait to get back on track.

Please know that I think about all of you often, even when I don't have a chance to post. I should have a lull the next few days. :party:


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Diane, you've got some nerve, asking where everyone else has been and you've been mia all month! We need to make a date soon. You owe me a trip to my neck of the woods when I get back, lets make a day of it.

Good- Ness :)Whatever do you mean? Look back on this past month and you'll see I've havn't been missing, LOL!!!! What's the funniest, is that I HAD to look back on the past month, "just to be sure"! Wasn't aware that "I owed" you a trip to your neck o' the woods *ha, ha, ha*....but getting together would be fun!!! Hope you have fun while you're away!!!

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Hi Ladies!

I have been meaning to check in, but the holidays have been slipping by so quickly! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you SO MUCH to all who sent cards. I planned to send cards as well…really…still have the unopened box in front of me. :) I was trying to think of something witty to send for the New Year instead but it looks like I’ve missed that deadline too!

I bought my sons laptops for Christmas. I gave it with a list of conditions that would allow me to take it away (i.e. grades, behavior, etc)….that probably sounds mean…a conditional gift…but, hey, it works! Now that they don’t need their desktops, I’m trying to use one as my computer. I think mine is the oldest in the house so one of theirs has got to be better than mine memory wise. What a pain though trying to copy files and pictures and stuff.

I treated myself to a few things in December as my Christmas present to me! (Camera, Crocs, expensive handbag). I don’t do that too often, but it came easy this year, LOL! I did get one of those old time popcorn carts for my family room as a gift and also the Mama Mia DVD. Yay!

I’m actually off work until next Monday but I’m not accomplishing the things at home that I had planned to. I’ve been under the weather with a chest cold, it looked like my Mom was going in the hospital again (but I think we dodged that bullet yesterday). On top of this, I made the decision to refinance my home with the record rates that are out there. One big pain though…the “appraisal” process which used to mean the lender would get comparable sales, drive by your house, take a picture, etc, now requires that they come into your home and do a thorough walk-through inspection. Heck, I was cleaning at 6:00 am this morning, awaiting the appraiser to arrive at 10. Nerve wracking! He was even sketching in a pad as he walked around the house. I told him not to sketch in the clutter!

I have absolutely avoided the scale this week. Now, I’m afraid, very afraid. I’ll face the music, but not looking forward to it. I’m ready to get the scale moving downward again and to “look divine in 2009!”.

So, where's that exercise challenge? :)

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For all you busy, missing pals, Happy New Year.

Betty, my desk will be even worse when I get back, because they will all be bills to pay :).

Oh yeah Sherry, remember I got the Wii Fit several months ago, well, it's still in the box, unopened! Sitting right next to the printer I bought last year during the end of the year sale, still unopened.

Okay, how about we put in some Wii Fit challenge? I'll dust mine off and get moving again with it! Of course, TOMORROW, not just yet...

Pat, the temps are supposed to get into the teens here in NJ tomorrow night. I'm sure VA will be quite chilly too. Thank your lucky stars you are in Florida! I AM jealous! :)

The boys and I were actually supposed to go to Niagara Falls for the New Years holiday but I ended up canceling that about a month ago with all the challenges on the homefront. I was hoping to still try to escape to somewhere for a few days if things were better, but not happenin' this year!

My next travel plans are to do something special for my 50th (gosh, I don't want to say that out loud!) birthday which happens over the summer. Still deciding on what to do for now. Have to see how the budget is as that draws closer!

Happy New Year!

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Sherry I made the following:

chocolate chip

Peanut Butter

Chocolate chunk and peanut butter

Pecan cups

white balls

Oriole balls dipped in white chocolate

Peanut butter crackers dipped in chocolate

Carrot cake Cookies w/cream cheese frosting (disappointed)

Hmmm can't think of anymore, I posted this once and then instead of hitting the post button I hit the back button and lost it all!

I also made some rice crispy squares (triple batch) and a triple batch of peanut brittle.

:) OMG, I'm catching up here and reading back posts... You BETTY CROCKER You.... Oh my!

I am a chocolate chip girl and never an oatmeal raisin chickee. HOWEVER, I tried this cookie that was Oatmeal with heath bar chips and craisins. It was AMAZINGLY good. Too good actually and I indulged way too much. But, I WILL make them again!:)

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Well I exercised yesterday but, not today go figure lol. I had a hair appointment today so got home too late plus had to write an annual self-evaluation for my annual review. Man oh man I HATE writing about myself like that. I feel like I'm always so freaking busy but, to put it on paper...ummm why is it I can't remember squat!

Pat I broke out my Wii board yesterday...did the hola hoop OMG that's a workout, did the step aerobics and the ski jump hee hee did that for about 30 minutes, walked on my treadmill for 15 and the eliptical for 5 and I was wiped!

I'm going to biotch again....LIQUIDS SUCK, LIQUIDS SUCK! OMG they suck! hahaha I'm hungry and getting biotchy about it. I still have another week :wink2: Ya know we were told no straws from now on......but I'm liking the sound of anything that would fit through a straw is ok to have lol. I'm trying to hold out. I ordered some new Protein Drinks, bars and Snacks from that Lindora program I'm doing but, man it's taking a LONG time to get them! I want to behave but want something different. At least today I had egg drop Soup for dinner. It was pretty good considering it wasn't a Protein Shake lol.

We're suppose to have a nice Northeaster storm tomorrow 6-8 inches of snow. We had a dusting this morning. DH is going to drive me into work...doesn't want me driving yet because I still occassionally get light headed especially in the mornings. I hope we don't get too much snow...it's pretty but, man what a mess with traffic.

We're having a quiet New Years here at home. I'll watch the Dick Clark special and go to bed lol. Although alcohol is technically liquid huh? lol. Won't be such a hit at the docs though so I'll behave again. One day at a time.

Tomorrow I'll create a new thread and make it a Jan-March thread if everyone is ok with that? I figure we don't use enough pages to warrant one a month anymore. I'll post the link to it here so folks know it's ready.

I'll create the exercise challenge thread too at the same time and post the link. thoughts?

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Hello Y'all!

Got off work a little bit early today, I did a little shopping so I didn't have so much to do this weekend. lol Just have to have an excuse to shop some more I guess.

We are going to a party at the neighbors tonight, I should take a nap so I can make it to New Years! lol

I have ate so much crap I am sick of it all. I am so ready for the first of the year so I can make myself behave again.

I'm crying now, I wanted a Wii so bad for christmas, but didn't get one. Now y'all have one! BoooooooooHoooooooo!

I figured it would make me want to exercise. Guess I'll never know now! lol

Everyone have a happy and safe new years eve! I will see y'all next year!

Hugs to all my dear friends!

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Happy New Year's eve everyone. I'm bunkering down here in New England and not leaving. We've had over 10 inches of snow and it's still snowing! burrrrrr We got to leave work early today because of the weather. They closed the company at 1pm so that was nice. DH drove me and my friend to work because he didn't want us driving in the snow and his truck is a 4x4 so no sliding for him. When he came to get us at 1 another girl from my job went to a flat tire on her car so DH changed it for her. He's a good doobie :laugh: Then it took us over 2 hours to get home. ZOIKS! So nice night to stay in and keep warm.

Hope you all have a wonderful night!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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