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NJ (& Others) Nov/Dec 2008 Chat

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Sherry I am so happy things went so well for you! Take it easy, that work will be there when you are well. Believe me I know first hand about that!

I mad two batches of peanut brittle today, so I am glad that is out of the way. I'm not doing any more today I want to be rested up for tonight. I do need to wrap the gifts to take though.

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Sherry is home and posting---the world just feels more "right" now!! Glad you are home and well---hugs!!!



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Sherry, so glad you're home and doing well!!! MY GOODNESS the weather there looks intense!!! just saw a shot of it on the weather channel. Whoa!

Betty, I asked DH what he wanted for Christmas and I couldn't get an answer from him! Then finally he said Peanut brittle......Have any extra??? LOL! Actually, I already had his gifts all wrapped up :tongue_smilie:

Hope everyone is able to get a little relaxing in now. DH and me are "dog sitting" all next week. She's a real sweet 3yr. old German shepherd. Only one thing though...today was day one, I let her out in the fenced backyard and 15 mins. later she was gone!!! I whistled for her and she came, she was on the outside of the fence! I don't see any place where she could have gotten out, so, I'm guessing she jumped the fence. Gonna be an interesting week, lol.

G'nite all!

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Hi Everyone,

Things are ok, just busy (nuts actually) I just wanted to pop in and say MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! and a healthy happy New Year.

Running 90mph going no where is about where I'm at these days LOL, but really thats not a complaint. We are all doing well.

I've had no desire to post/talk so please don't take that personally, its me, I think my winter SAD is kicking in and with work being busy, life being busy, getting a new boss, making deadlines I'm just tired/down. I hope if I can shake this I'll feel like posting more. I really love you gals and miss you.


Love yah !! Eileen

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Hello my friends, I hope all is going well for you. Still sore today but, doing better. I'll get there. It was nice to have my friends over...they came over because the guys went to the Patriot's game today. My son bought DH tickets for Christmas and I didn't want them to miss it. I ended up kinda doing too much today and caught hell before DH left and he called our friends who were coming and told them I did too much and not to let me. UGH. So he won...they were great. I mean I couldn't even get up to get myself a bottle of Water and they'd jump. Geesh! In the end I helped teach my friend how to bake Cookies. I told her I wanted to live through her making my holiday cookies. So hopefully she'll win something with the Cookie bake-off at work tomorrow haha. She's a great cook but, doesn't bake at all except cake mixes and pre-made cookie doughs. So from scratch she made sugar cookies with orange and cinnimon chocolate chip sticks. Two of my favorite cookies and she did really great! They looked awesome and smelled heavenly but, I didn't touch a crumb! I stuck with my applesauce, water and Protein Shake. Her hubby was great too, helped get things down from the shelves we needed...she's a shorty hee hee and I wasn't suppose to do anything as I promised I wouldn't. So while she finished baking he sat with me and watched the cooking channel. I laughed cause I got up once and he immediately said WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I said ummm to PEE lol He said ok well if you need help wiping let me know and cracked up. hahaha. Too funny. Then she turned around and dusted my entire livingroom...how embarrassing but, then she yelled at me and said YOU'D do it for me...she's right...I would so I relaxed...kinda haha. I was very very thankful to have them here today...they kept me company and reminded me how many wonderful friends I have in my life. These two are my family and I love em to pieces. The guys got totally soaked from the snow and rain we had here. Amazing how much snow we've had the past few days. My poor DH is down for the count...between hussling back and forth to Boston for me 3 days in a row, shoveling snow, driving my son (who's still nervous because of his accident to drive in terrible weather) to work and picking him up and then the game...he's pooped. So I'm up reading, watching tv and thought I'd peek in here and check in :scared2: I heard this weird noise outside, and realized it was my Christmas flag being pounded by the wind, stupid me thought I'll go take it down.......Took one babystep onto the front steps and realized NO WAY all ice, if I try I'll fall and be in BIG trouble. So it's still being pounded. I can't believe the ice out there. There are bound to be accidents tonight and tomorrow :biggrin: Ice just scares the crap out of me...I'll drive in the snow but, black ice and ice....ZOIKS!

So....back to reading my Lindora book so I can start that program soon. They're suppose to call me tomorrow to start my phone diet counseling. I think I told you folks it's a program that is interested in having Lap-band patients sign up and work it so I volunteered to help through my docs office. I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes and if it can help us when we're at the point of not losing and still need to. I'll keep you up to date on it and let you know how it goes if you're interested.

sniff, sniff...what's that....I think I smell peanut brittle. Man I love that homemade stuff. Betty I used to make that in my microwave all the time but, I can't do that anymore because I eat it too much lol. I have to make things like fudge because I don't care for it as much. I haven't made that either though....kinda out of the baking, candy making thing this year I guess. I'll have to wait until next year.

Pat, Diane, Eileen...thanks for the messages :) Everyone else thank you so much for the good wishes and healing you've been sending me here. I really appreciate it. Don't know what I'd do without my LBT buddies :)

Gotta do more reading....night night goils!

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I am tired! Tired, Tired, Tired!

I got up this morning and did some baking and mixing up of Cookies. Then at 11 I had an appointment for a massage, my first one ever. My boss bought me a certificate for Christmas so I decided too use it today. Well, it was wonderful, and I am totally hooked. She told me I might be sore as she stimulated every muscle and boy did she ever. I came home and did some laundry, cleaned floors and then started baking again. I also was making some spaghetti sauce for supper. Well, it's almost 5 now and I can't hardly move. I know it is a combination between the massage and doing so much. Then I remember I stripped the bed down and didn't have time to make it so up I got to go do that. I tell you that was a challenge getting that done. I am going to sit my arse down and hope I can get back up again in a while just to finish supper. I was going to get my stuff cut up for tomorrow night, make a couple of pies too. I don't think that is going to happen. I was going around here saying screw that! lol

I actually thought about walking to the mailbox, but it can wait till tomorrow too. I just hope I am not sore tomorrow, it is my haircut day and it is two flights of stairs to go up to get there. lol

I thought about soaking in the tub, but I am not sure I can get back out! lol

So, what is everyone else doing today? Are y'all done shopping?

Diane - got your card! A pool boy sounds pretty good! I wonder what he would accept in trade? :thumbup:


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I'm just sitting around trying to heal up for Christmas. I'm boring right now. I had to make a list of things for DH to pick up while he Christmas shopped for things he wanted to get me. He got home then I had to send him out again for stuff at the grocery store. He said geesh I've been shopping all day..well there dear now you know how much you appreciate the fact that I do it. *wink* Took him over an hour to get stuff at the store and then there was an accident on the way home that delayed him longer. He was oh so thrilled lol.

I'm doing ok hunger wise today but, my tummy wants more...not just my head. My head is ok right now with the little amounts of food. I'm keeping well hydrated that's for sure. I got a call from my medical insurance today asking me if I was ok and how I was doing. WOW I thought that was rather nice :thumbup: They asked me how I was feeling and if there were any other health issues I had. I told her no but, then remembered I occassionally still have to see the chiro because of the auto accident I had in May. Whew glad I remembered to say that because all I was thinking of was what I'm going through right now ya know? She was nice though and I figured at least now they'll realize why I'm still seeing the chiro sometimes. I have to go tomorrow actually because my neck is really sore. So much so I can't sleep more than 5 hours at night without it waking me up. My shoulder too is really something else and I think it's part the accident and part the gas from the operation too. We'll see how it goes tomorrow if I'm allowed out of the house that is. It's been so freaking icey here my DH is afraid I'll slip and fall so if he has to drive up to the door on the lawn and the snow he'll do it lol.

Sad thing is...I wasn't finished shopping so DH had to buy his own gift for me to give him today :thumbup: Stunk having to do that but, what could I do?

Well back to boring tv for me. NCSI is pretty good though and they've been having a marathon. Thankfully I haven't caught many episodes so no repeats for me lol.

Betty......what kind of Cookies did ya make? I got a massage once and as much as you're relaxed on the way out you do get a bit sore. A nice hot shower helps :mellow:

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Sherry I made the following:

chocolate chip

Peanut Butter

Chocolate chunk and peanut butter

Pecan cups

white balls

Oriole balls dipped in white chocolate

Peanut butter crackers dipped in chocolate

Carrot cake Cookies w/cream cheese frosting (disappointed)

Hmmm can't think of anymore, I posted this once and then instead of hitting the post button I hit the back button and lost it all!

I also made some rice crispy squares (triple batch) and a triple batch of peanut brittle.

Sherry - I used Carnation Instant Breakfast and fixed it like a hot cup of cocoa, and used Jello and popcicles. I also used beef and chicken broth and all that helped me get through the first few weeks. Just close your eyes and make believe you are eating one of my cookies and drink you wonderful drink and you'll feel like you are eating something that you can't. tee hee!

I think it is great the man has to do some of the things they take for granted when we do them.

OK I am not going to try to remember what else I said, I can't remember anything right now. I just want to remember to hit the post button.

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Funny...they STILL don't do laundry though. It's not ok for me to go to the grocery store but, it's ok for me to bend over the dryer and fold and to put away the left overs from dinner even though I couldn't eat it? MEN! lol

Spose I shouldn't complain huh? I can gripe though hee hee

Hmm Betty I tried the eat one thing and dream it's another thing...can't say that a chocolate whey shake will ever taste like a home made cookie lol

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Good Morning and Merry Christmas Eve,

Betty Crocker, my stars, send those Cookies my way will yah... NOT !!!! LOL, I dont need any help gaining anymore weight thats for sure LOL. You always did bake up a storm. How are you feeling sister chickie?

Sherry glad your feeling better sweetie. Did you get the new band (realize?) or something like that.

Pat oh Pat.... love you too lady !!!

We are heading off to my Mom's around 3 and then church at 5:30 where my DD is dancing to a beautiful christmas song called Cradle in Bethlehem (sara groves). Then home and getting the wee one off to bed so santa can do his thing.... Who know's maybe Santa will get himself some tonight, Mrs Santa is feeling kinda frisky naaaaah naaaaaaaah. Now that I put that awful image in your head, aren't you glad I came back LOLOL

Alrighty then.... have a great day chicklets....


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Merry Christmas LBT Pals!

I wish you all a very happy holiday. I'm a little early but, figured everyone gets so busy on Christmas day that I'd say something now. Hope Santa is good to you all!



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Merry Christmas Y'all!

We had a great time at DB house. We didn't get home until almost midnight, waaaaaay past my bedtime, but were were enjoying ourselves so much we didn't notice the time.

Eileen - You are crazy girl! I am keeping some of the Cookies for by dh, he takes them for lunch, but I am sending home bunches with the family today. I am only giving myself until Jan 1 and then comes the dreaded diet again. I also have gained and need to get back to the basics again. I bet your daughter was so cute!

Sherry - Sounds like you are doing great! How long do you have to be on the liquids? I know a lot of docs are not doing it as long as they use to. Like Eileen, I am wondering what band you got.

Pat - Where are you? I bet you are out laying on some beach tanning that great body of yours! lol

Michaele - How is the construction going? Are you back home yet?

Diane - What's up Missy? Are you out with Pat?

Trish - How was your holidays?

Darcy - I bet you are up at the cabin, that place looks so relaxing and peaceful!

Opps, neighbor at my door, I bet he is bringing presents and I haven't wrapped theirs yet, I actually forgot. Dang and I got caught.


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Merry Christmas Everyone!

Betty & Eileen, I'm on liquids until at least January 7th when I go for my post-op visit. Then my doc does mushies for 2-3 weeks then solids. At least he did the first time around. I'm clueless what band I have but, I'll definitely be asking on my post-op visit. I'm kinda hoping its the newest band that is more pillowy but, we'll see what I got.

I'm suppose to go to my brothers for a short while today. I still get sore if I move around too much and their house is always so dang hot and my SIL is one of 13 kids so needless to say it gets so dang crowded and noisy. I'll see how long I last there. Unfortunately, I TOTALLY forgot to get my dad something :thumbup: TOTALLY and having had my operation and not being able to complete my shopping it didn't help. There are alot of folks we didn't buy for yet but, we're not seeing them until later in January so I had time. I totally forgot about his gift......trying to figure out what to do. I'm just going to tell him the truth and let him know I couldn't get out and didn't finish my shopping then I'll send it to him. I feel aweful but it is the truth. UGH. Well....I need to hop in the shower to get ready to go.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Good Morning Girlies!

Thank goodness it's over! Tree is down, all decorations are back in the attic, house is clean and today is my day. Getting nails done and packing so I won't be rushed tomorrow.

We leave Monday for a week in Fort Lauderdale, sunshine here I come. We had so hoped to have an answer back from our "short sale" offer on a new condo by now, but two months later and still no answer. Our contract expires on the 31st, so I guess we'll be looking again. We had hoped to be signing closing papers this trip, but guess not :thumbup:.

Sherry, I've been thinking of you, what a great time to have your surgery, truly, I had mine on the 6th of Dec four years ago, but I stayed away from most foods. What I did find satisfying was the frozen yogurt from costco, haha.

We had the family over for the yearly Christmas Eve at Nana's then made the rounds on Christmas day. My younger son didn't get his son until 1, so he figured Santa could take it easy, only to find out those boxes full of stuff weren't assembled as he thought. So, we started out the day by assembling a kitchen, trike, and workshop. HE (the 3yr old grandson), loves his kitchen. I got him a little chef hat, it's the cutest thing, of course all the males in the family hope he's not confused with his sexuality, LOL.

Eileenie, so good to see you're smiling face..((( )))).

Betty, slow down with the cooking!

Oh yeah, we had the best honey cooked ham, I felt so guilty when I placed the order over the phone for the 70 dollar ham and turkey breast. I thought, how slack is this, then when I went to pick it up, OMG, there was a line all the way out the door and down the sidewalk. It was good ham, what tiny bites I ate, but $70.00 good, not sure, then again, I just look at it as another round of golf, LOL.

Hugs to all!

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I usually spend Jan. 2nd, taking it all down and storing it away again! I cannot even get to the totes to put it away until Rick moves his new fridge for the shop. So....I will be Christmas-ing for a few more days.

We had a great time. Got to see all the kids, and got to see our granddaughter for the first time in several years. It was hard not to be bitter with her Mom for what we have missed, but all that would have gained us is not seeing her for even longer again, so we sucked it up and were all pleasant. She has grown soooooo much! There is such a HUGE difference in 4 years old and 7! She went from a cute chubby toddler into a tall, super skinny missing a front tooth big girl! Our son was on good behaviour, (surprise!) and did not argue at all with her Mom who stayed for the entire time we got to see the granddaughter. We are hoping it is a new beginning, and that we can have her (and actually her brother as well) more now.

Back 8 1/2 -9 years ago or so, my son met this new group of people when he was moving here from Denver. There was a girl he was really attracted to he told me, but she had a boyfriend. Turns out it was a long time boyfriend, high school sweethearts & all. Shortly after, the girl ends up pregnant, and the bf freaks out and takes off. In steps our son--against our advice---and they get together. He is with her through the pregnancy, the delivery, all of it. On the way home from the hospital when the little boy was born, they come by. He tells us "Treat as is he were mine, I plan on him being mine" So we did, we fell in love with this tiny little boy, who became our first grandchild. When the baby was 6 months old, the kids got married. Soon she was pregnant again. Son calls us in tears one day to tell us the ultrasound says it is a girl, and he is so happy! He called us in tears a few days later--he come home early and caught his wife with her old boyfriend, the 1st babies Daddy! So they ended up divorced. So my son raised his child through the first year, and he raised my sons child through the first year, then they split up as well! The Mom has gone on to have another child by a boy (he was barely legal I understand) that is half Navajo, very EMO (you know tight black clothes, hair in the face, painted black nails, converse tennies....) and was a mortician! So she now has 3 kids with 3 dads.....and has decided she is a lesbian!

My current DIL thinks she is suddenly seeing everyones Dads thinking if she allows visits, and starts getting her child support from each of them, she will not have to work herself. I have no idea.

She moved off with the old boyfriend and we never had contact from her again to know where the kids were. My son for a long time sent child support checks to the old address only for them to return to sender. So he quit. Now he is concerned they will expect to cash them all at one time! LOL We kept telling him to start a savings account with her name, and put it in each month so he would not be caught in arrears, but as normal, he did not listen!

Rick and I have made a pact, not to rescue him, he can pay as the court deems he should. His Dad did it, so can he! Hell we paid for years when the kids lived with us, just to keep his Mom happy, and allow us to have the kids--------he can just deal with it!

Sherry, it was so good talking to you!!! I was telling Rick you called and I was telling you about the walk on thing at the Grand Canyon, and he is all agog about us going again! I should have kept my mouth shut!! LOL Here's an idea, y'all head this way and he will show it to you guys, and I can stay back and "watch" the bikes!!! LOL

I have to say I am looking forward to the New Year and New Start! I need to be back on track so badly! I am hoping to get rid of these steroids soon.....they are really messing with my success. It makes me have a voracious appetite! Where I am usually just never hungry, they make me want to eat ALL the time! Also has increased other appetites, so DH is thrilled with the drugs!!!

Eileenie, was soo good to see you post, I missed you!

I am off to the store to buy pork loin......my MIL has already called to remind me to get all 3 of them! The sale is buy one get 2 free.....so I guess she thinks I am a total idiot, and might leave the 2nd free one behind or something! I called her about them because Rick's family does the German tradition (although they are not German, but were raised in German settlements in TX!) of Pork and Sour Kraut for New Years dinner. They also throw in some black eyed peas for good measure. IN a separate dish!!!! Anyway....I ask her if she wanted one of the pork loins, since I was going to get them, and now she is making me crazy!!! LOL

Better head out. Love yas!!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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