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NJ (& Others) Nov/Dec 2008 Chat

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Hello Y'all!

One more day and I am off for a week and a day! I can't wait! I am going to try and get my shopping done on Friday, then start doing some wrapping and baking done on the next few days. I have a hair appointment for a hair cut on Wednesday.

We had our Christmas party at work today, we had Babe's catered in and then a white Elephant. My boss gave me a $50 gift certificate to my salon so that was so cool! I might even think about getting a massage while I am off, now that I have extra certificates!

Ladies - All of you please listen up. If you can't eat solid Protein you are too tight. You might think just because you can eat Cookies, candy, chips etc that you are not tight enough. Take a week and eat solid Protein every day and then see how you do. I have met so many ladies lately that have lost their bands because of being too tight. The doctor don't want to take any fill out as it goes against his stats. You have to be the boss, you have to tell him what you want and don't let him talk you out of it. You are the only one that knows if you spit up or can't eat. You might think he is right, but is it really worth losing your band over? Go back and read your phamplets from Inmed etc. the ones that makes the bands and you will see how you are supposed to eat and do. Each doctor changes rules and makes it the way he thinks it should be. Just listen to some of the stories and see how different each one tells his patients they should do. I don't mean to sound mean, but each of you mean a great deal to me, and I hurt when one of you hurts. When you lose your band I feel bad too. So, please eat properly and eat your protein and follow the band diet. OK, I vented enough, now I am going to go fix my supper with lots of protein in it.

Hugs to all of you!

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Betty you are right...absolutely right and I'm praying I have another chance at this thing so I can do it much better. The first year I followed every rule and I lost the weight and it wasn't too hard. Sure things were tempting but, I did really well 95% of the time. So I'm praying for this new start and I'm going to do what we're suppose to do. If I lose my band...well.....DH and I already promised each other we're going to move it to lose it anyway...either way we have a plan. I want 2009 to be different that's one of the reasons I tried the fill the day before Thanksgiving. People thought I was nuts, not being able to eat turkey etc but, in my own mind I marked that day as just one meal in many meals for the rest of my life. No big deal I can have turkey another day it doesn't have to be Thanksgiving 2008 to have it. And it's also why I pushed to have the surgery now, before Christmas. Sure I have a new account coming in January that will need all my attention but, more importantly I didn't want to go a whole month with no fill with all the holiday goodies because...I can't trust myself not to eat too many. I certainly believe a few of those favorites are ok but, for me...as my favorite saying goes...ONE IS TOO MANY, TWELVE IS NOT ENOUGH so I can't take that one unless it's the LAST ONE available around me. I'm not healed head wise when it comes to food....there isn't a band around my brain so I need to start thinking the right way. So by having the surgery now, I start fresh again either way but, hopefully with the help of this lovely "tool". I'm excited about it an ready. I'm really mentally prepared to start anew...not so sure I'll hold it all together if the band doesn't go back in but, I'm certainly a very lucky gal in that I have a man here who loves me and wants to get healthy with me so that in itself will get me through it. I'm keeping positive thoughts rolling though that I'll wake up with a new band, in a new higher position so the pouch is once again the size it should be and the band is sitting straight like it should be.

Work is starting a Biggest Loser Contest January 5th. I didn't sign up because I thought it was unfair for me to do that because I'll be on liquids for 3 weeks or so and then mushies etc. I'm going to do it but, not for the prize money and I want to support all my fellow co-workers that want to get healthier. I'm going to put together, while I'm home recouping, a bunch of websites they can use and food journal sites etc. So if any of you have some email them to me ok? The more information I can provide for them all the better. I'll take website links, names, stores you get your Protein supplies at, online support group info etc. PM it to me here or my home email for those of you who have it. If you need my home email just PM me I'll give it to you :shades_smile:

Do you all want to do some kind of New Years 2009 Exercise goal or something together? Kind of like we did with Darcy back a few years? I'd be willing to keep the stats/hours posted for us if you want :confused: I'll even make us a separate thread to post exercise. I realize it's not easy...but maybe we can motivate each other? Who the hell loves to exercise lol but, there is no end what we can do together. We've stuck together this long right!!! So tell me what you think :sad_smile: My Dreadmill needs some miles on it along with the Assache-in-cycle and the Eliptical-(couldn't think of something good here haha) and the Wii fit is also out of shape and needs to kick my ars lol. Now.....wouldn't it be cool if we could find a Wii exercise came we could play online together? Hmmmmm now that's a thought.

Ok so since I've been home (Around 2.5 hours ago) I've been nesting. Picking up the house, cleaning...isn't it amazing how men never think to put the boxes away from the stuff they just bought instead it sits there in the middle of the kitchen or livingroom floor until I MOVE IT? WTH? Now I need to pack a just-in-case I stay overnight bag. I had to run out and get a bathrobe that wasn't going to make me die from heat! Hospitals are so freaking warm and you can't walk around in those dang nighties they give ya without flashing someone so I had to get a lightweight bathrobe....need slippers, chapstick, fresh undies, sweatpants/shirt yadda yadda. Suppose I should go do that...I got so damn busy that I didn't eat supper and now I can't. Funny the pre-op visit didn't specify a light eating day today like they did when I got the band the first time they just said nothing by mouth after midnight. I pulled up my files from the orig. operation and found the "day before surgery" rules and followed those. I just feel better doing that. So I'm hungry, cranky, nervous and need to pack lol. Not a good combo lol. Hmm I need to take a shower and shave too hahaha Don't want to gross the docs out or give them wisker burns lmao. Gotta get up at 4am to get to the hospital by 6am as requested for a 7:30 surgery. okey dokey...thank you all for all your support...I love ya and I'll check back in when i can :thumbup:.


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Sherry, I just looked at the clock to see if it was too late to call you....and it was! Darn!! Anyway, I'm thinking of you and will be praying for future succsesses for you. And even if I'm not sure how I'll do, or not do....I'm up for a 2009 exercise support/participation "thingy" LOL! I'll be thinking of you when I start my workday tomorrow "at 7:30"! I'm hoping for outpatient for you though....but that's just me, I get a whole lot more comfortable at home! And if they DO admit you, R E L A X , renew...and post as soon as you can :shades_smile:

Betty, I think you expressed yourself clearly, honestly and with all the best intentions with care and concern for folks, like, well me for instance. I think you're right. The first sentence said it all. When I read your post, my first feeling from it was that of "in your face"....I was a little surprised, like "whoa! Betty said all that!!!" ....and I'll reinterate: I think you're right. I hope your words bang around in my head long enough for it to sink in and take charge. Thanks Betty. and Hey! Enjoy your week off!!!!

Trish, loved the idea you had for the family tee shirts, too funny!!!!!!

TTYL folks, g'nite.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Sherry - Good Luck and let us know when you can how you are doing and all the details!

Gosh, I really didn't mean to sound harsh or make anyone think I was saying it directly at one person, because I wasn't. I just had a very dear friend lose her band because she wouldn't listen to me. she was always spitting up and pbing. I kept telling her she was too tight and every time she was losing her food she was taking a chance of her band slipping. She didn't listen, she kept telling me she could eat and eat like a hog, but every time I went to lunch with her she couldn't eat much at all and she ended up in the bathroom even then. Well, needless to say she did lose her band. She slipped it really bad and now she doesn't know if she can get it fixed or not. Her insurance won't pay and she doesn't have the money to do it herself. It's still up in the air right now, but she is fighting her insurance.

I have been struggling too, gaining weight, but I know it isn't just a fill I need, I know I am not eating right. I have just been eating junk and drinking drinks that are putting on the weight too. I know I would be losing a battle to even try now, although I am watching some, to start anything right now during the holidays so I am aiming for the first of the year. I am going to go back to eating right and limiting drinks to a certain day and not just when I feel like having one.

So, please don't feel like I aimed what I said to anyone here, I am really just feeling sorry for my friend who is really going through hell right now. Of course if I can help anyone here realize not to get too tight, then I will do that. I just call that "tough love." EAT Protein LADIES!

OK, back to having fun and no more sermons, I promise.


Edited by Iluvharleys

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Good Morning Y'all!

I have been struggling too, gaining weight, but I know it isn't just a fill I need, I know I am not eating right. I have just been eating junk and drinking drinks that are putting on the weight too. I know I would be losing a battle to even try now, although I am watching some, to start anything right now during the holidays so I am aiming for the first of the year. I am going to go back to eating right and limiting drinks to a certain day and not just when I feel like having one.

BINGO! This is me too right now. I did join WW back around Halloween. Lost about 7 lbs. which isn't much but it is what I had gained back. Right now, I am hanging on by a thread but know that I will get back on track. I was toying with the idea of getting another fill in January but I think I am going to wait. When I eat Protein Snacks I do not seem to crave the bad choices...its just, given a choice, I'll reach for the cookie rather than the Protein chips. I'm DEFINITELY up for a 2009 challenge with you ladies!

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First of all.....Sherry, you were in my mind when I went to bed, and again when I woke up----hope all is going wonderfully. Hugs and healing power being sent your way.(((((((Big careful squeeze))))))))

Betty--I hear ya sister!!! I preach the same thing! I never have been seriously tight except the first 3-4 days following my 2nd fill. Until I got sick, then I would get tight--and I would always wonder how people lived like that. As I sit now I have no fill. I had not felt the need for one too bad, until these meds, now I KNOW I need help, but at the same time, I know the meds are causing the incessant hunger, and I am afraid I would push the band limits, and would prefer having to re-lose the weight as to ruining the ability of having the band.

I am much like you in the respect, that I recognize in myself, a need to wait til the holidays are behind me. Although, them combined with these steroids, I may be back to my start weight by then! I swear, I think about food non stop these days. It is a struggle to eat things that are at least semi healthy!

I have never eliminated carbs completely, although I do (did) try to get them from veggies, Beans, Peanut Butter, that kind of thing. I avoided sugars and starchy carbs. Once I quit them, it was not hard to do without them.

Sherry I am fully, totally on board for a daily check in with exercise. Now that I have this dog.....he needs walked, maybe once the snow eases I will get off my duff and do it! I can also use my DREAD mill, and my EllipticHELL machines!!!

I feel kind of psyched up for a new calendar year, and a fresh start.

Not sure if I have went into this ---- but my DD and her husband divorced 3 years ago. They remained civil all along, and did really well sharing their daughter, Kinsey that I speak of so much. His computer activity was a big issue in the divorce--he was involved with another woman on line, as well as into the war game thing. Well, a year and a half passed, and one thing led to another, they decided to try to reconcile. So they tried it again. My DD had just been diagnosed with her RA, and was in a bad flare, and was concerned about what would happen with Kinsey if her health failed completely. So for awhile things were good, then slowly slipped right back where they were. He was again yelling all night on the computer playing games. He began a weekend job at a ski resort--alone, would not allow them to accompany him. She felt like there was more going on. He has an excellent job, he works with my DH, and he makes upwards of $28.00 per hour. It is not a money issue. He would go days without seeing or speaking to them, with both of them working. He refused to go to Kinsey's Christmas programs, he had battles! Well Manda finally said enough, and rented herself an apartment. So until it is ready---and the snow quits enough for her to move the beds and such, she and Kinsey are staying with us. She had 2 dogs---and her apartment is no pets. But it is something she can afford on her own if he flakes on child support or something, with the economy the way it is, she wanted to be self sufficient. So my Mom and Dad took the chihuahua, and we have the pug. We figured this would be less traumatic on Kinsey, since she would still be able to have her dogs in a way. I mean I keep her daily, so she has Potter (the pug) here to play with. We are trying really hard to keep things easy on my granddaughter. Right now Jason--her dad, the ex, is being difficult, but that is to be expected, he is hurt. I have faith he will eventually come around again, and be a good dad.

Til things settle my posting will be erratic. Now I share my computer with DD as well as DH!!

Let us know how you are ASAP Sherry!!! And then we will work out the details for our GOAIG-again (getting our asses in gear-again) plans. Having some of you in the same complacent place I am, and also having some newbie excitement here, is going to help us all I think!!!

Better get up and dressed, my Dad is coming over so I can cut his hair. Catch y'all later!


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Hey gals! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that Sherry is doing well and has a new band. Yeah Sherry!!!!!! I got a call from her DH this morning and he said she will be there overnight, but the doc said everything went great.

It's been so long since I've been on this site, I didn't even recogonize it when I saw it! Wow! I've been so busy lately but things are going well. I started a new job about a month and a half ago, I'm still living with Curtis, and enjoying life. I had a partial unfill in early Sept and have put on 20 pounds. Ugh. I'm not giving up though and am keeping at it. Hope everyone is well!!!

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Crispy, glad you got here before I did. Sherry's DH called me too, he was pretty pumped about Sherry's new band...yeah, go Sherry! She came out of surgery with a NEW BAND, I'm so excited for her. He said the band had shifted a lot, so they yanked it out and she got a new band AND is doing GREAT!

Hugs girl, we're all praying for ya!

It's late, I'm outta here...good night all.

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I guess we were all thinking about her, I too have been checking. congrats on the new band Sherry! See, it wasn't you at all! I am anxious to hear about you new band and your surgery! Take it easy and get well and don't for get to sip sip sip and walk walk walk!

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Yay for Sherry!!! So glad she is alert and ok.....we can all relax and let her heal now....and she will likely leave us in the dust!!!

Love ya girl!


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Oh Sherry! I'm so relieved that the procedure went well, that you're OK and that you have a brand-spankin'-new-band!!!!

Betty, how's the lady of leisure doing? Enjoying your time off, I'm sure! ...And you're probably still goin', goin', goin'!!!!

Thanks Chrispy for the early news on Sherry!

Pat, you doing OK? How are things? You all ready for Christmas

How's everybody doing? Ready to relax and enjoy Christmas?

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I shopped till I couldn't do anymore! I'm very tired, but I am done shopping! I did pretty good too! At least I think I am done, I better not think of anyone I missed!

I even picked up a cooked chicken and some trimmings to go with it. No cooking, just warming up! that is unusual for me, but I am not doing another thing today!

I have my Mr. and Mrs. Santa all turned on and my tree too. I have candles burning all over the house and even some in the fireplace. (it's too hot for a fire) It was really a beautiful day today, in the high 70's so not a good day for a fire.

I still have to make some cookies/candy but I have from now until Tuesday night to do that! Wednesday is booked, I am getting my hair colored and cut and then I have to do some cooking and make some fruit salad to take to my DB for Christmas Eve. Thursday is cooking for dinner here. But tomorrow night is the neighborhood party so that is the fun night. We always have fun there. We do the White Elephant thing there and it's fun. Last year one of the neighbors bought some wine glasses that had been redone and they were cool. I ended up with them. After he gave them for the present he found out they were going on ebay for $700! Needless to say they are in the box still! I love them but I'm not going to chance them getting broke! They are a whole set!

sherry - thinking about you Missy! Hugs!

Later Ladies, time to kick up my sore feet!

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Hey everyone...I just got home. They kept me another day because of the weather. They didn't want to release me until i have a sip test and that didn't happen until 1pm and the snow was really bad here at that point so DH went home and they told me to stay. Its' probably best that I did stay because I tend to do more than I should when I'm home. I'm already complaining my house is a mess....no one kept on top of it even though I cleaned before I went in UGH. I'm going to have to live with it though....just too sore to do anything about it. I'm so excited they were able to put in a new band. DH told me they said the band had slipped more than it showed in the testing...amazing....maybe now they'll listen to someone when they complain something isn't right. I can't say enough about how well I was treated though. The intern...Dr. Lin....is really really nice. He just called me to make sure I made it home ok and asked about pain meds. John told him I get sick on the pain meds so I wasn't going to take them. Dr. Lin called me one tough cookie lol. Yea....I really don't complain much about pain...if I do it REALLY hurts! Anywho...I'm home...I'm pooped and I'm going to relax but, wanted to say THANK YOU for thinking of me and keeping that positive energy flowing my way. As soon as I'm up and running....for 2009 I'm ready to check in with exercise. I told Chris...our new saying is.....Looking Fine in 2009! We can do this!

Betty...I didn't take your words as harsh at all. I reiterrate them....I know all too well....ONLY YOU know your body and need to take care of it! Know that way too well! WE all need a reality slap once in a while and I'm glad someone said it! Love ya girl!

Chrispy thank you for letting folks know how I was doing.

Pat...I had your number so asked DH to call you so you could tell the girls too. I'm glad he reached you :tongue_smilie: He likes your accent :tongue:

ok time to go rest. Thanks again everyone!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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