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NJ (& Others) Nov/Dec 2008 Chat

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Thank you - I had checked there yesterday but couldn't find where to go - but after your email I tried again and put in a query and I think I found what I need "How to File a Utilization Appeal". Thanks again. I was hoping to find some blogs on people who were denied but wasn't successful - any ideas?

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Hi Ladies

Happy ThanksGiving :)

Sorry I've been MIA as well. Been down emotionally about my weight so I've been hiding from the world I guess. I just don't want to deal with it...sad huh.

Other than that, things are ok.... I'm blessed!!

I'm on my way to pick up DD from school, they have 1/2 day today.

Have a great holiday girlies... Love yah !!


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Long long longggg time since I've been here!

How is everybody?

I was working for a company and got canned last Thrusday. Can't talk about it because I am sire there are spies out there!!! I enjoyed helping people very much. But now that door is closed and it is time to open a new door. My boss had it out for me from day one and she got her way..lol..so she thinks! God is good!

I've had my thyroid out end of August had an unfil before that and am slowly getting filled up again. I have gained about 30 pounds but that won't last long. I am motivated to move on heal all my wounds and be ready for whatever is next!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Eileen my Grandmother turned 100 on the 20th of this month. She and my grandfather put Oaklnad on the map because of The Hansen House which is now Portabello's. My family and I flew up for her birthday party. We had it at the resturant the only thing that looks the same is the fireplace in the front room

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didn't want to lose my post! Anyway we had relatives fly over from Norway and she even got a letter from the King of Norway and the USA. It was a great party and wonderful to see all of my family. Sorry I didn't call you we were up and down really fast.

I have been baking and decorating cakes over the past several months. Really enjoying it. Now I will be doing more I guess. I may even take a decorating class.

I can't catch up but I'm back now and look forward to the future with you guys!!

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Name one thing I'm thankful for?

All of You!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving


I know it's early, but I wanted to be sure to tell you all how thankful I am that you folks have been here encouraging, listening, make me laugh, and always make me feel comfortable!

I hope everybody has a great holiday! ...and if you're heading out for the early Black Friday bargains, hope you get what you're after, with ease!!!!

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Hello Y'all!

Just sticking my head in to say hello! They let us off early today so I need to get started on my baking and cooking!

I have tons to do so the earlier the better!

I want to wish you all a "Happy Thanksgiving" I hope y'all have a great one. All I have been doing is eating all week. I won't be able to waddle pretty soon. Why is it that all the sweet stuff is so bad for you? Ok I confess I have had tons of it. We had a big potluck at work and those people love to eat sweets. I had some of it all! I am sick to my stomach from all the sweet stuff, but it sure tasted good going down. lol

Gotta run! Have a great one!

P.S. Guess what I am going to do? Make some pies!

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Hi all and Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful that I've gotten to "know" you all. Enjoy your day and try not to gobble till you wobble!

I'm heading out with parents and kids to my sisters for dinner. This is the first year in many that I do not have to cook! I'm absolutely THRILLED!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Sorry I've been MIA...I didn't realize I was until it dawned on me I haven't been getting the updates. No clue why not.

Went to the doctors yesterday....saw him and his new student/intern. I like the intern alot he was very nice and easy to talk to. Anyway...he really read my chart and asked me how I was doing etc. When I told him what I had gone through over the past year he asked..."Haven't you had any studies done?" I told him I wanted them but, was told by my doc try the unfill (again). Doc comes in, asks questions and says..questions...We haven't done any tests on you? That was it...I said nice and loud I WANTED THE TESTS BUT YOU SAID NOOOO and I really feel I had a prolasps because I could feel something move 2 weeks after the unfill. He then said....I didn't think you'd be able to feel something like that moving but, you might of had a slight prolasps. So we're trying a fill again. I downed a glass of water...it went down but, honestly ladies I'm so numb at this point I can't tell if it went right down. I told him that. Then the intern got another glass, as he left, I burped and felt like a lump in my throat. OH BOY. Waited a bit, doc left, intern stayed with me.....drank another 1/2 glass of ice cold Water and it felt like it went down. Problem was I felt like I constantly had to burp. Soooo I was sent home with this fill with an open invite to go back today if I needed a slight unfill. Intern is working today and Friday. Couldn't really drink last night...just sipped...went to bed....yeap memories all back again. Choked a few times but, not as bad as it used to be. Today I had coffee for Breakfast and for Thanksgiving dinner I was allowed to eat squash and mash potatoes with gravy with a baby spoon. It seemed to do ok but, here it is 2 hours later and Now I feel like I'm choking on the milk I just drank. Finicky band :grouphug: I'm suppose to go to upstate NY with DH tomorrow...but honestly, I told him I'm scared. If I need an unfill I need to be near my hospital and where I couldn't sleep last night, I really don't want to risk it so DH may be going alone. I have to see how tonight goes. So that's the end of my fiasco for now lol. I'm hoping I can hang onto this fill.....get my ars moving and eating better. To eat better....I signed up as an Herbalife distributer again. Figured I'd get me and DH on it. I lost 60 pounds with it before...now with the band I'm hoping it will work again and stay gone. DH needs to lose some so I'm hoping we can inspire each other to get moving and eating better. Should be getting that stuff next week so I can start drinking those shakes. Keepin my figures crossed!

Love ya and Happy Turkey day. I'm so thankful for you all and LBT :grouphug:

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This fill unfortunately is a no go. I woke up choking/drowning again last night for most of the night. Didn't end up going to NY so DH had to go alone. I placed a call into my docs office and discussed it with them at the time I was getting small sips of Water down and I really want them to look at this band while it has the fill to see what's wrong so they said keep with the liquids and the MIS fellow will order the tests for me for next week. I have to call them Monday to let them know how I'm doing unless I can't make it then I need to call the Hospital and get my butt down there for an unfill. I'm trying to hold out because I really do want the tests to show EXACTLY what I'm going through right now not with an unfill. We'll see how it goes. I'm tired as hell, hungry but, can't eat and I have a terrible yucky sweet taste in my mouth because I started to fall asleep on the couch and ended up choking :blush: All I've had today was 1.5 slim fast shakes and some Water. I just can't get enough Protein in right now...I'm scared to. Hopefully I'll be able to get some sleep in between drownings. DH is gone so I can jack the head of the bed up (adjustable dial-a-number bed) to see if it will help some. I just hate this part. Some bandsters are very lucky to never run into issues...it's a wonderful tool but, right now I'm really not happy with what is going on.

Anyone catch any "Black Friday" deals today?

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Sherry, I'm so sorry you're having issues AGAIN. Like you, I so hoped this fill would be ok and maybe it was a swollen esophagus issue. It's so scary not to be able to breathe or to feel like you're drowning. I hope they can see you on Monday....hugs!

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Hey there Pat...thanks and I appreciate the support. It sure is frustrating and kinda scarey especially at night. I just hate going to sleep. I'm trying to get a Protein shake down now but, it's slow going. I was able to keep head of my bed raised so that helped a bit, still got that drowning feeling but, I purposely didn't eat or drink after 6pm and went to bed at 11. Its hard not to drink something when the bottom half of your stomach is telling you it's hungry but, I managed. Not sure when the testing will be done but, I'm really putting my foot down this time and told the Nurse just that. I said I went along with my doc with the slight unfill but, this time I'm saying I want that testing done because I know my body and something doesn't feel right. If I'm wrong...great...but I highly doubt it especially when at one point I had almost 2ccs in my band and had no issues for 6 months or so and now I can't even have half that in there without an issue? Enough about me now...we'll see how it goes and I'll let ya know :)

How are you doing? Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation. Must be hard to come back to the cold huh?

What about everyone else out there...where are ya? How often is it that I post 3 times and no one else posts hahaha. That's pretty bad ladies...the monkeys are coming and they want to know what sales you picked up on Black Friday. I can live through you folks on the shopping thing...I really missed it :blush: Love seeing the crowds and the complainers. I mean...what the heck do they think that there will be no lines? Why complain.....you'd catch me in the line 15 people long and singing "I'll be home for Christmas" hahahah People just hate it or laugh because they know they should lol.

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Hello Y'all!

I survived, but can honestly tell you my whole body hurts today! lol I cooked two dinners and it took the best of the week to do it. I am not cooking a damn thing today! We have a ton of leftovers and it will have to do. I am wore out!

Sherry so sorry you are having the problems again. Take it easy and I'll keep my fingers crossed they get you in soon. Make a call on Monday and insist on being seen right away. Don't let them drag their feet.

Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving. I had a really good one and enjoyed it all. I ate way too much food but what the heck, it is a day for us to enjoy. From Thanksgiving to New Years is a bad time for me eating wise. I am going to try to behave better this year, but you all know how that goes.

Well, going to go get something for breakfast( eating again)

Have a great day!

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Sherry, I hope they are able to "see" what's going on, and soon! And I just want you to feel better. Hang in there, answers are just around the corner!

Black Friday? Yeah, I did it.....ugh, brrrrrrrr!!!!! I've done blackfridays before, but not like this one! This year my son was after a laptop from best buy. I went too because I thought I'd pick up a cheap one for DH (his was soooo old, and I couldn't even defrag it anymore!) SOOOoooooOOO...we got there at 11:30 pm Thursday ans sat in a "chair line" under blankets until 4:00 am. thats when they handed out the papers that said you were guarenteed to get the item you wanted. My son got the LAST one (on the laptops)....aparently there were only 13. As I was packin' it in, happy that he got one and sad too, that I did not, a man who had also been waiting in line near us, got two tickets. His wife got one and he go one. He told her "look, decide which one you want, 'cause there's folks out here tht really want one". Next thing I know, He tells me about that conversation with his wife, as I'm headed to the car, and offered the other laptop ticket to me! Awesome! BTW, the latops were Toshiba 3G with 160g hard drive for $379 (that's the one I got) and a 4G with 256g hard drive, case & mouse for $479 (that's what my son got). He also picked up a 32" LCD TV for $399!

It took a long time to thaw out, and I had to nap for four hours after I got home! LOL! By far, that was the most "hard core" black friday I've ever done!!

Today, DH and me went out on the boat. I caught 4 stripe bass! the bigest one was 26"....my arm sure is sore, but my freezer is starting to get stocked! Yum!

How's the house coming along Michaele?

Thinkin' of you all!

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OK no one pass out! I know I have been MIA---my bad!

We were in TX for awhile, which was fun, and stressful all at one time. I love going, and love seeing our family there. But this time we went with my inlaws, and my son and his family (wife and 2 .5 yr old son). Love them all-----cannot live with any of them happily any more!!! I know we get referred to as the sandwich generation---with good reason, I felt like the innards of a sandwich---squashed by the togetherness.

I love my MIL. I truly do, she is seriously manipulative tho. And when I can get away when she tries to pull that crap it is one thing, but to live with it is not fun!

Son and his wife got in a huge fight. He (love him to death, but....) is a HUGE chauvenist. No idea where it come from, he is so unlike his Dad in that way! And DIL is immature and they are both selfish as hell. So I listened to my DIL cry.....and I KNOW she has valid points....but at the same time he is ours, and I am not free to point out her short comings, because when they make up, I am not gonna be the bad guy!!!

Can you tell I am thrilled to be home, and living with no one but Rick??? LOL

I come home to a package in the mail, and when I opened it, there was (I SWEAR to GOD) a flying monkey!!! I thought it was you guys! But it was from one of the Shrinking Violets! Was a great laugh!

Betty, glad the girls are healthy and well!!! LOL be careful cleaning the pool----maybe you need to hire a really cute pool boy!!

Pat the anniversary party looked wonderful!

You look great, the pics are something I totally enjoy!!

Except for fires!!! OMG how scary was that! I too leave a candle burning in the bathroom all the time it seems! My granddaughter ignores it, but boy my grandson would not----might have to rethink things and buy one of those things that shoots air freshner automatically and buy the battery powered fake candle. I am so glad you are all ok! Enjoy the home make over!!!

Eileen, yay, glad you had such fun at Disney, I am jealous!!! My finances suck so bad right now, vacation is just a dream!

Sherry, sorry your fill is not working. I hate that.

If you want a diet buddy---say the word, I need it too!!!

Well Rick is up, he is having trouble sleeping, maybe if I rub his back.....

I promise to be back, I wish the email notifications would work again, I have hell keeping in mind what I am supposed to do without them!!!



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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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