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NJ (& Others) Nov/Dec 2008 Chat

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Hey there Pat! Glad to see you made it there, sorry about the hiccups in your arrivial. What place did you say you are staying at? Oh yeah, thanks for the picture...you guys look great!

Sherry, I can't wait to see your new haircut! I thought your last picture was cute as can be (avatar)!

Oh man Trish!!! $5500 in CC fraud?!!! Thank goodness it's been taken care of! but whew! I'd have been havin' a cow! The closest I've had to having that sinking feeling, was when I was going through my bills...just opening up a stack of 'em, one right after the other, ad the I opened up my CC statement and it said $7,000!!!! OMG!!! (how much was that trip ayway!) Then studied the bill and found out that it belonged to my neighbor, we both have the same last name!!! (ad the same CC Co.)

Michaele, the fill with fluro aint nuttin'! My husband went with me to see one once. He thought it was pretty interesing and he said, even tho' he knows what goes on with the bad, it was different seeing it. I guess it was kind of like taking it out of being an abstract concept, ya know? After I knew what to expect, and remembered what it looked, I had to laugh when I saw those two big "U's" on my xray......underwire bra! LOL. I don't much care for the little sips of Barium ( I guess that's what it is), but it's interesting to watch it "travel".

Hey Betty! How're things going with you? I would scroll back and find out, but I'm afraid I'll loose my post!!! LOL (been there before!)

Donna, whatcha been up to lady? :rolleyes: I was hoping we'd see you at Pat's party and was wondering if you ever got my last PM. Anyway, hope all's well with you.

O.K. Jessica, did you buy a new car? Get a new "do"....maybe both :wink2: How was your weekend?

Well everyone, have a great week! And Pat, It's really chilly here!!!! bring back some o' that warmth, would ya?!

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brrr its cold here in NJ!!! Pat I am green with envy of you little Mexican getaway. I wish I can get on a plane and go back to DR right now - or anywhere warm.

I did dance the night away on friday and had a blast!!!! Got a haircut on saturday and its growning on me...the layers are not as short as I wanted but its still good. a year ago my hair was down to my booty and right now its at my bra on my back...stupid Hair loss :-( but hey it could be worse.

never did make it to the car dealership for a test drive...my truck right now is a lease and the lease isnt up until May but I am only about 1000 miles from being at my limit so im trying to see if can find something soon and get them to take over my lease and i will get something new. I dont know what I want yet...not much out there that I like...well not in my price range anyway. I LOVE the VW beetle but i test drove it and there isnt enough leg room in it for me. well i will keep looking and hopfully find something soon.

have a great monday ladies!!!

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Good Morning Gals,

It's beautiful here today, it's only 9:30 and already 73 degrees.

Our Breakfast is included in our stay :(, I hate breakfast, it seems like such a waste of good calories, not to mention it's too early for that stuff to go down.

BTW, still waiting on pictures of Sherry's, Bettys and Jetti's new hairdo, oh yeah Betty, pictures of the gals too, hahaha.

Going to get my suit on and get the last day of sun, hubby is playing golf this am and will play again this afternoon, lots of me time. I'm thinking of doing a massage today.



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Hiya Girls...

Sorry I went MIA again... I've been helping my sister get things done in order to open her business as well as starting one of my own. She needs a natural candle supplier and so... I am hopefully going to be that for her! I've been having a ball learning and setting up the business... hmmm... maybe I've found my niche? (I hope I spelled that right) Anyhoo... my business name is Earthly Intentions and I have my first pour under my belt and once I get rid of this horrible cold I will start test burns.

Got to go... phone... bbl!

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Hi ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA, but I had a minor tragedy this weekend. I had a house fire. I am ok, the house is still standing.

I am so humiliated on how it happened. I had a girlfriend over with her 4 year old son.

I had a candle lit in the bathroom, on the sink. Now I have burnt this candle many times before.

Well, the boy kept needing to go to the bathroom, like 10 times in 1/2 hour.

Well, I think he was playing with the candle and it either got knocked over or he put something like a napkin on it.

Well, it burnt through my sink, which happened to be plastic, go down into the cabinet, caught everything on fire in the cabinet. Luckily no walls.

However, I have major smoke and Water damage.

So the clean up assessment and insurance adjuster agreed that they will gut the whole bathroom and give me a new one, which I am very happy about.

AND, i have smoke damage throughout the whole house, so the company will come in, clean everything, re-paint the whole house, and give me all new flooring. I am basically getting an extreme home makeover!!! hee hee

And, to top it off, they sent a special dry cleaner to the house today and took every single piece of fabric, clothing, drapery, towel and throw blanket that was exposed, they take it all, specially dry clean it to get all the smoke and smell out and fold and hang it all up when the house is all done!

Here are some pictures of my bathroom.




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Hi ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA, but I had a minor tragedy this weekend. I had a house fire. I am ok, the house is still standing.

Thank goodness you and your company are all right. THINGS can be replaced, you can't! Look at the unexpected home makeover as the silver lining in this major cloud in your life!

Take care and hang in there!

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Michaele, glad everyone is ok, such a pia to go through, but like Trish said, congrats on the "silver lining".

I'm so pissed, excuse the unlady like talk, we were scheduled to go see the cliff divers tonight, had my taxi lined up and everything, then the freakin pipe bursted on our floor, no Water from 2 until after 8'pm! Needless to say they will hear about it tomorrow. They offered to move us, but I was not about to move at 8pm, plus I'm a germ freak and had already doused this room with disinfectant, so it was fairly comfortable, you know, door knobs, light switches, head boards, couch cushions, chairs, door handles, railings, toilet flusher thingy, faucets, counters, phones, remotes, you name it I sprayed it. Oh well, the trip has been fabulous until today, I even made a point of speaking to the General Manager today and telling him how fab this resort is, only to have our Water disrupted for over 6 hours. I know waaawaaawaa. Worse things could have happened.

Later gals.

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Hello Y'all!

I have been extremely busy no other excuses for not checking in sooner. The leaves are falling and of course they go right in the pool. So, since DH don't get home before dark guess who gets to clean it up every night? The wind is so high tonight, and it's cold so lots of leaves are coming down and blowing in faster than I can dip them out. I finally gave up! Tomorrow is another day.

Michaele - I am glad things are working out for you. I had a similar thing happen to me once. I was getting ready to go to work and put some Water on to boil while I took a quick shower. But, instead of turning on the Water I turned on the burner under a pan I was going to cook some Breakfast for the kids. Well, the grease in the pan got so hot it started a fire and burned up the stove and wall. We actually had to turn off the electric because we couldn't turn off the burners because they were melted. We got the fire all put out but the whole house was full of smoke. I had all knotty wood walls and when the insurance man came out he said 1 more minute and the whole house would have went up because the fire would have gotten behind the cabinets. I was really lucky. Then he told me he could send someone out to clean it all up or I could get the money and do it myself. Well, I needed the money so I did all the work but it was awful hard. I had to wash all the walls and everything. I ended up trashing the curtains and getting new ones. The only good thing about it was getting a new stove and I had enough money to get a microwave too. I had never owned a microwave so it was a real nice thing for me.

It sounds like you will get a whole new bath!

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I didn't want to lose all that so I just posted it.

Pat I am glad you are having a good time! I am so ready for a vacation!

I thought about having another fill, then last night I ate something and it all came back up. Nope, I can't live like that, no pbing for me! I just can't take it!

Sherry - What's cooking? You are like me always cooking something. Tonight I made some pork chops coated with corn flake crumbs ( I think lol) and baked. My dh loves pork and could eat it every day. I made some good Soup the other day, I just made it up as I went along and it was so good. I hope I remember it all again. lol

Trish - I am glad you are back posting. We missed you!

Darcy - Hey girl! You will have to tell us more about your business, it sounds like fun. Post us some pictures!

Kat - Where the heck are you????? Do I really have to send out the monkies?

Diane - You are too funny girl! I am jelous you get to spend time with Pat and I haven't even met her! But, I did get some of her Harley tops! lol

Donna - Time you checked in too!

Well, I probably missed someone but just mark it off to old age! lol I can't remember chit anymore!

I still haven't been able to post any pictures and my hair has grown so much already! I need to go get it cut again because I love it this way and i get so many compliments on it even now.

Oh yeah, I had my doctor appointment and things were great. He released me to do anything I want so the first thing I did was come home and sit in a hot tub of Water. lol I sure did miss my soaking! I can ride my Harley too! I haven't tried yet but I will if it isn't freezing out. I don't have to go back for 3 months, but he took tons of pictures. I am pretty sure he is putting me on his website soon. I am glad they won't put a face with those old tube socks! My next step might be the stomache, still thinking about that one!

Later girls!

Edited by Iluvharleys

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Hello, hello, knock, knock, anyone here? Is this a dead thread?

Betty, we had a great time, back in time for 27 degree weather, oh my!

Eileenie, where's our Saturday AM post?

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Michaele - Sorry to hear about the fire but, wow.....I'd love my whole house painted and a new bathroom :w00t: Not the best way to get it but, nice that insurance does help with it all.

Pat - Sorry to hear about the Water. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip :w00t: It sure is cold here too!

Betty - We've already put the cover on our pool. It's been on it for about a month or so now. As a matter of fact I looked at it cover when we got home today and the Water on it is FROZEN burrrrr

Trish - How are you doing? I hope you're doing well. Silly me didn't push the Advanced button to be able to read prior posts and I don't want to lose what I typed already so I'm drawing a blank on what you've posted. Was it you that said you were a thread killer? If it was it's definately not you! It's the busy lives we all lead :lol: We love reading everyone posts and look forward to them or catching up on them. For me today...it's catching up. I've been a slacker in here lately.

I know I'm missing folks and I apologize but, my brain is fried....more like over tired right now. I got to bed at 11:30pm Friday night, couldn't sleep and had to get up at 4am on Saturday to get to my moms for 5am. DH and I helped my mom and her "friend" move to Maine. Not only to Maine but, stinking 6.5 hours away Maine. We had to move more furniture into the trailor and we were on the road by 6:30am. On the way up there the trailor my DH borrowed from work had a bum tire. So somewhere in Maine we had to go find a tire place..they couldn't help...we finally found a hardware/Marine store that had a replacement rim and tire...mind you it was below 15degrees with the windchill and DH was stuck changing this thing because the last guy who used the trailor screwed up the tire. 1 hour later we were on our way again. We hit SNOW grrrr, the truck was sliding so had to kick it into 4 wheel drive. Now....my mom said the builder said the house would be ready right? So we finally get there around 3:30pm and they're not done and won't be done. No stairs to get into the house and DH and I had to be back home today for work tomorrow. Sooooo we moved all the stuff from the trailor into the house and pile it into the middle so they guys could still seal the walls (log cabin all the wood needed the sealer,varnish). I had to do this listening to my mother moan, groan and complain that everything happening is telling her she's making the wrong move....every time they go up there it rains, the house isn't done, the camper breaks down, the tire is damaged yadda yadda she's being told she's making a mistake. Ummmm so what ya want me to tell ya? I just kept my mouth shut! Then she's looking at the workers thinking she's sleeping there? Paaalease! I looked at her and told her we're not sleeping here tonight loud enough so the manager could hear. BINGO...he put us up in a hotel for the night. Cripe ask and ye shall receive! Then....after DH was totally exhausted because the "friend" was going slow, wanted to break and DH put his foot down! we get to the hotel and its in a town known as STINKIN LINCOLN. Why you ask? BEcause there is a cardboard/paper mill there. They wet the pulp yadda yadda and out the chimney comes this smell that smells like boiling cabbage. Oh yea the whole town smells like this and you guessed it the hotel smelled as if there was a problem with the toilet but, it was the factory. The bed was like a brick, the pillows (if you can call them that) were 1 inch thick and the temp in the room was 60. Turn up the heat....I spray the entire room with what I had...HAIRSPRAY so the smell would be better. I slept in my sweatpants and a sweatshirt and socks so I wasn't sleepin on their sheets. So gross but, no choice. I couldn't sleep...finally get to bed around 10, watched the clock tick 11, 12, 3, 4, 4:30...up at 5 and out by 6am for breakfast. At least breakfast was nice. Back to the hotel to drop off my mom and her friend, hook the trailor back up and we drove home. Now....my mom thinking she was there until Wed and in her own home...did she bring a winter coat? NOpe! MY GOD THINK! Maine.......40 min from Canada Maine...no coat just a whimpy spring jacket. UGHHHHH. She left her coat back here and will get it when she comes back for the rest. OMG! Nuts! Ladies I was freaking frozen. Mom is trying to tell me Maine isn't any colder than where I live...HELL YEA it freaking is! We left there it was 19 degrees...when we got home it was 34. We left there around 7am and got home at 3:30pm after making a pit stop in Kittery Main at the trading post. Nice store....nice to get out and walk a bit...even nicer to get some hand balm! They were like sand paper :laugh: So that's my excitement for the weekend. I haven't shopped for Thanksgiving yet...gotta do that tomorrow night, DH and I will cook for Mom and her friend and then they're back permanently to Maine on Friday and we have to leave for Upstate NY Friday morning to see DH's family. Oh yea baby...another 6.5 hour trip. OMG someone please save me :laugh: Oh yea to boot...I have a trip to the bariatric doc Wed...not sure on a fill yet. If I get one it will be a liquid thanksgiving for me...good and bad. I'm scared....I really am. Ladies....if this slight fill brings on heartburn again........I'm being told at that point its a sip test (fricking wish he'd do it before the fill or during but they don't do that there) and if it shows nothing wrong unfill again and if is shows something wrong it's coming out :blink: I've put back on 30 pounds since january.....can you say depressed? Disappointed? disgusted? yea I have the triple D going on and I can't pull myself out of the funk. You know me ladies........I'm usually upbeat, happy go lucky and I am with everything else in my life...except me. Not sure how to fix it either.

Oh well......one day at a time and I am thankful for today. Love you folks!

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Sherry, I could almost hear the "Calgon, take me away!" in you voice! What a long weekend that was! I was forced to stay a hotel like that one, once when I was visiting my mom (God rest her soul) in PA. It was the only place! And I swear it looked like they rented the rooms by the hour! UGH! And "Stinkin' Lincoln"....we've got a town like that, about half an hour from us is a paper mill, town called West Point. We call it "Stinky town"! LOL! Brrrrrrr, sure sounded cold too! I used to live in Portsmouth, NH bordering Kittery, ME....I know about that cold!

Ya know hon, If I didn't have a weight issue with my life, I never would have gotten banded! I HAVE ISSUES! Because of that, I have to realize that, given my weight related past, even thought I'm banded I'm gonna have ups and downs. We'll get to where something will just "click" and get us ramped up again to do the right things with food and exercise. Maybe we just need to start counting on each other? We've had setbacks...eating "slider" foods, grazing, not burning off those calories! We also have complicated lives too...not just go to work and go work-out. We're the care givers. It's not as easy to kick-it as it was when I was 20 or 30 yeas younger! I've gained too...and just outside of my one year bandiversary, too. We'll "git-r-done", we'll just take a little longer gettin' there :laugh:

Betty, glad you're doing great and that the doctor released you to do the things that you were probably already doing!! LOL!

Michaele, How did your fill go? (or did I miss that post?)

Pat, Sorry I didn't meet up with you for a late lunch, I'm sure it was good! I just knew that my DH had to take the boat out, or he'd go bananas:sneaky: Actually, I was kind of looking forward to it (this time).It had been a while since we went out. It was pretty good too. Managed to yank 3 stripers outta there, they were all over 20" and they were really fat! Felt good to put some more food saver bags of stripped bas in the freezer!

Donna, Havn't heard from ya. You OK?

Darcy, Earthly Intentions is a cool name! What exactly do you do?

Remember, no personals doesn't mean you're not thought of!!! Big hello to all and hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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Help! My surgeon just submitted everything to bcbsnj for lapband - my primary's ltr of med necessity. 6 months of visits (3 lb loss) with drs notes of weights and 6 month history of nutrition, exercise, behavior modification; 5 year weights; bmi high; high bp, etc. Did all the psych, rehab visit, nutrition visit.

I WAS DENIED. I'm devastated. We're going to appeal.

I was denied because they said I have 5 visits - BCBS

I think is trying to say first visit is just a consult for weight - you need 6 after that. In other words, they

may be changing the rules - and I'm a victim. I did everything right. I already have pre surgery stuff done and to surgeon and date set in 3 weeks.


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Kathy, I would suggest you check in the "insurance and financing" section of forums. You will probably find a wealth of info there, as well as other forums, such as the introduction section or general lapband questions.

Good luck on reversing their decision.

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Sherry, what an ordeal, what a long day! I'm glad you're back home, safe and warm! We stopped at a "Days Inn" on the way to Floriday years ago, and I slept in my clothes, because I still believe the sheets had not been changed from the last "many" visitors. I didn't sleep a wink, it was awful.

Well gals, hope everyone has their shopping done, I figued there must be some reason everyone's missing.

Later gals!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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