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i realize immigration is a hot topic - i use to work for INS (4th & I in DC). i "get" it on all fronts, however i really struggle and view things a bit differently now living in TX.

in owning a ranch - i "need" ranch help...not necessarily FT year long, but i would pay for FT help if i could find someone. that means taxes & health insurance, etc.

but guess what ? my ad's in the paper / feed store / and every local green sheet go unanswered by "legals".

i have an undocumented family **at the moment** (2 brothers & 1 wife) who handle our ranch & ranch house. i'd LOVE to pay for them to have health insurance & would have no issue paying taxes on their earnings. DH and i have already paid for 2 trucks for their family & got them housing - working with some friends of mine from INS that got them visas. we have also paid for many "extras" out of pocket.

because i use to work for INS - i'm helping them become legalized citizens...however, i don't view them as strains on society that many would consider. these are hard working individuals, who have a work ethic bar none....i will even attend mass w/them on sundays (sometimes..my bad) which is their day off - but they always show up afterwards making sure i'm ok .... knowing my husband does a LOT of international business travel.

i realized in DC that the immigration issue rests in the politicians hands - not those trying to come to the US to make a better life for themselves & their family. i agree in better laws, but i'll not be convinced of "stealing" jobs when there are a plenty and some of our "own" legal citizens would themselves rather sit and take a check vs doing a bit of hard work...

the financial strain i see is shared...probably not a popular opinion & understand if those don't see it that way.

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i realize immigration is a hot topic - i use to work for INS (4th & I in DC). i "get" it on all fronts, however i really struggle and view things a bit differently now living in TX.

in owning a ranch - i "need" ranch help...not necessarily FT year long, but i would pay for FT help if i could find someone. that means taxes & health insurance, etc.

but guess what ? my ad's in the paper / feed store / and every local green sheet go unanswered by "legals".

i have an undocumented family **at the moment** (2 brothers & 1 wife) who handle our ranch & ranch house. i'd LOVE to pay for them to have health insurance & would have no issue paying taxes on their earnings. DH and i have already paid for 2 trucks for their family & got them housing - working with some friends of mine from INS that got them visas. we have also paid for many "extras" out of pocket.

because i use to work for INS - i'm helping them become legalized citizens...however, i don't view them as strains on society that many would consider. these are hard working individuals, who have a work ethic bar none....i will even attend mass w/them on sundays (sometimes..my bad) which is their day off - but they always show up afterwards making sure i'm ok .... knowing my husband does a LOT of international business travel.

i realized in DC that the immigration issue rests in the politicians hands - not those trying to come to the US to make a better life for themselves & their family. i agree in better laws, but i'll not be convinced of "stealing" jobs when there are a plenty and some of our "own" legal citizens would themselves rather sit and take a check vs doing a bit of hard work...

the financial strain i see is shared...probably not a popular opinion & understand if those don't see it that way.

Construction is a pretty good example of the jobs they are indeed taking. Construction co's all over are hiring illegals for $8-$10/hour, no taxes, under the table. The legal citizens can't compete against that.

I'd have no problem turning your hide in for hiring illegals if you weren't another WLS person. ;o)

I have very strong feelings about not doing things the right way and quite frankly, you aren't.

Are you paying a fair wage to the US folks that would potentially work for you? Are you providing medical insurance? Safe working conditions? Most ranches don't pay well. Thus, my question.

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You're preaching to the choir on the illegals. I spent 27 of my 43 years in Texas. :rolleyes:

And frankly, that was THE major hitch to me where McCain was concerned. How can you be a conservative AND come from a border state and want to give amnesty?????

McCain has always banked on people not doing their research, I suppose all political types do. But he is key for AZ's problems with illegals. I can't believe of all states AZ voted for him. Considering the damage he has caused here and the uproar over it, I don't get it. I don't know how he won this state. People voting for religion? The white guy? I have always felt pride that even though AZ is soooo repub we are pretty open to cultures and color. I don't know, I don't understand. We live with the problem non stop and a great deal of our problem is a direct result of McDummy. Yet they voted for him... I don't get it.

The problem I have with McCain (one of the many) is the damage he has done to AZ just to further his own cause. He wanted the Mexican vote and did stupid things to get it seriously harming AZ in the meantime and the asswipe didn't even get the ultimate goal although we continue paying for his stupidity.

I just could not possibly fathom him doing to the US what he has done to AZ.

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McCain has always banked on people not doing their research, I suppose all political types do. But he is key for AZ's problems with illegals. I can't believe of all states AZ voted for him. Considering the damage he has caused here and the uproar over it, I don't get it. I don't know how he won this state. People voting for religion? The white guy? I have always felt pride that even though AZ is soooo repub we are pretty open to cultures and color. I don't know, I don't understand. We live with the problem non stop and a great deal of our problem is a direct result of McDummy. Yet they voted for him... I don't get it.

The problem I have with McCain (one of the many) is the damage he has done to AZ just to further his own cause. He wanted the Mexican vote and did stupid things to get it seriously harming AZ in the meantime and the asswipe didn't even get the ultimate goal although we continue paying for his stupidity.

I just could not possibly fathom him doing to the US what he has done to AZ.

Like I said, I felt we had no good candidates. That McCain would come from a border state and actually try to force amnesty on us time after time after time was absolutely the one thing that made me hate the man. Texas is almost as bad off as Arizona. How could he represent your state and not see the hospitals closing, the extensive costs, and the jobs lost by Americans and still want those people here??

Which, like you, absolutely SHOCKS me that Arizona went for the guy. I don't get it any better than you do.

My view on our government is this: ANY president who comes down the pike and talks about raising our taxes one red cent need to be drawn and quartered before meeting the firing squad so long as we have illegals running rampant in our country and the government deals with it by a nod-nod and wink-wink.

It's time for the people to start taking our country back. Certainly our asshole politicians aren't going to do it.

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Oh, but I don,t need my hide turned in. I will have my close family, which I have had the pleasure in paying better than avg wages & medical care for....see them naturalized this coming jan. Baby bro is an immigration lawyer & I have done it all by the books.< /p>

I bet those who run ranches can,t say the same...I can.

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Like I said, I felt we had no good candidates. That McCain would come from a border state and actually try to force amnesty on us time after time after time was absolutely the one thing that made me hate the man. Texas is almost as bad off as Arizona. How could he represent your state and not see the hospitals closing, the extensive costs, and the jobs lost by Americans and still want those people here??

Which, like you, absolutely SHOCKS me that Arizona went for the guy. I don't get it any better than you do.

My view on our government is this: ANY president who comes down the pike and talks about raising our taxes one red cent need to be drawn and quartered before meeting the firing squad so long as we have illegals running rampant in our country and the government deals with it by a nod-nod and wink-wink.

It's time for the people to start taking our country back. Certainly our asshole politicians aren't going to do it.

There is nothing in this post I can possibly disagree with. Nothing.

If I hadn't lived with McDummy's decisions over the past few years I might have been likely to vote for him. But I've lived with the man's actions. I could not possibly vote for him.

Any candidate worries me, I don't know how to fix the errors of the past. I have no choice at this point but to trust Obama that he will try to do as he has promised. If nothing else the nation has a renewed sense of joy, hope, and promise. That will help stocks, that will help morale and we seriously have a legit problem with morale right now.

Bush did a number on us, we are sooo far in debt we are in a recession. That's a big deal. I honestly believe McDummy would have put us further in debt. We just can't do that. I know many religious types are worried right now, so be it. They will have to work through that. But there is no way we can survive with another 4 years of Bush and that is exactly what we would have had with McCain.

It will take the people fighting the problem of illegals before anything is done. It's not "PC" to do anything about the problem. They are a huge drain on all our resources. Being in medicine I have stories that would make those pretty locks curl is disgust. I hate the problem, not the people.

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There is nothing in this post I can possibly disagree with. Nothing.

If I hadn't lived with McDummy's decisions over the past few years I might have been likely to vote for him. But I've lived with the man's actions. I could not possibly vote for him.

Any candidate worries me, I don't know how to fix the errors of the past. I have no choice at this point but to trust Obama that he will try to do as he has promised. If nothing else the nation has a renewed sense of joy, hope, and promise. That will help stocks, that will help morale and we seriously have a legit problem with morale right now.

I don't know... I just can't hang that much hope on one guy, even if he DOES think he's the messiah. Politicians have been making promises since the beginning of time... and breaking them for just as long. One man can't do anything. The thing that worries me is how even yesterday he's saying he will do ANYTHING to get this country back on track. What does that mean to all of us? More taxes? Fewer jobs as a result? Most of the problems we have are DUE to what our politicians have done to us as a nation. NOW they're gonna fix it?? I just don't have that much faith OR hope.

And look at the stock market. Since Obama has been elected, it has plunged. Not just gone down, but plunged. The only thing that is up right now are gun sales.

Bush did a number on us, we are sooo far in debt we are in a recession. That's a big deal. I honestly believe McDummy would have put us further in debt. We just can't do that. I know many religious types are worried right now, so be it. They will have to work through that. But there is no way we can survive with another 4 years of Bush and that is exactly what we would have had with McCain.

I believe both of these candidates will or would put us in further debt. I only saw McCain's version of it as maybe happening a bit slower, but hell, the death of a country happens whether it's fast or slow. I believe Obama's socialism will be the final nail in the coffin. I hope I'm wrong with all my heart, but my head tells me we're doomed.

As for the religious types, you've mentioned it twice now and I guess I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean religions=conservative, I never saw McCain as being religious, so that's not even an issue to me.

It will take the people fighting the problem of illegals before anything is done. It's not "PC" to do anything about the problem. They are a huge drain on all our resources. Being in medicine I have stories that would make those pretty locks curl is disgust. I hate the problem, not the people.

The people were enough to deny amnesty that was cooked up in late-night behind-door sessions by our illustrious "representatives" -- not once, not twice, but THREE times. The people spoke, blew up the Capitol switchboard, and contacted their representatives (I know I did on many occasions), letter campaigns, e-mails, you name it. The people spoke on this issue, but it's only a matter of time before they try to shove it down our throats again. And I, for one, will NOT stand by while we are bleeding to death and the government is STILL pandering to a bunch of thieves and criminals.

I am so concerned for this country right now, you have no idea. No wonder people want to look to Obama like he's the Second Coming. Problem is, he IS just a man, and I believe that when he can't deliver what he promises, he's going to fall harder than anybody -- and yes, sad to say it, partially because he's black.

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I'm not going to argue the immigration issue as I know living in the NE it's much different than being in the SW. I just find it amusing that all this talk about illegal immigrants and then I see at the bottom of your screen "How to Reach A Mexican Surgeon". I don't know why I just find it funny!

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I'm not going to argue the immigration issue as I know living in the NE it's much different than being in the SW. I just find it amusing that all this talk about illegal immigrants and then I see at the bottom of your screen "How to Reach A Mexican Surgeon". I don't know why I just find it funny!

Some of us welcome people from other countries with open arms, we just want them to do it legally. Following the law is a concept that seems to be a horror for many.

And yes, living in the NE is night and day from living in the SW.

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Some of us welcome people from other countries with open arms, we just want them to do it legally. Following the law is a concept that seems to be a horror for many.

And yes, living in the NE is night and day from living in the SW.

Again, very much agreed.

I have NO problem with immigrants, so long as they wait their turn and do it legally, get registered, get MEDICAL CLEARANCE (the diseases these people are bringing back into the states have not been issues for generations), and pay their fair share. And don't anybody dare say they do through what they buy. Being paid under the table is a HUGE source of revenue loss along with all the money sent over the border.

But these people don't want to be Americans; they simply want to use what America has to offer so they can send it all back home and be Mexico's version of a millionaire in 10 or 20 years. That is not adding to our economy, that is outright leeching off of it.

And I've now lived in the south and the norheast, and there is NO comparison. However, being where I am, there is no shortage of illegal Ecuadorians, Panamanians, and other hispanics not from Mexico. And they can't (nee WON'T) even speak the language. :(

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Oh ya, now that Obama is President elect the stock market has plunged. And it was not plunging before Nov. 4th. That's rich.

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I'm not going to argue the immigration issue as I know living in the NE it's much different than being in the SW. I just find it amusing that all this talk about illegal immigrants and then I see at the bottom of your screen "How to Reach A Mexican Surgeon". I don't know why I just find it funny!

Maybe it is a little funny....but it would only be ironic if wasa had snuck into Mexico illegally to take advantage of free medical care.

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Oh ya, now that Obama is President elect the stock market has plunged. And it was not plunging before Nov. 4th. That's rich.

It certainly hasn't rebounded since the messiah has been elected, has it? Hell, it over 800 points the day AFTER he was elected.

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Maybe it is a little funny....but it would only be ironic if wasa had snuck into Mexico illegally to take advantage of free medical care.

How do we know she didn't? Hmmmm... Why is it so much cheaper hmmmmm:confused:

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How do we know she didn't? Hmmmm... Why is it so much cheaper hmmmmm:confused:

Hmmmmm....You do raise an interesting point....

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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